Acquaintance with Yandex.Maps or How much I love documentation

Greetings to all inquisitive (and not so)!

The other day I happened to re-plunge into the "bliss" of the lack of adequate technical documentation for MapKit from Yandex.Maps and re-apply the "old working solution." I personally see this “decision” as fundamentally rude and sincerely hope that it is completely incorrect and has the right alternative (without the need to use the “reception” described below). Nevertheless, the "torment of Tantalum" was felt, and a comic poem was written about this.

I ask for more justified criticism in the field of applied solutions than in the rules of a good syllable.

The article has an optimistic and realistic character and carries the narrative of the experience in solving a specific problem.

“When you open the map screen, you must quickly determine the primary coordinates of the user and show them accordingly.”

I don’t see the final implementation. The main idea is described very clearly.

Enjoy it.

Somehow I suddenly decided, friends,

That I can’t live without cards .

I rubbed my hands cunningly

And my inner Senior

He began to delve into the subject:

Core / Google / Yandex to take.


I was familiar with KOR for a long time:

Pin is beautiful, UI - ... not really.

Yes, routes, yes, pins ...,

But ruthless guilt

Do not escape ... if I

For a country where there is a family,

I will provide that UI ...

God forbid Holy Wi-fi.

In general, I betrayed NatIv

In favor of bright utilities.


I remembered about 2GIS,

There is a "apiha" - this is a surprise!

Himself - colorful and open source!

But for me - he is a little greyhound.

By virtue of other "Alpha"

There is no point in pouring speeches.


This is my “paddock” personally

Waiting for comments on the training ground.

I remembered something so I didn’t decide

My reader that in a hurry

With this choice then

And forgot about 2gisA.


Google with Yandex ... Here,

As an iOS nickname, I'm Google

I did not give preference.

It seemed to me that

More Yandex for the country:

" Cards, Market, Zen ... they

Made for people ... "

My villain was naive ...


So, tell this:

"In general, the guy is not bad ..."

UI is clear here like a day

... but casts a shadow

Eye pleasures

My further story here:

I wanted to understand the API,

There is an example here and ... be patient .

Further Yandex turned

A song of words in pankre ... embarrassment.

Before me was a question:

I'll put my nose in the cards - I need it right away

To the user to say "You are here."


Layer by layer - no problem.

Very often management.

Here is the event, and here is the UI ...

Where is the location, your ... your take me?

I found him in the “layer”,

Where to map, where to view

I decided to customize the arrow

Like, "render ... take your time.

Latitude and Longitude

Soon, brother, they will come to you. ”


Brothers, sisters, if you

More perspicacious

Tell me and IM,

How not to hang crutches.

And if someone can -

Let them help with texts

And will describe all the APIs,

So that the mobil man does not yell.

In general, so. Let crutches

And not “soft” stones,

But it's time to throw at me:

I included two services.


"Kor" frisky me like a whip

Gives a point - what is fast.

And for other movements,

Yandex sends me respect.

In that conflict, my punisher is

This is a common denominator,

Who is Latitude

And , undoubtedly, longitude .


And now, perhaps in vain,

Yandex with KOR are like friends.

Well, I finished the story.

... the truth is this is not accurate.


Thank you for your time colleagues.

All creative success and positive mood.

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