This is an extraordinary release of “wooden toys” - was not originally planned, but somehow it appeared by itself.
While writing a retrospective of games under DOS, periodically in the comments they spoke on the topic "why is not mentioned <game> for <platform>". So because it is not mentioned that for the <platform>. In general, I had little experience playing on other platforms (unless game consoles are counted, but this is a separate topic about which I don’t see much point writing). And so - a couple of years on MSX and Spectrum in the gaming clubs of the late eighties - early nineties. Because I remember from there a little. But with a dozen toys still typed, so there was enough for a separate issue. These are not some of the best games, they are just games that I have in my memory. For some, even the names have just been established.
My emulator is retro consoles. There is a Spectrum and MSX in it, although I drive all sorts of dandies and superintendes more. And so pulls the game somewhere until the first playstation.
ZX Spectrum
Neither my acquaintance nor anyone of my acquaintances had a home spectrum - in our city, PCs became available very early. Well, or I was spinning in those circles where PCs became available early. Because the Spectrum met only in gaming clubs and games from the most popular there are remembered.
A ninja with some kind of ninja goal runs around a huge complex. In general, I even thought that I did not see the first part, but I remember the trailer from the picture clearly, in the second part it was not.
Saboteur 2
The second part, she played more. Arrived on a hang glider and ran through some other complex. But also with ninja targets.
Of all the walkers, this one was remembered. Especially protective field and respawn points.
River raid
Here I’m not sure what I was playing in the Spectrum version - the Atari 2600 could well have been there, for some reason I remember the boxes without the keyboard. On the other hand, I saw this airplane in so many places that at least somewhere it was Spectrum.
Star Raiders II
But this game I remembered for a very long time. Usually, according to the description - a multi-colored planetary system, hyperspace, pysch-pysch - they slipped the Elite to me.
Way of the Exploding Fist
Fighting game. I also didn’t think that I remember, but the display of health with the symbols of yin-yang sunk, I recognized from the pictures.
Usually we called this game "Japan". You can say - a trucker simulator. You take the goods, for a certain time you need to bring to the address. The road between cities is a race, you have to drive around the city, observing the rules. And then the police. And left-hand traffic, to everything else.
It's hard for me to say which part they played. But the screen from the second part seems to be.
New adam & eve
First-person quest with text control (Open mouth, insert foot). A virus is atrocious in the world, only two survived - GG with a girl. The goal is to find a vaccine against the virus. Difficulties - the amount of oxygen is limited, it is spent on movement. Plus, periodically events with a timer appear when you need to quickly do something, otherwise everything.
Magical kid wiz
A platformer with shooting and selection using various artifacts.
Well, I can not help but mention this collection of educational games. There was a sokoban - by the name of a wise rabbit, several black boxes where you had to feed something at the entrance and figure out what would be the output, a wolf, goat and cabbage, Hanoi towers, some kind of graphic editors, a music editor, etc. P.