So, according to the reaction of the public, I saw that the first action completely "went", so I will continue. The total timing of my conversations was (by “actions”): 7:10, 18:23, 42:14, 3:51. The shortness of the final fragment is due to the fact that I realized that on the other side there are exclusively impenetrable personalities. I could still “walk” around the city for hours, but my strength was already running out. Therefore, I confessed to the deed myself and said goodbye.
After hanging up after talking with False Dmitry, I expected the banquet to continue the next day. But no, gentlemen were very impatient and called me back almost immediately. A little smashing his legend.
This time, the background chatter was stronger, so there are illegible moments in the decoding. Let me remind you that all the data reported by me to "false Anna" is fictitious. And all the texts below are a direct transcript of our conversation. Without any literary processing.
- A-a-hello, hello! Full Name?
(this time there was a pleasant female voice from that side)
- Yes, hello.
- My name is Ilmarova Anna Aleksandrovna, senior financial specialist of the financial control security service of Sberbank of Russia. The junior employees passed on the information that your personal information was compromised. And, in fact, they filed for cash balance insurance, is that right?
- Well, probably yes, I have been talking with some employee for a long time now.
- What information was provided to you and at what stage of the work you are now stopping, please tell us.
- He said that the leader will call back and tell everything what to do next.
“I heard you.” Please tell me, when issuing the card and the contract you were asked to establish two-factor protection against (inaudible) ... the manager should have notified you of the two-factor protection service. That is additional security of the highest measure.
“You know, I don’t remember already.” This business has long been.
- (inaudible) ... It will now be comfortable for you to put me on the speakerphone and go to the online office, we must configure the two-factor protection accesses.
- Well, let's move on.
- Tell me, have you heard anything about the application before (inaudible)?
- Once again, did not hear?
- (inaudible, spelling).
- Something you have there is some kind of background, someone is chatting in the background and now it's really hard to hear.
- Sorry, I'm just not alone in the office. A lot of very people work. Please tell me, have you heard something about the Teamviewer QuickSupport application?
- Ah, TeamViewer? Well, yes, I heard that there is such a thing.
(Oh, they want to manage my computer - probably an interesting little thing went?)
- Please tell me what do you know about this application? Maybe I will explain to you in detail?
- Well, I know that it is for remote access to a computer.
(Really? Is everything so stupid and they will ask me to put it?)
- You did not download it? Have you received any download requests?
- No.
- In any case, you should not download it if you are offered. Now a very large number of fraudsters are asking to install this application and our customers are suffering. I think you watched the news, and actually understand.
“Of course, yes, yes, yes.”
(Damn, everything will be more interesting!)
- Please tell me, please go to the online office in parallel with my call. Check the information that you have displayed fully comment. If any advertising links, program folding, incorrect display of the amount are noticed. Maybe you will have some extraneous accounts. You will definitely tell me this so that I understand what is going on. Good?
“I mean, go to my Sberbank online from my computer and tell you if everything is fine there, or what?”
(Oh, will you dig out the secret digits from me?)
- Yes, or through the phone.
- Well, I'm actually sitting at the computer, I can go in through the computer.
- How is it more convenient for you, how is it more convenient for you, first of all. If some unauthorized work will be displayed there, some (inaudible), without SMS alerts, invalid display of the amount, please tell me everything that you will be displayed.
- Let's go in, wait a second. So, here you go. And I don’t see anything. Extraordinary.
- That is, you now have everything in the exact quantity, which is what you had?
- Well yes.
- Look, you have it now, employees inform me that there was an attempt to write off cash and they are in the transaction field. Not at the bank cell, not at the client himself. Actually, the transaction field is the state of cash when it is in a suspended state. Roughly speaking, they are in the air. Not at the bank, not at the recipient.
(Here, I also received so much new knowledge on the banking topic.)
- In terms of? Did I have to write off something? Or what?
- In any case, you do not display any information on the balance sheet now, since financial services have been suspended.
- So.
- You now had an attempt to write off funds. I need to understand where the compromise came from. Directly from you, as a client. Or from the bank employees. The manager who issued you the card. And, in fact, if this person is the person who sold the database with our customers, this is article 159, part two. Fraud and theft of another's property. He will just be imprisoned from 8 to 12 years.
- Well.
(But 159.2 is “Payout Fraud,” but okay ...)
- Bank cards were not lost, stolen, not left, not forgotten anywhere, not transferred to third parties?
- No, there wasn’t.
- Tell me please, did you pay for something on dubious sites, in online stores of a dubious nature lately?
(Here, I admit, the fantasy turned on. I somehow restrained myself so as not to frighten me away. I really wanted to know what would happen next)
- Well no. There were completely ordinary payments in stores. Nothing.
- No one has observed manipulations with the introduction of a PIN code of your online service, or with the introduction of a PIN code when paying with a card?
“I don't think so.” Usually they are afraid to come behind me.
- In the future, please watch that the terminal or ATM is neat and clean. There should not be any cameras. Usually fix the minimum camera on the right side in the right corner. Please pay attention to this. If someone sees the card number, or cvv, there will be a disastrous situation for you, the client, and for us, the bank.
- Yeah.
- Let's check with you, please. You have three active cards now, I understand.
- Yeah.
- One credit and two debit. Must have you.
(Puncture, I didn’t say anything about credit. Plus, I said that there were no loans. Well, okay)
- Yeah.
- By credit card, what was the last available balance on the online service?
(Yeah, do you think there should be a bunch of grandmas there?)
- Well, there were fifteen thousand on the credit card, that’s how it is.
- According to debit balances, what funds did you have (inaudible) in an active position?
- Just as I told you, of the order of forty, everything in this light also shines. In the bank.
- On one debit balance, or on several?
(Which, however, are curious)
- On the second, I have zero.
- Zero balance. Good. One minute. Your deposits and savings are not displayed, is that right?
(And I told Dimke that there is a contribution. Suddenly a check?)
- Well, no, I have an old passbook, there, for a small amount.
- What is the amount of accumulation fixed now?
(And what for you then? Is it still not so easy to remove, it seems?)
- Well there, 150 thousand.
- Now, one minute. I will send to the technical department that you have a savings book. In any case, this is a fairly large amount of money, it will need to be insured. Please tell me where you are now?
“I mean, where?” I am in Yekaterinburg.
- Sverdlovskaya, in Yekaterinburg. Please specify the exact address, as you now have to go to the ATM and cash out the funds at the nearest ATM. Now it’s not safe to keep money on the plastic product itself. In case of doubtful storage of funds, unfortunately, the lock will not be available. You will now need to write off the cash balance that you currently have on the active card.
(Here it is, well, you have to go, if so)
- Now I will say a second. Lenin 13.
(Here I tried to quickly google, where we have the building of organs on Lenin, but I missed)
- I’ll find you the nearest Sberbank ATM. One minute.
- Let's.
- Look, you will have a re-issue of cards.
- So.
- Now (inaudible) the amount that was in your transaction field will be returned. In order for you to write it off and insure it in the future. You will have activated a temporary storage bank cell. Actually, I will now conclude a document and sign it with a higher management. The fact that you will be issued a bank cell will have a new personal account. You will be given a new card with a new agreement. Naturally, you should study and read the new contract carefully. After that, only sign.
- Yeah.
- If you, tell me please, will it be more convenient to get a card at a bank branch, or by courier delivery?
- No, I’ll go to the bank branch.
- Please tell me which branch of the bank to send information as soon as possible from you.
“You wanted to find something there.” What is there next to it?
- Then the nearest? I thought maybe you are using some other. One minute. So, Lenin 13a is with you, right?
(I messed up a bit with the address)
- Yeah.
- One moment then. (pause for a couple of minutes)
- Hello?
- Hello! I now take you, just a couple of minutes, and ... the next one, which is now open.
(And we have about nine in the evening, the bulk of the savings is not working already)
- Probably a problem? Maybe tomorrow morning you can go?
“You understand that it’s kind of like if you turn in the morning…”
- Sberbank works in the evenings in the evenings. You’ll find the nearest one somewhere far away.
- You now need the nearest ATM. ATM, in order to write off funds on your own and actually, insure the cash balance in the bank cell, in your new personal account.
“What can happen before morning?”
- Until the morning you can just completely deduct money without your knowledge.
- Wow. And on which card were the data lost?
- You have lost data not on the map, but on the active online account. That is, apparently somewhere lost information.
- Maybe I just need to change the password, no?
- Well, you can now in any case, you will need to change the password from the online account, in any case.
- So.
- You too understand correctly. Your passport details and active balances were already with third parties.
- So.
- That is, if there was a leak of information with bank cards and passwords now, if there is a debit, I will be responsible as an employee.
(What a twist!)
- Wow. And what will it be for you?
- Well, in any case ... I just have to deduct this money from my salary, roughly speaking.
(That's so serious everyone in Sberbank with this, know!)
- Really? Will someone write off 150 thousand from the card or from the book and you will be deducted from your salary?
- If, for my reason, because of the employee, if I have not provided you with all the security measures and you’ll be charged, since we have a conversation recorded and listened to under the rules, if I’m written off, I ... or they’ll just put me under the article ... that I’m kind of ... article 148 part two ... if in the banking regulations, you can study this information on the banking site itself. And, somehow, you also understand me correctly, if I haven’t completely protected my client, in that case ...
- What salary should you have so that your write-offs can be made by your management from your salary?
“You know, whatever she is.” In any case, this is not nice.
- Well, did you find the nearest ATM? In principle, I can probably go.
- Now it’s literally two minutes, I just can’t figure it out a little. It shows one ATM ... now, literally two more minutes of your time. Sorry to distract you.
(four minutes pass)
- What, I can’t find an ATM?
- Look, the nearest ATMs are along Lenin Avenue, there is a crossroads towards Khokhryakov. Please tell me, is this far from you?
- Well, I need about 5-10 minutes to get there. Should I go there and then you will dial me again or what?
- Look, where will it be closest to you? On Weiner or Khokhryakov Street?
- Weiner probably.
- If Weiner, in that case, there will be a store, a shopping center. Ahh, now I’ll tell you what’s called ... The Uspensky shopping center is called. In this shopping center there will be an ATM of Sberbank. I will be in touch with you.
- No, it will be wildly inconvenient for me to go with the phone. Let’s re-pick you up in about five minutes somewhere, or better, after 10 minutes. I’ll be waiting for you at the ATM there. Will it be convenient?
- Well, yes, in principle. Your phone is charged, is everything all right?
- Yes, yes, all is well. Well then let's call back, I'll go there now.
- Everything, expect in this case a call, all the best.
The third action.