What are the symptoms of progesterone excess in women? Progesterone is a female hormone that is produced by the body of a girl during pregnancy and in the 3rd phase of the menstrual cycle. Its biological role is very important, for this reason, the hormone should be regularly diagnosed. Progesterone levels can vary, but a high value sometimes indicates that a serious pathology is developing. To determine whether this disease or physiological process, you must visit a doctor. For what reasons does progesterone increase, and what are the symptoms of excess progesterone in women?
Important information

Progesterone is involved in preparing the endometrium of a woman for bearing a baby or menstruation. Its level rises in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, when a corpus luteum forms in the ovaries, intensely producing the hormone. At such a moment, the uterus prepares to bear the fetus, if this does not happen, then the menstruation begins. Under these conditions, the corpus luteum is removed and the hormone level drops. If successful fertilization has occurred, the progesterone indicator increases, since a placenta is formed, which also produces a substance. Progesterone is responsible for a full pregnancy and the onset of menstruation. This is the most important hormone of pregnancy, which ensures the intrauterine development of the child.
What functions does the hormone perform?
Among the main functions of progesterone are:
- Prepares the girl's body for bearing a baby.
- Promotes the onset of lactation.
- Affects breast size.
- It affects the development of important organs and tissues of the fetus.
- Enlarges the layer of the fallopian tubes, which is necessary for the division of the egg.
- Changes the endometrium of the uterus for further conception.
- Suppresses the protective function of the mother in order to prevent miscarriage.
Progesterone is important not only during the period of gestation, but also at the time of rest of the uterus, since it is responsible for the full functioning of the mammary glands, prevents the appearance of many diseases, among which mastopathy is distinguished. In addition, progesterone takes part in the development of pelvic organs, normalizes blood viscosity.
How to determine the level?

To check whether a woman has high progesterone or not, it is necessary to donate blood from a vein on the 24th day of the menstrual cycle, since it is at this moment that it is activated. Thanks to a laboratory study, you can determine the concentration of progesterone. Such a diagnostic measure can be carried out both in public hospitals and in private clinics. To determine the level of progesterone, the attending physician must monitor the patient throughout the menstrual cycle, this will help to identify the disease, since the level of progesterone can vary.
For what reasons does the hormone increase?
Hyperprogesteronemia - high progesterone in women in the blood serum, may indicate the presence of pathology, in some cases it is a normal physiological reaction of the body. First of all, it is necessary to find out on which day of the menstrual cycle the patient passed the analysis, since this has a very important role and affects the accuracy of the data obtained.
Normal performance
In the first phase, the normal level is 0.29-2.26 nmol / L, during ovulation - 0.49-9.45 nmol / L, and in the third phase - 6.93-56 nmol / L.
The lowest level of progesterone is most often observed during menopause. Due to the use of oral contraceptive, the amount of the hormone increases. In frequent cases, a slight increase in the indicator is not a pathological phenomenon. If an elevated level of progesterone is observed in all phases of the cycle, it can be indicated that the disease is developing.
What factors increase?

Symptoms, causes of high progesterone in women should be discussed with your doctor. There are several conditions or diseases in which progesterone levels may increase, namely:
- during pregnancy;
- in the presence of pathological bleeding from the pelvic organs;
- prolonged absence of menstruation;
- the presence of a cyst or corpus luteum;
- malignant neoplasm of the ovary, uterus;
- kidney disease
- violation of the adrenal glands;
- pathological formation of the placenta.
If the doctor has discovered hyperprogesteronomy, then an additional study is necessary to help make an accurate diagnosis. In frequent cases, an increased level of the hormone indicates that pregnancy has occurred. But if a woman is sure of the opposite, then the doctor should find the reason for the increase in the hormone. You should know that a hormonal or antitumor drug can cause an increase in progesterone. After their cancellation, the hormonal background is often restored. Based on the diagnostic results obtained, the attending physician prescribes a comprehensive treatment that will help cure the disease.
What is the indicator of the hormone during the period of gestation?

During pregnancy, women have high levels of progesterone. The symptom of successful conception immediately makes itself felt - this is a normal physiological process, which indicates that there are no intrauterine abnormalities. Hyperprogesteronomy should gradually increase according to the established period. In the first trimester, 471 nmol / L is considered a normal indicator. In the last months of pregnancy, the indicator increases to 760 nmol / l - this does not indicate that a pathology develops in the woman's body, this is only proof of the full maturation of the placenta, which produces a hormone.
During the period of gestation, the baby needs to control the level of progesterone. If it decreases, then this threatens the baby's life, since a miscarriage can occur. An excessive increase in progesterone levels is also not a normal process - this may indicate that pathological changes in the placenta occur, which can provoke the development of complications with the health of the baby and mother. Under such conditions, it is important to choose the appropriate drug that will help solve the problem. It is forbidden to engage in self-medication, only the attending physician should prescribe medications.

What are the symptoms of progesterone excess in women? There are several symptoms that can be used to determine elevated progesterone levels. In some situations, a woman feels great and does not have any discomfort. In special cases, hyperprogesteronomy manifests itself in the form of:
- Depression or neurosis.
- Depressed state.
- Chronic fatigue and fatigue.
- Low blood pressure.
- Discomfort in the abdomen.
- An irregular cycle is a common sign of excess progesterone in women.
- Migraine.
- Acne.
- Pain in the chest.
- A sharp jump in weight.
- Violations of the gastrointestinal tract.
In the presence of one of the symptoms of excess progesterone in women, it is important to consult a doctor, as this may indicate that a pathology develops that does not apply to pregnancy. Under such conditions, a diagnosis should be made.
What is the danger?
Hormonal malfunction can trigger the development of serious health problems for women. Hyperprogesteronomy can provoke another disease, the most dangerous of them is a tumor or a cyst. In case of untimely treatment, the patient is often diagnosed with a cyst of the corpus luteum of the ovary, which refers to benign neoplasms and is formed as a result of excessive accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the ovaries. Cysts intensively produce progesterone, so its concentration in serum increases significantly.
If untimely treatment of hyperprogesteronomy is carried out, the following diseases may appear:
- malignant or benign tumor;
- ovarian cyst;
- kidney disease
- infertility;
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- obesity.
Doctors recommend that you consult a doctor in a timely manner and adhere to the treatment prescribed by the specialist. With the help of medications, the development of pathological processes can be prevented. Timely access to a gynecologist will help to avoid many diseases. Symptoms of high progesterone in women may be absent, so you should regularly take tests.
Diagnostic measures
In frequent cases, an endocrinologist helps to solve hormonal problems. The specialist is able to thoroughly examine endocrine pathologies and conditions. Excess progesterone in women will help cure gynecologists and gynecologists-endocrinologists. If the doctor found hyperprogesteronomy, then it is necessary to carry out diagnostics in order to find out the cause of this condition. In the process of diagnostic measures, it is necessary to carry out the following studies:
- analysis from a vein to other hormones;
- general and biochemical blood analysis;
- Analysis of urine;
- Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
- MRI or CT.
Based on the results of the study, the specialist makes a diagnosis and prescribes an appropriate treatment that will help restore normal progesterone levels.
Treatment process

Symptoms and treatment of excess progesterone in women - this is a topic that should be discussed with your doctor, because it all depends on the specific clinical picture. If the level of progesterone in a non-pregnant woman has increased, then complex therapy is necessary. Based on the results of the tests, the doctor selects the treatment regimen. To reduce the level of the hormone it is necessary to apply:
- drug therapy;
- surgical intervention (in an advanced stage);
- follow a diet;
- to carry out physiotherapy.
Using oral contraceptives can lower progesterone. With the help of "Zhanina", "Diane-35," Anteovina, a patient is treated. Such drugs will help eliminate hyperprogesteronomy. A synthetic analogue of the hormone estriol has a positive effect on the correction process. To adjust the hormonal level of progesterone, doctors prescribe "Epostane", "Mifepristone", “Tamoxifen,” “Clomiphene.” You should be aware that medications should not be taken during the process of bearing the baby, as they can provoke a miscarriage or intrauterine complications. If the doctor has found a corpus luteum cyst, t o it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs or preoral contraceptives.When the stage of the disease is advanced, doctors prescribe surgery or resection of the ovaries, if there is an additional pathology.In the presence of malignant tumors, surgical removal together with the ovary is necessary.
Nutrition during therapy

Proper nutrition plays a particularly important role in the treatment process. Properly selected menu will help restore hormonal levels. A food that contains protein that can increase progesterone. Protein is contained in:
- cottage cheese and milk;
- cheeses;
- beef;
- in the seeds;
- legumes;
- nuts
- flour products.
The use of such products will not immediately increase the level of progesterone, but it is still not advisable to include these ingredients in the diet, since they affect its production.
What are the possible complications?
More and more often, doctors diagnose excess progesterone in women. Symptoms and consequences are what concern many. Symptoms are most often manifested in the form of weakness, violation of the cycle, a sharp jump in weight. In the event that timely treatment of hyperprogesteronomy is not carried out, the following diseases may occur:
- cancer;
- cysts;
- tumor;
- infertility.
In order to prevent the development of serious health problems, it is important to start comprehensive treatment in a timely manner. It is forbidden to use any medications on your own, as this can lead to death. If there is one of the signs, symptoms of high progesterone in women, you should visit a doctor.