Many women are complex because of the size of their bust. Some think about what to do with small breasts. Others dream of reducing the big. Third is not satisfied with the form. Fashion for women the figure is constantly changing. It is impossible to follow it and change your body every 7-10 years. Like you must first imagine. Others do not notice the flaws, if a woman is confident in his sexuality and happy.

Perfect bust
Most women are confident that men prefer large breasts. She really attracts and attracts the eye. Scientists believe that the subconscious is to blame. In childhood, large breasts guaranteed the baby an abundance of milk, warmth and comfort.
Several years ago, the famous men's magazine has conducted a survey on the topic, what size bust prefer men. The survey was attended by several thousand people. About 33% of the votes gained chest size three. And immediately after her - the second. The fifth and sixth sizes gained no more than 5% of the vote.
In most of the responses, men drew attention to the fact that the state of the breast is more important for them. A bust of the fourth size most often cannot boast of elasticity. Especially if the woman has already given birth or crossed the 35-year mark. Therefore, do not worry about what to do if the breasts are very small. She will not be able to lose elasticity. This means that even in adulthood it will not be subject to sagging and deformation.

In fact, breast size is not as important as it might seem. Among the Hollywood beauties are women both large and small breasts. All of them are popular and welcome for millions of men. The only important thing is how a woman evaluates herself. If she is not confident and too complex, even the most beautiful breasts will not help her become happier.
Why the breast does not grow
In order to understand what to do with small breasts and whether it will become larger, you need to understand the reason why it does not grow. In girls, the mammary glands begin to develop at about 8-10 years old. First, a gradual swelling of the chest occurs.
The mammary glands begin their development in turn. It was at this time that many girls and their mothers were worried about what to do if one breast is smaller than the other. It is not worth worrying because of this - this is a completely normal situation.
From the age of 12, adipose tissue begins to grow in the area of ββthe mammary gland. By 22 years, the breast should reach the final size, which will accompany the woman throughout her life. There are several reasons why the growth of adipose tissue around the mammary glands stops:
- Inadequate production of estrogen (female sex hormones).
- Deficiency of fatty tissue in the body.
- Genetic feature.
- Decreased thyroid hormone levels.
- Professional sport.
It can already formed breasts decrease
Women with a perfect bust may one day find that their breasts are smaller. In the vast majority of cases, this situation can be explained by normal physiological reasons. Sometimes the breast becomes smaller due to various diseases and hormonal disruptions.
The most common reason why the size of the bust becomes more modest, is a dramatic weight loss. What should I do if my breasts become smaller and I donβt want to lose volumes? Stop losing weight. The weight will have to be adjusted and reduced very slowly. Otherwise, the chest will not only become much smaller, but also sag.
Bust size may decrease after breastfeeding is completed. And also in the event that a woman took birth control pills for a long time, and then stopped doing it.

The pathological causes of breast reduction include hormonal disruptions. For example, problems with the thyroid gland. In this case, pathological changes can also affect other organs. Without the help of a doctor in this situation can not do.
Why is one breast smaller
Asymmetry of the mammary glands in girls is a variant of the norm. Usually it completely goes to 17 years. The same situation in an adult woman requires a consultation with a mammologist.
Asymmetry can develop for the following reasons:
- Injury. Mechanical damage in childhood can adversely affect the process of breast formation.
- Lactation and pregnancy. In these periods, asymmetry is the norm. But in the event that it persists even after the termination of feeding the baby, examination and consultation of a doctor is necessary.
- Blockage of ducts.
- Hormonal disorders.
- Neoplasms. Pathological tissue proliferation affects the size and shape of the breast.
- Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system.
Hormone treatment
Women often wonder what to do with small breasts. Some experts recommend taking hormonal drugs for these purposes. They can only be prescribed by the attending physician after passing all the necessary tests.
Hormones that contribute to breast augmentation:
- Estrogens. It is this group that is responsible for breast growth.
- Progesterone. Regulates the growth of glandular tissue.
- Prolactin. Responsible for breast volume during gestation.
It is impossible to say in advance about how much the breast will increase while taking the drugs. In some women, the difference will be only half the size. Others are more lucky. Some breast increases two sizes.
Reception of hormones gives effect only up to that time while the woman drinks them. After the rejection of the use of the drug volume will disappear. Therefore, this option is not a panacea in the case of the girl small breasts. What to do, drink hormones further or decide on an operation? Many doctors believe that surgery is much safer.

All hormonal drugs affect the female body is not the best way, and in the case of prolonged use can cause unpleasant consequences:
- A significant increase in body weight.
- Phlebeurysm.
- Migraine.
- Thrombosis.
- Decreased immunity.
- Disruption of the digestive tract (constipation, nausea).
- Depression
- Decreased libido.
- Insomnia.
- Arterial hypertension.
- Allergies.
Breast augmentation with hormonal medication is far from the best way. For a temporary result, a woman can pay with her health.
The most common answer to the question of what to do with small breasts will be mammoplasty. The operation is a serious step. But this is the only real way to significantly increase the breast to the desired size and maintain the result for life. In addition to changing the volume, a woman will receive elasticity.
There are several types of implants. They differ in density, shape and filler. Modern implants are perfectly safe. Even if their shell is damaged, the contents will not leak out and will not harm the woman.
Surgery lasts about 50 minutes on average. The doctor does not affect the breast tissue, so a woman will be able to feed the baby. The recovery period does not exceed two weeks. And the scar resolves after five months.

During the first 30 days, you must always wear compression garments. You will have to forget about sports and swimming for a while. Lifting weights is also prohibited.
Only surgical intervention will help to quickly transform small breasts. Whether to do the operation, the woman should decide on their own. This is a serious step that cannot be taken rashly.
It must be understood that mammoplasty can also provoke negative consequences. For example, rupture of the implant or its displacement, the formation of a fibrous capsule. And sometimes you canβt get the form that the woman dreamed about. In most cases, this is due to the fault of the surgeon, due to his insufficient qualifications. Therefore, the choice of the clinic must be approached very responsibly.
Breast enlargement is not all that mammoplasty is capable of. Many women are interested in what to do to make their breasts smaller. This may seem surprising to some, but there are women who want to have more modest volumes. The reduction procedure is called reduction mammoplasty. It is necessary in the case where large amounts begin to cause physical and psychological discomfort. After surgery, the chest will become firm and toned.
Reception of dietary supplements
Various dietary supplements for breast augmentation are very popular. These drugs include phytohormones derived from plants. The effectiveness and safety of such products has not been proven. Despite this, many women are willing to risk health for the sake of obtaining the desired breast size non-invasive way.
Plant hormones have a similar composition to estrogen. Long-term use of such funds may contribute to some increase in breast volume. The effect of such dietary supplements similar to hormonal agents, but several times weaker. That is, except, increase the bust, a woman may become wider in the waist and hips. And after taking herbal preparations, the breast will lose volume and return to its previous size.
Physical exercise
Many fitness trainers attract clients by promising to show effective exercises for breast augmentation. Unfortunately, this is not possible. The chest consists of fat and mammary gland. Pumping these fabrics is simply impossible. Exercise is not able to increase the volume of the breast.

This situation does not mean that sport can be ignored. There are exercises that can affect the muscles under the mammary gland. If you keep them in good shape, they will pull the chest up. This visually make the bust a little more. The most effective exercises are regular push-ups.
Reviews about breast augmentation
The vast majority of reviews about the breast augmentation using hormones and dietary supplements - the negative. Women write that at first they were happy with the increasing volumes and the absence of side effects. Unfortunately, it did not last long. Almost everyone who took hormones began to gain weight quickly. Nutrition and exercise did not produce any results.
As a result, the women stopped taking hormones because the stop weight gain was almost impossible. After abandoning the preparations, the breast quickly lost its shape and returned to its original volume. But the excess weight remained. In the reviews, women pay attention to the fact that if they had known about such consequences before, they would not have used hormones.

Much more information can be found about surgery. The vast majority of positive reviews relate to mammoplasty. Almost all the girls are happy with the result. Not one was disappointed in her decision. The chest takes on the desired shape and size. Women forget their complexes as soon as they are able to look in the mirror after the operation.