Any living organism needs water, especially clean water. But where to get one? The modern world suffers from a lack of clean drinking water. There are many companies producing this product. But, unfortunately, far from any brand acts in good faith. Therefore, it is better to talk to us about that water, which is not just drinkable, but necessary.

Water "Biovita" from CJSC "Aqua-Yerino" is one of the few that can not only quench thirst, but also improve health. Let's take a closer look.
About the miracle water
How does this water differ from, for example, the brands BonAqua, Shishkin Les, Edelweiss and other manufacturers? As the company "Aqua-Yerino" assures, bottled "living" and "dead" water. What is this talking about? Water kills pathogens, heals wounds, scratches on the skin.
Biovita water is structured, mineralized. It can not only be drunk, but also used in cooking. Ideal for brewing tea. It should be noted that the taste of "Biovita" is different from other water.
What do people say?
Numerous reviews say that the water is very soft, has no chemical taste, and is easy to drink. Almost all consumers feel the difference with drinking tap water after filtration and store water.

Let's look further at what Biovita water is and how it helps. Reviews are almost all positive and they relate not only to external sensations, namely:
- vitality, vitality appear;
- immunity is strengthened;
- hair on the head ceases to fall out;
- perfectly quenches thirst;
- suitable not only for adults, but also for small children;
- many chronic diseases pass.
Water can be carried with you to work, study, a picnic, to the country, on a trip. It does not deteriorate in the summer heat during long trips.
In which containers do they sell
Biovita water is distributed in various types of containers:
- 0.6 liters - you can take a small bottle with you on the road, it is quite enough for short trips, for example, from home to work;
- 1.5 liters - this capacity is good to take on a long trip. If you are several people, it is better to stock up with several bottles of water;
- 5 liters - suitable for home use, when staying outside the city, for example, on weekends;
- 19 liters - bottles for coolers.
We dwell on the latter in more detail. As a rule, 19 liter bottles are designed for coolers, but a special nozzle pump can be purchased. In ordinary stores, of course, such containers do not sell. You need to call the water company and order delivery to your home or company. Remember that in this case, a deposit is taken for the first visit for the bottle (about 200 rubles). As the water runs out, you need to call again to the company where the delivery was ordered. It is advisable not to throw away bottles of 19 liters.
Where can I buy
Biovita mineral water is sold in many pharmacies, for example Diaspharm, 36.6, Gorzdrav, IFC and other pharmacies in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities. In stock can be found not only in well-known network pharmacies, but also budget, little-known.
There is bottled water up to 5 liters in large retail chains such as Auchan, Pyaterochka, Carousel and others. It is necessary to check if it is a fake. The manufacturer's address is indicated on the label: Moscow region, Podolsky district, the village of Erino, on the territory of the sanatorium.

You can order bottles for coolers in almost any water company. But, as mentioned above, the conditions of the water supplier should be adhered to.
Unusual water
Why is Biovita structured water unusual? There was a real case when a water bottle stood in the garage for a week at a temperature of minus 10 degrees and it did not freeze. When water was brought into the house, it nevertheless became a little covered with ice, but quickly thawed. A precipitate formed at the bottom. Why did it happen?
The director and employees of Aqua-Yerino CJSC do not hide the fact that they process the water extracted from the well not only with filters, but also ionize it. It is ionization that plays an important role in the metabolic process when it enters a living organism. The only thing the water manufacturer warns against is from sudden changes in temperature and heating of water at high temperatures. Why? Because the beneficial elements are destroyed.
Who will benefit
Man cannot do without water at all. If there is a lack of such fluid in the body, then an internal crisis will come - dehydrated cells, beneficial microflora will cease to fulfill their functions. All this, sooner or later, will lead not only to a bad mood, but also to illness.
However, in the modern world, pure fresh water is becoming less and less. Surface water is polluted, internal water too. Nevertheless, from wells and springs it is still possible to produce clean water rich in substances necessary for the body. One of these waters is Biovita. They get it in the territory of the Yerino sanatorium (Moscow region) at a depth of 40 meters.
Mineralization of water 4.5-8.0 g / l. This means that water can be consumed in any quantity. In general, an adult needs to drink at least 1-1.5 liters of pure water per day.

Does Biovita water have contraindications? No. Any person can drink it: both healthy and sick, adult and child. For those who have health problems, water will help restore strength, strengthen immunity. No wonder they say that it is healing - harmful cells cease to multiply in the body, and good ones are activated.
Conclusion with a positive attitude
If you have a desire to take care of your health, you need working capacity, vitality, then think: is it worth buying Biovita? After all, the body needs drinking water daily. But which one? Of course, filtered boiled water in the apartment is not a full-fledged life-giving source, so it is recommended to buy mineral water without gases.

Unlike other brands, Biovita water is able not only to nourish every cell of the body, but also to perform other functions. Consumers of water say that cut flowers are much longer in the water "Biovita". Already on this fact, we can conclude that this product actually has healing and vital properties.