8 stories about inner China. What is not shown to foreigners

Have you worked with China yet? Then the Chinese come to you. They know that there’s no getting away from them - you won’t run away from the planet.

Zhongguo is the most developing country in the world. In all areas: manufacturing, IT, biotechnology. Last year, China showed the world's largest gross product, which amounted to 18% of global GDP.

China has long and firmly become the main economic partner of our country. Russia sells resources to China: oil, gas, timber, metals, food. China sells high-tech products to Russia: machine tools, electronic devices, computer and household appliances, real Swiss watches for $ 50, spinners and other AliExpress. Last year, trade with China exceeded $ 108 billion - a quarter over the year.

Russian developers and IT business leaders often experience a slight shock from business communication with Chinese comrades - the Chinese are throwing partners so easily and at ease. But this is not surprising if you understand what China really is, and what exactly the Chinese are hiding from the outside world.

Ancient Chinese engraving. Uncle Liao for a walk comes up with an iPhone 12 with a TV receiver, five SIM cards, ten cameras, a thermometer, a shocker and a vacuum cleaner.

At Tehdir’s Day, Denis Ilyinykh greyhard , technical director of GT-Shop, told how he personally encountered the classic Chinese business style.

Dmitry Simonov, creator of the CTORECORDS techdir channel, once mentioned in a conversation that Denis Ilinykh is “a very good techdir because he has a developed habit of winning ”. And therefore Denis did not retreat - and answered the insidious Chinese cunning with Russian unpredictable ingenuity.

I pass the floor to Denis.

History No. 1. Chinese and IT

Recently, a client came to me and said: “ Denis, listen, the Chinese are developing very well on a lease of power banks. Let's get busy . ” I told him: “ This, of course, is interesting. What do you have? "

For this business, it was necessary to create a device capable of accepting contactless payments, issue a power bank and monitor where it was deposited. What difficulties arose immediately? It turned out that the customer had already bought the device in China. And the Chinese manager promised him that everything would be cool. But the manager refused to provide API documentation, device documentation. The device had a “single-payer” with the Android operating system - and we needed to tighten contactless payments with a recurrent charge-off.

How such a business works: A client finds himself with a discharged phone far from home and even without a charging cord. In the powerbank rental terminal, you can rent a portable charger with cable. The client registers with the service and binds the card. The cost of an hour of renting a power bank is, for example, 50 rubles. If a person has not returned during this time, 100 rubles per day will be debited from the card. You can not return the "bank" - just keep it at home for 30 days. During this time, 3000 rubles will be written off - and the device will be fully owned by the client. You can return the device to any terminal of the rental network.

We came, looked and said: “ Oh, what shall we do with this? "A month of communication with the Chinese led us to a discouraging result. The Chinese said: “ You will pay us money - we will create an application for you. But you will work through our Chinese cloud. And we won’t give you the documentation . ”

We told them: " Let us fly to you and discuss ." To which the Chinese unexpectedly told us: “ Why do you want to fly to us? Are you threatening us? "We were surprised:" And why did you decide that we threaten you? "The Chinese replied:" Well, you promised to come . " Then they thought and told us: " And you order a batch of 100 devices - then we will give documentation ."

Naturally, we never received the documentation. I had to do a debug. As a result, we learned what kind of “single-payer” is there, how the system is arranged inside. We found out that cells that contain "power banks" are just a regular device with a com-port. It was possible to decrypt the com-port, get the protocol and work using this protocol.

But everything turned out to be much simpler. The Chinese did not bother - maybe at the assembly stage they rolled the regular version, rolled the debug version and left the debug console open. Accordingly, we connected via Android Studio, took the debug version, connected to it and completely collected all the APIs that we needed. After that, we wrote an application, raised a cloud service, screwed recurring payments.

Now we will go to China, but to another manufacturer. We will show them all this and ask: " Do the same for us, but under a different sauce, under our guidance and control ."

NB: In terms of gouging, the Chinese are far ahead of us. They miraculously combine control over everything and everyone, high bureaucracy and general disorder. If you want the Chinese to do something on time and technically for sure, you need to constantly stand behind them and control. They simply do not understand a different approach.

And before working with the Chinese, arm yourself with a good lawyer and immediately remove the protruding parts of the body - otherwise they will bite your finger off the neck.


To work successfully with China, you need to know China. But what do we know about Zhongguo?

The only country in the world with a continuous history of 4000 years? The Chinese wall seen from space? Hasma Bo Rea Li Canyon 560 km long in the north? Chinese economic miracle with surviving socialism? An effective fight against corruption up to the highest level of social protection?

No no and one more time no. All this is for the most part decorations designed for white, dark-skinned, black (underline as necessary) barbarians. And the canyon Chasma Boreale is generally located on Mars.

In 2017, I interviewed the reserve commander of the RF Armed Forces, Vladimir Trukhan, who, as a result of his service, investigated Zhungguo, where foreigners are practically not allowed. Then I saw China from an unexpected angle.

In 2007, Vladimir took part in the Peace Mission 2007 exercise in Chebarkul, where the formation of the People’s Army of China took part, and in 2009 went to the Heishui military base in Jilin province near the city of Baichen, where the Peace Mission 2009 exercise was held ".

He left interesting impressions and memories. Vladimir is not a sinologist, but that is why I remember his stories - lively, vibrant, without academic dryness.

And then Vladimir Trukhan himself will tell.

History No. 2. China and our perception

We take China a little incorrectly - especially in the style that popular publicists write about Zhongguo in our country. We have a perception of China as a single country without problems, which, under the leadership of the Communist Party, is steadily moving towards capitalism. But everything is completely wrong.

Rural China and urban China differ dramatically. They even differ in smell. I am proud of unprecedented and even boast to students that I walked two hundred meters and without a gas mask through the Chinese village. True, I couldn’t do it anymore, but two hundred meters was enough for me.

The Chinese village community is completely self-governing, closed - and no one is letting anyone out of the boundaries of the Chinese village.

They have a golden belt on the Pacific coast. We were in mainland China - Jilin is far from the richest province, and Baicheng is far from the richest city. “Peace Mission 2005,” as I recall, they played in Shanghai. And they just apologized in the year 2009 that they had nothing to show. We answered them: “ Nothing, nothing, we will tolerate your semi-deserts. This is exactly what interests us . ” Not ceremonial skyscrapers, not ceremonial China, but what is happening in the Chinese outback. It’s the same as exporting it to Samara Region.

NB: When you work with the Chinese, you need to remember that they are motivated for success and toothache is immeasurably more than you. Chinese society itself from childhood checks whether you will survive or not. Such conditioned reflexes get into your head for life. Imagine your business partner is an orphanage from the Russian hinterland, who in the 90s was a gangster, and then a little ennobled. But what is survival, he does not know from books, but from personal experience. How do you think he will behave in negotiations and in business?

History No. 3. Chinese and population

In China, in principle, there is no population mobility. And in China there is no single social support. Recently I listened to our sinologists, who absolutely clearly say: “ When you compare China’s GDP, you compare that they don’t have a social burden .”

The representative of the PLA Main Political Directorate told me: “ Vladimir, the Chinese government considers it necessary to take care of the two hundred million most progressive citizens. Let everyone else survive on their own . ” I ask the question: “ And how much population do you have?” ". He leaves the question. I say: “ Are you holding a spy for me? ". He sincerely resents me. Then the sea attache comes up and says: “ Listen, you do not terrorize them with this issue. They themselves do not know how many of them . " I was surprised: “ In the sense they don’t know how many there are? ". He tells me: " And in a village, one person can have six birth certificates ."

I thought they were hiding. Normal topic - we are preparing a joint assessment of the situation. Including there is an estimate for the demographic characteristics. They are not involved in the village community - they just shut it down. How the Chinese in the villages will survive, how people live there every day, the Chinese government does not care.

NB: No wonder how Chinese labor migrants behave in Russia or Belarus. They truly demonstrate the evolutionary instincts of sharks. And they are ready to strangle for every ruble, at any moment they are ready to deceive. If a Chinese migrant found himself outside of China, this means that his village gave a considerable kickback to the official who issued a permit for labor migration. And therefore, the Chinese are obliged to return everything to their village. And at the same time he could have left his wife with a bunch of children there. And the Chinese will do everything in order not to return to China and earn as much as possible rubles, dollars and yuan per unit of time.

History No. 4. Chinese and corruption

They have a completely different civilization. Touch the same corruption. The person who conducted the study of corruption on the task of certain of our structures in China, he just interacted with me. So he clearly told me that the admission of a pilot to the academy costs $ 20,000. The social security of the Chinese military is a secret generally big Chinese. They do not disclose. The army there is a state in a state. There, in every city, it’s not like military hospitals, there are military refueling stations in each city.

Articles are constantly appearing in our press about how China is successfully fighting corruption. Someone was shot there, then someone was hanged there. It is easy to fight corruption when everyone is corrupt. Just take the first one you get - and here you are a corrupt official. Again, we turn to the history of China from the point of view of the Chinese themselves, who absolutely clearly write how their class of bureaucracy is done. They think for a long time. They have a whole family, and even a clan can bring up one official so that one is good. And then he must beat off the invested funds.

Ancient chinese painting. A Chinese official is sad in nature that this month he received 2% less voluntary donations from the district than last year.

Now information has passed that before the congress of the Chinese Communist Party, two of the three top military leaders of China were just for corruption and arrested (Note Interview in December 2017) They just have a slightly different approach. They keep these corrupt officials on the hook until a certain point, while they are profitable and effective.

Therefore, I say again, almost everyone is a corruption official, this is such a society. It is so arranged that the official needs to bring offerings.

NB: To do business with the Chinese, and especially with government officials, you need to immediately lay on Chinese corruption. Moreover, it simply does not work out to put money in - you need to do this taking into account all the traditions. And without a good grease bribe, the gears of any business or project will turn slowly and with a rattle. Because the Chinese simply do not understand how it is possible without bribes, even if the project is completely beneficial to them. You come up to them so honest in a white cloak - and the Chinese will look at you sadly and think what a strange white barbarian could give offerings and together we would earn several million, but instead he became angry and everyone was left with nothing.

History No. 5. Chinese and barbarians

China is not our ally, but a fellow traveler. We were like gaijins for them, so gajins remained. Yes, this is more a Japanese term, but I do not remember how the Chinese call us names. As they were the Middle Empire, and all around are barbarians, so they are. As they are for the Opium Wars offended by us, so they have this historical insult left. The representative of Glavpur said so well under a glass of alcohol: “ We always remember that there were the Opium Wars, and what you did to China. You are a little smaller than the Anglo-Saxons, but you are also goats anyway . ” They remember that Russia took part of their territory from them for helping to lose the Second Opium War, as well as our participation in suppressing the rebellion of the boxers, which in some cases is considered in the same bottle as the Opium Wars.

Ancient Chinese painting. Folk Chinese heroes write a letter to the leader of the evil American barbarians in the ancient Chinese official style of "Nako si, woku si."

NB: No matter how large and profitable the project is, the Chinese will still try to cheat one way or another. Smiles, nods and compliments should not be misleading. We are for them "naive, good-natured barbarians." This is still better than the Americans "stupid, vicious barbarians" or the British "cunning, vile barbarians." But still, barbarians - but because the question of trust is simply not worth it. What is not clearly spelled out in the contract with deadlines and penalties for the Chinese does not exist.

History No. 6. Chinese and the future

China has a different civilization project. They think in completely different categories - two hundred three hundred years. They do not have the task of immediately improving the welfare of citizens. In principle, such a task is not even set for them.

They do not have the task of social protection - even in the foreseeable future. They don’t have the task of providing even jobs, because they will release exactly as many people from the village as they need.

We drive along Baichen - a huge five-story domina. I ask the Chinese translator: “ What is it? "He replies:" Orphanage. " Then: “ Made a reservation. Kindergarten . " I ask again: “ I understood correctly, is this a kindergarten? "Answers with a pause:" Yes, kindergarten. Children before school . " I told him: " My wife is a kindergarten teacher ." In the eyes of this starley, such admiration caught fire. It turns out that I "shan xiao" from GlavPur in their version, and in our colonel from the Central Office of the Ministry of Defense - this is garbage, it will smoke. But the wife is a kindergarten teacher ... He said with such reverence to me: “ What are you, this is such an honor. The same Motherland entrusted the upbringing of children . ”

They deal with children very seriously - here we need to learn from them, study and study again. They cease to be engaged in adults.

So the teenager, who shows more or less outstanding results, they are pulled out of their usual habitat, thrown into another city, another province and left one to flounder for two years. Now, if he did not reduce the results, if he showed his viability and ability to further break through, they will deal with him. If he failed, he will be returned back to where he lived - and this is forever. There, in general, they are not given a second chance. In China, hard culling. If a man leaves the army, he flies out of life. That is, there is an absolutely ruthless society.

There are no pensions in China. In China, the approach is that children should support their parents. If you want, keep it, if you want, dig it in. In Zhongguo, all these questions are very tough. And those who are now telling us about the Chinese Economic Miracle, let them go there and try.

NB: The Chinese live a distant future. We have already forgotten how to think so. This approach was in the USSR - but philistinism triumphed in the end. The Chinese, with all his cunning, resourcefulness and toothiness, feels an inextricable connection with generations - past and future. Therefore, for him in any field of activity - science, art, business - it is important that this benefit the civilization project of the Middle Empire. This is inherent in them at a deep level. Which does not stop them from defaming on the go, yes.

History No. 7. Chinese and manufacturing

They have a lot of contradictions. They even have many national contradictions. I have a piece of paper 5 yuan. There, "5 yuan" is written in four languages. It was like in the Soviet Union on the ruble was in fifteen languages.

But only the Han people serve in the army. Success can be achieved only by the Han people. In the state civil service and so on. And they, in my opinion, have under 50 nationalities and nationalities. We just think that they are cunning when they say that " we need 200 years to work out ourselves somehow ." And they really need these two hundred years.

We can talk about Chinese goods that they sell everything good to themselves, and they drive us all sorts of blizzards, however much. But I was in the Central Department Store of Baicheng. In comparison, the Cherkizovsky market of the 90s is an elite boutique. There are no tears to look at all. I could not even find a dress for my daughter there. Either the seams are crooked, then the threads stick out. And they have it normal. But they said that the 2008 crisis, they went well. “ We just started selling all these goods inside China that we used to produce for foreign countries .” And with such a dreamy smile, this “da xiao” from Beijing Glavpur says: “ We did not know that such high-quality goods are produced in China .” They like in the Soviet Union, we export the best for export.

Once again I say - there is a life of its own, and one does not have to think that rightly everyone is prospering. Even an elementary simple plot - they do not have sanitary standards for factories. They set up a shed, brought in machine tools - that’s the factory. And with us try to apply for permission - they torture you.

Why cheap chinese labor? Because the company makes an application, and they give it permission to recruit in the countryside. They hire workers in the village and pay them the minimum wage. Just in order to break out of the Chinese village, people go for it. They sleep anywhere, eat anything.

NB: If you decide to order a batch of devices at a Chinese factory, it is absolutely necessary to go to the production site yourself. And to make sure that this is a plant, and not a barn with machine tools on which frightened peasants work. It is logical to assume that in principle there will be no quality control there.

History number 8. Chinese and Russia

We really know little China. We strive little to study China. And the Chinese are very offended by this.

Colleagues from GlavPur told me: “ Here we know Russian culture. But you are Chinese - no . ” The lieutenant general, head of the political department of the Shenyang Military District, spoke amazingly Russian in general. They have a large number of officers who know Russian. They really have a lot to do with aspects of our culture and our civilization.

But our indifference offends them. They say: “ Guys, why are you looking at the West all the time? Here we have the richest culture . ” And they are moving towards them - they are ready to show and tell.

We are in Chebarkul for the exercises "Peace Mission 2007" in general it is unclear what pop singers brought by mouth. And the Chinese are the best artists. The Chinese brought to Chebarkul that Shao-Lin, which is touring the world. They are striving for cultural exchange - in this regard, we are not finalizing a little. And this offends them. Humanly.

NB: China cannot be taken lightly. Especially if you deal with him. It is enough to learn the language with the UK, USA and Germany to do business with them more or less successfully. But for China, even language will not be enough. This is a completely different civilization project. Aliens is among us. Unless it’s without acid blood and the charm of James Cameron's xenomorphs. To work with them, you need to understand them. To understand, you need to know China. Real china.

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