/ Unsplash / Atik sulianami
Providers and Telecoms
- Why should an operator know QoE: we are talking about marketing, quality of services and sales
The term QoE (Quality of Experience) can be translated as "quality of perception." This is a parameter that allows you to evaluate the work of the Internet provider and is measured by positive and negative customer reviews. In the article we are talking about technical metrics that affect user experience: QoS, RTT (round-trip time) and retransmit.
- Savings on matches: we analyze errors in the construction of networks of telecom operators
Sometimes it’s better to learn from other people's mistakes, so we made a list of the most common ways to “shoot yourself in the foot” when deploying a network. We are talking about approaches to redundancy, monitoring and building an architecture that will work like a time bomb. All the cases described are real and based on the experience of colleagues in the workshop.
- E-SIM - evil or panacea?
The technology became mass in 2016, but not in Russia. There was no regulatory framework and related technology platforms. But a month ago in our country they issued the first permission to work with eSIM. In the article we will analyze why the adaptation of the technology took so much time, and how the mobile market will change with its arrival.
- How to improve the quality of IPTV for customers
We are talking about two technologies that increase customer loyalty to the IPTV provider - Quality of Service (QoS) and Electronic Program Guide (EPG). The first makes it possible to divide traffic by priority and allocate a large band for IP-television. The second - helps the user navigate the television content.
Protocols and Standards
- IPv4 Addresses End - Depletion Timeline
Geoff Huston of the APNIC Internet registrar says IPv4 addresses will end in 2020. This is our retrospective material, where we analyze the causes of address depletion and discuss the future of external IP addressing. In particular, let's talk about IPv6 protocol and NAT mechanisms.

/ Unsplash / elizabeth lies
- DNS over HTTPS - security or complexity
Last year, the Internet Engineering Council (IETF) approved a new protocol - DNS over HTTPS. It allows you to encrypt queries to the DNS server and responses to them. Despite the obvious benefits, heated debate flared up around the protocol. A number of IT experts consider DoH an extremely unfortunate idea that will reduce the security of browsing the Internet. The article tells what the reason is.
- IPv6 Implementation - FAQ for Internet Service Providers
This is a kind of checklist for providers who are migrating IT infrastructure to a new generation protocol. For example, we are talking about potential problems with iron on the side of the operator and the client, as well as legislative aspects.
Regulation and Service Policies
- How to provide free Wi-Fi in accordance with the law
Owners of public hot spots in cafes, restaurants and airports should register customers connecting to the network in institutions. We will tell you how to do it right and fulfill the requirements of the regulator (here is one of our cases).

/ Unsplash / Muukii
- Content Blocking: The World Stage
We talk about the most "closed" countries - North Korea and China, the reasons for the blocking of social networks and instant messengers in Europe and North America. We will also talk about the laws on the "disconnection of the Internet" in force in India, China and Ethiopia.
- U.S. court allows states to return network neutrality
Two years ago, the FCC abolished net neutrality in the United States. This is a concept according to which Internet service providers cannot block access to sites and give priority to any type of content. Around the same time, large IT companies and politicians began a struggle to restore net neutrality. Recently, they won a small victory - the court allowed the states to return network neutrality on their territory. In the material we tell what will happen next and who is already introducing, introducing relevant bills.
- Why popular video hosting removes content with hacking guides
YouTube changed the service’s policies and began to remove videos about hacking applications and sites. The problem is that even educational videos are blocked, the authors of which want to warn specialists and users about the dangers. The Cyber Arms Lab channel has already suffered - it is led by the founder of the hacker group "white hats" Hacker Interchange. In the article we discuss the opinion of the community and the reaction of the video hosting representatives.
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