Hello, tomorrow we are gathering development managers from different well-known companies at the same table -
we will discuss 6 eternal questions: how to measure development effectiveness, implement changes, hire and so on. Well, the day before they decided to raise the seventh eternal question - what to read in order to grow?
Professional literature is a complex issue, especially when it comes to literature for IT executives. To understand what to spend forever lacking time on, we interviewed subscribers of the Timlid Leonid channel and collected a selection of fifty books *. And then we added reviews of our team leaders to the most popular. Since the list below is deeply subjective and based on reviews from strangers to you, we will evaluate literature in "spherical owls."
1. “Jedi techniques. How to raise your monkey, empty the inbox and save thought fuel ”/ Maxim Dorofeev
From the book you will learn:
- how our thinking and memory are arranged;
- where we lose thought - we waste our brain resource;
- how to keep thinking fuel, concentrate, formulate tasks correctly and recover for productive work;
- how to put all the knowledge gained into life and avoid common mistakes.
I would advise everyone to start improving time management with this book. But, if you have already read several books, then I’m sure of this too, you will find many techniques and ideas. Useful * to all *. It is easy to read, the language is excellent. I also wrote out all the books from the notes and wrote them in my backlog.
Score: 6.50 spherical owls.

2. Deadline. Novel About Project Management (The Deadline: A Novel About Project Management) / Tom DeMarco
All the principles of good management are described here in an interesting and unobtrusive form of a business novel.
If some people, evaluating you as a brilliant leader, steal you, take you to a foreign country and offer to conduct an interesting project on very favorable terms, then you will definitely go the way of the main character of this book.
Score: 5.79 spherical owls.

3. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team / Patrick Lencioni
The head of a high-tech company resigned because the company’s work was falling apart before his eyes. “Managers have excelled in the art of substituting each other. The team lost the spirit of unity and camaraderie, it was replaced by a tedious obligation. Any work dragged on, the quality fell. ” After a while, a new leader comes to the company and the situation becomes even more tense - Katherine is determined to deal with the problems of the management team that almost led the successful company to collapse.
This business novel is about how to properly build a corporate environment. A new leader comes to a technology company that is on the verge of decline, and begins to establish the work of a team of managers, or rather, to create it anew. Following the heroes, the reader learns about the five vices that any team can destroy, as well as how to neutralize them and turn their previously uncoordinated team into a squad of winners.
Score: 5.57 spherical owls.

4. Seven skills of highly effective people. Powerful Personal Development Tools (The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Restoring the Character Ethic) / Stephen R. Covey
Firstly, this book sets out a systematic approach to determining life goals, human priorities. These goals are different for everyone, but the book helps to understand yourself and clearly articulate life priorities. Secondly, the book shows how to achieve these goals. And thirdly, the book shows how each person can become better.
This book is worth reading to better understand people (including yourself). Here it is best explained on what principles the behavior of people is based, how it manifests itself externally, how it affects our life and relationships with others. It also tells, with examples, what principles can be used and how to develop your skills for more effective interaction with people and yourself
Score: 5.44 spherical owls.

5. The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering / Frederick Phillips Brooks
A book by Frederick Brooks on project management in software development.
The author (born 1931) is an American scientist in the theory of computer systems, who managed the development of OS / 360 at IBM. In 1999 he was awarded the Turing Prize.
A good book in general, but most likely you already know 90% of its content from citations from other sources. It is read quite easily and quickly, there was no pity for the time spent. It is important to remember that the book is old and some of the theses presented in it turned out to be erroneous
Score: 5.14 spherical owls.

6. Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 3 (THE GOAL) / Eliyahu M. Goldratt
The book is intended for leaders of organizations who want to improve their business and learn how to overcome the inevitable crises.
I almost quit reading, because of the plant, which is controlled on the basis of some strange indicators that everyone is slowing down. And then I remembered my experience in other companies and realized that it was very vital and read more to understand how such problems are solved on the human side. The most important thought of the book is made in the title: to identify the goal and endlessly strive for it.
Score: 4.91 spherical owls.

7. How to graze cats. A Handbook for Programmers Leading Other Programmers (Herding Cats: A Primer for Programmers Who Lead Programmers)
/ J. Hank Rainwater
“How to graze cats” is a book about leadership and leadership, about how to combine the first with the second. This is, if you want, a dictionary of difficult cases of IT project management.
The book is useful to those of the programmers who moved to the leading position of manager or team leader. Especially relevant for small teams of 4-7 people who are simultaneously involved in several projects.
Score: 4.65 spherical owls.
More usefulness:
The entire list of references - 50 books in Russian and English with annotations
The remaining 6 eternal issues of development management, which we will discuss with the guys from Avito, Yandex, Tinkoff, Dodo Pizza, Plesk, Agima, CIAN and Mos.ru
And what did you read from this list and what would you advise your colleagues?