48 open source resources for JavaScript (2019)


Of the 20,000 JavaScript projects and libraries, we selected the 48 best (by stars on GitHub) and grouped into 5 categories:

EDISON Software - web-development
This article was prepared with the support of EDISON Software, which develops an electronic medical examination system and also supports software .

User interface

  1. Rough v2.0 : Create hand-drawn sketch graphics.
  2. Driver.js : A lightweight, independent, vanilla JavaScript engine that focuses the user's attention on the page.
  3. Sweetalert2 : Beautiful, responsive, customizable, and affordable (WAI-ARIA) JavaScript pop-up replacement.
  4. Tippyjs : A lightweight, vanilla JS tooltip library.
  5. Spritejs : Cross-platform lightweight object model for 2D rendering.
  6. AutoComplete.js : A simple Javascript library for autocomplete.
  7. Glider.js : A quick and easy scroll carousel alternative.
  8. LayerJS : Javascript UI / UX library that allows you to create intuitive visually appealing applications for web applications and websites similar to mobile applications.
  9. Pencil.js : a library for interactive 2D drawing.

    JavaScript Tools

  10. Johnny-Five v1.0 : JavaScript Robotics and the IoT Programming Environment.
  11. Babylon.js : JavaScript framework for creating 3D games in HTML5 and WebGL.
  12. Pollyjs : record, play, and stub HTTP interactions.
  13. Omi : Next-Generation Web Framework in 4kb JavaScript (Web Components + JSX + Proxies + Storage + Path Update).
  14. Stimulus : A modest JavaScript framework for HTML that you already have.
  15. Apexcharts.js : A modern library of JavaScript diagrams for creating interactive diagrams and visualizations with a simple API.
  16. Greenlet : moves an asynchronous function into its own thread.
  17. JSUI : A powerful UI tool for managing JavaScript applications.
  18. G6 : a graph visualization framework.
  19. Workerize : run the module in web-worker'e.
  20. V8n : Customizable, reusable validation library.
  21. ForgJs : A lightweight JavaScript object validator.
  22. Minipack : A simplified example of a modern bundler written in JavaScript.
  23. List v2 : an immutable list with unrivaled performance and a comprehensive functional API.
  24. JavaScript Object Explorer : Find the desired object method without delving into the documentation.
  25. Awaity.js : A functional, lightweight alternative to bluebird.js, created with async / await in mind.

    Machine learning

  26. Tfjs : Accelerated WebGL, a JavaScript browser-based library for training and deploying ML models.
  27. Guess.js : a toolkit for incorporating data-driven user-experiences on the Web.
  28. Picojs : 200 line face recognition library.
  29. Tensorspace : infrastructure for three-dimensional visualization of a neural network, creating an interactive and intuitive model in browsers, support for pre-trained deep learning models from TensorFlow, Keras, TensorFlow.js
  30. Nlp.js : NLP library built into the node on top of Natural, with entity extraction, mood analysis, automatic language identification, etc.
  31. Magenta-js : generating music and pictures using machine intelligence in a browser.
  32. JeelizWeboji : JavaScript / WebGL library for real-time face recognition and expression detection.
  33. ASLT : Teach Alexa to Answer Sign Language with Tensorflow.js


  34. Tui.calendar v1.0 : calendar.
  35. Webamp : Winamp 2.9 clone in HTML5 and Javascript.
  36. Filepond : file upload library
  37. OpenSC2K : Open Source remake of SimCity 2000.
  38. Jsnes : NES emulator.
  39. JSpaint : Revived Classic Paint.

    Developer Tools

  40. Carbon v3.0 : create and share beautiful images of your source code
  41. Jarvis : a very intelligent browser-based Webpack toolbar
  42. Polacode : Polaroid for your code
  43. Htm (Hyperscript Tagged Markup) : JSX alternative using standard tag templates with compiler support.
  44. Rete : JavaScript framework for visual programming and creating a node editor
  45. Size-plugin : Track the compressed sizes of Webpack resources over time.
  46. Webpackbar : Elegant ProgressBar and Profiler for Webpack 3 and 4
  47. Worker-plugin : Adds built-in Web Worker support to Webpack.
  48. Subliminal : minimalistic VS Code theme for JavaScript

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