Ticket sales start for the anniversary international forum on practical safety PHDays. You can register and buy tickets at this link starting December 5th.
As in previous years, the Early Birds discount is valid: if you buy tickets before December 30, the cost of participation in two days of the forum will be 9600 rubles. Starting from February 1, a ticket for two days of the forum will cost 14,400 rubles, and for one day - 9,600 rubles.
Other Ways to Get on PHDays
There are several, including free, ways to be among the members of Positive Hack Days. One of them is to make a presentation. Present the results of their research can be recognized experts as well as novice experts. Call For Papers kicks off soon - stay tuned!
In addition, winners of specialized hacking contests and members of The Standoff teams will be able to get an invite to PHDays. Follow the announcements - we will provide details about all this later!