So December came - the time to summarize the outgoing year, plan work next year and prepare for the holidays. Until a wave of urgent affairs sweeps over you, check out our selection of HR events and educational courses in which you will be able to participate before the end of the year.
Not all events have yet been announced, stay tuned for updates to the post, announcements for the second half of the month will be added later.
IT is not for IT (online course)
When: beginning December 2, 10:00
Where: online
Terms of participation: 20 000 rubles
Organizer: IT Recruiter School
The course is intended for those who want to immerse themselves in technology and become the best IT recruiter. The speakers will talk about the development from the beginning of the creation of the project to the release in production and share their experience on practical examples.
Program and speakers:
- Module 1: Development Basis - Holy Zadorozhny, Shortex;
- Module 2: Architecture and Testing - Holy Zadorozhny;
- Module 3: Frontend - Alexey Nosov, Tinkoff;
- Module 4: Backend - Maxim Bakirov, Yandex;
- Module 5: Mobile - Stanislav Tsyganov, Tutu.ru.
→ Details and registration
FriendWork Demo Night (mitap)
When: December 4, 19:00
Where: the venue is being specified
Terms of participation: free
Organizer: FriendWork
Mitap will bring together eychars who will learn all about the latest technologies in HR, which can not be done in 2020.
In a programme:
- 3 cases of companies that became friends with IT technologies and achieved significant results in 2019;
- Chat bots for different HR processes;
- New features in the automation of mass selection;
- Data-based recruiting
- Networking and buffet.
→ Details and registration
“Recruiter - where to find and how to train” (business breakfast)
When: December 5, 10:00
Where: Moscow, st. Ilyinka, d. 13
Terms of participation: 1,500 rubles
Organizer: Selecty
At a business breakfast, we will talk about where to find and how to integrate an effective IT recruiter into the team.
Event experts:
- Arseny Fedotkin, Managing Partner, Selecty;
- Daria Kudryavtseva, Head of IT recruitment at Alfa Bank;
- Maria Fisher, HR BP at Inventive Retail Group.
→ Details and registration
“How Candidate Experience Helps Find and Adapt Employees” (mitap)
When: December 9, 19:30
Where: Moscow, Sadovnicheskaya nab., 9
Terms of participation: free
Organizer: DigitalHR
Mitap will be useful to HR and recruiters, employer brand development specialists and marketers, entrepreneurs and business owners. It will help to build work with candidates and the HR brand not spontaneously, but based on facts.
- Katerina Gavrilova, founder of the DigitalHR recruiting agency;
- Tatyana Tsarkova, Executive Director of DigitalHR.
→ Details and registration
“IT HR meetup # 40: Discrimination of employees in the IT market: myth or reality?” (Mitap)
When: December 10, 18:30
Where: St. Petersburg, st. Flower, d. 21, lit. BUT
Terms of participation: free
Organizer: IT-Dominant
“IT HR meetup” is an informal meeting of HR-s from various IT-companies. This time the list of participants has been expanded by financial directors, chief accountants and company managers.
Event experts:
- Olga Rybina, Head of Human Resources, Acsour;
- Dmitry Laabe, CEO of IT-Dominant;
- Valentina Alexandrova, Head of Audit and Strategic Projects, Acsour.
→ Details and registration
HR in IT (online course)
When: the beginning of December 11, the time is being specified
Where: online
Terms of participation: 10 900 rubles
Organizer: MTS University
Business demand for high-class IT specialists exceeds supply. Only the same high-class IT-helpers can help. A strong HR should be able to find a common language with developers, navigate the technology stack, constantly update their knowledge and create an environment in the company that no IT person wants to leave.
Course program:
- “IT specialist, where are you? How to find you and not to lose? "
- “Welcome aboard or all about adapting IT people”
- “Are IT people in corporate culture a myth or a reality?”
- “Hello, we are looking for talent!”
Course expert - Natalia Danilenko, CHRO, trainer, HR consultant
→ Details and registration
“Faculty of Human Resource Management” (online course)
When: the beginning of December 23, the time is being specified
Where: online
Terms of participation: 175,000 rubles (12,500 rubles per month, 14 months)
Organizer: GeekBrains
Not just a course, but an entire online university that teaches HR management from scratch.
Training program:
- 1 quarter (December-February 2020): Fundamentals of personnel management.
- 2 quarter (March-May): Modern approaches to staff development.
- 3rd quarter (June-August): HR planning.
- 4th quarter (September-November): Soft skills and personal effectiveness.
- 1 quarter (December-February 2021): Pitching projects and preparing for an interview for the position of HR manager.
→ Details and registration
About event organizers:
- MTS University - educational programs for professional and personal development.
- DigitalHR is a recruiting agency for the selection of specialists in IT and Digital.
- FriendWork is an online recruiting automation service.
- GeekBrains is an educational portal.
- IT Dominant is a recruiting agency specializing in the search for IT specialists.
- IT Recruiter School - IT recruiting school.
- Selecty is a recruiting agency.
If in our digest you did not find any events for HR and IT recruiters that will be held in December, please add them to the comments.