Both children and adults just love desserts. Most often, sweets of different types play the role of sweets. However, the life of the sweet tooth is not so happy. Of course, on the one hand, high-quality chocolates are really excellent antidepressants, thanks to which the mood quickly rises. Do not forget about the dangers of sweets. Any sweets can harm the human body, especially if you use them in large quantities. Even an adult may develop an allergy to certain sweets if he eats them uncontrollably.

Experts do not recommend eating cheap sweets. But even if a person buys exclusively high-quality sweets, then no more than 50 g of products containing sugar can be eaten per day. At the same time, it is recommended to use sweets after eating.
The benefits of sweets
As already mentioned, thanks to sweets, a personβs mood improves significantly. For children, sweets are the best praise and a pleasant surprise.
If we are talking about a dessert of dark chocolate, then in this case a large amount of cocoa will be present in it. As you know, this component is able to suspend inflammatory processes, and also perfectly neutralizes infections.
In addition, quality products contain useful carbohydrates that help a person get the necessary energy for the whole day. Speaking about the benefits and harms of chocolate sweets, it is worth noting that their use positively affects the blood-forming function of the body of an adult and a child.
Harm candy
It all depends on what kind of sweets in question. Lollipops and cheap icicles contain a huge amount of sugar. This component is a low molecular weight carbohydrate, which includes glucose, sucrose, fructose and other components. Each time a person sends another candy to the body, sucrose, which is present in it, provokes the formation of lactic acid. Because of this, the natural acidic environment in the human mouth is disturbed.

Speaking about what harmful sweets are, one must take into account that if a child eats sweets only after lunch, then the plaque remaining on the enamel after eating can protect the teeth from the negative effects of sugar. But if children abuse sweets, then in any case, it will harm tooth enamel. Especially if the child requires sweets a few hours after eating or before lunch. In this case, the enamel is exposed, which is why even the strongest teeth will begin to suffer from tooth decay and other problems.
In addition, sugar, which is contained in sweets, only plays out the appetite of a person even more. Therefore, if you use lollipops and other sweets daily, then there is a big risk of getting better. Also, the abuse of sweets can provoke the development of diabetes. Increased blood sugar causes the skin to age too quickly. Also sweets are strictly forbidden to eat to those who suffer from atherosclerosis.
If the composition of sweets includes flavors and other artificial additives, then in this case they certainly can not benefit the body. Special care should be taken with caramel, candies and toffee.
Very often, sweet candies are the main allergen for young children. It is because of this that they may appear diathesis. In addition, it is forbidden to eat such sweets for those who suffer from liver disease. If children eat sweets uncontrollably, then in this case the regulatory mechanisms and metabolic functions in the body of babies change. This leads to increased stress on the liver and other organs.

In addition, if a person consumes too many carbohydrates during the day, then the secretion of gastric juice is significantly enhanced against this background. Most often, a similar problem affects children who are diagnosed with a malfunction of the autonomic system.
Speaking about the benefits and dangers of sweets, it is worth considering that due to sweets a person can suffer from heartburn, nausea and pain in the stomach. Experts recommend using only chocolates. However, the main component of such sweets can vary significantly depending on the method of preparation.
Varieties of chocolate
A regular chocolate candy may contain from 25 to 99% cocoa products. It is worth paying attention to the composition of the dessert. If it contains a large amount of grated cocoa or butter, then in this case a person has dark chocolate. If you ask any doctor which sweets are the most harmless, then any specialist will confirm that this type of sweets is the most beneficial for the human body.
In classic or ordinary tiles, as a rule, contains from 35% to 60% of cocoa products. There are also sweets in which you can find vegetable oils. It must be remembered that they should not be in quality products.
White and milky
Such sweets are found on store shelves most often. Children and adults love milk chocolate, but it is considered one of the least beneficial for the human body, since it contains no more than 35% of cocoa products. Thus, it has practically no useful components.

If we are talking about white chocolate, then it does not have cocoa at all. Instead, this type of sweets contains more than 40% fat. Still white chocolate is prepared using powdered sugar, milk powder, vanilla and salt.
Dessert and Porous
Dessert got this variety thanks to various processing methods. If we are talking about dessert chocolate, then in this case the product will be extremely tender. This is due to the fact that in the process of manufacturing products, cocoa beans are fermented for a very long time. Therefore, the finished chocolate bar or candy is distinguished by its aromatic and taste.
Porous sweets are made from specially prepared chocolate mass, into which CO2 gas is supplied. After the sweet products are saturated with them, bubbles appear that gradually expand and increase the volume of chocolate.
What kind of chocolates can be given to children
If we are talking about quality bitter chocolate, then in this case the product will be rich in antioxidants. This means that if a person periodically eats such sweets, he will improve the work of the cardiovascular system. In addition, dark chocolate increases the protective functions of the body and improves metabolic processes. Often, it contains various useful components that help with severe stresses. However, keep in mind that it also contains caffeine. It is safe for adults and helps them improve memory performance as well as attention. But small children are not recommended to give such chocolate, as there is a risk that the baby will suffer from overexcitation of the nervous system.

In addition, chocolate, even if it is completely natural, can cause an allergic reaction in the baby. Therefore, very young children should not give bitter chocolate. However, this does not cause strong problems, as the kids are more fond of very sweet treats.
Children under 5 years old can be given white or milk chocolate. However, you need to carefully study the composition of the purchased sweets. If we talk about how many sweets you can eat per day, then it all depends on the size and composition of the sweets. It is usually not recommended to give fidgets more than 50 g of treats per day.
Marshmallow Marmalade and Marshmallow
If we are talking about sweets of this type, it will be useful to know that such sweets will be less high-calorie. This is due to the fact that they have practically no fat. If we are talking about quality products, then it will be made from berry or fruit puree with the addition of sugar, proteins, pectin, gelatin and other components.
If agar-agar is present in sweets, then in this case such candies are the most useful. The product is harvested from red algae. As a rule, it is used to replace artificial gelatin. Agar agar contains: iodine, calcium, iron and other components.

Speaking about the benefits and dangers of jelly candies, it is worth paying attention to pectin. If it is present in the composition of sweets, then this suggests that they are made from natural products. This component has a natural fruity taste with some acidity. However, because of this, very often manufacturers begin to add aromatic and flavoring additives to their products. If they are not present, but pectin is present, then in this case this component will help to eliminate toxins from the body, lower cholesterol and improve metabolic processes.
If there is gelatin in the composition of sweets, then you need to understand that it is made from the connective tissues of animals. On the one hand, it is allowed to give it to children, since it can positively affect the structure of bone tissue, on the other hand, today gelatin is very often made from artificial components.
Features marmalade and marshmallows
Marmalade sweets are very light and dietary. If such a product is made according to old technologies, then this suggests that berry and fruit jellies are used for this. In fruit and berry marmalade, much more pectin. However, this type of candy, which is made on the basis of gelatin or starch thickener, is also on sale. They are very harmful.
Although children adore marmalade, which chews longer, such a product cannot be called natural. Most often, beeswax is added to it, which is responsible for the dense texture. It is best to purchase marmalade sweets that quickly bite off and chew.
If we are talking about pastille, then in this case the marshmallow is mixed with egg yolk. Such products are recommended to be given to children no more than several times a week. If sweets are glazed with chocolate, then in this case you should not treat very small children with such sweets.
Peppermint candies: benefits and harms
If we are talking about sweets with natural menthol, then it has a lot of useful properties. For example, this component is an excellent antiseptic and analgesic. In addition, it calms and helps get rid of the first symptoms of colds. At high temperatures, it helps cool the body and get some relief.
However, not all store "icicles" with the menthol or peppermint flavor possess these properties. Most often, they contain a huge amount of sugar and flavorings. Therefore, such sweets are classified as ordinary candies.
Prohibited Supplements

Speaking about the benefits and dangers of sweets, it must be borne in mind that some unscrupulous manufacturers add components to sweets that have long been banned in the Russian Federation. For example, do not buy candies in which the additive E121 is present. She is responsible for the red color and gives the product a beautiful citrus shade. The same goes for E123. You should also be wary of preservatives. For example, formaldehyde was detected in component E240. By and large, products with this addition can be classified in the same way as arsenic.