Wolframのディレクター、Michael TrottによるO Tannenbaumのブログの翻訳| Alpha。
このノートブックは、 16世紀のドイツの歌O Tannenbaum (英語版はO Christmas Tree )の音楽の声に合わせて枝を動かす装飾クリスマスツリーのアニメーションを作成する方法を説明しています。 ツリーの選択された枝の1つが指揮者として機能し、ろうそくが指揮者の棒になります。 これにより、すべての節でアニメーションが興味深いものになります。 また、曲の後半に雪と楽しい木の動きを追加します。 最終的なデザインを確認するには、YouTubeで次のビデオをご覧ください。

- 曲がった枝でクリスマスツリーを構築します。枝は上下左右にスムーズに移動できます。
- 枝に装飾(色の付いたボール、五point星)と異なる色のキャンドルを追加します。 ブランチの終端に対して装飾を移動できます。
- 音の周波数に基づいて、4つの音楽の声を2Dモーションに変換します。 音楽に合わせて指揮者の動きをシミュレートします。
- 強制球面振り子の形の宝石の動きをシミュレートします。 レイリー散逸関数を使用した装飾品の摩擦の説明。
- ホワイトクリスマスに雪を追加します。
- 音楽に関してトゥイーンアニメーションを作成します。
音楽を選択および分析してツリーの動きのデータを取得してくれた同僚のAndrew Steichacherに特に感謝します(以下の「音楽から動きへ」のセクションを参照)。 アニメーションフレームと音楽を1つのビデオクリップに変えてくれたAmy Youngに感謝します。
木のサイズ、一般的な木の形、枝の数。 変数名はその意味を明らかにします。
(* radial branch count *) radialBranchCount = 3; (* vertical branch count *) verticalBranchCount = 5; (* tree height *) treeHeight = 12; (* tree width *) treeWidth = 6; (* plot points for the B-spline surfaces forming the branches *) {μ, ν} = {6, 8};
stemColor = Directive[Darker[Brown], Lighting -> "Neutral", Specularity[Brown, 20]]; branchTopColor = RGBColor[0., 0.6, 0.6]; branchBottomColor = RGBColor[0., 0.4, 0.4]; branchSideColor = RGBColor[0.4, 0.8, 0.];
各ブランチには、さまざまな寸法の(トランクからの距離に応じて)長方形の断面があります。 枝の先端が少し上を向くようにして、見慣れたクリスマスツリーの外観にします。 最も広いサイズでは、枝は円錐(トランク)の近くにあります。 変数τは枝先の上下を、変数σは左右の位置を決定します。 Bスプラインの4つのサーフェス(上、下、左、右)からブランチを作成して、サーフェスを定義する少数のポイントで滑らかな外観にします。
branchTopBottom[ tp_, {hb_, ht_}, {φ1_, φ2_}, {rb_, rt_}, R_, {σ_, τ_}] := Module[{A = -0.6, β = 1/2, φm, Pm, dirR, dirφ, r, P1, P, \[ScriptN], \[ScriptP], x, y, ω, ℛ, ξ, \[ScriptH]s, \[ScriptH]}, φm = Mean[{φ1, φ2}]; Pm = R {Cos[φm], Sin[φm]}; dirR = 1. {Cos[φm], Sin[φm]}; dirφ = Reverse[dirR] {-1, 1}; r = If[tp == "top", rt, rb]; (* move cross section radially away from the stem and contract it *) Table[P1 = {r Cos[φ], r Sin[φ]}; Table[P = P1 + s/ν (Pm - P1); \[ScriptN] = dirφ.P; \[ScriptP] = dirR.P; {x, y} = \[ScriptN] Cos[ s/ν Pi/2]^2 dirφ + \[ScriptP] dirR; ω = σ* 1. s/ν Abs[φ2 - φ1]/ radialBranchCount; ℛ = {{Cos[ω], Sin[ω]}, {-Sin[ω], Cos[ω]}}; {x, y} = ℛ.{x, y}; ξ = R s/ν; \[ScriptH]s = {ht, hb} + {ξ (AR (R - ξ) - (hb - ht) (β - 1) ξ), (ht - hb) ξ^2 β}/R^2; \[ScriptH] = If[tp == "top", \[ScriptH]s[[1]], \[ScriptH]s[[2]]] ; {x, y, \[ScriptH] + τ s/ν (ht - hb)}, {s, 0, ν}], {φ, φ1, φ2, (φ2 - φ1)/μ}] // N ]
stemRadius[h_, H_] := (H - h)/H
branchOnStem[{{hb_, ht_}, {φ1_, φ2_}, R_}, {τ_, σ_}] := Module[{tBranch, bBranch, sideBranches}, {bBranch, tBranch} = Table[branchTopBottom[p, {hb, ht}, {φ1, φ2}, stemRadius[{hb, ht}, treeHeight], R, {τ, σ}], {p, {"top", "bottom"}}]; sideBranches = Table[BSplineSurface[{tBranch[[j]], bBranch[[j]]}], {j, {1, -1}}]; {branchTopColor, BSplineSurface[tBranch], branchBottomColor, BSplineSurface[bBranch], branchSideColor, sideBranches} ]
branchOnStemEndPoint[ {{hb_, ht_}, {φ1_, φ2_}, R_}, {σ_, τ_}] := Module[{A = -0.6, β = 1/2, Pm, dirR, dirφ, P, \[ScriptN], \[ScriptP], x, y, ω, ξ, \[ScriptH]s, \[ScriptH], φ = φ1, φm = Mean[{φ1, φ2}]}, Pm = R {Cos[φm], Sin[φm]}; dirR = {Cos[φm], Sin[φm]}; {x, y} = dirR.Pm dirR; ω = 1. σ Abs[φ2 - φ1]/radialBranchCount; {x, y} = {{Cos[ω], Sin[ω]}, {-Sin[ω], Cos[ω]}}.{x, y}; \[ScriptH]s = {ht, hb} + (ht - hb) {β - 1., 1}; {x, y, \[ScriptH]s[[1]] + τ (ht - hb)} ]
Manipulate[ Graphics3D[{branchOnStem[{{0, 1}, {Pi/2 - 1/2, Pi/2 + 1/2}, 1 + ρ}, στ], Red, Sphere[branchOnStemEndPoint[{{0, 1}, {Pi/2 - 1/2, Pi/2 + 1/2}, 1 + ρ}, στ], 0.05]}, PlotRange -> {{-2, 2}, {0, 4}, {-1, 2}}, ViewPoint -> {3.17, 0.85, 0.79}], {{ρ, 1.6, "branch length"}, 0, 2, ImageSize -> Small}, {{στ, {0, 0}, "branch\nleft/right\nup/down"}, {-1, -1}, {1, 1}}, ControlPlacement -> Left, SaveDefinitions -> True]

stem = Cone[{{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, treeHeight}}, 1];
枝のサイズは高さとともに減少し、幾何学的に小さくなります。 すべてのブランチレベルの総数は、ツリーの高さから下のステップの部分を引いたものに等しくなります。
heightList1 = Module[{α = 0.8, hs, sol}, hs = Prepend[Table[C α^k, {k, 0, verticalBranchCount - 1}], 0]; sol = Solve[Total[hs] == 10, C, Reals]; Accumulate[hs /. sol[[1]]]]
treeWidthOfHeight[h_] := treeWidth (treeHeight - h)/treeHeight
Graphics3D[{{stemColor, stem}, {Darker[Green], Table[Table[ branchOnStem[{2 + heightList1[[{j, j + 1}]], {k , k + 1} 2 Pi/ radialBranchCount , treeWidthOfHeight[Mean[heightList1[[{j, j + 1}]]]]}, {0, 0}], {k, 0, 1}] , {j, 1, verticalBranchCount}]}}, ViewPoint -> {2.48, -2.28, 0.28}]

Graphics3D[{{stemColor, stem}, {Darker[Green], Table[Table[ branchOnStem[{2 + heightList1[[{j, j + 1}]], {k , k + 1} 2 Pi/ radialBranchCount , treeWidthOfHeight[Mean[heightList1[[{j, j + 1}]]]]}, {0, 0}], {k, 0, radialBranchCount - 1}] , {j, 1, verticalBranchCount}]}}, ViewPoint -> {2.48, -2.28, 0.28}]

枝を移動して、よりリアルなツリー形状を取得できます。 これは、今後使用するツリーです。 ツリーのパラメータを変更して別のツリーを使用するのは非常に簡単です。
heightList2 = {2/3, 1/3}.# & /@ Partition[heightList1, 2, 1]; Graphics3D[{{Darker[Brown], stem}, {EdgeForm[], Table[ Table[branchOnStem[ {2 + heightList1[[{j, j + 1}]], {k , k + 1} 2 Pi/ radialBranchCount , treeWidthOfHeight[Mean[heightList1[[{j, j + 1}]]]]}, {0, 0}], {k, 0, radialBranchCount - 1}] , {j, 1, verticalBranchCount}], Table[Table[ branchOnStem[{2 + heightList2[[{j, j + 1}]], {k , k + 1} 2 Pi/ radialBranchCount + Pi/radialBranchCount, treeWidthOfHeight[Mean[heightList2[[{j, j + 1}]]]]}, {0, 0}], {k, 0, radialBranchCount - 1}] , {j, 1, verticalBranchCount - 1}]}}, ViewPoint -> {2.48, -2.28, 0.28}]

Graphics3D[{{Darker[Brown], stem}, {EdgeForm[], Table[Table[branchOnStem[ {2 + heightList1[[{j, j + 1}]], {k , k + 1} 2 Pi/(2 radialBranchCount) , treeWidthOfHeight[Mean[heightList1[[{j, j + 1}]]]]}, {0, 0}], {k, 0, (2 radialBranchCount) - 1}] , {j, 1, verticalBranchCount}], Table[Table[branchOnStem[{2 + heightList2[[{j, j + 1}]], {k , k + 1} 2 Pi/(2 radialBranchCount) + Pi/(2 radialBranchCount), treeWidthOfHeight[Mean[heightList2[[{j, j + 1}]]]]}, {0, 0}], {k, 0, 2 radialBranchCount - 1}] , {j, 1, verticalBranchCount - 1}]}}, ViewPoint -> {2.48, -2.28, 0.28}]

それでは、装飾を作成して、美しく装飾されたクリスマスツリーを作成しましょう。 光沢のあるボール、五point星、キャンドルを追加します。 クリスマスツリーには、オリジナルのチューリンゲンのラウシュボールをお勧めします。 ( ここで見つけることができます)
coloredBall[p_, size_, color_, {ϕ_, θ_}] := Module[{\[ScriptD] = {Cos[ϕ] Sin[θ], Sin[ϕ] Sin[θ], -Cos[θ]}}, {EdgeForm[], GrayLevel[0.4], Specularity[Yellow, 20], Cylinder[{p, p + 1.5 size \[ScriptD]}, 0.02 size ], color, Specularity[Yellow, 10], Sphere[p + (1.5 size + 0.6 size) \[ScriptD] , 0.6 size] }] Graphics3D[{coloredBall[{1, 2, 3}, 1, Red, {0, 0}], coloredBall[{3, 2, 3}, 1, Darker[Blue], {1, 0.2}]}, Axes -> True]

branchOnStemWithBall[{{hb_, ht_}, {φ1_, φ2_}, R_}, {σ_, τ_}, color_, {ϕ_, θ_}] := {branchOnStem[{{hb, ht}, {φ1, φ2}, R}, {σ, τ}] , coloredBall[ branchOnStemEndPoint[{{hb, ht}, {φ1, φ2}, R}, {σ, τ}], 0.45 (ht - hb)/2, color, {ϕ, θ}]}
これはおもちゃのある枝です。 変数{σ、τ}を使用すると、枝の先端に対するボールの位置を変更できます。
Manipulate[ Graphics3D[{branchOnStemWithBall[{{0, 1}, {Pi/2 - 1/2, Pi/2 + 1/2}, 1 + ρ}, στ, Red, ϕθ]}, PlotRange -> {{-2, 2}, {0, 4}, {-2, 2}}, ViewPoint -> {3.17, 0.85, 0.79}], {{ρ, 1.6, "branch length"}, 0, 2, ImageSize -> Small}, {{στ, {0.6, 0.26}, "branch\nleft/right\nup/down"}, {-1, -1}, {1, 1}}, {{ϕθ, {2.57, 1.88}, "ball angles"}, {0, -Pi}, {Pi, Pi}}, ControlPlacement -> Left, SaveDefinitions -> True]

これは、ボールがほとんどまっすぐに垂れ下がっているツリーです。 ボールにランダムな色を使用します。
Graphics3D[{{Darker[Brown], stem}, {Table[ Table[branchOnStemWithBall[{2 + heightList1[[{j, j + 1}]], {k , k + 1} 2 Pi/ radialBranchCount , treeWidthOfHeight[Mean[heightList1[[{j, j + 1}]]]]}, {0, 0}, RandomColor[], {0, 0}], {k, 0, radialBranchCount - 1}] , {j, 1, verticalBranchCount}] }}, ViewPoint -> {2.48, -2.28, 0.28}, Axes -> True]

ランダムな方向にボールを持つツリー。 後で枝を移動する場合、ボールの自然な動きを計算します(つまり、対応する運動方程式を解くことを意味します)。
Graphics3D[{{Darker[Brown], stem}, {Table[ Table[branchOnStemWithBall[{2 + heightList1[[{j, j + 1}]], {k , k + 1} 2 Pi/ radialBranchCount , treeWidthOfHeight[Mean[heightList1[[{j, j + 1}]]]]}, {0, 0}, RandomColor[], {RandomReal[{-Pi, Pi}], RandomReal[{0, Pi}]}], {k, 0, radialBranchCount - 1}] , {j, 1, verticalBranchCount}]}}, ViewPoint -> {2.48, -2.28, 0.28}, Axes -> True]

次に、いくつかの五point星を作成します。 このオーナメントには回転対称性がないので、私はそれが掛かるスレッドに対して方向角を認めます。
coloredFiveStar[p_, size_, dir_, color_, α_, {ϕ_, θ_}] := Module[{\[ScriptD] = {Cos[ϕ] Sin[θ], Sin[ϕ] Sin[θ], -Cos[θ]}, points, P1, P2, d1, d2, d3, dP, dP2}, d2 = Normalize[dir - dir.\[ScriptD] \[ScriptD]]; d3 = Cross[\[ScriptD], d2]; {EdgeForm[], GrayLevel[0.4], Specularity[Pink, 20], Cylinder[{p, p + (1.5 size + 0.6 size) \[ScriptD]}, 0.02 size ], color, Specularity[Hue[.125], 5], dP = Sin[α] d2 + Cos[α] d3; dP2 = Cross[\[ScriptD], dP]; points = Table[p + (1.5 size + 0.6 size) \[ScriptD] + size If[EvenQ[j], 1, 1/2] * (Cos[j 2 Pi/10 ] \[ScriptD] + Sin[j 2 Pi/10] dP), {j, 0, 10}]; P1 = p + (1.5 size + 0.6 size) \[ScriptD] + size/3 dP2; P2 = p + (1.5 size + 0.6 size) \[ScriptD] - size/3 dP2; {P1, P2} = (p + (1.5 size + 0.6 size) \[ScriptD] + # size/ 3 dP2) & /@ {+1, -1}; Polygon[ Join @@ (Function[a, Append[#, a] & /@ Partition[points, 2, 1]] /@ {P1, P2})] }] Graphics3D[{coloredFiveStar[{1, 2, 3}, 0.2, {0, -1, 0}, Darker[Red], 0, {0, 0}], coloredFiveStar[{1.5, 2, 3}, 0.2, {0, -1, 0}, Darker[Purple], Pi/3, {1, 0.4}]}]

branchOnStemWithFiveStar[{{hb_, ht_}, {φ1_, φ2_}, R_}, {σ_, τ_}, color_, α_, {ϕ_, θ_}] := Module[{dir = Append[Normalize[ Mean[{{Cos[φ1], Sin[φ1]}, {Cos[φ2], Sin[φ2]}}]], 0]}, {branchOnStem[{{hb, ht}, {φ1, φ2}, R}, {σ, τ}] , coloredFiveStar[ branchOnStemEndPoint[{{hb, ht}, {φ1, φ2}, R}, {σ, τ}], 0.4 (ht - hb)/2, dir, color, α, {ϕ, θ}]} ]
Graphics3D[{{Darker[Brown], stem}, {Table[ Table[branchOnStemWithFiveStar[{2 + heightList1[[{j, j + 1}]], {k , k + 1} 2 Pi/ radialBranchCount , treeWidthOfHeight[Mean[heightList1[[{j, j + 1}]]]]}, {0, 0}, RandomColor[], RandomReal[{-Pi, Pi}], {RandomReal[{-Pi, Pi}], RandomReal[0.1 {-1, 1}]}], {k, 0, radialBranchCount - 1}] , {j, 1, verticalBranchCount}] }}, ViewPoint -> {2.48, -2.28, 0.28}, Axes -> True]

私たちは、枝の端に取り付けられた脚から始めて、芯と火で黒くなったワックスのような体でそれらを構築します。 アニメーションを容易にし、火を避けるために、電気キャンドルを使用して、枝が移動しても炎が変わらないようにします。
flamePoints = Table[{0.2 Sin[Pi z]^2 Cos[φ], 0.2 Sin[Pi z]^2 Sin[φ], z}, {z, 0, 1, 1/1/12}, {φ, Pi/2, 5/2 Pi, 2 Pi/24}] litCandle[p_, size_, color_] := {EdgeForm[], color, Cylinder[{p + {0, 0, size 0.001}, p + {0, 0, size 0.5}}, size 0.04], GrayLevel[0.1], Specularity[Orange, 20], Cylinder[{p, p + {0, 0, size 0.05}}, size 0.06], Black, Glow[Black], Cylinder[{ p + {0, 0, size 0.5}, p + {0, 0, size 0.5 + 0.05 size}}, size 0.008], Glow[Orange], Specularity[Hue[.125], 5], BSplineSurface[ Map[(p + {0, 0, size 0.5} + 0.3 size #) &, flamePoints, {2}], SplineClosed -> {True, False}] }
Graphics3D[{litCandle[{0, 0, 0}, 1, Directive[White, Glow[GrayLevel[0.3]], Specularity[Yellow, 20]]], litCandle[{0.5, 0, 0}, 1, Directive[Red, Glow[GrayLevel[0.1]], Specularity[Yellow, 20]]]}]

branchOnStemWithCandle[{{hb_, ht_}, {φ1_, φ2_}, R_}, {σ_, τ_}, color_, α_] := {branchOnStem[{{hb, ht}, {φ1, φ2}, R}, {σ, τ}] , If[α == 0, litCandle[ branchOnStemEndPoint[{{hb, ht}, {φ1, φ2}, 0.98 R}, {σ, τ}], 0.66 (ht - hb) , color], Module[{P = branchOnStemEndPoint[{{hb, ht}, {φ1, φ2}, 0.98 R}, {σ, τ}], dir}, dir = Append[Reverse[Take[P, 2]] {-1, 1}, 0]; Rotate[ litCandle[ branchOnStemEndPoint[{{hb, ht}, {φ1, φ2}, 0.98 R}, {σ, τ}], 0.66 (ht - hb) , color], α, dir, P]]]} Manipulate[ Graphics3D[{branchOnStemWithCandle[{{0, 1}, {Pi/2 - 1/2, Pi/2 + 1/2}, 1 + ρ}, στ, Red, α]}, PlotRange -> {{-2, 2}, {0, 4}, {-2, 2}}, ViewPoint -> {3.17, 0.85, 0.79}], {{ρ, 1.6, "branch length"}, 0, 2, ImageSize -> Small}, {{στ, {0, 0}, "branch\nleft/right\nup/down"}, {-1, -1}, {1, 1}}, {{α, Pi/4, "candle angle"}, -Pi, Pi}, ControlPlacement -> Left, SaveDefinitions -> True]
Graphics3D[{{Darker[Brown], stem}, {Table[ Table[branchOnStemWithCandle[{2 + heightList1[[{j, j + 1}]], {k , k + 1} 2 Pi/ radialBranchCount , treeWidthOfHeight[Mean[heightList1[[{j, j + 1}]]]]}, {0, 0}, White, 0], {k, 0, radialBranchCount - 1}] , {j, 1, verticalBranchCount}] }}, ViewPoint -> {2.48, -2.28, 0.28}, Axes -> True]

spikey = Cases[ N@Entity["Polyhedron", "RhombicHexecontahedron"][ "Image"], _GraphicsComplex, ∞][[1]]; top = {Gray, Specularity[Red, 25], Cone[{{0, 0, 0.9 treeHeight}, {0, 0, 1.08 treeHeight}}, treeWidth/240], Orange, EdgeForm[Darker[Orange]], Specularity[Hue[.125], 5], MapAt[((0.24 # + {0, 0, 1.08 treeHeight}) & /@ #) &, spikey, 1] } Graphics3D[{{Darker[Brown], stem}, {Table[ Table[branchOnStem[{2 + heightList1[[{j, j + 1}]], {k , k + 1} 2 Pi/ radialBranchCount , treeWidthOfHeight[Mean[heightList1[[{j, j + 1}]]]]}, {0, 0} ], {k, 0, radialBranchCount - 1}] , {j, 1, verticalBranchCount}], top}}, ViewPoint -> {2.48, -2.28, 0.28}, Axes -> True]

1つのブランチをコンダクターとして選択します。 残りの枝をランダムに4つのグループに分け、2色のおもちゃ、五point星、キャンドルで飾ります。
次に、各木の枝に装飾やキャンドルを追加しましょう。 上記のツリーと27のブランチを使用します。 幹の高さと方位角で枝を開始します。
allBranches = Flatten[Riffle[ Table[Table[{2 + heightList1[[{j, j + 1}]], {k , k + 1} 2. Pi/ radialBranchCount , treeWidthOfHeight[Mean[heightList1[[{j, j + 1}]]]]}, {k, 0, radialBranchCount - 1}] , {j, 1, verticalBranchCount}], Table[Table[{2 + heightList2[[{j, j + 1}]], {k , k + 1} 2. Pi/ radialBranchCount + Pi/radialBranchCount, treeWidthOfHeight[Mean[heightList2[[{j, j + 1}]]]]}, {k, 0, radialBranchCount - 1}] , {j, 1, verticalBranchCount - 1}]], 1] Length[allBranches]
Graphics3D[{{Darker[Brown], stem}, MapIndexed[(branchOnStem[#1, {0, 0}] /. _RGBColor :> Hue[#2[[1]]/36]) &, allBranches], top}, ViewPoint -> {2, 1, -0.2}]

conductorBranch = 7; SeedRandom[12]; voiceBranches = (Last /@ #) & /@ GroupBy[{RandomChoice[{1, 2, 3, 4}], #} & /@ Delete[Range[27], {conductorBranch}], First]
<| 1-> {1、4、5、6、12、18、20}、3-> {2、8、10、11、14、22、23、25}、2-> {3、13 15、16、21、26}、4-> {9、17、19、24、27} |>
voiceBranches = <|1 -> {2, 9, 14, 17, 19, 24, 27}, 2 -> {3, 13, 15, 16, 21, 26}, 3 -> {1, 4, 5, 12, 18, 20}, 4 -> {6, 8, 10, 11, 22, 23, 25}|>
<| 1-> {2、9、14、17、19、24、27}、2-> {3、13、15、16、21、26}、3-> {1、4、5、12 18、20}、4-> {6、8、10、11、22、23、25} |>
Graphics3D[{{Darker[Brown], stem}, branchOnStem[#1, {0, 0}] & /@ allBranches[[voiceBranches[[1]]]] /. _RGBColor :> Yellow, branchOnStem[#1, {0, 0}] & /@ allBranches[[voiceBranches[[2]]]] /. _RGBColor :> White, branchOnStem[#1, {0, 0}] & /@ allBranches[[voiceBranches[[3]]]] /. _RGBColor :> LightBlue, branchOnStem[#1, {0, 0}] & /@ allBranches[[voiceBranches[[4]]]] /. _RGBColor :> Pink, branchOnStem[ allBranches[[conductorBranch]] {1, 1, 1.5}, {0, 0}] /. _RGBColor :> Red, top}, ViewPoint -> {2, 1, -0.2}]

パラメータとしてブランチの終わりの場所を含む完成したツリー。 また、枝の先端の装飾が斜めに座ってカラフルになるようにします。
christmasTree[{{σ1_, τ1_}, {σ2_, τ2_}, {σ3_, τ3_}, {σ4_, τ4_}, {σc_, τc_}}, {{ϕ1_, θ1_}, {ϕ2_, θ2_}, {ϕ3_, θ3_}}, {colBall1_, colBall2_, col5Star_}, conductorEnhancementFactor : fc_, conductorCandleAngle : ωc_, topRotationAngle : ω_] := {{Darker[Brown], stem}, branchOnStemWithBall[#, {σ1, τ1}, colBall1, {ϕ1, θ1}] & /@ allBranches[[voiceBranches[[1]]]], branchOnStemWithBall[#, {σ2, τ2}, colBall2, {ϕ2, θ2}] & /@ allBranches[[voiceBranches[[2]]]], branchOnStemWithFiveStar[#, {σ3, τ3}, col5Star, Pi/4, {ϕ3, θ3}] & /@ allBranches[[voiceBranches[[3]]]], branchOnStemWithCandle[#, {σ4, τ4}, Directive[White, Glow[GrayLevel[0.3]], Specularity[Yellow, 20]], 0] & /@ allBranches[[voiceBranches[[4]]]], branchOnStemWithCandle[ allBranches[[conductorBranch]] {1, 1, 1 + fc}, {σc, τc}, Directive[Red, Glow[GrayLevel[0.1]], Specularity[Yellow, 20]], ωc], Rotate[top, ω, {0, 0, 1}] };
Graphics3D[christmasTree[{{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, {{0, 0}, {0,0}, {0, 0}}, {Red, Darker[Yellow], Pink}, 0.8, Pi/4, 0], ImageSize -> 600, ViewPoint -> {3.06, 1.28, 0.27}, PlotRange -> {{-7, 7}, {-7, 7}, {0, 15}}]

SeedRandom[1] Table[Graphics3D[christmasTree[RandomReal[1.5 {-1, 1}, {5, 2}], Table[{RandomReal[{-Pi, Pi}], RandomReal[{0, Pi}]}, 3], RandomColor[3], RandomReal[], RandomReal[Pi/2], 0], ImageSize -> 200, ViewPoint -> {3.06, 1.28, 0.27}, PlotRange -> {{-7, 7}, {-7, 7}, {-2, 15}}], {3}] // Row

Manipulate[ Graphics3D[ christmasTree[{στ1, στ2, στ3, στ4, στc}, {ϕθ1, ϕθ2, ϕθ3}, {col1, col2, col3}, l, ωc, ω], ImageSize -> 400, ViewPoint -> {2.61, 1.99, 0.80}, PlotRange -> {{-7, 7}, {-7, 7}, {-2, 15}}], "conductor", {{l, 0.6, "branch length"}, 0, 1, ImageSize -> Small}, {{ωc, Pi/4, "candle angle"}, 0, Pi, ImageSize -> Small}, {{στc, {0, 0}, "movement"}, {-1, -1}, {1, 1}, ImageSize -> Small}, Delimiter, "voice 1 (balls)", Grid[{{"movement", "ornament"}, {Control[{{στ1, {0, 0}, ""}, {-1, -1}, {1, 1}, ImageSize -> Small}], Control[{{ϕθ1, {0, 0}, ""}, {-Pi, 0}, {Pi, Pi}, ImageSize -> Small}]}}], {{col1, Red, ""}, Red, ImageSize -> Tiny}, Delimiter, "voice 2 (balls)", Grid[{{"movement", "ornament"}, {Control[{{στ2, {0, 0}, ""}, {-1, -1}, {1, 1}, ImageSize -> Small}], Control[{{ϕθ2, {0, 0}, ""}, {-Pi, 0}, {Pi, Pi}, ImageSize -> Small}]}}], {{col2, Darker[Yellow], ""}, Red, ImageSize -> Tiny}, Delimiter, "voice 3 (5-star)", Grid[{{"movement", "ornament"}, {Control[{{στ3, {0, 0}, ""}, {-1, -1}, {1, 1}, ImageSize -> Small}], Control[{{ϕθ3, {0, 0}, ""}, {-Pi, 0}, {Pi, Pi}, ImageSize -> Small}]}}], {{col3, Pink, ""}, Red, ImageSize -> Tiny}, Delimiter, "voice 4 (white candles)", Control[{{στ4, {0, 0}, "movement"}, {-1, -1}, {1, 1}, ImageSize -> Small}], Delimiter, Delimiter, {{ω, 0, "top rotation"}, 0, 1, ImageSize -> Small}, ControlPlacement -> Left, SaveDefinitions -> True]


{ohTannenBaum // Head, ohTannenBaum // ByteCount}
voices = AssociationThread[{"Soprano", "Alto", "Tenor", "Bass"}, ImportString[ ExportString[ohTannenBaum, "MIDI"], {"MIDI", "SoundNotes"}]]; Sound[Take[#, 10]] & /@ voices

frequencyRules = <|"A1" -> 55., "A2" -> 110., "A3" -> 220., "A4" -> 440., "B1" -> 61.74, "B2" -> 123.5, "B3" -> 246.9, "B4" -> 493.9, "C2" -> 65.41, "C3" -> 130.8, "C4" -> 261.6, "C5" -> 523.3, "D2" -> 73.42, "D#4" -> 311.13, "D4" -> 293.7, "D5" -> 587.3, "E2" -> 82.41, "E4" -> 329.6, "E5" -> 659.3, "F#2" -> 92.50, "F#4" -> 370.0, "G2" -> 98.00, "G#4" -> 415.3, "G4" -> 392.0|>; {minf, maxf} = MinMax[frequencyRules]
pw[t_] = Piecewise[{frequencyRules[#1], #2[[1]] <= t <= #2[[2]]} & @@@ voices[[1]]]; Plot[pw[t], {t, 0, 100}, PlotRange -> {200, All}, Filling -> Axis, PlotLabel -> "Soprano", Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {"time in sec", "frequency in Hz"}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 200}]

spline = BSplineFunction[Table[{t, pw[t]}, {t, 0, 100, 0.5}], SplineDegree -> 2]

ParametricPlot[spline[t], {t, 0, 100}, AspectRatio -> 0.5, PlotPoints -> 1000]

tMax = 100; Do[ With[{j = j}, pwf[j][t_] = Piecewise[{frequencyRules[#1], #2[[1]] <= t <= #2[[2]]} & @@@ voices[[j]]]; splineFunction[j] = BSplineFunction[Table[{t, pwf[j][t]}, {t, 0, 100, 0.5}], SplineDegree -> 2]; voiceFunction[j][t_Real] := If[0 < t < tMax, splineFunction[j][t/tMax][[2]]/maxf, 0]], {j, 4}]
Plot[Evaluate[Reverse@Table[pwf[j][t], {j, 4}]], {t, 0, 100}, Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {"time in sec", "frequency in Hz"}, AspectRatio -> 0.3]

Plot[Evaluate[Table[voiceFunction[j][t], {j, 4}]], {t, 0, 100}, Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {"time in sec", "scaled frequency"}, AspectRatio -> 0.3]

ParametricPlot3D[{voiceFunction[1][t], voiceFunction[2][t], voiceFunction[3][t]}, {t, 0, 100}, AspectRatio -> Automatic, PlotPoints -> 1000, BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 1}]

Show[% /. Line[pts_] :> Tube[pts, 0.002], Method -> {"TubePoints" -> 4}]

{firstBeat, secondBeat, lastBeat} = voices["Soprano"][[{1, 2, -1}, 2, 1]]
anchorDataOChristmasTree = SequenceCases[ voices["Soprano"], (* pattern for "O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree..." *) { SoundNote["D4", {pickupStart_, _}, "Trumpet", ___], SoundNote["G4", {beatOne_, _}, "Trumpet", ___], SoundNote["G4", {_, _}, "Trumpet", ___], SoundNote["G4", {beatTwo_, _}, "Trumpet", ___], SoundNote["A4", {beatThree_, _}, "Trumpet", ___], SoundNote["B4", {beatFour_, _}, "Trumpet", ___], SoundNote["B4", {_, _}, "Trumpet", ___], SoundNote["B4", {beatFive_, _}, "Trumpet", ___] } :> <| "PhraseName" -> "O Christmas Tree", "PickupBeat" -> pickupStart, "TargetMeasureBeats" -> {beatOne, beatTwo, beatThree}, "BeatLength" -> Mean@Differences[{pickupStart, beatOne, beatTwo, beatThree, beatFour, beatFive}] |> ]; anchorDataYourBoughsSoGreen = SequenceCases[ voices["Soprano"], (* "Your boughs so green in summertime..." *) { SoundNote["D5", {pickupBeatAnd_, _}, "Trumpet", ___], SoundNote["D5", {beatOne_, _}, "Trumpet", ___], SoundNote["B4", {_, _}, "Trumpet", ___], SoundNote["E5", {beatTwo_, _}, "Trumpet", ___], SoundNote["D5", {beatThreeAnd_, _}, "Trumpet", ___], SoundNote["D5", {beatFour_, _}, "Trumpet", ___], SoundNote["C5", {_, _}, "Trumpet", ___], SoundNote["C5", {beatFive_, _}, "Trumpet", ___] } :> With[ { (* the offbeat nature of this phrase requires some manual work to get things lined up in terms of actual beats *) pickupBeatStart = pickupBeatAnd - (beatOne - pickupBeatAnd), beatThree = beatThreeAnd - (beatFour - beatThreeAnd) }, <| "PhraseName" -> "Your boughs so green in summertime", "PickupBeat" -> pickupBeatStart, "TargetMeasureBeats" -> {beatOne, beatTwo, beatThree}, "BeatLength" -> Mean@Differences[{pickupBeatStart, beatOne, beatTwo, beatThree, beatFour, beatFive}] |> ] ]; anchorData0 = Join[anchorDataOChristmasTree, anchorDataYourBoughsSoGreen] // SortBy[#PickupBeat &]; meanBeatLength = Mean[anchorData0[[All, "BeatLength"]]]; (* add enough beats to fill the end of the song, which ends on beat 2 *) anchorData = Append[anchorData0, <| "TargetMeasureBeats" -> (lastBeat + {-1, 0, 1}* Last[anchorData0]["BeatLength"]), "BeatLength" -> Last[anchorData0]["BeatLength"]|>]; anchorData = Append[anchorData, <| "TargetMeasureBeats" -> (lastBeat + ({-1, 0, 1} + 3)* Last[anchorData]["BeatLength"]), "BeatLength" -> Last[anchorData]["BeatLength"]|>];
interpolateAnchor = Apply[ Function[{currentAnchor, nextAnchor}, With[ {targetMeasureLastBeat = Last[currentAnchor["TargetMeasureBeats"]], nextMeasureFirstBeat = First[nextAnchor["TargetMeasureBeats"]]}, DeleteDuplicates@Join[ currentAnchor["TargetMeasureBeats"], Range[targetMeasureLastBeat, nextMeasureFirstBeat - currentAnchor["BeatLength"]/4., Mean[{currentAnchor["BeatLength"], nextAnchor["BeatLength"]}]]] ]]]; measureBeats = Flatten@BlockMap[interpolateAnchor, anchorData, 2, 1]; measureBeats // Length
Histogram[Differences[measureBeats], PlotTheme -> "Detailed", PlotRange -> Full]

(* add pickup beat at start *) swayControlPoints = Prepend[Join @@ (Partition[measureBeats, 3, 3, 1, {}] // MapIndexed[ Function[{times, index}, {#, (-1)^(Mod[index[[1]], 2] + 1)} & /@ times]]), {firstBeat, -1}]; swayControlPointPlot = ListPlot[swayControlPoints, Joined -> True, Mesh -> All, AspectRatio -> 1/6, PlotStyle -> {Darker[Purple]}, PlotTheme -> "Detailed", MeshStyle -> PointSize[0.008], ImageSize -> 600, Epilog -> {Darker[Green], Thick, InfiniteLine[{{#, -1}, {#, 1}}] & /@ {firstBeat, secondBeat, lastBeat}}]; sway = BSplineFunction[ Join[{{0, 0}}, Select[swayControlPoints, #[[1]] < tMax &], {{100, 0}}], SplineDegree -> 3]; sh = Show[{swayControlPointPlot, ParametricPlot[sway[t], {t, 0, tMax}, PlotPoints -> 2500]}]

{Show[sh, PlotRange -> {{0, 10}, All}], Show[sh, PlotRange -> {{90, 105}, All}]}

さて、余談です。Bスプラインを使用した補間により、滑らかな曲線が得られます。 補間とは異なり、実際のデータは結果の曲線上にありません。 それは美しく滑らかに見えますが、これがこのアニメーションの視覚的な目的のために必要なものです。 ただし、補間はポイントのペア用です。 これは、Bスプライン関数の指定された引数(0〜1)に対して、最初の引数に関して線形補間が行われないことを意味します。 これの代わりに、補間パラメータ変数の関数として時間を取得するために、補間を反転する必要があります。 この効果を考えると、音楽を枝の動きに適切に合わせることが重要です。
swayTimeCoordinate = Interpolation[Table[{t, sway[t/100][[1]]}, {t, 0, 100, 0.1}], InterpolationOrder -> 1]

Plot[swayTimeCoordinate[t] - t, {t, 0, 100}]

swayOfTime[t_] := sway[swayTimeCoordinate[t]/100][[2]] Plot[swayOfTime[t], {t, 0, 10}]

phraseGraphics = BlockMap[ Apply[ Function[{currentAnchor, nextAnchor}, With[ {phraseStart = currentAnchor["PickupBeat"], phraseEnd = nextAnchor["PickupBeat"] - currentAnchor["BeatLength"]}, {Switch[currentAnchor["PhraseName"], "O Christmas Tree", Opacity[0.25, Gray], "Your boughs so green in summertime", Opacity[0.25, Darker@Green], _, Black], Tooltip[ Polygon[ {{phraseStart, -10}, {phraseStart, 10}, {phraseEnd, 10}, {phraseEnd, -10}}], Grid[{{currentAnchor["PhraseName"], SpanFromLeft}, {"Phrase Start:", phraseStart}, {"Phrase End:", phraseEnd} }]]}]]], Append[anchorData0, <|"PickupBeat" -> lastBeat + meanBeatLength|>], 2, 1]; Show[swayControlPointPlot, ParametricPlot[sway[t], {t, 0, Last[measureBeats]}, ImageSize -> Full, PlotPoints -> 800, AspectRatio -> 1/8, PlotTheme -> "Detailed", PlotRangePadding -> Scaled[.02]], Prolog -> phraseGraphics]

threePatternPoints = {{0, -1}, {-1, -0}, {0, 1}}; threePatternBackground = ListPlot[ MapIndexed[ Callout[#1, StringTemplate["Beat #`` @ ``"][First@#2, #1], Left] &, threePatternPoints], PlotTheme -> "Minimal", Axes -> False, AspectRatio -> 1, PlotStyle -> Directive[Black, PointSize[0.025]], PlotRange -> {{-2, 0.75}, {-1.5, 1.5}}]; conductorControlTimes = swayControlPoints[[All, 1]]; (* basic conductor control points for interpolation *) conductorControlPoints = MapIndexed[{conductorControlTimes[[First[#2]]], #1} &, Join @@ ConstantArray[RotateRight[threePatternPoints, 1], Floor@(Length[conductorControlTimes]/3)]]; (* the shape is okay, but not perfect *) conductor = Interpolation[conductorControlPoints]; (* adding pauses before/after the beat improves the shape of the curves and makes the beats more obvious *) conductorControlPointsWithPauses = Join @@ ({# - {meanBeatLength/8., -0.15* Normalize[ Mean[threePatternPoints] - #[[ 2]]]}, #, # + {meanBeatLength/8., 0.15*Normalize[ Mean[threePatternPoints] - #[[ 2]]]}} & /@ conductorControlPoints);
conductorWithPauses = Interpolation[conductorControlPointsWithPauses, InterpolationOrder -> 5];
Manipulate[ Show[threePatternBackground, ParametricPlot[ conductorWithPauses[t], {t, Max[firstBeat,(*tmax-2*meanBeatLength*)0], tmax}, PerformanceGoal -> "Quality"], Epilog -> {Red, PointSize[Large], Point[conductorWithPauses[tmax]]}, ImageSize -> Large], {{tmax, lastBeat, "t"}, firstBeat + 0.0001, lastBeat, Appearance -> "Labeled"}, SaveDefinitions -> True]

. : , — .
2D : : :
δDelay = 0.3; voiceστ[j_][time_] := If[0 < time < tMax,(* smoothing factor *) Sin[Pi time/tMax]^0.25 {voiceFunction[j][1. time] - voiceFunction[j][time - δDelay], voiceFunction[j][1. time]}, {0, 0}] ParametricPlot[voiceστ[1][t], {t, 0, tMax}, AspectRatio -> 1, PlotRange -> All, Frame -> True, Axes -> False, PlotStyle -> Thickness[0.002]]

2D : : :
value = -1; interpolateDance[{{t1_, t2_}, {t3_, t4_}}, t_] := With[{y1 = value, y2 = value = -value}, {{y1, t1 < t < t2}, {((y1 - y2) t - (t3 y1 - t2 y2))/(t2 - t3), t2 < t < t3}}]; dancingPositionPiecewise[notes : {__SoundNote}] := With[{noteTimes = Cases[notes, SoundNote[_, times : {startTime_, endTime_}, ___] :> times]}, value = -1; Quiet[Piecewise[ DeleteDuplicatesBy[ Join @@ BlockMap[interpolateDance[#, t] &, noteTimes, 2, 1], Last], 0] ]]; tEnd = Max[voices[[All, All, 2]]]; dancingPositions = dancingPositionPiecewise /@ voices; Plot[Evaluate[KeyValueMap[Legended[#2, #1] &, dancingPositions]], {t, 0, 50}, PlotRangePadding -> Scaled[.05], PlotRange -> {All, {-1, 1}}, ImageSize -> Large, PlotTheme -> "Detailed", PlotLegends -> None]

dancingPositionPiecewiseList = Normal[dancingPositions][[All, 2]]; bsp = BSplineFunction[ Table[Evaluate[{t, dancingPositionPiecewiseList[[2]]}], {t, 0, 100, 0.2}]]

ParametricPlot[bsp[t], {t, 0, 1}, AspectRatio -> 1/4, PlotPoints -> 2000]

Do[voiceIF[j] = BSplineFunction[ Table[Evaluate[{t, dancingPositionPiecewiseList[[j]]}], {t, 0, 100, 0.2}]], {j, 4}] Do[With[{j = j}, voiceTimeCoordinate[j] = Interpolation[Table[{t, voiceIF[j][t/100][[1]]}, {t, 0, 100, 0.1}], InterpolationOrder -> 1]], {j, 4}]
σ-τ [-1,1] * [- 1,1].
Clear[voiceστ]; voiceστ[j_][time_] := If[0 < time < tMax,(* smoothing factor *) Sin[Pi time/tMax]^0.25* {sway[swayTimeCoordinate[time]/tMax][[2]], voiceIF[j][voiceTimeCoordinate[j][time]/tMax][[2]]}, {0, 0}] Table[ListPlot[Table[ voiceστ[j][t], {t, 0, 105, 0.01}], Joined -> True, AspectRatio -> 1, PlotStyle -> Thickness[0.002]], {j, 4}]

() . (, ) . , , , voiceστ [j] [time].
Clear[r, ρ, R, X, Y, Z] R[t_] := {X[t], Y[t], Z[t]} r[t_] := R[t] + L {Cos[ϕ[t]] Sin[θ[t]], Sin[ϕ[t]] Sin[θ[t]], -Cos[θ[t]]} ℒ = 1/2 r'[t].r'[t] - gr[t][[3]]
-g (-L Cos[θ[t]] + Z[t]) + 1/2 ((Derivative[1][Z][t] + L Sin[θ[t]] Derivative[1][θ][t])^2 + (Derivative[ 1][Y][t] + L Cos[θ[t]] Sin[ϕ[t]] Derivative[1][θ][t] + L Cos[ϕ[t]] Sin[θ[t]] Derivative[1][ϕ][ t])^2 + (Derivative[1][X][t] + L Cos[θ[t]] Cos[ϕ[t]] Derivative[1][θ][t] — L Sin[θ[t]] Sin[ϕ[t]] Derivative[1][ϕ][t])^2)
ℱ .
ℱ = 1/2 (\[ScriptF]ϕ ϕ'[t]^2 + \[ScriptF]θ θ'[t]^2); eoms = {D[D[ℒ, ϕ'[t]], t] - D[ℒ, ϕ[t]] == -D[ℱ, ϕ'[t]], D[D[ℒ, θ'[t]], t] - D[ℒ, θ[t]] == -D[ℱ, θ'[ t]]} // Simplify
{([ScriptF]ϕ + L^2 Sin[2 θ[t]] Derivative[1][θ][t]) Derivative[ 1][ϕ][t] + L Sin[θ[t]] (-Sinϕ[t]t] + Cos[ϕ[t][t] + L Sinθ[t][t]) == 0, [ScriptF]θ Derivative[1][θ][t] + L (g Sin[θ[t]] — L Cos[θ[t]] Sin[θ[t]] Derivative[1][ϕ][t]^2 + Cos[θ[t]] Cosϕ[t]t] + Cos[θ[t]] Sin[ϕ[t]t] + Sin[θ[t][t] + L (θ^′′)[t]) == 0}
, , [ScriptF] φ, [ScriptF] θ.
paramRules = { g -> 10, L -> 1, \[ScriptF]ϕ -> 1, \[ScriptF]θ -> 1}; In[126]:= X[t_] := If[2 Pi < t < 4 Pi, 8 Cos[t], 8]; Y[t_] := If[2 Pi < t < 4 Pi, 4 Sin[t], 0]; Z[t_] := 0; nds = NDSolve[{eoms /. paramRules, ϕ[0] == 1, ϕ'[0] == 0, θ[0] == 0.001, θ'[0] == 0}, {ϕ, θ}, {t, 0, 20}, PrecisionGoal -> 3, AccuracyGoal -> 3]

Plot[Evaluate[{\[Phi][t], \[Theta][t]} /. nds[[1]]], {t, 0, nds[[1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2]]}, PlotRange -> All]

Graphics3D[ Table[With[{P = r[t] - R[t] /. nds[[1]] /. paramRules}, {Black, Sphere[{0, 0, 0}, 0.02], Gray, Cylinder[{{0, 0, 0}, P}, 0.005], Darker[Blue], Sphere[P, 0.02]}], {t, 0, 20, 0.05}], PlotRange -> All]

δ τ , .
branchToVoice = Association[ Flatten[Function[{v, bs}, (# -> v) & /@ bs] @@@ Normal[voiceBranches]]]
<|2 -> 1, 9 -> 1, 14 -> 1, 17 -> 1, 19 -> 1, 24 -> 1, 27 -> 1, 3 -> 2, 13 -> 2, 15 -> 2, 16 -> 2, 21 -> 2, 26 -> 2, 1 -> 3, 4 -> 3, 5 -> 3,
12 -> 3, 18 -> 3, 20 -> 3, 6 -> 4, 8 -> 4, 10 -> 4, 11 -> 4, 22 -> 4, 23 -> 4, 25 -> 4|>
tValues = Table[1. t , {t, -5, 110, 0.1}]; Do[στValues = Table[voiceστ[j][t] , {t, -5, 110, 0.1}]; ifσ[j] = Interpolation[ Transpose[{tValues, στValues[[All, 1]]}]]; ifτ[j] = Interpolation[ Transpose[{tValues, στValues[[All, 2]]}]], {j, 4}]
, . , ( ).
( ) .
changeTimeList = {17.6, 42.2, 66.8, 83.1}; loudness[t_] := With[{λ1 = 0.2, λ2 = 0.8, δt = 1.5}, Which[t <= changeTimeList[[3]] - δt, λ1, changeTimeList[[3]] - δt <= t <= changeTimeList[[3]] + δt, λ1 + (λ2 - 1 λ1) (1 - Cos[Pi (t - (changeTimeList[[ 3]] - δt))/(2 δt)])/2, changeTimeList[[3]] + δt <= t <= changeTimeList[[4]] - δt , λ2, changeTimeList[[4]] - δt <= t <= changeTimeList[[4]] + δt, λ1 + (λ2 - 1 λ1) (1 + Cos[Pi (t - (changeTimeList[[ 4]] - δt))/(2 δt)])/2, t >= changeTimeList[[3]] + 1.5, λ1] ] Plot[loudness[t], {t, 1, 100}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, PlotRange -> All]

Off[General::stop]; SeedRandom[111]; Monitor[ Do[ branchEnd[j, {σ_, τ_}] = branchOnStemEndPoint[ allBranches[[j]], {τ, σ}]; If[j =!= conductorBranch, With[{v = branchToVoice[j]}, tipPosition[t_] = branchEnd[j, loudness[t] {ifσ[v][t], ifτ[v][t]}]]; {X[t_], Y[t_], Z[t_] } = tipPosition[t]; paramRules = { g -> 20, L -> 1, \[ScriptF]ϕ -> 1, \[ScriptF]θ -> 1}; While[ Check[ pendulumϕθ[j][t_] = NDSolveValue[{eoms /. paramRules, ϕ[0] == RandomReal[{-Pi, Pi}], ϕ'[0] == 0.01 RandomReal[{-1, 1}], θ[0] == 0.01 RandomReal[{-1, 1}], θ'[0] == 0.01 RandomReal[{-1, 1}]}, {ϕ[t], θ[t]}, {t, 0, 105}, PrecisionGoal -> 4, AccuracyGoal -> 4, MaxStepSize -> 0.01, MaxSteps -> 100000, Method -> "BDF"]; False, True]] // Quiet], {j, Length[allBranches]}], j]
. .
Plot[pendulum\[Phi]\[Theta][51][t][[2]], {t, 0, 105}, AspectRatio -> 1/4, PlotRange -> All]

SeedRandom[11]; Do[randomColor[j] = RandomColor[]; randomAngle[j] = RandomReal[{-Pi/2, Pi/2}], {j, Length[allBranches]}]
conductorστ[t_] := Piecewise[ {{{0, 0}, t <= firstBeat/ 2}, {(t - firstBeat/2)/(firstBeat/2) conductorControlPointsWithPauses[[ 1, 2]], firstBeat/2 < t <= firstBeat}, {conductorWithPauses[t], firstBeat < t <= lastBeat}, {(tMax - t)/(tMax - lastBeat) conductorControlPointsWithPauses[[-1, 2]], lastBeat < t < tMax}, {{0, 0}, t >= tMax}}]
ListPlot[{Table[{t, conductorστ[t][[1]]}, {t, -1, 3, 0.01}], Table[{t, conductorστ[t][[2]]}, {t, -1, 3, 0.01}]}, PlotRange -> All, Joined -> True]

With[{animationType = 2}, scalefactors[1][t_] := Switch[animationType, 1, {0.8, 1} , 2, loudness[t]]; scalefactors[2][t_] := Switch[animationType, 1, {1, 1} , 2, loudness[t]]; scalefactors[3][t_] := Switch[animationType, 1, {1, 1} , 2, loudness[t]]; scalefactors[4][t_] := Switch[animationType, 1, {1, 1} , 2, loudness[t]] ] christmasTreeWithSwingingOrnaments[t_, conductorEnhancementFactor : fc_, conductorCandleAngle : ωc_, topRotationAngle : ω_, opts___] := Graphics3D[{{Darker[Brown], stem}, (* first voice *) branchOnStemWithBall[allBranches[[#]], scalefactors[1][t] voiceστ[1][t], Darker[Yellow, -0.1], If[t < 0, {0, 0}, pendulumϕθ[#][t]]] & /@ voiceBranches[[1]], (* second voice *) branchOnStemWithBall[allBranches[[#]], scalefactors[2] [t] voiceστ[2][t], Blend[{Red, Pink}], If[t < 0, {0, 0}, pendulumϕθ[#][t]]] & /@ voiceBranches[[2]], (* third voice *) branchOnStemWithFiveStar[allBranches[[#]], scalefactors[3][t] voiceστ[3][t], randomColor[#], Pi/4, If[t < 0, {0, 0}, pendulumϕθ[#][t]]] & /@ voiceBranches[[3]], (* fourth voice *) branchOnStemWithCandle[#, scalefactors[4][t] voiceστ[4][t], Directive[White, Glow[GrayLevel[0.3]], Specularity[Yellow, 20]], 0] & /@ allBranches[[voiceBranches[[4]]]], (* conductor *) branchOnStemWithCandle[ allBranches[[conductorBranch]] {1, 1, 1 + fc}, conductorστ[t], Directive[Red, Glow[GrayLevel[0.1]], Specularity[Yellow, 20]], ωc], Rotate[top, ω, {0, 0, 1}] }, opts, ViewPoint -> {2.8, 1.79, 0.1}, PlotRange -> {{-8, 8}, {-8, 8}, {-2, 15}}, Background -> RGBColor[0.998, 1., 0.867] ]
, .
Show[christmasTreeWithSwingingOrnaments[70, 0.5, 0.8, 2], PlotRange -> All, Boxed -> False]

() . , 3D-, . , PDE (http://psoup.math.wisc.edu/papers/h3l.pdf), , , .
- « - ». , hex snowflake.
ReleaseHold /@ (MakeExpression[#[[1]], StandardForm] & /@ Take[Cases[ Import["http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/downloadauthornb.cgi?\ name=SnowflakeLikePatterns"], Cell[_, "Input", ___], ∞], 2]); makeSnowflake[rule_, steps_] := Polygon[hex[#] & /@ Select[Position[Reverse[CellularAutomaton[ {snowflakes[[ rule]], {2, {{0, 2, 2}, {2, 1, 2}, {2, 2, 0}}}, {1, 1}}, {{{1}}, 0}, {{{steps}}, {-steps, steps}, {-steps, steps}}]], 0], -steps - 1 < -#[[1]] + #[[2]] < steps + 1 &]] SeedRandom[33]; Table[Graphics[{Darker[Blue], makeSnowflake[RandomInteger[{1, 3888}], RandomInteger[{10, 60}]]}], {4}]

, , . , .
denseFlakeQ[mr_MeshRegion] := With[{c = RegionCentroid[mr], pts = MeshCoordinates[mr]}, ( Divide @@ MinMax[EuclideanDistance[c, #] & /@ pts]) < 1/3] randomSnowflakes[] := Module[{sf}, While[(sf = Module[{}, TimeConstrained[ hexagons = makeSnowflake[RandomInteger[{1, 3888}], RandomInteger[{10, 60}]]; (Select[ConnectedMeshComponents[DiscretizeRegion[hexagons]], (Area[#] > 120 && Perimeter[#]/Area[#] < 2 && denseFlakeQ[#]) &] /. \ _ConnectedMeshComponents :> {}) // Quiet, 20, {}]]) === {}]; sf] randomSnowflakes[n_] := Take[NestWhile[Join[#, randomSnowflakes[]] &, {}, Length[#] < n &], n] SeedRandom[22]; randomSnowflakes[4]

normalizeFlake[mr_MeshRegion] := Module[{coords, center, coords1, size, coords2}, coords = MeshCoordinates[mr]; center = Mean[coords]; coords1 = (# - center) & /@ coords; size = Max[Norm /@ coords1]; coords2 = coords1/size; GraphicsComplex[coords2, {EdgeForm[], MeshCells[mr, 2]}]]

2D , , 3D .
make3DFlake[flake2D_] := Module[{grc, reg, boundary, h, bc, rb, polys, pts}, grc = flake2D[[1]]; reg = MeshRegion @@ (grc /. _EdgeForm :> Nothing); boundary = (MeshPrimitives[#, 1] &@RegionBoundary[reg])[[All, 1]]; h = RandomReal[{0.05, 0.15}]; bc = Join[#1, Reverse[#2]] & @@@ Transpose[{Map[Append[#, 0] &, boundary, {-2}], Map[Append[#, h] &, boundary, {-2}]}]; rb = RegionBoundary[reg]; boundary = (MeshCells[#, 1] &@rb)[[All, 1]]; polys = Polygon[Join[#1, Reverse[#2]] & @@@ Transpose[{boundary, boundary + Max[boundary]}]]; pts = Join[Append[#, 0] & /@ MeshCoordinates[rb], Append[#, h] & /@ MeshCoordinates[rb]]; {GraphicsComplex[Developer`ToPackedArray[pts], polys], MapAt[Developer`ToPackedArray[Append[#, 0]] & /@ # &, flake2D[[1]], 1], MapAt[Developer`ToPackedArray[Append[#, h]] & /@ # &, flake2D[[1]], 1]} ] listOfSnowflakes3D = make3DFlake /@ listOfSnowflakes; Graphics3D[{EdgeForm[], #}, Boxed -> False, Method -> {"ShrinkWrap" -> True}, ImageSize -> 120, Lighting -> {{"Ambient", Hue[.58, .5, 1]}, {"Directional", GrayLevel[.3], ImageScaled[{1, 1, 0}]}}] & /@ listOfSnowflakes3D

1994 . , , .
Manipulate[ Module[{eqs, nds, tmax, g = 10, α, sign, V, x, y, u, v, θ, ω, kpar = kperp/f, ρ = 10^ρexp}, α = ArcTan[u[t], v[t]]; sign = Piecewise[{{1, (v[t] < 0 && 0 <= α + θ[t] <= Pi) || (v[t] > 0 && -Pi <= α + θ[t] <= 0)}}, -1]; V = Sqrt[u[t]^2 + v[t]^2]; eqs = {D[x[t], t] == u[t], D[y[t], t] == v[t], D[u[t], t] == -(kperp Sin[θ[t]]^2 + kpar Cos[θ[t]]^2) u[ t] + (kperp - kpar) Sin[θ[ t]] Cos[θ[t]] v[t] - sign Pi ρ V^2 Cos[α + θ[t]] Cos[α], D[v[t], t] == -(kperp Cos[θ[t]]^2 + kpar Sin[θ[t]]^2) v[ t] + (kperp - kpar) Sin[θ[ t]] Cos[θ[t]] u[t] + sign Pi ρ V^2 Cos[α + θ[ t]] Sin[α] - g, D[ω[t], t] == -kperp ω[ t] - (3 Pi ρ V^2/l) Cos[α + θ[ t]] Sin[α + θ[t]], D[θ[t], t] == ω[t]} /. kpar -> kperp/f; nds = NDSolve[ Join[eqs, {x[0] == 0, y[0] == 0, u[0] == 0, v[0] == 0.01, ω[0] == 0, θ[0] == θ0}], {x, y, u, v, θ, ω}, {t, 0, T}, MaxSteps -> 2000] // Quiet; tmax = nds[[1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2]]; Graphics[{Thickness[0.002], Gray, Table[Evaluate[ Line[{{x[t], y[t]} - l/2 {Cos[θ[t]], Sin[θ[t]]}, {x[t], y[t]} + l/2 {Cos[θ[t]], Sin[θ[t]]}}] /. nds[[1]]], {t, 0, tmax, tmax/n}], Blue, Line[Table[ Evaluate[{x[t], y[t]} /. nds[[1]]], {t, 0, tmax, tmax/200}]]}, AspectRatio -> ar, Frame -> True, PlotRange -> All]], "system parameters", {{kperp, 5.1, Subscript["k", "∟"]}, 0.01, 10, Appearance -> "Labeled"}, {{f, 145, Row[{Subscript["k", "∟"], "/", Subscript["k", "∥"]}]}, 0.01, 200, Appearance -> "Labeled"}, {{ρexp, -0.45, Log["ρ"]}, -3, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled"}, {{l, 0.63}, 0.01, 10, Appearance -> "Labeled"} , Delimiter, "fall parameters", {{θ0, 1, Subscript["θ", "0"]}, -Pi, Pi, Appearance -> "Labeled"}, {{T, 2, "falling time"}, 0, 10, Appearance -> "Labeled"} , Delimiter, "plot", {{ar, 1, "aspect ratio"}, {1, Automatic}}, {{n, 200, "snapshots"}, 2, 500, 1}]

, . / , .
, .
randomParametrizedRotationMatrix[n_, τ_] := Function @@ {τ, Module[{phi, s, c}, Do[phi[i] = Sum[RandomReal[{-1, 1}] Sin[ RandomReal[{0, n}] τ + 2 Pi RandomReal[]], {n}]; {c[i], s[i]} = {Cos[phi[i]], Sin[phi[i]]}, {i, 3}]; {{c[1], s[1], 0}, {-s[1], c[1], 0}, {0, 0, 1}}. {{c[2], 0, s[2]}, {0, 1, 0}, {-s[2], 0, c[2]}}. {{1, 0, 0}, {0, c[3], s[3]}, {0, -s[3], c[3]}}]}; randomParametrizedPathFunction := Function[t, Evaluate[{RandomReal[{-5, 5}] + Sum[RandomReal[{-1, 1}]/# Cos[2 Pi # t] &[ RandomReal[{1, 4}]], {k, 5}], RandomReal[{-5, 5}] + Sum[RandomReal[{-1, 1}]/# Cos[2 Pi # t] &[ RandomReal[{1, 4}]], {k, 5}], RandomReal[{2, 12}] - RandomReal[{1.5, 2.5}] t}]] SeedRandom[55]; Do[rotMat[j] = randomParametrizedRotationMatrix[3, τ]; trans[j] = randomParametrizedPathFunction; snowflakeColor[ j] = {{"Ambient", Hue[RandomReal[{0.55, 0.6}], RandomReal[{0.48, 0.52}], RandomReal[{0.95, 1}]]}, {"Directional", GrayLevel[RandomReal[{0.28, 0.32}]], ImageScaled[{1, 1, 0}]}}, {j, Length[listOfSnowflakes]}] fallingSnowflake[flake_, {t_, ℛ_}] := flake /. GraphicsComplex[cs_, rest__] :> GraphicsComplex[(ℛ.# + t) & /@ cs, rest] Manipulate[ Graphics3D[{EdgeForm[], Table[{Lighting -> snowflakeColor[k], fallingSnowflake[ listOfSnowflakes3D[[k]], {trans[k][t], rotMat[k][t]}]}, {k, Length[listOfSnowflakes3D]}] }, PlotRange -> 6, ViewPoint -> {0, -10, 0}, ImageSize -> 400], {{t, 3.2}, -5, 20}]

, , . . , . , , . 24 .
conductorBranchMaxfactor = 0.5; conductorBranchLength[t_] := conductorBranchMaxfactor* Which[t < -3, 0, -3 < t <= 0, (t + 3)/3., 0 <= t <= tMax, 1, tMax < t < tMax + 3, (1 - (t - tMax)/3), True, 0]; topRotation[t_] := Which[t < -3 || t > tMax + 3, 0, True, (1. - Cos[(t + 3)/(tMax + 6)]) 20 2 Pi]; viewPoint[t_] := With[{vp = {2.8, 1.79, 0.1}}, Which[t < changeTimeList[[1]] || t > changeTimeList[[2]], vp, changeTimeList[[1]] <= t <= changeTimeList[[2]], Module[{t0 = changeTimeList[[1]], Δt = changeTimeList[[2]] - changeTimeList[[1]], ωvp}, ωvp = -Pi (1 - Cos[ Pi (t - t0)/Δt]); {{Cos[ωvp], Sin[ωvp], 0}, {-Sin[ωvp], Cos[ωvp], 0}, {0, 0, 1}}.vp + {0, 0, 2 Sin[Pi (t - t0)/Δt]^4 }]]] ParametricPlot3D[ viewPoint[t], {t, changeTimeList[[1]], changeTimeList[[2]]}, BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 1}]

animationFrame[t_] := Show[christmasTreeWithSwingingOrnaments[t, conductorBranchLength[t], 1.4 conductorBranchLength[t], topRotation[t]], Background -> None, Boxed -> False, SphericalRegion -> True, ViewPoint -> viewPoint[t]]
, :

framesPerSecond = 24; animationFrameDirectory = "/Users/mtrott/Desktop/ConductingChristmasTreeAnimationFrames/"; Monitor[ Do[ With[{t = -3 + 1/framesPerSecond (frame - 1)}, gr = animationFrame[t]; Export[animationFrameDirectory <> IntegerString[frame, 10, 4] <> ".png", gr, ImageSize -> 1800, Background -> None] ], {frame, 1, framesPerSecond (100 + 2 3)}], Row[{frame, " | ", Round[MemoryInUse[]/1024^2], "\[ThinSpace]MB" }] ]
(, Adobe After Effects) , .