Do you want to develop a company, expand your business, enter the top of sales, conquer the international market? Competently select employees, and all this will actually be.
The leader is required to correctly recognize and develop a person’s potential. To captivate if not with a space salary, then at least with interesting duties and the opportunity to develop.
About how to notice a highlight in the probable employee, below in the material.
Calculating Talents by Resume
Impossible, you say. No problem - we fend off. Here is an example.
According to one large international bank, only in our country its branches receive about 6,000 resumes per year.

Personnel departments must let all this mass through them and find those people who will really work. So: recruiters of large holdings claim that in this stream there are only 1% of productive potential employees.
Now more on how to do it.
In order to calculate just such people, it is worth creating a strict initial funnel. Yes, many people will be eliminated immediately. But those who remain will work with one hundred percent return, with pleasure developing and helping the company to conquer new heights.
Set a global goal
Formulate the criteria that a particular candidate must meet. This will be the rigor of the funnel.
If you do not want to set ambitious goals for yourself, do not make it narrow. Otherwise, you will spend a lot of time, effort and money on the selection of the candidate, and the person will not stay for long - after all, you will not be able to provide him with the range of responsibilities that he hoped for.

High IQ professionals love challenge and continuous improvement. Their main incentive is not even salary, but significant and fascinating work.
Define Values
Want to find an employee who is ready to give all the best 100%? Start with his values.
Make sure that the development of the company will correspond to what the person wants to receive, his life priorities.
Lean on four principles:
- Following stereotypes. If the resume says “communicative”, “easy to learn” and “ready to work in a team”, be wary of such a candidate. Most likely, a person simply uses generally accepted cliches, which they recommend writing in a resume.
- Operability . Employees are divided into two types: one must act as a generator of ideas, the other - follow the instructions of the first. In any case, both should work productively. When a person does not teach or takes too much on himself, this is immediately evident. For example, over the course of a career: I worked here for six months, there for six months. And why? Do not be lazy and try to find out about it from the context in order to choose the right position for him in the future.
- Striving for a better result . The expectations bar should be raised very high already in the application for finding an employee, and the candidate is ready to give all the best to meet your requirements. That is, ideally, the resume should look like a personalized response to a specific vacancy.
- Honesty. Moreover, the limit. If the applicant is already silent in the resume about something, and this is noticeable to the naked eye, it’s not worth the risk.
Evaluate the style and level of preparation of the resume
If a candidate sent a handwritten CV and was scanned, or in MS Word format, there are two options: he cannot think progressively or dismisses progress itself.
After all, most job seekers, more or less computer-savvy, have long been using special services that allow you to create a resume online!

Here, for example, is what SweetCV resume designer looks like - ready-made resume templates, various color palettes and fonts. The document looks concise and modern, easily converted to PDF.
Such a resume is pleasant to browse and read carefully. It immediately indicates creativity, the ability to make optimal decisions and think proactively.
Compare, for example, with this option:

This is a resume typed in MS Word. A few years ago, they would have paid attention to him. Now it may not even open at the eychar, since the computer may be on Mac OS.
Examine the candidate’s portrait
When meeting a potential employee, each boss tries to understand his personal history in order to make up his own impression. So the summary is such a story.
It succinctly sets out experience, successes and failures, the willingness to work - you just need to read all this between the lines. Already by the style of the resume, you can determine the degree of responsibility of the candidate.
By the way, it is in this document that you can see the future that the specialist is building for himself. Look at the context in which a person submits himself: will he be able to develop further, work productively and set new goals.
Most Western companies use this technique, wanting to get highly qualified specialists.
Only be interested in essential skills
Let the candidate be even thrice competent in his field, if this experience does not fit into your understanding of the work, do not give it preference.
The summary should indicate the possibility of a case-based interview. Procter & Gamble uses a similar technique, so that in the future it would be possible to sort out a business case with a candidate and determine liability limits. Ask the applicant to describe a way out of a situation with which he will theoretically have to work. And indicate this task already in the vacancy.
Constantly change the selection process
For different vacancies, use different tactics. Write this as a note in the job description. But do not write what is specifically required of the candidate if this skill does not help him in his work.
For example: you need a content manager who should check articles from journalists or copywriters. Indicate that you need competent written language and computer skills.
See how far the candidate goes when presenting himself. If he indicates all his skills, up to the ability to drive a car, then he desperately wants to get this job. For better or worse, decide for yourself.
Perhaps this is all that can be done at the resume stage. The next step is an interview. Below are some tips that will help to further reveal the personality and qualities of the candidate.
How to identify the prospects of a potential employee for an interview
If you want to meet with a candidate, then at least something, but he still hooked you. But remember that a good person is not a profession.
It's nice, of course, to have a hearty chat during coffee breaks or lunch. But if the beginner does not cope with the work, then he will leave (or he will have to "leave") during the trial period.

Remember that you are not looking for a friend and not an interlocutor, but an employee. Moreover, experienced in a specific area.
So try testing it in two steps:
- Immerse yourself in the process. Even a very entry-level candidate should be good at his job (if you want to grow an intelligent specialist yourself, then all of these tips, of course, are not needed). So: ask the applicant to complete the test task. If we are talking about production issues, it is better to do this in theory and not in practice: when it is necessary to describe specific practical skills in words, half of the candidates are eliminated immediately. To tell about your work in detail is much more difficult than to show it. After such a test, only applicants who really love and know how to work will remain.
- Help the candidate prove himself. The main thing that you as a boss should do is to discern the potential in a person and understand how he can apply his abilities in your company. If the applicant can do something perfectly, ask him to demonstrate the skill, make sure of its effectiveness, and then let him similar tasks.
Do not load the prospective employee with what will force him to leave already in the first week of the trial period. But do not be afraid of unexpected talents and aspirations. But what if? Give him a chance.
Go for it!