The first part of the review included KOMPAS-3D kompas_3d and Pilot: PLM, Renga Rengabim , CAD-platform nanoCAD , CAD for printed circuit boards Delta Design, software for strength calculations Passat and Shtutser-MKE, CAE system from RFNC-VNIITF, furniture CAD “Basis” ”And K3-Furniture, Ledas Cloud Platform, CNC module Milling for KOMPAS.
This year they were joined by the global “EDA-star” Altium Designer, Turkish CAD of İZEN stamps, nanoCAD Design BIM, VR Concept virtual prototyping application and others. Details under the cut.

BOREY amphibious aircraft manufactured by NPO AeroVolga
Fully designed in KOMPAS-3D (C3D inside)
Photo: AeroVolga
CAD / Design
Turkey has announced its own import substitution program. First of all, it concerns production equipment for the defense industry, the automotive industry and civil aircraft industry, and industrial software naturally follows the equipment. Compared with the US and Europe, the development of its CAD systems in Turkey began late, about 10-15 years ago. Local IT companies are following the classic path for CAD vendors, growing from factories and engineering centers.
Our customer, Mubitek, designed tooling on orders from Ford, PSA, Bosch, wrote some applications for CATIA, and then decided to create his own 3D-system - already with the support of government agencies and with state funding.
The C3D geometric core did not appear in the project right away: first, Mubitek used the Open Cascade open source libraries and the D-Cubed solver from Siemens, but then replaced them with our components.
The product is called ÇİZEN and is designed for stamp design. Now all kernel modules are involved in it: 3D-modeler, solver, data converters and visualization engine.

We already wrote about using our core in nanoCAD, but then we were talking about the Russian version, and for foreign markets Nanosoft launches a separate line of products with a different set of functionality.
This year, new versions of the export nanoCAD Pro and nanoCAD Mechanica were released, in which C3D is present for the first time. On the international website of the company, nanoCAD Pro was named the most radical update of all time, and the new geometric core is the basis of all transformations.

EDA / Electronics Design
Starting with version 19, the Altium Designer PCB design system runs the C3D geometric core. Its main field of application is modeling of device designs from several electronic modules (Multi-board assembly).
A global company with an annual turnover of $ 140 million, headquartered in the USA and Australia, relies on Russian mathematics and software components.

CAE / Engineering Analysis and Calculations
The scientific and technical center “APM” creates software covering the whole range of problems of strength, dynamics, calculations of machine parts, continuum mechanics, and thermophysics. His interest in our core is primarily due to his focus on even closer integration of APM CAE products with the COMPAS-3D design system.
Starting this year, the core has been used in the APM Studio module, which is responsible for preparing models for finite element analysis. Using C3D components, models are converted and finalized before calculations. The more accurate the geometry, the higher the quality of the generated finite element meshes.

APM Studio

APM FEM Strength Analysis System for KOMPAS-3D
BIM / Building Information Modeling
And again about nanoCAD. In September, nanoCAD Design BIM was released for the design of metal and concrete structures of buildings / structures based on the principles of information modeling. It allows you to build a three-dimensional model, fill it with information and get documentation - drawings, specifications, reports - in automatic mode.
As in the nanoCAD Plus platform, two geometric cores are used here for three-dimensional modeling: C3D by default and ACIS. The choice on which of them the constructions will be performed is left to the user.

ASCON is preparing a new Pilot-BIM system for creating and updating a single global building information model: a commercial release is announced for December. A kernel module is built into it (a post about it ) that converts polygonal models into CAD models. The result of its application is improved readability of imported BIM elements (plumbing, equipment, furniture, accessories), smooth navigation through large 3D models.

This year, we started working with VR Concept, which develops software for industrial VR / AR. Kernel data converters are embedded in a virtual prototyping application: they read models in the JT format (its support was a priority), C3D, Parasolid X_T and X_B, STEP, IGES and ACIS SAT.
The developers confirmed that the JT model is now loaded into the VR application with the same detail and metadata as in the CAD system in which the product was designed.
VR Concept has big plans for the geometric core - to realize the ability to design and make changes to relatively simple designs directly in virtual reality.

PS Remember that the only proof of the existence of the geometric core are the 3D applications that work on its basis.