From project to project, from enterprise to enterprise, I see the same key problems that prevent transformation from taking off. And my answer to the question: “what to do to make the transformation project successful?” Remains unchanged: “Change people. Or change people. ”
By “project of transformations” is meant any large project to change the processes of managing an organization. The article is based on 20+ years of experience of the author participating in the transformation of production systems. With the change in the processes of organization, planning, management, monitoring and evaluation of production, supply. Including s / through the introduction / implementation of both IT systems and non-IT management tools. Despite this, the main points of the article, I am sure, are applicable to transformation projects carried out for any complex organizational systems.
The “right” transformation project is the goal
1. As a rule, the typical and correct goal of the transformation project of <production or near-production organizations> is to increase the throughput (or - increase the efficiency, in the sense of TOC) of the production or selected workshops / production sites. Methods used for this: Lean tools, TOC, tools, methods and IT systems for production planning and monitoring.
2. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve two, roughly, logical tasks.
a. “Implement” “technical tools” - methods, tools, IT systems that will help production work better.
b. To “force” the production of these tools to use. AI, if you want softer - “Transfer” production to new management methods.
Traditionally, “production (external) consultants” have more experience in the “technical” part of projects. Moreover, in the implementation of n b. relying more on the customer.
“Correct” project of transformations - description of a typical state before “take-off”
1. In general, the project (transformation) is moving. But, with great difficulty, and with difficulty "digitized" influence on the issue (the goal of the project).
2. The main reason for the slow development of the project is the resistance to changes in the middle management. This is a traditional reason, we come across it in any projects. There are practically no exceptions and the typical “balance of power” of the project is as follows.
a. General Director (DG) / High-level project sponsor / Owner - completely “for”. Reasons are not important, "his" plant is his desire, after all.
b. The middle link (the chief and deputy production manager, workshop, some masters, engineers and engineers of PDO, PDB, PEO, etc.) is explicitly or implicitly “against”.
c. The position of the middle link is due primarily to the following factors.
i. Historically, they are used to working how they work: “extinguishing fires”, raising a “smoke screen” while concealing their own mistakes very well, causing these fires (“today we light fires that we will put out tomorrow”). They are not to blame - this is how the plant worked for years, and it is precisely for these “skills" of theirs (!) That they are now in leading posts. Do they want to voluntarily and happily change? Hardly - for the reasons below.
ii. New methods being introduced (first of all: plan \ fact on-line monitoring of what is happening in the workshops / in purchases, KPI, visual dispatch boards (VDD), formalized capacity planning and balancing and plan / fact analysis) are a direct threat to them, because .:
1) “takes away” their familiar management tools (pressure on workers, screaming, “math. Model”),
2) "breaks the smoke screen" from the activities of production, showing incl. and their own control mistakes,
3) the tools are fundamentally new, it is always difficult to change: instead of focusing on “the result at any cost”, it’s necessary to switch to ensuring primarily the quality of processes.
iii. They were the main ones before, now everything starts to “revolve” around the worker, respectively, for the engineers and technicians - a sense of uselessness and fear for their workplace.
d. Workers (+ some wizards). Wary of the pros.
With the workers, for the most part, everything is clear: they are workers. Whatever the control system, their main task is always to “sharpen the glands”, “turn the nuts”. For money. And if at the same time it will make it more comfortable and convenient for them (“5C”, “visualization”), faster (“quick readjustment”), safer (“standards”) and without “twitching” (synchronized throughout the chain, prioritized and custom plan launch / release, job queue for everyone in the IT system or on the VDD), and at the same time they will listen to their problem and suggestions (the “problem solving” tool), they, of course, at least say “thank you”. As a maximum, they will increase labor productivity. They will even help somewhere, but will not take on the role of an “icebreaker” of transformation. This, in their opinion (and here they are right), is the duty of engineers.
What to do number 1. "To convince"
Often (in fact, this happens in the vast majority of projects for transforming the Production System), engineers consider these projects to be the whims or fun of the CEO / owner, with the attitude “sooner or later will pass” This belief must be broken. How.
1. Weekly (if possible - once a week, at most - twice) and constant “meetings” according to the state of production / supply / orders in front of the monitor / LCD, on-line visualization of what is happening. With questions (according to the system):
a) what about the order (why - “red”) for all redistributions. Starting with the main ones - MTO, cooperation, procurement, machining, ..., - to detail (directly in the system, via hyperlinks) - to the department, section, specific responsible (master),
b) how synchronously, in terms of orders / release plan, units of the entire chain work,
c) where are the “now” bottlenecks, what are the reasons ...
Specified - a view "from above" on what is happening from the "airport control tower"
If we are talking about a project to introduce a “production” IT system, a system for planning and monitoring production, supplies, stocks (PSD), this item will be decisive for the first time. Because a correctly designed and implemented system will allow to tear off a lightproof bedspread from the production and logistics chain. And it will objectively show the “curvature” of the data (starting from the design, technological and custom-made product compositions ...), and the efficiency and accuracy of accounting actions, and how well they know the engineering situation.
Several forms of monitoring also work perfectly and are recalculated daily in the KPI system (up to the working one) with visualization on a large screen posted in the workshop / on-site.
2. Weekly (if possible - once a week, at most - twice) and constant “trips to gemba” (to the workshop) of the general director and / or “trusted” team member. Duration is 0.5-1 hours, with 10 minute stops at each visual board with questions to the person responsible for the board (must be identified and the name must be posted on the board; the person in charge is one of the sections). The purpose of the "campaigns" (in descending order of priority):
a) the visual status of the “burning”, very important and well-known DG orders for the VDD (“production floor plan”). After the “implementation”, this action is “transferred” to the shop manager / production manager (business line);
b) public control (and “flogging,” if necessary) of the list of problems and issues responsible for their resolution and the timing of the resolution;
1. This is the determining activity “on the rise” of change. Because often engineers are extremely uninterested in questions and suggestions from workers, because, in their opinion, they show their incompetence. The converse is also true: quickly implemented and controlled from above, the workers' proposals will release the “creative genie of transformations" from the bottle and ensure the irreversibility of the processes. Therefore, the main thing is to strictly enforce the principle: “any employee can make a note about a proposal / problem - the manager must consider / solve it.
2. Also, in practice, the collection and problem-solving sheet (“problems-solutions of the XX site”) clearly shows how much the masters, deputy, and shop manager take part in the development of production.
c) visual inspection of the physical condition of the sites, the degree of application of “5C”, etc .; uncomfortable questions such as: “why the machine is idle”, “why is there a mess”, “what a dump of parts”, “why it does not lie in the designated place”. At each visit, you need to search and show the workers the “goal” of 5C and Visualization, i.e. "Perfect condition" of the organization of production. “Ideal condition” is such that any employee (ODA or Engineering) directly or indirectly related to the production / production of c.99 at a glance understands what is happening (“on the machine XX / worker XX the order is processed UE”, “products XX are made, lie in the intended place .. "," machine for PPR ", etc.) and what deviations from the normal process (ie - where are the problems:" machine XX - sudden breakdown "," we are waiting for a drawing from the vehicle ", etc. .,). On problems - information on measures taken should be visible (“problem-solving screen”). If not, the “minus” to the master - chief;
d) a demonstration of the persistence of change;
e) visual control and verification of the progress of the project, progress of transformations, progress of mini-projects;
1. A weekly “visit” to the workshop is carried out with the goal of “seeing and hearing” and not “being seen”.
2. It is best to follow the route corresponding to the stream of creating added value of different types of orders, from the first redistribution (procurement, rough grinding) to the last (processing, assembly, acceptance)
3. Weekly (bi-weekly / monthly) presentations (submissions), on the floor, in the workshop, on the spot, of the “leaders of transformations” (worker, foreman, foreman, senior foreman, not RP - project manager for transformations of the substation of the plant (!), And it is in the workshop — not in the negotiation room) of “micro-projects” to improve or implement the development plan. As an example: “setting up the VDD at sections AA, BB, ..”, “achieving a level of“ 3.5C ”at section XX”, “reducing the time for readjustment at the XX machine at UU”, “Solving a specific problem ...”, etc.
1. The plan of small projects / tasks is prepared by the shop manager. This can be either a plan for introducing basic / advanced tools, or a plan for introducing any transformations in order to solve the problems of the workshop.
2. The following “simple” tasks are chosen as a problem: solving problems that impede the implementation of the plan (workshop / site (s)) 10–20% more than usual (see below).
3. The projects themselves (attention !, the project should be executed in the form of A3!) Are prepared by the “transformation leaders” - see below.
4. The project team, if any, and / or RP, and / or external / internal consultants should be ready to help draw up this action plan, help to make A3, if necessary But, it’s help, but not done by ourselves, shop manager / leaders must (s) “pull” knowledge from them!
4. According to the monthly fact of completing tasks / a plan of transformations (fact - discrete, “yes / no”, or in% of completion of a task) - bonus / depremiration or radical conclusions.
In practice, in different enterprises and in different conditions, “beliefs” begin to work in a period of 3 to 6 months. Often (and “in fact this happens in the vast majority of such transformation projects”) in the process of “beliefs” and “changes” in the way people think, some people have to change ...
What to do â„–2. "Create a team of like-minded people"
These actions begin in parallel with “What to do 1”!
1. A team of like-minded people is created from like-minded people. Of those "who are convinced" or "internally - not against it." In essence, these are the “micro-groups” of the distribution of the “Lean virus” proposed above in the workshop and factory. You need to start by selecting subject-enclosed areas in other workshops whose workers / craftsmen “want” or “don't mind trying.”
2. For starters, you can create 3 (5 - maximum) teams by arranging a competition between them with some kind of cash or material prize pool. It is best to make a team of representatives of one site, plus representatives of the “supporting” departments (PDB, OGT, where applicable), plus (mandatory), attach to each an “internal consultant” (these are members of the project team, and / or, as an option for future, "experts" of any workshop). The leader of the team is an informal leader.
3. For groups to conduct express training: "The basics of Lean", "Basic tools", "VDD" (ready to hold).
4. Further, the groups (assistance of internal consultants, monitoring of the RP) prepare micro-projects:
a) identify the problems of their sites;
b) draw up micro-projects in A3 (together with the heads of the workshops);
Important notes:
1) there is a risk, a question, because some shop managers can beat off the whole hunt ...;
2) it is necessary that the first projects contain work on the formulation of basic tools.
c) represent the commissions (mandatory in the commission - DG, “trusted” members of the management team, RP, “external consultants” - we) and defend their proposals, including a plan for their implementation;
5. Missed proposals are sent for revision (“minus” to the shop manager), accepted - accepted for implementation.
6. Monitoring the progress of implementation - according to the procedures above.
Important! Upon reaching the goals of the micro-project, groups are awarded. Depending on the occupied place. In case of achieving economic effect -% of profit.
What to do number 3. "Force", through the replacement of the "base"
1. Beliefs may stall (as a rule, they stall), groups / projects of groups can be stopped “on takeoff”. In most cases, they stall due to the lack of “conviction” (in the sense - as described above) from the head of production / workshop and / or the presence of direct “dissuasion” by the deputy chief. What to do in this case: “convince” by the DG forces, as described above (“What to do 1”).
2. Another reason for the “slipping” of “beliefs” is the “lack of problems” in the workshop (“the platform is off”). Indeed, in most cases, for example, with piece-rate wages, the workshop (in norm-hours) fulfills the workshop / section “±”, there are no disruptions in the delivery time and customer dissatisfaction, so why change something? What to do in this regard? “Simply” remove this argument from the hands of engineers (“set fire to the platform”). How? Show their problems and the need for change (the main tool used is the formalized monthly inventory plan of the workshop / site):
a) “softly”, through analysis and open discussion of the plan / fact of the implementation of the production program for the week / month. Through the process of forming a balanced plan. In the "things" and "in the money." And, as a summary - setting goals for improvement (“micro-projects” A3) to eliminate chronic causes leading to non-fulfillment of the nomenclature plan;
b) “tough” by changing the compensation system for the engineering and technical department of the workshop. By introducing the bonus part (if not) and dividing it into the “process quality indicator” (on-time fulfillment of micro-projects A3), “fulfillment of the nomenclature production plan” (to begin with, we assume that the workshop should consist of 80% of the nomenclature plan (according to priorities), 20% - for "emergency orders").
KPI Formal and objective, formed on the basis of the planning process and balancing the plan (IT system for the planning and monitoring of production, supplies), as well as the fulfillment of the plan by the workshop / section.
Basic (basic) KPI
1. Workshop / site / unit work efficiency - standard lead time for all closed positions / total "power" of the unit.
2. Timeliness of the work of the workshop / section / unit - the number of closed positions from the plan / number of positions in the plan for the current month.
3. Synchronism of the work of the workshop / site / unit - deviations (with selected accuracy) of dates and amounts of fulfillment of obligations from the “ideal” plan “just in time”.
Additional (extended) KPIs are presented below.
Comments on KPI
1. The procedures for collecting KPIs should ensure their objectivity and the possibility of using them as a digital measure of the progress of improvements. It requires the use of IT technology - SPM.
a. Data collection on indicators is carried out hourly, during the month, automatically, upon registration of the issue. The indicators are calculated at the end of the period, then presented at a general meeting in the presence of the production / workshop manager, who is preparing explanations for the meeting.
b. The key point is the fixation by the craftsmen / workers of the production problems of the site, leading to productivity losses. Including and using SPM, in the context of production tasks.
c. The shop manager must conduct a mini-RAM every week on the site opposite the communication stand, checking the indicators for the previous week. In case of deviations from the planned values, the master provides the reasons / problems of deviations (these procedures are described for the shop manager and the master). Each week, the workshop manager should hold one hour-long meeting to solve problems, at which a problem is selected for analysis from those presented by the masters.
d. Based on the results of the work done in a week / month to solve problems, the shop manager at the meeting dedicated to the analysis of the plan comments on the figures received, while giving information on solving problems for the month.
2. What you need to pay attention to when starting up this tool: when creating a plan, require from the production / workshop manager a plan for working with bottlenecks, including using embedded tools. At the end of the month, demand results for the implementation of this plan.
What to do "finale". "Change people"
An extreme, but almost always inevitable remedy.
Sooner or later, but the moment comes when the “ship (new control system) is sailing off”, we can achieve the goal only with a reliable team of like-minded people, and we must help everyone (through “what to do 1, 2, 3”) “get on board ". But at a certain moment, before those still remaining, a choice should be made: “are you with us, on board, or are you staying?”
From project to project, from enterprise to enterprise, I see the same key problems that prevent transformations from “flying up”, and “ship” from “sailing off”. Our answer to the question: “what to do to make the transformation project successful?” Remains unchanged: “Change people. Or change people. ”
"Change the" worldview "of people" through "What to do 1, 2, 3." This is a working method, but it is expensive because requires a lot of time costs of enterprise managers.
If people do not want / cannot change (there will always be such) - they need to be changed. No matter how professionals they are. Leave them - lay a time bomb for the future, put themselves hostage to them, leave the strongest center of demotivation for their entire environment and subordinates.
The situation on the labor market is always difficult, professionals in our country, in any field of knowledge, are becoming smaller and smaller every year. But if you do nothing, then nothing will change. “They don’t take money for demand”! Nothing prevents starting the search and review of candidates for critical positions. Changing a person is not a quick process, anyway. And also - in any case, there are several months to “convince”. But already “tomorrow” it is possible and necessary to begin the search for personnel. And this process, in addition to obvious objective benefits, will provide moral support for the future, and, very often, inevitable, the process of personnel change.