AMA with Medium (Direct Line with Medium Network Developers)

Hello, Habr!

On April 24, 2019, a project was born with the goal of creating an independent telecommunications environment in the Russian Federation.

We called it Medium , which means “intermediary” in English (one of the possible variants of translation is “intermediate”) - this word is perfect for generalizing the concept of our network.

Our common goal is to deploy the Mesh network at the L2 level and support the development of overlay Mesh networks at the L3 level (for example, we are actively involved in the development of software for the Yggdrasil network).

Since the development process for some time was more closed, some of the users quite naturally formed a double opinion about the network. The metamorphoses that the project has undergone throughout its formation, to an inexperienced person in reality, may seem extremely strange.

Therefore, we decided to hold an AMA among Habr users - this is the format in which you talk about yourself and invite readers to ask any questions: Ask Me Anything! This format is especially common on the Reddit site. The discussion results in a series of short and useful thematic discussions.

We like Reddit, the AMA format itself and Habr, so we are here and ready to answer all your questions.

Questions are answered by Revertis , NGolderyN and podivilov .

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