12 ES10 features in 12 simple examples

Here is a translation of an article from Carlos Caballero 's blog on Medium.com. The author will tell us about the features that appeared in the 2019 ES10 version.

ES10 is the latest version of ECMAScript for 2019. It does not contain as many innovations as the ES6 version released in 2015, however, it included several useful features.

In this article, the features introduced in ES10 are described as simple code examples. You can quickly understand them without a detailed explanation. Of course, this will require basic JavaScript knowledge.

The new JavaScript features in ES2019 are:

Array.flat () and Array.flatMap ()

There are two new Array


Object.fromEntries ()

Converts a list of code and pairs of values ​​to an object.


When matching a string with a regular expression, the matchAll()

method returns an iterator over all results, including capture groups.

String.trimStart () and String.trimEnd ()

There are two new String

methods for removing spaces from a string:


Added a new option to get Symbol

descriptions. Now, when creating Symbol

, you can add a line as a description - in ES10 there is access to this indicator.

Optional try/catch


Previously, the catch

expression from the try/catch

construct needed a variable. Today, developers can use try/catch

without creating unnecessary bindings.


The characters for the unescaped line separator U+2028

and the paragraph separator U+2029

were not present in previous versions of ECMAScript.

Well-formed JSON.stringify ()


can return characters between U+D800

and U+DFFF

as values ​​for which there is no UTF-8 character equivalent. However, the JSON format requires UTF-8 encoding. A solution has been proposed to present unpaired surrogate code points as shielded JSON sequences instead of leaving them as single UTF-16 code units.

Stable Array.prototype.sort ()

In the previous implementation of the V8 engine, an unstable fast sorting algorithm was used for arrays containing more than 10 elements.

The stable sorting algorithm is a sorting algorithm in which two objects with the same keys remain in the same order in which they were before sorting.

Updated Function.toString ()

The toString()

method returns a string representation of the source code of the function. In ES6, when calling toString()

for a function, it could return a different result depending on the specific implementation of the ECMAScript engine. If possible, the source code was returned, otherwise a standardized stub.

BigInt - integers of arbitrary length


is the 7th primitive type, an integer of arbitrary length. Variables of this type can consist of 253 numeric characters; they are not limited to a numeric value 9007199254740992


Dynamic import

Dynamic import()

returns a promise for the namespace object of the requested module. Therefore, import can now be assigned to a variable using async/await


Standardized globalThis Object

The globalThis

object globalThis

not standardized until the advent of ES10. In the code of the finished application, it had to be brought to the standard for various platforms on its own, prescribing something cumbersome, for example:


JavaScript is a living language, which is very favorable for web programming. We have been witnessing its dynamic development since the advent of ES6 in 2015. In this article, we highlighted the features that appeared in the 2019 ES10 version. Some features were also introduced that will gain stability in ES11 (2020), as they are in 3 stages of implementation and are likely to be standardized for the next release.

Many of these features may not be necessary to build your web application. However, they all make it possible to do without ingenious tricks or writing a lot of code where it was required before.

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