/ * The ending of a fantastic story is published.
The beginning is here * /
In search of sympathy, Roman wandered into the cabin to Varka.
The girl, in a gloomy mood, sat on the bed and read the printout of the second interview.
- Came to finish the game? She suggested.
“Yeah,” the pilot happily confirmed.
- Rook h9-a9-tau-12.
- pawn d4-d5-alpha-5.
- How did it go, in your opinion?
- Awful.
- Horse g6-f8-omicron-4.
- Rook a9-a7-psi-10.
“And what did you dislike most?”
“Are you familiar with Schwartzman's technique?”
- Not.
“I got to know you on the way.” This is quiet horror. I don’t understand how Yuri can use such a technique - it is absolutely raw. Firstly, it allows the possibility of impromptu, and secondly, insists on the introduction of the most absurd concept. If you heard that Yuri carried: gravitational clots, the edges of the clot melted from the heat of a prominence, the skin merged with the muscles into a single organism. Damn it!
From an excess of feelings, Roman shook his head.
- pawn d7-d6-fi-9.
- Moreover, Yuri followed Schwartzman’s methodology after his sleeves. Several of his phrases explicitly allowed alternative thinking. During the interview, we walked along the razor's edge, but he did not notice anything, in my opinion.
- You want to say that you understand autanasia better than a professional contactee?
“It turns out better,” Roman admitted.
“Report to the management,” the intelligent Varka advised. - Civilization of the seventeenth type, after all.
- pawn a2-a4-beta-12.
- Are you shaking?
Roman rushed in earnest:
“Do you realize that reporting through the head of your immediate superior is unethical ?!”
- Why did you shout at me? Do not want to - do not report. Incidentally, I was absent from the interview itself - I have no idea what you and the siren talked about and according to which methodology. If you remember, they sent me home at the last moment. I didn’t even read the printout.
“Am I to do with it?”
- pawn a4-a5-theta-2.
“This is Yuri’s individual decision,” Roman said. - Logical, by the way. There are two sirlyans, and there should be two earthlings.
- Maybe you prompted Yuri!
Roman perplexedly looked at his girlfriend.
- Why should I?
- I have no idea. To meet in private with his cirque, probably.
- Horse g4-h6-tau-13.
- Silent means consent.
Then it dawned on Roman what Varya had uttered.
- What did you say? Who to meet ???
- With a siren!
Roman once again looked at Varka. Her cheeks turned red.
- With this girl who laughs out of place?
- Do not pretend that there are a lot of lilacs. She is one! Himself said - she’s nothing like that.
The novel was completely amazed.
“You were jealous of me for the siren, or what?”
- Rhino f5-b8-gamma-10.
There were tears in Varka's eyes.
- I do not understand.
“What is incomprehensible here?” The girl cried hopelessly and somehow absurdly. “Your little cirl is a laughing fool!”
Previously, this was not observed.
The stunned Roman reached out with hugs and comforts:
- Varya, come to your senses. Besides me, in the meeting room two more men were: Yuri and this ... like him ... Gril. The latter, by the way, is her legitimate male. Ask Yuri to take you to the next interview with the third number?
- Do not touch me!
“Varya, this girl and I belong to different cosmic races!” We cannot even have common offspring ... probably.
“Ah,” Varia sobbed bitterly, but in her own logical way. “Have you and your siren already thought about joint children ?!”
“And yet I do not understand,” Roman said by inertia.
- What else is incomprehensible to you ???
“You said,“ Rhino f5-b8-gamma-10. ” Rhinos don't go that way.
- They go!
- No, they don’t go!
- They go! And don't try to chase me!
The girl sobbed and rushed out of her cabin.
“Varya, but rhinos really don't go that way!” Roman shouted after him, but Varka had already run away.
Look for her now all over the spaceship!
- “Humanism” calls the Earth. “Humanism” calls the Earth.
- Earth on the wire.
- Please confirm the efficiency of the Schwartzman technique.
- “Humanism”, I recently sent you a contactee. Barely found free. Is he unable to figure out his own methods?
- His qualifications are in doubt.
- Send materials for transfer to space arbitration.
“I understand you, Earth.” I understand you.
At the third interview, earthlings were present in full force: Yuri agreed to take Varia as the third number.
“We stopped at that historical period, when patterns of chemical compounds began to form on the Searle,” he began an interview, when everyone settled down. “Today I will tell you what happened next.”
But Gril interrupted him:
- I propose a different conversation plan. I would like to ask clarifying questions on gravitational clots.
The novel noted: the Cyrilians are becoming not only inquisitive, but also verbose.
“Why do you want this?” - Yuri asked as usual.
“Why are you asking about this?”
Applause to the sirlyanin.
“You see, Grill, we are the oldest cosmic civilization that has communicated with the countless multitudes that inhabit all the edges of the galaxy.” We have a wealth of contact experience. I propose to follow the intended communication plan. Then we will answer your questions.
- Is the oldest age of your civilization related to the order of consideration of issues?
“I could explain,” said Yuri, pinned into a corner by the insistence of his opponent, “but you won’t understand, due to the infant’s underdevelopment of your intellect.” The result of understanding depends on the order of explanations. However, if you insist, we can watch a video on the topic of religious wars on your planet.
- Religious wars do not interest me.
- Are any gravitational clots important to you?
- Yes.
- Allow me to find out why?
- According to your words, Sirl formed from gravitational clots. And you did not observe the very moment of formation.
- We arrived later.
“Why did you decide that Sirl formed from gravitational clots?”
- We made a logical conclusion by analogy, by observing millions of other planets ...
Roman listened to Yuri’s bickering with the sirlans and prayed that the difficult one would carry this time — him, and humanity along with him. Varka also kept quiet, examining the manicured nails.
“And they all formed from gravitational clots?” Gril insisted.
“The vast majority,” Yuri held the defense.
- That is not all?
- Yes.
- What then is a different planet formation mechanism?
- You never know. Planets can form as a result of the collision of celestial bodies with each other ...
... which in turn are formed from gravitational clots? - suggested Gril.
- Something like this. I am not a physicist, it is difficult for me to describe universal processes in mathematical formulas.
Rila laughed loudly:
- It turns out that the primary formation of planets comes exclusively from gravitational clots. But in this case, it makes no sense to talk about the method of education: we can only talk about the primary or secondary education. Moreover, the very concept of gravitational clumps is deciphered through the concept of gravitational density, which in turn is not deciphered at all ...
- Decrypted! - Yury was indignant. - Simply, not being a specialist in physics, I cannot give the necessary definition.
- It does not make sense. If even the necessary definition were found, it would require a subsequent determination, then in turn a subsequent one, and so on to infinity. That made me laugh. Your concept of knowledge will always be either incomplete or cyclical.
Earthlings, who did not expect such a long tirade from the Syril girl, were taken aback for a moment.
Varya jumped in first:
- With her laughter, the siren female attracts attention.
Sarlyanka turned her impudent gaze to Varia.
“With her remark, the earthly female wants to humiliate the siren one.” Why? I have an assumption in this regard.
Gril got up from his chair and said:
- The female and I are tired. Please send us home.
“Will you come to the next conversation?” - asked Yuri, also rising.
He was noticeably confused.
- Yes.
For every “yes” uttered by Grill, Rila reacted in a known manner. At the last “yes”, Gril stood, so the siren had to stretch. And suddenly Rila left Gril, ran to Roman and put a hand on his crown, then ruffled her hair. Earthlings froze in amazement.
- This is too much! - burst out from Varya.
“I apologize: I could not resist,” Rila giggled.
“Please return us to Searle immediately,” Gril demanded, and suddenly smiled, for the first time since he met.
- “Humanism” calls the Earth. “Humanism” calls the Earth.
- Earth on the wire.
- Autanasia becomes unpredictable. The interview record is attached. Please transfer the materials to the conflict commission.
- Something is not divided, "Humanism"?
- It is advisable to replace the contactor.
- Your request will be considered in the conflict commission.
“I understand you, Earth.” I understand you.
- How to understand this, Roman?
With these words, Yuri, darkened and with a sagging jaw, grabbed Roman by the shoulder.
- What is it? - Roman asked, freeing himself from the seizure.
“You pose as an innocent lamb, but I know everything.”
“Yes, I sent a message to the conflict commission, if you are aware of this,” the pilot said coldly. - That's my right. It's great that you were notified about this in a timely manner.
- And what caused your appeal to the conflict commission?
- The way autanasia goes.
- Something is wrong?
A frank conversation could not be avoided, of course.
- And so, Yuri? You yourself do not find that far from typical reactions far? Sirlans freely discuss with us, while they look more than convincing. They are getting smarter every minute, although it should be the other way around. This is not normal! This is fraught with unpredictable consequences!
- Do you notice any changes that characterize the lack of autanasia? Like those that Irakli Abazadze neutralized at the cost of his life?
- No, but…
The genuine bitterness that Yuri experienced burst out of the shores and flooded the horizon.
“Why so much excitement?” Why should I apply to the conflict commission? Burning with righteous hatred for me?
- Autanasia goes wrong.
- What, in the absence of pronounced negative dynamics, do you see errors?
- Yuri, you can’t have discussions with the sirlans! - shouted Roman.
As soon as Roman lost his temper, Yuri noticeably calmed down.
- Can.
- You can’t! It is impossible!
- It is possible if the discussion has a forced character ... And why are you so excited, actually? Is it because I was forced to discuss with the siren because of your bug at the first interview?
- What other bug?
Roman's chest went cold.
“Did you really think that I wasn’t listening to the recording of the first interview?” Did you really hope that I would not notice the word “preference” that you used, in this situation a little inappropriate? Here it is, the original mistake that I had to tackle!
- In comparison with your mistakes, directly prohibited by the instructions, this is a trifle!
- Oh really? Your excitement proves that you understand and realize everything perfectly. Should wait for a professional contactee!
- I acted according to the instructions!
- Here is how? Have you fucked the woman according to the instructions?
The novel broke out and grabbed the opponent by the chest.
- It's not your business, whom I fuck!
“I am the commander here; I care about everything.” And "Humanism" is not a family starship, for your information.
For a moment they came to their senses, pushed each other away and retreated. However, the conversation was far from over.
“My relationship with Varya has nothing to do with it,” Roman said, panting and trying to stay calm.
“What does it matter, what does it mean ... Let it be known to you that during contacts with civilizations of the eighth type sexual relations on a space ship are strictly prohibited!
“The Sirlan civilization is not of the eighth, but of the seventeenth type!”
- And you, without access, began to understand how the eighth type differs from the seventeenth?
- Imagine!
- Why did they ruin the first interview? Were you too smart? They hurried to start autanasia, in the hope that they would not send the commander and you would be left alone with the woman on the starship. And when they nevertheless sent me, they decided to blame their own bug on a stranger?
- There was no bug!
“Roman, you do not have permission, and you disgustingly conducted the first interview.” Fortunately, the latest Schwartzman technique I used smoothed out the situation, although not completely.
- This is called “smoothed the situation” ?! Yes, the Cyrilians are getting out of control before our eyes! You and your idiotic Schwartzman technique make mistakes every minute of the conversation.
Yuri squinted, as if about to suggest something worthwhile.
- What do you have against the Schwartzman technique? Have you got to know her at least?
- Imagine getting acquainted. It is incomplete, in my opinion.
- Put your amateurish conviction in your ass, and deeper! - the contactee joyfully advised.
“You will wake them!” Remember Abazadze!
“By the way,” Yuri recalled. - I gave you the order to review the video about the feat of Abazadze? Have you performed it?
- No, but…
Yuri shone from his own insight.
- That's it, my patience has burst. For a long time I turned a blind eye to how you cut me off during interviews, interfered with work. I did not blame you for the mistake made during the first interview. At your request, he allowed Barbara to work in number three, although there was no need for her to participate. However, you did not appreciate my sincere kindness and tact, and now my patience has burst. That's it, Roman - you are suspended from interviews.
“Please, but this does not solve the problems of a seventeenth-type civilization.”
- And this is not your concern.
Yuri left, and Roman a couple of minutes stood with clenched fists.
“Nerd! Nerd! Nerd! ”- torn from his cold chest.
The movie started. A warning inscription in the corner of the screen read: “Exclusively for earthlings. Representatives of other cosmic civilizations are strictly prohibited from viewing. ”
The announcer read out:
“Irakli Abazadze was twelve years old. The boy was born an orphan and lived alone in a small mountain village. There was no one to even milk the cow - I had to do everything myself. At the same time, Irakli was registered in the village council as an operator for changing the current reality - an anti -ologist.
One morning, when the boy came to the stable, he found ten nipples on the cow's udder. How so? Heraclius absolutely accurately remembered that his cow had four nipples. At the same time, his cow stood in the stable, and no other, but with ten nipples. Spatial scanning showed that the nipples did not grow on their own: a change in reality was forcibly updated from the star sector 17-85. Shortly before the events described in this sector, a seventeenth-type civilization was discovered, but this became clear later.
No signals were received from other operators: the anti-biological capabilities of all earthlings, with the exception of Heraclius, were disabled.
Remaining the only anti-theologian for all of humanity, Heraclius entered into an unequal battle with an unknown but clearly hostile force. The battle lasted thirty-three and a half hours without a break. When the rescue team arrived in the mountain village, it was all over: the attack on changing reality was repulsed. The boy, exhausted to the limit by inhuman stress on the psyche, barely breathed. The efforts made by the rescuers did not yield results. Unfortunately, Heraclius could not be saved.
Humanity paid dearly for the experience. In addition to the brave death of Irakli Abazadze, many useful technologies were lost: nuclear circular saws, portable precipitation stimulants, inertial telekinesis skills and much, much more.
So that the tragedy did not happen again, it was decided to expose all discovered civilizations of the seventeenth type to immediate autanasia, reducing their intelligence to an acceptable level. If this is not possible, people should leave the star sector forever. ”
The video was entirely staged, and even well done.
Here is a ten-year-old boy from a mountain village laughing infectiously ... playing with friends ... milking a cow ... Suddenly, with surprise, he finds extra nipples on a cow's udder. Close-up: a tense, boyish face over which peas of sweat roll.
The sun sets over the mountain, but the boy continues to sit in the stable, trying to repel the hostile attempts of aliens to change earthly reality.
In the morning, rescuers burst into the crib of a small mountain village. Late: a twelve-year-old hero dies in their arms. Nearby is a milking cow with four nipples on the udder, as expected.
Combat starships rush from Earth into outer space. Their task is to find and neutralize a hostile civilization of the seventeenth type. In the cabin of starships, among portraits of other respected people, hangs a portrait of Irakli Abazadze, an anti-theologian who gave his young life for the well-being of all mankind.
“Hello,” said Varya, entering the wheelhouse.
Roman looked up and found: the girl's chin is painted yellow, like sirens.
- Wow! - he was stupefied. - Why are you wearing makeup?
“Do you like it, Roma?”
After the hysteria, Varka looked a little too calm, almost inhibited.
- I do not even know.
- In my opinion, beautiful.
- Well, beautiful means beautiful.
“No worse than a siren,” suggested Varya.
- There you are! - guessed Roman.
- Put a hand on your head? As if I were she, the girl suggested meekly.
- Put.
Varka went up to Roman and laid a hand on his crown. Then she said:
“I'm your female.”
- True? - Roman was delighted.
“If you want, you can take us both.”
“Whom of both?”
- Me and Rila.
Interestingly, Varka fools around or went crazy? Then he realized: psychosis motivated by jealousy. Therefore, Roman decided to be calm and loving.
“Very noble of you,” he said. “It remains for Ril to ask if she wants to.”
- Rila will not refuse. Otherwise, why would she ruffle your hair ?!
“Don't worry about hair.”
- Why?
- I am suspended from participating in further interviews. You will work with Yuri second number. I won’t see sirlans anymore.
- Why did Yuri remove you? - Varka became interested, instantly forgetting about her own troubles.
Roman's fists clenched involuntarily.
- Because he is a nerd!
- Have a fight?
- This is not abuse, it is something worse. I sent a message to the conflict commission.
The girl squinted.
- Nayabednichat same?
- Yes. He demanded to replace the contactor. Yuri did not like it.
- Who will like it ?!
“And now,” Roman finally wound up, “this idiot accuses me of failing autanasia.” Although in fact, he overwhelmed autanasia. Yelling that the mistake went from the first interview. Crazy crazy!
“Perhaps you are both wrong.” No changes in reality are observed, why panic ?! After the incident with Abazadze, not one of the seventeenth-type civilizations woke up. And there were plenty of them euthanized - several thousand, in my opinion.
- Let's wait until he wakes up?
- No one will wake up.
“I hope you're right,” Roman agreed, cooling off. - Let's play the game?
- In three-dimensional chess?
“Well, yes,” Roman was surprised. “What else?”
- I have a headache.
- As you want.
- Let's start a new batch - in two-dimensional.
Roman was even more surprised. He and Varka never descended to two-dimensional chess.
- In two-dimensional, this prehistoric primitive? Are you serious?
“Seriously,” the girl nodded.
- Come on if you want. Who plays white?
- You start.
- pawn e2-e4.
- pawn e7-e5.
- pawn f2-f4.
“No, I'm sorry, I can't play,” Varya sobbed. - I remember how the sirilka ruffled your hair, and everything in me seemed to be turning over.
And she wandered away, unhappy.
The fourth interview took place without the participation of Roman.
After it ended and the Cyrilians left Humanism, Roman printed an official record. In the document, after the introduction, it read:
"Yuri Chudinov: At today's meeting we will talk ...
Grill: Before, I wanted to ask a few questions.
C: Maybe after ...
G: No.
W: OK, ask.
G: Are you the oldest civilization in the galaxy?
H: Yes.
G: And the most powerful civilization in the galaxy?
H: Yes.
G: What does this mean?
D: Well then ... We reached Searle in the starship on board which you are. Don't these technologies impress you?
G: No.
C: But you don’t have such technologies!
G: Yes, no. However, such technologies do not impress us.
C: But ... Is this fact not worthy of respect?
G: Maybe. However, respect does not apply to your supposed antiquity and power.
W: You have touched only a billionth part of our technology. You can’t even imagine ...
G: Why?
C: What for?
G: Why should I introduce your powerful technologies if they do not impress me?
C: Respect at least.
G: Your technologies do not interest me, I have no idea about them, but should I respect them?
H: Yes.
G: Earthlings have significant problems with logic.
W: Why?
G: You claim that you are the oldest and most powerful civilization in space, on the grounds that you have technologies that are absent from us. I do not find a causal link between these statements.
D: We had more time to create advanced technologies, so we are the oldest and most powerful. It is obvious.
G: Far from obvious. If we did not create technologies throughout our existence, then we could not get ahead of you in this aspect. Therefore, the availability of technology, no matter how powerful they may be, does not prove anything. Sorry, but I don’t see the point in further communication.
W: What? [pause] How do you not see? Why don't you see?
G: We are creators.
Ch: The creators of what?
G: Worlds.
W: You are ordinary biological creatures, like us.
G: You are lying. It’s hard for me to say this, because before meeting earthlings, the possibility of a lie did not occur to us. The Sirlans do not lie to each other, we didn’t even have such a concept before meeting you. What did you take advantage of. In the course of communication, you tried to make significant adjustments to our worldview, and therefore, to the world around us. The world has become worse after your attempts, you had to roll it back. This required preparation and took some time - hence our subsequent meetings - but overall the work was completed successfully. I don’t see the point in communicating with you earthlings, because I can’t trust the information received from you. The only positive thing is that we learned about the existence of deliberate lies. With this paradox we intend to live on: roll back and it would be the greatest stupidity. With you, biological creatures from planet Earth, I say goodbye. The creators of the worlds should not be addicted to their creatures.
C: You say goodbye to us when we want to. You can’t imagine our power ...
Rila: [laughter]
C: What, what else?
R: Barbara, you have wonderful sirilian makeup. Did the novel rate him?
Zyablova Varvara: Not your business!
R: Your reaction is so predictable.
G: Makeup is beautiful. Yellow color to females to face.
Z: Thank you.
D: Dear Sirlan, a misunderstanding arose between us. I propose to meet again and discuss everything in detail. We, the representatives of two powerful space civilizations ...
G: How, are we powerful too? We don’t have your starships, we don’t have an interpreter from alien languages ​​and all the other things that you are so proud of. We have only Sirl. Where do I ask you to return us immediately. ”
Breathing hatred towards each other, they collided in the hallway.
- What is the name of the person who ruined the autanasia of a seventeenth-type civilization? - asked the darkened Yuri.
- A fool? - suggested Roman.
- Such a person is called a traitor.
In this phrase, the jaw of the contactor came to life and moved to the side.
“And what happened?”
“Do you not know?”
- I know, I got acquainted with the printout of the interview. You really messed up autanasia. Congratulations. In accordance with the Instruction on extraterrestrial contacts, paragraph 256, we must immediately leave the place of contact. Everything was ordered ... The fullness of power is returning to me, "Humanism" is preparing for departure.
“Not so simple, Roman, not so simple,” Yuri blocked the road. - I carefully listened to the recording of the first interview conducted under your leadership. You didn’t just talk with sirlans, you didn’t just talk ...
- And what did I do, in your opinion?
“You exchanged secret signs.”
The pilot opened his mouth.
- Are you sick?
“Didn't expect to get to the bottom?” - in a hurry, with sparkling eyes, laid out the cherished contactor. “Now I am finishing decryption, and when I am done, everything will fall into place.” I asked you what the name of the person who ruined autanasia is called to give you the last opportunity to repent. But you did not take this opportunity.
“You are incurable crazy!”
“However, your motivation is clear without decryption,” Yuri continued. - Your leadership until I arrived, the expectation of the arrival of a new contactee, sexual revelry on an empty spaceship, the denial of the latest Schwartzman technique - everything turns out into a tight little knot, isn't it?
- What is a little nodule?
- Tight.
Roman grabbed his head.
- No, why should I listen to this nonsense ?!
“You entered into a criminal conspiracy with the sirens to remove me from the starship, and you almost succeeded.” If I had not guessed your intentions, analyzing the course of events. It happened late, but it happened. A subtle game, a novel, is extremely subtle. But you can’t beat me.
“You have paranoia.”
Yuri nodded in agreement:
- So the Sirelians say: paranoia. This is the best evidence of your coordinated actions. Are you pierced?
- I read the printout, there is no such phrase. You provoke me.
- They said after the conversation, before leaving, so it was not included in the printout. They called me complete paranoid. And don’t pretend to be surprised. I have a psychological education, I see right through you.The accusation of chronic psychosis was planned and carried out by you with the direct participation of our - or rather, your - friends of the sirens.
Some thought had long been knocking in Roman's skull like a sledgehammer, but could not break out.
- And long ago you came to the conclusion that I am an agent of the Syril civilization? According to the results of the last interview?
- Into the hole!
Roman trembled with anger and made a decision.
- Get ready to fly. From now on, this star sector is banned.
“I'm still a commander here!”
- Not anymore. And they never were.
- No, I!
The contactee pulled his hands to Roman.
“Get out of the way, idiot,” the pilot wheezed.
He stepped forward, came across Yuri waving his arms and pushed him in the chest with his fist, throwing him aside.
Varya was found in the meeting room. The girl was in a melancholy mood - this was evident from the Cyrilian makeup. She did not wash it off from the moment she first tried it.
- What do you think about the last interview? - asked Roman.
- They refused to communicate.
- Yes I know. But why?
Varya shrugged.
The novel did not specify who.
“So fiasco?”
- Full.
The fiasco looked really complete and unconditional.
- “Humanism” will have to be evacuated. From now on, this stellar sector is forbidden for humanity.
“Evacuate,” Varya agreed in an indifferent tone.
- So fuck up the procedure! I hope that the career of this idiot will be over. Unfortunately, my biography is spoiled.
- Are you upset?
- You ask.
“You will never see your siren again.”
“Ah,” Roman recalled. “You're all about that ...
” “Kiss me, please,” the girl asked in a shaky voice.
- You are welcome.
They kissed.
- Heck! Roman exclaimed, thawing a little. - Soiled in your makeup.
He ran a hand over his chin. There were yellow streaks in the palm of his hand.
“He didn't bother you before,” said Varya.
Roman did not understand.
- Who didn’t interfere?
- Makeup.
The thought struck again from inside the skull. She could not break out.
Varya stared at Roman.
- What are you doing?
- A thought is spinning in my head, but I can’t grab it.
- I, too, have not been my own lately.
“Now I’ll grab it, and immediately withdraw from orbit,” Roman promised.
They were silent for a moment.
- Have time to play chess?
- In which, in three- or two-dimensional?
- Does not matter. Come in two-dimensional. In three-dimensional I can not - I forgot the position of the figures.
“I will remind you,” Roman wanted to say, but he suddenly realized that he also did not remember the position.
- Strange, me too.
“Too many things have piled on us,” said Varya.
- Yes, probably.
They looked at each other and held hands, as in a moment of danger or tenderness.
“My head is spinning because of this autanasia,” said Roman, trying to calm the girl, along with himself. - However, everything is behind. We are back to square one, as if there was no civilization of the seventeenth type. And Searle was not there either.
The planet soared in portholes with a cold yolk, interspersed with portraits of Leonardo da Vinci, Copernicus, Dostoevsky, Mendeleev and young Irakli Abazadze. Only one partition looked orphaned - because of Varin's portrait turned with the back side.
Roman went up to the wall and turned the portrait on its face. The Sirlanes will no longer appear here - to hide the blue sky from them did not make sense.
He stepped back to admire, and cried out in amazement. In the photograph, instead of the blue earthly sky, a yellow siren shone, and against its background Varia smiled in a yellow sirilian make-up.
- “Humanism” calls the Earth. “Humanism” calls the Earth.
- Hello, the Earth is listening!
- They wake up! They wake up!
- Who wakes up? I do not get it.
- Civilization of the seventeenth type on Searle. Autanasia failed. They woke up and attacked reality, but first our psyche. We were unable to diagnose a change in reality in time, because we were pretty stupid. Now the changes are obvious.
- Well, damn it, you give!