The digest of interesting materials for the mobile developer # 322 (November 11 - 17)

This digest contains materials about user interfaces and UX, Droidcon London and XCFrameworks, reversal of mobile 1C, problems of monetization and many other issues of application development, marketing and monetization.

This article is a reminder about what you need to double-check in the design of your application before sending it to AppStore / GooglePlay.

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . A daily news we send to Telegram channel .


(+8) Xcode 11 and XCFrameworks: a new format for packaging frameworks

(+7) Smart lamp

(+7) Levels of auto-renewable subscriptions in iOS-application

(+6) iOS killer: jailbreak using checkra1n in questions and answers

(+3) SwiftUI: make Expandable / Collapsible sections in List view

Apple released a health research application

How to create a video editor in AVFoundation

Core Data and App Extensions: Sharing a Single Database

Protocol-based themes in iOS apps

Introduction to PencilKit on iOS

Dark Mode Backward Compatibility on iOS

How to create continuous "rain" of particles in SpriteKit

Classification of movie reviews using the NaturalLanguage framework

Testing universal links in iOS

Sound classification on iOS using Core ML 3 and Create ML

Reusable image cache in Swift

Clickable link in UILabel or TextView on Swift

How to port an iOS app to MacOS using Catalyst

Clean architecture for SwiftUI

Cat and Dog Classifier for iOS using Vision in 5 minutes

Swiftui Recipes App: Recipe app on SwiftUI


(+26) Droidcon London 2019: new trends and the most interesting reports

(+10) We reverse mobile 1C under Android. How to add a little functionality and ditch a few evenings

(+4) Measuring the quality of the code of the Android application using Sonarqube and Jacoco in 2019

(+3) Organization of a simple architecture in an Android application with a bunch of ViewModel + LiveData, Retrofit + Coroutines

On Google Play, they choose the best application and game of 2019

Google does not support Android AsyncTask API in Android 11

Optimize Nested RecyclerView

How to programmatically take a screenshot on Android: a comprehensive guide

Using Nearby Connection API

KPI Guide for Google Play Apps and Games: Acquiring and Retaining New Users

Dagger Tricks: Private Dependencies

Firebase text recognition in Android

The best Android Recycler Adapter you've ever seen. Probably

WeChat Login Integration Tips & Tricks

MVVM on Android with Architecture Components + Koin

Shortcut: quick action for Android app

IndicatorScrollView: Animated List

Falcon: a thread-safe, lightweight and simple library for caching serializable objects


(+7) Tricks in designing the user interface that will save time

(+6) MVC in Unity with Scriptable Objects. Part 1

Python overtook Java and became the second most popular language on GitHub

Podlodka # 137: Toxicity

GitHub releases mobile applications

Charity Sale Humble Unreal Engine Game Development Bundle

Mozilla, Fastly, Intel and Red Hat make WebAssembly a universal platform

Bill Gates distracted and Windows Mobile lost Android

How to change the hatched logo and not screw it up

Stop using i ++ in your loops

What do novice programmers need to know?

2020: state of UX / UI design

5 terrific app interfaces for selling cars

Creating a simple application with Flutter and GraphQL

Drawing density graphs in Flutter

70 years of “Hello, World!” With 50 programming languages

10 practical rules for user interface design

Analytics, marketing and monetization

(+12) “Monetization problem”: why a popular application store removes open source utilities

(+8) Case from RetouchMe: what we got from localization of the application in 35 languages

Advertising revenue of AR and VR applications reached $ 11 billion by 2024

Wappier receives $ 4 million for AI marketing

Minecraft Earth earned in several countries

The 17th Developer Economics Report Released

AirCam: photos from events

At IBM Watson made a “cold forecast”

Homescapes became a billionaire

• A future that is not for digital

HedzApp - a mobile application for connecting parents with children

Understanding Product Launch in Developer Tools Market

AI, Devices, IoT

(+10) 50 tips for UX in virtual reality

(+9) 6 points of application for the industrial Internet of things

(+7) Amazon's AI makes it easier to deal with obscene content uploaded by users

Motorola introduced the new “clamshell” Razr with a flexible screen .

Previous digest . If you have other interesting materials or if you find a mistake, please send it to the mail .

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