Hello! The purpose of my publication is to hear more voices about a new idea in managing your time and your tasks. I did not specifically publish it in the “I am PR” hub, because this article is not about PR. I will not indicate the name of the tudushka, as well as the names of the applications of our competitors (who is interested, you can guess us). I will tell you how it is, and ask you to express your thoughts on this matter. Are we true dear we go. Do we need those innovations that we plan to implement. The audience here is thinking, and this is now necessary.
So, we are with a team of guys from different countries
We have been doing one tudushka She has loyal followers, there are opponents, that is, everything is like everyone else. The application has much in common with competitors, and there are also their own chips. But the problem of modern mobile task managers is that they all work on the same or similar principle: you create a task, and then close it upon completion. How effective is it? Do you always do everything on time? How much does this process take into account the specificity of each of us, our way of life? It would seem simple, but see how many overdue tasks are on your list now. And how many tasks you simply did not create (forget, did not have time), as a result, you could forget to close the task that was important to you.
There are several popular approaches to managing your tasks, both short-term and long-term. Here is just a list known to me (please allow it in English):
1. Kanban.
2. Eating live frogs: Do the worst things first.
3. Must. Should. Want.
5. Action method.
6. Time boxing.
7. The to-done list & the to-don't list.
8. Agile results.
9. Eisenhower matrix.
10. Don't break the chain.
11. Pomodoro (sprints)
12. Getting things done.
I will not paint them now. If necessary, I can write a separate article. We work with the latter. However, what is important? These and other methods should help us to be productive, and therefore more confident in achieving our goals. And that means, and a little happier, which also makes happy and people around. That is, with that insignificance, at first glance, we and our competitors still make the world a little better. But if mobile assistants are more effective than good old notebooks with a pencil, paper diaries or calendars on the wall, perhaps all of our mobile apps would not be a niche story, but a full-fledged trend in the Apple Store and Google Play. Most of us use several programs at the same time, and a good half do not refuse paper carriers and pencil. This is proved by our and other studies. So what are all the tudushkas missing with numerous approaches to task management?
We believe that the very concepts of the object, the subject and his assistant are confused. Tudushki (assistants) can not affect us (subjects). They can make us more productive in achieving goals (objects) only with our full involvement in the management and decision-making process. According to David Allen (author of “Getting things done), all time management tools should help us in making the right decisions.
And for this it is necessary to take into account the personal characteristics (nature) of people, their character, mood, what is called internal energy. Remember how sometimes you quickly achieved a result, moving the task to another time when you were full of energy to accomplish it. For example, I want to write an article for Geektimes, but now I can spend hours on it, simply because it is a creative question, but I don’t have the mood now or I just didn’t get enough sleep. But tomorrow morning, when the body as a whole is rested, and the mood is excellent, I can do it in half an hour. And the quality of my message to you will be much higher. That is, the efficiency and time management, and the quality of decisions made, depend on our energy balance. By the way, it is interesting that some emotions that are mistakenly perceived as a hindrance in productivity, on the contrary, increase it. Among them, for example, anxiety, anger, sadness.

So, what do we want to do to make our world a little easier? In an effort to be as useful as possible in time management, we introduce the idea of managing not only time, but also motivation. Starting from simple emoticons in the application, with which you can signal us your mood and energy balance, we are moving towards AI, which will help you to understand more deeply who will be more efficient in solving what task with a reminder at the right moment (and we have very good reminders) . Emoticons are now actively used everywhere, but their use in tudushka could make it not only more useful, but also more fun. And the elements of artificial intelligence will help us all to be much more productive and close tasks precisely when we are ready to perform them faster and better. This is in general terms, of course, because I cannot reveal all the details.
What a snag. And this is exactly what this entire article is written for. In our team there are people with left-sided thinking and with a predominance of the work of the right hemisphere of the brain. In your work teams, for sure, too. So, right-wing headers, to whom I belong, are confident that such an approach to managing human time and energy will give an unquestionable result in increasing our productivity. Left brains insist that this method may not work for them, because regardless of the mood, the task must be completed on time. Although we all know that this is not the case with everyone (almost no one, not counting geniuses like Ilona Mask). Judge us before we go very far.
Tell me how much you personally believe in the idea of managing tasks using a mobile application with AI, which helps us not only in solving problems using the gtd principle, but also takes into account our biorhythms, mood, well-being, brain efficiency, and possibly willpower. That is, a qualitatively new level of assistant - a motivational task manager and task planner.
We would appreciate comments. E and the team in an effort to make our lives easier.