Recently, such a means for losing weight as sassi water has become widespread. It has properties that allow not only to quench thirst in hot summer weather, but also to get rid of extra pounds.
Sassi Water: A History of Creation

For the first time, this miraculous drink was tried by an American nutritionist named Cynthia Sass. It was this woman who created not only water that helps people become one step closer to the dream of ideal forms, but also earned a fortune on her own idea. And this is not surprising, because Sassi water helps to normalize metabolism, increases the tone of the body, and also makes the belly of lovely ladies flat and sexy. Long-term use of this drink gives tremendous results, as the condition of the hair improves with time, the nail plate strengthens, and strength and vigor appear.
Sassi Slimming Water : Formulation

If you want to get a result that will be visually visible to others, you should adhere to certain rules. During the day you need to drink at least 8 glasses of the coveted drink, most of which should be consumed before 6 pm. In addition, you will have to completely abandon the addition of salt in the preparation of main dishes. Such products as coffee, sweets and flour will be banned. So, to make sassi, you need a tablespoon of crushed ginger, one cucumber (peeled and chopped), mint leaves (ten pieces are enough). We put all these ingredients on the bottom of the container and fill it with two liters of filtered water without gas. In order for the water to become truly useful, it must be infused for 12 hours in a cold, dark place. Typically, the preparation is carried out in the evening, and at night the infusion is placed in the refrigerator. Then in the morning you can start a weight loss program. In the process of application, the original recipe underwent changes, therefore, at present, there are many different variations. However, all of them only complement the original composition. You can add lemon juice or other favorite citrus fruit to taste.
Sassi water - drink and lose weight: reviews

Many women have experienced in their own experience the usefulness and effectiveness of the proposed tool. Indeed, regular use helps to improve well-being, reduce appetite, reduce the amount of food consumed, speed up metabolic processes in the body and, as a result, lose excess weight. At the same time, ladies recommend strictly following the basic rules. Firstly, you can not drink more than four liters of water per day, as this stretches the walls of the stomach and increases the load on the internal organs. Secondly, one intake of water should be limited to one glass, and the last glass should be drunk no later than two hours before bedtime. Otherwise, in the morning you will have an unpleasant surprise in the form of puffiness. And thirdly, sassi water should be prepared from fresh ingredients, previously purified and well washed. As contraindications for use, only the presence of an allergic reaction to one of the components can be distinguished.