In the female body, the ovaries are important organs in terms of procreation. They are responsible for regulating the menstrual and ovulatory cycle. However, if their functionality is violated, the whole organism is under attack. Moreover, the phenomenon is not some kind of independent disease, but appears due to the influence of certain factors. How to make the ovaries work? This question is asked by every woman who wants to become pregnant. Also, representatives of the fair sex are concerned about such a moment: "Is it possible to become a mother at all in the presence of such an altered state?"
The human endocrine system has always been a mysterious field for many specialists in various fields of medicine. However, thanks to modern capabilities, some secrets were revealed, which made it possible to find answers to a number of very interesting and important questions.
What kind of phenomenon is this?

What exactly is ovarian dysfunction? Under this definition, it is considered to be the condition in which the functionality of the female organs is impaired. How to make the ovaries work? About this a little later. Violation of the functions of the ovaries should be understood as a whole complex of symptoms. This phenomenon appears in women regardless of age, and in many respects this is influenced by the state of the environment.
A small introduction to biology. In the female ovaries, hormones are synthesized under the influence of special substances that are produced by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The monthly preparatory cycle for fertilization is regulated thanks to progesterones, estrogens, androgens. At the same time, at each phase of the menstrual cycle, the brain receives signals, due to which the hypothalamus with the pituitary begins to work.
The reproductive system of women functions in a normal mode only with a completely healthy body. Violation of the ovaries, which is manifested by a malfunction of the menstrual cycle (in this case, you may feel as if the ovaries are pulled), indicates a problem with respect to any system. In any case, the dysfunction of the female organs is a kind of distress signal, which should not be ignored!
The normal regime of the menstruation cycle should last from 21 to 35 days, the period of the menstrual period from 3 to 7 days. The volume of blood that is released in this case should not exceed 50-100 ml. If serious deviations from the parameters set by nature are observed, you should immediately seek medical help.
Symptoms of group I
Dysfunction of the female organs can manifest itself with various symptoms. At the same time, they can be divided into groups, which will be convenient for perception. We begin by listing the symptoms of group I. In addition to the fact that the ovaries are pulled, the symptoms of a change in the regime of the menstrual cycle manifests itself in the form of an increase or decrease in its duration. Due to delayed menstruation, bleeding lasts more than a week.

Abundant discharge, accompanied by large blood loss, leads to a decrease in hemoglobin level and the development of anemia. In some cases, menstruation resembles separate blood smears, and in the middle of the cycle vaginal whites may appear. Directly during menstruation or before it begins, a woman can feel pain in the lower back or lower abdomen of varying degrees.
Signs of group II
Here we already have in mind the hormonal manifestations that can be seen in the appearance of the woman. These include cases when the nails begin to exfoliate, stripes and small spots appear on their surface. In this case, you need to start thinking about how to restore the hormonal background in the body. You can also notice how the hair became brittle, they quickly frizz; oily sheen and numerous blackheads appear on the surface of the skin.
Emotional instability is characteristic not only in the period before menstruation, it can manifest itself at any other time. Moreover, the mood can change dramatically: from aggressiveness to tearfulness. Fatigue and weakness are also inevitable companions. And even despite observing the correct diet and a full-fledged lifestyle, excess weight appears.
Symptoms of group III
This may include malfunctions of ovulatory function, which in some cases can lead to the development of infertility. Due to the fact that the female body produces insufficient amounts of sex hormones, the risk of pathology regarding the maturation of follicles is not excluded. The dominant representative does not develop, and the egg does not leave its nest. In this case, the question of how to restore the hormonal background becomes an important task for the doctor.
The frequency of a monophasic menstrual cycle also increases, in which there is no ovulation, as well as the phase of development of the corpus luteum, however, the regularity of menstruation is maintained.

The body of each woman is individual, and for this reason, ovarian dysfunction can manifest itself with a wide variety of characteristic signs. But for the most part, one group is becoming more pronounced.
Causes of dysfunction
Usually the main reason for the malfunction of the ovaries is the deviation of the hormonal background from the normal range. But in addition to this, other factors are also capable of exerting a negative influence:
- The inflammatory process in the appendages, ovaries, uterus (adnexitis, oophoritis, cervicitis and other diseases). This happens in the absence of proper hygiene of the external genitalia, including improper douching. Also, cold and infection through the blood and lymph make a negative contribution.
- Disorders of the endocrine system. Manifested in the form of diabetes mellitus, malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, obesity. With such deviations, hormonal disturbances can not be avoided, which puts the entire reproductive system in jeopardy.
- Diseases of the uterus and ovaries. This may include the development of a cyst or other neoplasms of a benign nature, endometriosis and various forms of its manifestation, as well as malignant tumors of the cervix.
- Depletion of the nervous system. As you know, severe and frequent stresses, significant emotional upheavals, lack of rest and sleep - all this negatively affects the human body. This is especially critical for the female half of humanity - against their background, not only ovarian dysfunction develops, but also the endocrine system suffers.
- Wrong diet. Dysfunction of the female organs is caused not only by ovarian disease, but also by an insufficient number of useful trace elements, an irregular diet. Various diets add fuel to the fire - from low-calorie foods to extreme conditions.
- Miscarriage, abortion. But to a greater extent, a negative effect on the reproductive system is the result of a miscarriage or abortion during the first pregnancy. That is, at first the organism of the future potential mother prepared for intrauterine development of the fetus, but then its abrupt interruption occurred, which entailed significant hormonal changes, and rapidly. As a result, endocrine disorders leading to malfunction of the ovaries. Nevertheless, this factor in rare cases is dominant.
- Heredity. This is a cystic abnormality of the ovary.
- Improper intake of hormonal contraceptives for women. Here the human factor is triggered - improperly selected drugs or non-compliance with the dosage.
- Error installing an intrauterine device. This contraceptive should be used in the absence of contraindications and only by highly qualified specialists. Moreover, in the future it is required to control its location during the scheduled inspection.
- Spring factors. These may include moving to a new place of residence, spending regular and long time under the sun or in a solarium, exposure to radiation, poor environmental conditions, and taking certain medications.
- The period of early menopause. Often this is due to a genetic predisposition. But not always. Other reasons may include the development of autoimmune diseases, diseases of the organs that are responsible for the production of hormones, the effects of chemotherapy, and a weakened immune system.
- Maintaining the wrong lifestyle. Causes of ovarian dysfunction may lie in the abuse of bad habits (cigarettes, alcohol, drugs). As you know, in the end it does not end with anything good. However, inactivity also does not bring any benefit.
As a rule, the dysfunction of the female organs begins to appear with a combination of several provoking factors. However, sometimes one serious reason for the occurrence of this pathological condition is quite enough.
Insidious disease
As mentioned above, an insidious disease such as oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries) can lead to dysfunction of the female organs. Infection, sexually transmitted diseases, trauma to the genitals, incomplete treatment of diseases of the pelvic organs - all this contributes to the development of the inflammatory process.

When the first alarming signs appear, it is worth visiting a doctor, otherwise their complete disregard may result in unpleasant consequences - up to infertility. The course of treatment depends on the cause of the disease. As a rule, medications are prescribed, but as an additional measure, you can use the help of traditional medicine.
Both the symptoms and treatment of ovarian inflammation should not be ignored! What this threatens is now known, but what are these signs?
The acute form of oophoritis is manifested as follows:
- frequent pain in the lumbar region;
- the presence of pus in the discharge (indicates the presence of bacteria) or serous exudate (evidence of exposure to viruses);
- pain during intercourse;
- increase in body temperature;
- weakness;
- pain during urination;
- dysbiosis, diarrhea (a sign of intoxication of the body).
For a disease in a chronic stage are characteristic:
- irritability;
- discomfort in the lower abdomen;
- menstrual failure;
- decreased vital activity, health of the body.
It is worth noting that the symptoms of acute oophoritis are generalized. In this regard, an insidious disease can be confused with signs of appendicitis, peritonitis and other diseases. The jokes are bad with the symptoms and treatment of ovarian inflammation, and you should not forget about this!
Treatment of oophoritis
Drug therapy includes several types of drugs:
- anti-inflammatory;
- painkillers;
- antiviral (antimicrobial).
In addition, the treatment includes a course of physiotherapy. Drugs of the antibiotic group are prescribed to women strictly on an individual basis and only after a seeding study.

To remove the inflammatory process, several schemes are used. For example, Ceftriaxone or Cefotaxime with Metronidazole with the inclusion of inhibitors; or the appointment of Ofloxacin or Ciprofloxacin together with Metronidazole plus Doxycycline. Good painkillers are Tempalgin, Pentalgin, Analgin, Spazmalgon, Aspirin. It is also recommended to take vitamins of group E and C.
In addition, in the treatment of ovarian disease, such agents can also be used:
- Amoxiclav.
- "Azithromycin" or "Sumamed."
- "Biseptolum".
- "Urotropin".
- "Trichopol".
- Clindamycin.
- Gentamicin.
- "Negro".
If this is necessary, the doctor prescribes the use of candles:
- "Hexicon" - contributes to the suppression of pathogenic microorganisms and serves as a prophylactic against thrush.
- "Betadine" - has antimicrobial, antiviral, bactericidal properties. It has a gentle effect on the mucosa of the genitals due to the gelatin and water base.
Candles containing propolis, oak bark, and walnuts will also be useful. However, they have no side effects and only in rare cases, patients complain of burning or itching. It is worth noting that it is impossible to cure the chronic form of oophoritis with candles alone.
Can I get pregnant with ovarian dysfunction?
Since ovarian dysfunction indicates serious problems of the female body, there is no guarantee that pregnancy will proceed in a normal mode. In this regard, the conception process is impossible or it spontaneously interrupts at an early date. This is due to a malfunction in the synthesis of sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone) and a violation of ovulation.
For conception and normal bearing of a child, it is necessary to go through the whole complex, consisting of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. At the same time, the course can take quite a while, because during this period the cycle is being restored and the causes of violations are eliminated. So how to make the ovaries work? For this, treatment may include several important components:
- Doing work on the causes that triggered the disorder.
- Physiotherapy procedures.
- Taking hormonal drugs.
- Consulting a psychotherapist.
- Prescribing vitamins and medications that help restore immunity.
At the same time, it is equally important for women to change their lifestyle for the period of treatment (and better and not only for this time). And for this, it is necessary to adjust the diet, from time to time to conduct physical exercises, to avoid strong stresses, more often to be in the fresh air, to observe the daily regimen (sleep should be at least 6-8 hours).

When ovarian dysfunction is completely eliminated, there should be no problems with conception. But at the same time, women who want to become a mother after suffering a pathological condition need to especially relate to their condition during pregnancy. The risk of deviations during this period is higher than under normal circumstances.
In addition, if necessary, it is important to follow the instructions for use of "Klostilbegit" and other hormonal preparations. Do not take this medicine more than 50 mg per day. The drug should be taken in cycles. Do not use hormone-based products uncontrollably, this can lead to even greater malfunctions of the reproductive system.
The need for stimulation of female organs
Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are designed in such a way that they perceive personal problems very sharply. For example, a woman can be very worried about the fact that she can not become a mother. But now, with the modern capabilities of medicine, such a desire can become a reality. The whole point boils down to the stimulation of female organs.
However, such a procedure has its own indications as well as contraindications. The first cases include the following:
- Before IVF (in vitro fertilization).
- Lack of ovulation over several cycles.
- Spouses over 35 years old.
- IUI (intrauterine insemination).
- Unsuccessful attempts to conceive during the year.
- Before the procedure of freezing with the aim of their further fertilization.
But here it should be noted that with infertility on the part of a man, stimulating the ovaries is a futile undertaking. With obstruction of the fallopian tubes, the procedure can be performed, but only after laparoscopy, otherwise it threatens an ectopic pregnancy.
Explicit contraindications can be considered:
- Tubal obstruction.
- Climax
- Polycystic
- Different diseases in the chronic stage.
- Chromosomal abnormalities of a genetic nature.
- Infertility in relation to a partner.
At the same time, all cases are strictly individual and therefore it is possible to decide whether to carry out such a procedure or not only after a complete examination of the patient.
Methods of carrying out the procedure
The whole essence of the procedure is to normalize the hormonal background, which is done with the help of drugs. Usually, three schemes of stimulation of female organs are applied through two groups of drugs - antiestrogens and gonadotropins. The choice of a specific medicine depends on the woman's age, weight and other factors determined by the doctor.
Scheme number 1
The procedure should be performed on the 2nd-5th day of the menstrual cycle. And according to the first scheme, those drugs are prescribed that increase the production of gonadotropic hormones. According to the instructions for use with Klostilbegit, a dose of 1 tablet is indicated for 5 days.

If the cycle lasts in the usual mode (28-30 days), then ultrasound is prescribed for 7-11 or from 14 to 16 days of menstruation. Otherwise, it all depends on the doctor. On the 14-16 day of menstruation, a woman is injected with a hCG-based drug, which ensures the release of the egg from the follicle.
Scheme No. 2
Medications are being taken for a group of gonadotropins that stimulate the work of the female genital glands, which are controlled by the pituitary gland. You need to take them from 2-3 days after the onset of menstruation. Ultrasound monitoring is done on days 6-7, 9-11 and 13-16, which allows you to monitor the ovaries and track the desired dosage.
Typically, this scheme is effective, but there are exceptions when it does not give a positive result in solving the problem and does not help restore ovarian function. In this case, the couple must undergo a series of additional examinations under the supervision of a specialist.
Scheme No. 3
A combination is used that includes both of the first patterns. Treatment begins with taking "Clomiphene" from 2 to 5 days of menstruation for 5 days. After that, gonadotropins are administered to the patient from day 5 to day 7, and an hCG injection is given. In order to consolidate the result, it is necessary to take medications based on progesterone.
Moreover, when using any scheme, a married couple needs to actively maintain sexual relations for a certain time. This also has a positive effect on the procedure for stimulating female organs.
In conclusion
The diagnosis of ovarian dysfunction for many women is a difficult psychological test that affects almost all aspects of life. However, as practice shows, a full life with such a disease is quite possible.

The most important thing is the support from the medical staff and loved ones. And then this will not only make the ovaries work, but also give hope to many expectant mothers to realize their cherished dream.