
Androidのバックグラウンドを購入した後、通常の電話番号を持つすべてのVK友人をGoogleの連絡先に転送する必要がありました。 インターネット上で適切なものが見つからなかったため、独自のPythonスクリプトを作成する必要がありました。


VKグループがGoogleの連絡先に作成され(グループの名前、スクリプトの13行目を変更できます)、そこにVKのすべてのユーザーが入力されます。 フルネーム(名+姓)による同期で動作します。 連絡先が既に存在する場合、すべてのデータが更新され、連絡先がVKグループに追加されます。 Googleの連絡先に1000を超える連絡先がある場合、変数numberOfContacts = '1000'を目的の値に増やします。


数値の大部分がウクライナ語である場合、変数ukraine = 1にします。


このスクリプトには、Python、PythonのVkontakte apigdata (PythonのGoogle Api)が必要です。

VK承認はトークンを使用して実行されます。トークンはスクリプトで指定する必要があります(18行目)。 ここでトークンを取得できます 。 Googleで認証を行うには、スクリプトでgmailユーザー名とパスワードを指定する必要があります(11、12行目)。



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import vkontakte import gdata.data import gdata.gauth import gdata.contacts.client import gdata.contacts.data import atom #Google email = '' password = '' groupName = 'VK' numberOfContacts = '1000' #VK #URL for getting token http://oauth.vk.com/authorize?client_id=2859200&scope=friends&response_type=token tokenVK = '' #If Ukraine, make it 1 ukraine = 0 def TransformPhone(phone): if len(phone) < 5: return 0 phone.replace('-', '') phone.replace('(', '') phone.replace(')', '') phone.replace(' ', '') if phone[1:].isdigit(): if not ukraine: return phone else: if len(phone) == 7: return '+38044' + phone elif phone[0] == '+': return phone elif phone[0:3] == '380': return '+' + phone elif phone[0:2] == '80': return '+3' + phone elif phone[0] == '0': return '+38' + phone else: return 0 else: return 0 def TransformBirthday(date): if len(date) > 5: year = date[date.rfind('.') + 1:] month = date[date.find('.') + 1:date.rfind('.')] if len(month) == 1: month = '0' + month day = date[0:date.find('.')] if len(day) == 1: day = '0' + day gDate = year + '-' + month + '-' + day else: month = date[date.rfind('.') + 1:] if len(month) == 1: month = '0' + month day = date[0:date.find('.')] if len(day) == 1: day = '0' + day gDate = '--' + month + '-' + day return gDate def makeStr(data): return data.encode('utf-8') def GetIndex(seq, attribute, value): return next(index for (index, d) in enumerate(seq) if d[attribute] == value) def CheckVkGroup(gd_client): feed = gd_client.GetGroups() for entry in feed.entry: if makeStr(entry.title.text) == groupName: return entry.id.text return 0 def CreateVkGroup(gd_client): new_group = gdata.contacts.data.GroupEntry(title=atom.data.Title(text=groupName)) created_group = gd_client.CreateGroup(new_group) return created_group def GetAllContacts(gd_client): query = gdata.contacts.client.ContactsQuery() query.max_results = numberOfContacts feed = gd_client.GetContacts(q=query) return feed.entry def downloadPhoto(url, file_name): from urllib2 import Request, urlopen #Create the request req = Request(url) # Open the url f = urlopen(req) # Open our local file for writing local_file = open(file_name, "wb") #Write to our local file local_file.write(f.read()) local_file.close() def removeLocalPhoto(file_name): from os import remove remove(file_name) def UpdateContact(gd_client, contact, friend, vkGroup): #Set the contact's phone numbers. if ('mobile_phone' in friend) and (friend['mobile_phone'] != 0): contact.phone_number.append(gdata.data.PhoneNumber(text=friend['mobile_phone'], rel=gdata.data.WORK_REL, primay='true')) if ('home_phone' in friend) and (friend['home_phone'] != 0): contact.phone_number.append(gdata.data.PhoneNumber(text=friend['home_phone'], rel=gdata.data.HOME_REL)) if 'bdate' in friend: contact.birthday = gdata.contacts.data.Birthday(when=friend['bdate']) #Set Group for VK friends contact.group_membership_info.append(gdata.contacts.data.GroupMembershipInfo(href=vkGroup)) #Push changes to Google gd_client.Update(contact) #Download photo from vk, add to google, remove from local computer local_image_filename = friend['photo_big'][friend['photo_big'].rfind('/') + 1:] downloadPhoto(friend['photo_big'], local_image_filename) gd_client.ChangePhoto(local_image_filename, contact, content_type='image/jpeg') removeLocalPhoto(local_image_filename) def CreateContact(gd_client, friend, vkGroup): new_contact = gdata.contacts.data.ContactEntry() name = friend['full_name'] new_contact = gdata.contacts.data.ContactEntry(name=gdata.data.Name(full_name=gdata.data.FullName(text=name))) contact = gd_client.CreateContact(new_contact) UpdateContact(gd_client, contact, friend, vkGroup) if __name__ == '__main__': #Google authorization gd_client = gdata.contacts.client.ContactsClient(source='Export contacts to Google') gd_client.ClientLogin(email, password, gd_client.source) #Get contacts googleContacts = GetAllContacts(gd_client) print "Received Google Contacs" #VK authorization vk = vkontakte.API('2859200', 'Uq9YfuXTq8RUZbrGNnEP') vk = vkontakte.API(token=tokenVK) #Get list of VK friends friends = vk.friends.get(fields="first_name, last_name, bdate, contacts, photo_big", order='name') print "Received VK friends" #Create group in Google Contacs for VK if not exist vkGroup = CheckVkGroup(gd_client) if not vkGroup: CreateVkGroup(gd_client) vkGroup = CheckVkGroup(gd_client) #Make list of VK friends more useful vkFriendsName = [] for record in friends: record['full_name'] = record['first_name'] + u' ' + record['last_name'] if 'bdate' in record: record['bdate'] = TransformBirthday(record['bdate']) if 'home_phone' in record: record['home_phone'] = TransformPhone(record['home_phone']) if 'mobile_phone' in record: record['mobile_phone'] = TransformPhone(record['mobile_phone']) del record['first_name'] del record['last_name'] del record['uid'] del record['online'] vkFriendsName.append(record['full_name']) #Update existing contacts for contact in googleContacts: #Some magics, because of retrieving none existed Google contact try: makeStr(contact.name.full_name.text) except: pass else: if contact.name.full_name.text in vkFriendsName: index = GetIndex(friends, 'full_name', contact.name.full_name.text) friend = friends[index] UpdateContact(gd_client, contact, friend, vkGroup) print "Updated: " + makeStr(friend['full_name']) vkFriendsName.remove(friend['full_name']) #Create new contacts for name in vkFriendsName: index = GetIndex(friends, 'full_name', name) friend = friends[index] CreateContact(gd_client, friend, vkGroup) print "Created: " + makeStr(friend['full_name'])

UPD:Google APIの変更によりコードを修正しました。 同時に同期を追加しました。

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