If the smell of urine in a woman has changed, then this can be observed with the development of a serious pathology. The sooner you identify the root cause of what is happening, the more chances you have of a successful and quick cure. Please note that the smell of urine in women can change at absolutely any age. That is why every member of the fair sex should know about the basic premises that cause this symptom. So, let's take a closer look at why the smell of urine in women has changed, as well as how the treatment of this symptom is carried out.
Safe reasons
In some cases, a similar symptom may occur due to the influence of certain factors that are in no way related to diseases. If the smell of urine in women has changed, then the reason may lie in the following:
- Long-term treatment with antibacterial agents, as well as vitamin B complexes. In this situation, urine starts to smell bad with medicines. At the end of therapy, as a rule, the smell is restored, it becomes the same.
- If there is a sharp smell of urine in a woman, the reason may lie in the use of garlic, onions, coriander seeds, as well as horseradish in large quantities. As a rule, in such situations, the liquid acquires the corresponding aroma. A similar reason is also the use of too much smoked meat or fried seeds. In parallel with this, urine remains the usual yellow color, as well as the usual consistency.
- If there is a sharp smell of urine in a woman, the reason may lie in an increase in age. This factor is caused by hormonal changes that occur in the female body. For the same reason, symptoms appear during pregnancy, as well as during menstruation.
- The smell can also change if there is a violation of proper organ hygiene.
- Quite often, a sharp smell of urine in a woman is observed if she sits on a protein diet. Too much of this element can provoke a malfunction in the liver. If you find yourself having a similar problem, you should immediately return to the usual full-fledged diet.
- If a sharp smell of urine in a woman is observed only in the morning, then this may indicate dehydration of the body at night. The same problem will be observed if a woman inappropriately empties her bladder. In some cases, this causes the spread of pathogenic bacteria.

If the smell of urine in women has changed for the reasons described above, then normally the symptom will disappear as soon as you eliminate the factor of its appearance. If this did not happen, then a medical examination should be carried out without fail.
Other causes of the symptom
So, we continue to consider why the smell of urine in a woman has changed. Above, we examined factors that do not affect the patientโs health in any way. However, in some cases, a change in smell can indicate the development of a dangerous disease. Specifically, the diagnosis is determined by the doctor, based on notes of aroma, as well as other signs. Let's consider them separately.
Sour smell
Why did the smell of urine in a woman change? Causes of an acid smell can be due to the action of a yeast-like fungus. Such a symptom appears with the development of candidiasis, candidal urethritis, as well as other problems. In parallel with this, other signs begin to appear:
- Yellow muddy urine.
- Whitish vaginal discharge, which is characterized by a curdled consistency.
- Severe itching, which is localized in the genital area.
- A whitish coating that appears on the mucous surfaces and labia.
Features of the treatment of sour smell
Sour aroma can be eliminated only after a course of treatment. As a rule, antimycotic suppositories, as well as creams, are prescribed for this. In the most difficult situations, a specialist prescribes pills. In parallel with this, drugs are prescribed that restore the vaginal microflora. During therapy, it is forbidden to eat mushrooms, spices, confectionery, fatty and fried foods. To speed up the healing process, it is recommended to include unsweetened fruits, vegetables, cereals, fresh herbs, and sea kale in the diet.
However, pay attention to the fact that if the smell of urine in a woman during pregnancy has changed, then there is no reason for concern. As described earlier, the reason is the rearrangement of the hormonal background.

Fish smell
If the smell of urine in women has changed, the causes and treatment will be determined by the doctor after an appropriate examination. Quite often, in patients, urine begins to smell like fish. In most cases, the cause is the development of sexually transmitted diseases. The aroma can occur with the development of the following sexually transmitted diseases:
- Trichomoniasis The reason for the development of this disease is the presence of the Trichomonas bacteria. The first signs will be noticeable after 4 weeks after infection. In this case, discharge from the female vagina appears. They have an unpleasant aroma similar to foam. The genitals of a woman begin to swell and change color. In parallel with this, pain during intercourse is noted.
- Chlamydia The disease appears after ingestion of chlamydia. This occurs most often with anal or vaginal contact. The initial symptoms are discomfort during urination. After this, unnatural discharge begins to appear in which blood may be present. The patient constantly experiences discomfort, which is localized in the lower abdomen.
- Ureaplasmosis. With this disease, the genitourinary system is affected by an infection with ureaplasma. This infection quickly begins to spread to the area of โโthe uterus and appendages. If the patient does not start treatment on time, very serious complications, even infertility, will help. In addition, it can provoke urolithiasis.
- Mycoplasmosis This disease is a result of infection of the vagina with mycoplasmas. As a result, urethritis, bacterial vaginosis, pyelonephritis, and other serious complications develop.
- Gonorrhea. This disease is diagnosed after gonococcus has entered the patientโs body. In the discharge there are impurities of pus. During urination, pain is felt. The patient begins to suffer from severe itching, discomfort, which are localized in the genital area.
- Another possible cause of fish smell is trimethylaminuria. This disease has a genetic nature, it does not fully regulate the production of liver enzymes. A similar problem is diagnosed in most cases at an early age, but sometimes it can manifest itself much later.

Features of the treatment of diseases
In these situations, patients need a course of antibiotic therapy. In parallel, the use of drugs that restore the microflora is prescribed. If there is no treatment, the infection spreads to the reproductive and urinary systems, which can cause serious complications.
The only method of treating trimethylaminuria is to take adsorbing agents, as well as to follow a diet in which a low protein content prevails.
Smell of ammonia
If there is an unpleasant smell of urine in women, which gives off ammonia, this can indicate the development of the following diseases:
- The inflammatory process in different areas of the urinary system, for example, urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis and others.
- Liver disease.
- With diabetes.
- Renal failure.
- Oncological ailments. This changes not only the smell, but also the shade of urine.
In some cases, this symptom may not have any relation to the disease. The aroma of ammonia is felt in the urine of a person who uses drugs with a high content of iron or calcium to treat a particular disease, or the patient is forced to endure the urge to urinate for a long time.

Sweet smell
If there is a strange smell of urine in women, slightly sweet, then this may indicate the development of leukemia. This problem can be inherited. The disease is associated with impaired formation of enzymes that are involved in the breakdown of amino acids. Due to this reason, substances begin to accumulate in the cells, provoking the appearance of the disease. Other symptoms of the disease will be the appearance of seizures, in violation of coordination of movements, as well as in attacks of vomiting. It is completely impossible to exclude the disease, so the patient must adhere to a special diet throughout her life. Only in this way it will be possible to get rid of the sweet aroma of urine.
Rotten eggs
What does the smell of urine in a woman say that resembles the smell of rotten eggs or hydrogen sulfide? This symptom may indicate an infection of the urinary tract with Escherichia coli. The reason for this phenomenon is unprotected intercourse with a carrier of infection, or in the absence of the necessary hygiene of the female organs.
Escherichia coli, when it enters the ureter, is attached firmly to the walls. At the same time, pay attention to the fact that it is impossible to get rid of the stick with douching. If in time the woman does not reveal this problem, then the pathogen can rise higher through the urinary system, get directly to the bladder. Since the immune system weakens, the pathogen multiplies. At the same time, the patient feels frequent urination. Urine acquires the aroma of rotten eggs. In some cases, an admixture of blood or pus can be seen in the fluid. Efficiency worsens, a breakdown is observed, and apathy also appears.

In some cases, the smell of rotten eggs may appear in a woman who consumes too much asparagus. In this situation, urine will acquire a normal aroma 6 hours after the use of this product.
Sometimes a similar symptom may indicate the development of cancer. That is why, if you notice the smell of rotten eggs in your urine, you should consult an oncologist.
Rotten apples
Quite often, a pungent odor manifests itself in the development of diabetes. This phenomenon can be explained by the increased content of acetone in the blood of the patient. The higher the sugar level, the richer and brighter this aroma will be felt.
The pungent smell of rotten apples haunts diabetics who suffer from ketoacidosis. This disease indicates a severe course of diabetes. An unpleasant odor is observed not only in urine, but also in other human biological fluids. In addition, the aroma comes from the body itself, because acetone enters the sweat.
If the patient has joined the main disease with inflammation of the genitourinary system, then the unpleasant odor can become simply unbearable. If the infection is localized in the kidneys, then in the womanโs urine the concentration of protein increases, which instantly decomposes and exudes stench. These diabetic complications provoke clouding of urine, as well as an increase in its viscosity. In most cases, small whitish flakes begin to show up in it.
The smell of beer
If the aroma of urine has changed dramatically at the pub, then this may indicate the development of malformation. This term refers to a condition in which the intestine absorbs inferior nutrients from food. This phenomenon provokes a change in the chemical composition in all biological fluids of fatty diarrhea, as well as in a decrease in body weight.
Beer aroma may appear with liver failure. In parallel with this, urine becomes a saturated dark shade. The effectiveness of treatment in this case will depend on the stage of the disease. If the disease has developed into hepatitis, then the therapy will be complex and lengthy. Sometimes urine starts to smell like fish or garlic.

Mold smell
A change in the aroma of urine can occur due to a violation of the natural process of fermentation in the liver. This body begins to lose the ability to process phenylalanine. For this reason, the substance begins to accumulate in the cells of the body. In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that an unpleasant odor appears not only in urine, but also in saliva, as well as other biological fluids.
In parallel with the unpleasant odor of mold, other signs of the disease appear:
- Lethargy, depression, decreased performance.
- Cramps.
- Lag in physical and mental development.
If a similar cause of an unpleasant odor has been identified, then treatment should begin immediately. As a rule, it is carried out under the supervision of a specialist. The main method of therapy is to adjust the diet. Due to this, the existing symptoms are weakening, but it is impossible to completely get rid of the disease. You should also pay attention to the fact that this ailment is hereditary.

As you can see, there can be a large number of reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the urine. If you eliminate the root cause of the problem, you can successfully get rid of the symptom. But in no case should you self-medicate, as in difficult situations this can provoke the development of serious complications.