Mucous discharge instead of menstruation is a very dangerous symptom that threatens the reproductive function of a woman, that is, the birth of healthy children. It is imperative to understand the causes of mucous secretions and begin appropriate treatment. Perhaps, in your particular case, unusual discharge is a variant of the norm, but only a gynecologist can establish this accurately.
Individual rate
Mucous discharge during menstruation in some cases may be a variant of the norm. If the duration of the cycle is normal, the amount of discharge is moderate, the volume of blood loss does not exceed 80 ml, the color is characteristic, then the situation should not cause concern and anxiety. Mucus is secreted by cells that are located in the uterus.

These secretions carry out a protective function, for example, a special plug in the uterine canal prevents pathogenic microorganisms from entering the organ cavity. Before the start of critical days, the canal is opened, opening a place for the exit of menstrual flow. Mucus remains are excreted with menstrual blood, so in the first days of the cycle, the presence of mucous secretions is normal.
Pathological discharge
Mucous periods (like snot) - an occasion to contact a antenatal clinic for qualified help. Such discharge may be a consequence of the development of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, cysts or polyps. Colorless mucus instead of menstruation or discharge with a pale pink color can be signs of pregnancy. Delay with subsequent atypical discharge from the genital tract may be a sign of spontaneous abortion or pathological pregnancy. In this case, inspection is urgently needed.
Common causes of mucus
Why are menstrual mucous membranes? Such a symptom may indicate hormonal disruptions, be the result of abortion or congenital anomalies in the structure of the reproductive system. Often, mucous membranes appear in the postpartum period. Such atypical discharge may occur due to proliferation of the endometrial layer of the uterus or while taking certain contraceptives.

Hormonal disorders
All processes occurring in the body have a direct or indirect effect on the female reproductive system. The work of the whole system is regulated by the level of concentration of sex hormones. A change in hormonal balance leads to serious malfunctions in the work of the whole organism and provokes the development of chronic diseases.
The amount of estrogen and progesterone (the main sex hormones) depends on the living conditions and age of the woman. A strong change in proportions entails disturbances in the work of not only the reproductive system, but also of the whole organism. With an increased content of hormones, an overgrowth of the inner layer that strengthens the walls of the uterus is observed. This has a negative effect on the duration of the menstrual cycle and provokes the appearance of copious discharge.
Accompanying symptoms of hormonal failure are dizziness, mood swings, general discomfort, and weakness. If mucous impurities appear rarely, and the above symptoms are absent or are only manifestations of PMS, then you should not worry. But there is no need to postpone a visit to the gynecologist - examinations need to be held regularly. If there are other unpleasant symptoms, you need to visit the endocrinologist.

Intrauterine contraception
Mucous spotting during menstruation often occurs in girls who use intrauterine contraceptives. Such funds are installed in the uterine cavity, acting as a protective barrier against unwanted conception.
Side effects are thick and heavy menstrual bleeding with an admixture of mucus. The process is aggravated if a woman has poor blood coagulation. Dangerous symptoms are a large amount of mucus, clots up to 4 cm in diameter, soreness.
The course of menstruation is negatively affected by birth control pills. When taking oral contraceptives, the released blood acquires a scarlet color and is accompanied by abundant mucus. In this case, you need to consult a gynecologist.
Endometrial overgrowth
Mucous periods are often with endometriosis. This is the growth of the endometrial layer and its gradual exfoliation. Tissues can enter the abdominal cavity, kidneys, cervix, vagina, and other organs. In this gynecological disease, menstrual flow becomes mucous, accompanied by painful sensations. The duration of active discharge increases to a week and exceeds this norm. Critical days end with spotting brown discharge. Another option is also possible - scanty discharge with an admixture of mucus.

Congenital malformations
Are mucous membranes coming? This may indicate anomalies in the structure of the uterus. An organ may acquire an irregular shape, other common defects: the presence of internal partitions, a displacement of an arrangement in one direction, bends of an organ. This causes stagnation in the uterine cavity and an irregular cycle. With such a problem, the cycle lengthens, during this period a sufficiently large amount of mucus accumulates. In some cases, only a radical solution to the problem is possible - surgical intervention.
Pregnancy and the postpartum period
Monthly mucous and bloody can be in the postpartum period, and during pregnancy (in the early stages) on the days of the alleged menstruation, mucous discharge with a pinkish tinge can be observed. This must be reported to the gynecologist, but the symptom itself may be a variant of the norm. If such discharge is accompanied by pain, then there is a risk of miscarriage. A woman needs urgent hospitalization.
Before giving birth, a cork leaves, along with which a small amount of blood can be released. This is a harbinger of the upcoming birth. In this case, the expectant mother is recommended to go to the hospital to be under the constant supervision of doctors. In the postpartum period, atypical discharge is characteristic, with time they become moderate. This is a normal process of recovery of the female body after the birth of a child. The danger is only that situation when the placenta partially remains in the uterine cavity. Surgery can help solve this problem.

Infectious diseases
Mucous periods with an unpleasant odor may indicate an active phase of infectious inflammation. At the same time, itching and burning are felt, there may be pain. You can establish an accurate diagnosis and determine the appropriate treatment after consulting a specialist who will take swab samples from the vagina. Candidiasis, colpitis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, or other inflammatory processes can be detected.
It is important to remember that the key to maintaining women's health is the regular diagnosis and supervision of a gynecologist. Neglected forms of the disease often cause temporary infertility. Therefore, do not close your eyes to the problem and ignore the alarming symptoms. This may deprive a woman of the joy of motherhood.
Menstruation recovery
Even with a normal amount of mucus, it is recommended to go to an admission to the antenatal clinic. Mucous periods may be a variant of the norm, but also in some cases indicate the presence of pathology. It is advisable to undergo a medical examination and pass a smear on the microflora to make sure there are no infections.
To restore the normal cycle, various methods of conservative therapy are used. Drugs are recommended individually, taking into account the general state of health, gynecological diagnosis and anamnesis. The correct use of tablets, solutions or suppositories and strict observance of the recommendations of the observing physician will prevent the development of chronic forms of diseases. The duration of therapy depends on the complexity of the diagnosis.

Endocrine disorders are corrected with the help of hormones. Antifungal therapy is often carried out, which is aimed at relieving inflammation in infectious diseases. Be sure to prescribe a course of multivitamins to patients to increase general immunity. Physiotherapy, massages or acupuncture may be recommended for indications. Pay attention to the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Moderate physical activity, proper nutrition with a minimum of empty calories and a good sleep are important. If the violations appeared against the background of a sharp weight gain or a change in diet, a correction of the diet is necessary.
Various neoplasms, cysts and fibroids must be completely removed surgically. If these pathologies were the cause of menstrual mucous membranes and other problems with the cycle, then after the operation the reproductive process will stabilize.
Folk treatment recipes
Any folk remedies should be used only after visiting a gynecologist. It helps to normalize women's wormwood health. But this is not an independent therapeutic tool, but only an addition to antibiotics or other drugs. Decoctions and infusions of white-green grass will regulate the duration of the menstrual cycle, reduce the intensity and duration of menstruation. Mucous periods after a course of therapy should disappear.
It is important to remember that self-medication can be harmful. Therefore, you need to monitor your condition and at the first alarming symptoms immediately contact a women's consultation. Even with satisfactory health, an examination is recommended once a year or more often. A negligent attitude to one's own health will entail serious problems, so you can not close your eyes to the existing dangerous symptoms.

Many women are afraid to attend a antenatal clinic because of shame or fear of pain. In fact, modern doctors, even in state hospitals, are attentive to patients, in no case do not shame girls for inattentive attitude to their health, but only try to help cope with unpleasant symptoms of the disease so that the reproductive system returns to normal and the woman can successfully endure and give birth to a child, which is its main function.