Diabetes is, of course, a serious illness and threatening with serious consequences and complications. However, this diagnosis is by no means a sentence: if you follow the rules of nutrition, the instructions of the endocrinologist and a certain lifestyle, you will not encounter any particular difficulties in the usual rhythm of existence. If, of course, you have a disease of the second type, without the need to inject insulin.
The word “diet” is disheartening for all people. However, the dishes for type 2 diabetics are not so bad. Their recipes are quite diverse, and you can eat almost without prejudice to your habits and preferences. Unless, perhaps, some time will be spent getting used to previously ignored cooking methods.

What is a diet?
It’s actually difficult to call her a diet. Rather, it is a diet regimen and discipline. They include only a few points:
- You need to eat regularly, and not occasionally. Gradually, you should accustom yourself to sit at the table at the same time.
- Meals per day should be at least five, but it is better to plan your life so that there are six. Servings should be small. This rhythm of nutrition prevents the manifestation of hyperglycemia - a jump in sugar levels after eating.
- Low calorie content. It is statistically found that most people with diabetes-2 are overweight. They are more than 80 percent of the total number of patients. Therefore, dishes for type 2 diabetics with excess weight should be with a particularly small, calculated calorie content, in order to gradually bring the weight back to normal. On the other hand, a person with a normal age and height weight does not need to count calories.
- Remove all processed fats from the table: margarine, mayonnaise, sauces, pastry (especially with creams).
That’s all the limitations. However, they should be treated with increased responsibility and observed with the utmost severity.

What is absolutely impossible and what is needed
When preparing dishes for type 2 diabetics, recipes should not include:
- Any sausage. Boiled is still occasionally acceptable, but all smoked meats - away forever.
- All semi-finished products. And if you are diagnosed with diabetes and you are not used to standing by the stove, you will have to urgently learn how to cook.
- Fatty meats: pork and lamb.
- High fat dairy products. It is advisable to completely switch to low-fat, dietary types. For the same reason, sour cream should be avoided, and in extreme cases buy it light, not fatter than 15%.
- Hard cheese is allowed selectively, only one with a low fat content.
- Sugar should be replaced with sweeteners recommended by your doctor.
However, there are also products that are mandatory for inclusion in dishes for type 2 diabetics. There is special advice from the endocrinologist: to lean on seafood and sea fish; consume more cereals, fruits (not too sweet, grapes, by the way, are prohibited), vegetables, herbs and bread from coarse flour. Do not neglect dairy products, just pay attention to their fat content.

Cooking right
In addition to some restrictions on the ingredients, there are recommendations on the method of processing products that go to dishes for type 2 diabetics. Recipes are used only those where cooking, steaming, stewing or baking are supposed. From fried foods will have to wean.
There are rules for pre-training. The meat is bought exclusively the most lean; the skin must be removed from the bird. Moreover, in chicken, one should give preference to breast and wings, and fatty and not too useful legs should be avoided. If you use vegetable oil in stewing, it is added at the very end to prevent it from being converted into something far from useful.

Pumpkin soup
Especially useful are dishes for type 2 diabetics from pumpkin, and among them primarily soups. They are prepared easily, while tasty, nutritious, but not high-calorie. One of the most beloved by the people is done this way: a small piece of chicken, 150 grams (the entire norm allotted for the day) is laid in water. When it boils, the broth merges, and the pan is filled with fresh liquid. This procedure is repeated twice, after which the broth itself is cooked for about half an hour. Half a kilo of pumpkin is cleaned, cut lightly, mixed with onion rings and stewed until cooked. Cooked meat is passed through a blender, after which the stewed vegetable joins. Upon reaching uniformity, chicken stock is poured. When serving pumpkin soup puree, small pieces of a small slice of dorblu and mint leaves are laid in a plate.

Musaka with meat
As a second course for type 2 diabetics, recipes offer a huge selection. One of the most seductive seems to us like this. By all rules, with the discharge of the first water, a slice of lean beef is cooked for half a kilogram and cranked through a meat grinder along with two stewed onions. Two eggplants and zucchini are peeled from the skin with the stalks and cut into thin circles, then crumble in amaranth flour (it is sold in the departments for diabetics and successfully helps them fight the disease) and stewed separately to softness. Stuffing is salted and kneaded with two eggs. The bottom of the form is spread by cabbage leaves, which are laid out on top of eggplant, sprinkled with crushed garlic. Next is minced meat, zucchini on it, and so on, until the finished products are finished. The top is laid out with tomato circles; light sour cream is beaten with egg and salt and poured on them. The final touch is grated cheese. For a third of an hour in the oven - and enjoy the wonderful taste of a diet dish!

Chicken Cabbage
Especially dietary and easily practiced recipes for type 2 diabetics in a slow cooker. The apparatus seemed to be conceived for the preparation of food for this category of patients. A kilo of the squirrel is finely chopped, a spoonful of sunflower oil is poured into the bowl, cabbage is loaded, and the unit turns on the “Baking” mode for about twenty minutes (depending on the age of the vegetable). When the cabbage settles and softens, onion cubes, grated carrot and small pieces of a half kilogram of chicken fillet are poured into it. After the signal about the end of the preset mode, the contents of the bowl are peppered, salted and flavored with a spoon of tomato paste, and the multi-cooker switches to "Stewing" for an hour.

Pollock in tomato sauce
Especially useful are fish dishes for type 2 diabetics. The multicooker embodies any recipes, so we’ll use not the simplest, but guaranteeing absolutely delicious food. The carcass of pollock, if necessary, is cleaned, washed, portioned and slightly sprinkled with salt. A large onion is crumbled in half rings, carrots - in cubes or straws (you can grate it coarsely). Two medium tomatoes fall for a couple of seconds in boiling water, and then immediately in ice water; skin is removed from them, and vegetables are cut in circles. Everything is stacked in a bowl in layers: onions - carrots - tomatoes - pollock, poured with tomato juice, seasoned with parsley and peppercorns. Extinguishing is selected and the time is one hour.
Lentil porridge with meat
All kinds of cereals are almost the most useful dishes for type 2 diabetics. In a slow cooker they are cooked almost without the participation of a cook. And lentil is most recommended by medical nutritionists. In order not to be bored to eat only it, you can add meat to the dish, for example, beef. A piece of grams into three hundred grams is crumbled into thin sticks, put in a bowl with chopped onion and let it sit on a dessert spoon of vegetable oil for five minutes in frying mode. Then a glass of lentils is poured, water is poured - a finger higher than the level of products, spices are added and the "Cooking" mode is turned on for half an hour.

Beef ribs
This tempting part of the carcass is washed, cut into convenient pieces, placed in a bowl, filled with water and left for two hours in the "Extinguishing" mode. Onion half rings are stewed with chopped champignons (it is possible in advance, in the same slow cooker, it is possible in parallel, on the stove). After the timer signal, mushrooms with onions, carrot slices and strips of bell pepper pour into the bowl. The mode remains the same, time is limited to half an hour. At the end, a glass of tomato juice and a little diluted starch are poured to make the sauce thicker.
As you can see, recipes for type 2 diabetics in the multicooker are numerous and varied, moreover, they require much less trouble than cooking the same dishes on the stove. Therefore, if you or someone close has an unpleasant diagnosis, you should consider purchasing such a useful device: it will greatly simplify your life, because you need to feed the patient often and preferably with different goodies.
Orange pudding
When recipes for type 2 diabetics are listed, pastries are not usually mentioned. And many people think that these unfortunate people are forced to do without sweets altogether. However, it is not. Just treats are prepared a little differently. For example, this way: a large orange is washed and a third of the hour is cooked in a small amount of water. After cooling, it is cut, the bones are removed, and the flesh, together with the skin, is passed through a blender to a magnificent mashed potatoes. An egg is whipped in a cup, to which sorbitol (two tablespoons), a couple of spoons of lemon juice and the same amount of zest of this fruit are added. You can add a little cinnamon for the flavor. Then grounded the ground almonds (about half a glass). The mass is mixed with orange puree, decomposed in tins (you can use one, large) and hides in the oven for forty minutes with a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius.
Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
If you are interested in dough products, there are also such recipes for type 2 diabetics. Baking this time will be based on oatmeal - so it turns out less caloric and more harmless to the patient. Add cookies with finely chopped raisins (two-thirds of a glass) and chopped walnuts (half a cup). A pound of cereal is combined with prepared fruit. Milliliters of one hundred water is slightly heated, mixed with the same volume of olive oil and poured into the mass. Finally, add a spoonful of sorbitol and half - soda, which is quenched with lemon juice. After the final kneading of the dough, cookies are formed and baked for a quarter of an hour in an oven heated to two hundred degrees.
Do not think that it is so depressing - dishes for type 2 diabetics. The recipes with photos in the article will easily convince you that diet food can be delicious and tasty.