The end of November promises to be especially eventful for data science specialists and PHP developers. In addition, hackathons and accelerators, general conferences and several unexpected guests - Darts, Flutter and Scala - are waiting for us in this issue.
DevFest Gorky / SPb
When and where:
Nizhny Novgorod - November 15-16 (Akademika Sakharova St., 4)
St. Petersburg - November 23 (Medikov Avenue, 3)
Terms of participation: 2000 rub.
Two more Russian cities will join the international conference chain led by the Google Developer Group in November. The Nizhny Novgorod community this time holds an event on a special scale: the conference will last two days, the first of which will be fully devoted to practical classes on various technologies (Android, Flutter, Google Assistant, Golang, Angular, machine learning), the second - for reports from experts from Germany, France, Holland, Turkey and Russia. In St. Petersburg, the shorter duration will be compensated by the composition of participants (specialists from Google, JetBrains, Yandex, New York Times) and the coverage of topics (web, mobile development, cloud and more). Full programs are presented on individual conference sites.
ProHack 4.0
When: November 16-17
Where: Moscow, st. Volochaevskaya, 5/1
Terms of participation: free, registration required
The hackathon aims to find common ground between the IT sector and the real sector. Partner companies from six industries provided the organizers with problems they would like to solve; those, in turn, pass them on to developers in the IT sprint format. A list of tasks can be found on the site; the most popular technologies are artificial intelligence, blockchain, the Internet of things, smart video analytics, machine learning. The prize fund is 450,000 rubles.
Php mitap about fears
When: November 21
Where: Moscow, st. Alexandra Solzhenitsyna, 23a1s
Terms of participation: free, registration required
The mitap is dedicated to the most traumatic moments in the life of a PHP developer, in particular: pcntl_fork () and working with forks in general, crashes when processing the flow of read requests in Doctrine ORM and attempts to organize a distributed command. Qualified specialists will show their audience how to cope with feelings and find a way out. The remnants of fear will be drowned in the bar after performances.
When: November 22
Where: Moscow, Bersenevskaya embankment, 6, p. 3
Terms of participation: 20 000 rub.
The conference on microservice architecture sets an ambitious goal - not only to generalize the existing knowledge, but also to find answers to questions that still remained open. The main vectors of discussions are modeling of microservices, the possibilities of their application, external and internal integration, the transition from a monolithic architecture to microservice, testing, deployment, monitoring, security issues and, finally, evolutionary architectures. The program consists of a mixture of reports and workshops designed for developers of different levels.
FIT-M 2019
When: November 22-24
Where: Moscow, Mendeleev University
Terms of participation: from 4800 rub.
The three-day conference on industrial digitalization will bring together representatives of all the groups involved in this process: industrial leaders, technical experts, digitalization experts, presenters of applied science. The venue will host events of three formats: a discussion of relevant topics in the report sections, skills development in a series of intensives, workshops and master classes, as well as a hackathon in digital design and material synthesis. The program features eight technological tracks: high-performance computing and big data, digital twins and digital shadows, VR / AR, artificial intelligence, computer simulations, the Internet of things, blockchain and cybersecurity.
When: November 23
Where: St. Petersburg, Obvodny Canal Embankment, 60
Terms of participation: free, registration required
The new, improved version of the Dart Community Conference now integrates the challenges of developing Dart and Flutter applications. About 250 participants are expected, including speakers from several countries - representatives of Google, Wrike, EPAM, Yandex. From their performances, the audience learns a lot about both technologies: state management, working with non-mobile platforms, creating interfaces, dissecting the graphic kernel on Flutter, type checking, creating a simulator, applying zones in Darts. In the evening, participants will be invited to return to the mitapal origins of the conference and discuss everything that has remained unconsidered, in a more relaxed atmosphere, with craft beer.
Data science meetup
When: November 23
Where: Nizhny Novgorod, st. Pochainskaya, 17, letter "K"
Terms of participation: free, registration required
The Nizhny Novgorod community continues to talk about data and various ways of its processing and application. In particular, students will learn how a combination of a detector, tracker, re-identifier and action recognizer results in a tracking system that can be installed for observation in the store, and on which model the recommendation system for investors is built.
Digital Jungle
When: November 24th
Where: St. Petersburg, st. Polytechnic, 29, Polytechnic them. Peter the Great
Terms of participation: free, registration required
A colorful and eventful event for those who are still just deciding on their future career paths - students and high school students. Here you can get acquainted with the content of a particular IT field profession, communicate with future employers and find out their requirements, look at the projects of various IT companies in the exhibition area, and try yourself in e-sports. But perhaps the most valuable is the three streams of master classes that will be held on the site throughout the day: participants are offered a choice of track development (machine learning, backend, web, Android), game dev (Unity, Construct 2, Game Maker ) and mixed track design and marketing.
When: November 26
Where: Moscow, st. Leninsky Sloboda, 26, p. 11
Terms of participation: from 6900 rub.
A traditional conference about cars that speak invites professionals to discuss the latest news from the world of voice assistants and chatbots. As always, separate programs have been prepared for business owners who implement solutions and the developers who create them. The technical part of the conference consists of three sections: development vectors and prospects for developers (ecosystem problems, VUI design), technologies and platforms (speech recognition and synthesis, speech analytics) and, finally, a section of cases from practicing developers (emulation, life hacks for working out) voice skills, features of creating a bot for calling customers). Also on the site will be a master class on automation of working with logs and training NLU models.
When: November 26
Where: Moscow, Infospace
Terms of participation: from 21,840 rubles.
A new milestone in the development of the Russian Scala community is a full-fledged professional conference with two official languages ββand speakers from large, well-known companies (JetBrains, Tinkoff, Megafon, Sberbank, Auto.ru). The reports will cover the following topics: the details and features of the Scala / Scala3 language and compilers, the use of the language in big data processing, the ecosystem (frameworks, libraries, and so on), the frontend and backend, and functional programming.
When: November 29
Where: Moscow, 3rd St. Yamskoye field, 15.
Terms of participation: from 6000 rubles.
A conference for small teams dedicated to conquering large spaces. Thirty founders of startups who made their way to the world market will speak on the site with reports on all the difficulties and surprises that accompanied this process. Among the monitored markets are the USA, China, Western Europe, Latin America, Singapore, Africa and others. To get the most practical benefit from the meeting, teams can apply for a pitch session and submit their product to professionals.
Urban.Tech Moscow
When: November 29 - December 2
Where: Moscow, VDNH, Pavilion No. 57, Prospekt Mira, 119
Terms of participation: free, registration required
The opportunity for young teams to present their project and receive serious financial support - ten million rubles is at stake. Projects of various directions are accepted for participation (from personalizing media content to searching for vulnerabilities in financial systems, from monitoring traffic to identifying cyberthreats); the main condition is that the final product should be applicable to increase the level of technical equipment of the capital. The winner will receive not only money for the development, but also government support for the launch of the project. A detailed description of participation options and application deadlines can be found here.
Php mitap
When: November 29
Where: Ufa, Verkhnetorgovaya square, 6
Terms of participation: free, registration required
Registration for Ufadevconf, unfortunately, is closed, but ardent PHP fans still manage to join the affiliate event - a specialized lecture from two visiting experts. Skyeng's back-end developer will talk about performance improvements with ReactPHP and asynchronous management; CTO Wormsoft representative talks about organizing images through Glide, Flysystem, Yii2 and NuxtJS frameworks. At intermission - pizza and free polylog between the participants.
When: November 30
Where: Moscow, st. Smolenskaya, 8
Terms of participation: from 6000 rubles.
And another event dedicated exclusively to working with data, but much less camera. The conference is designed for a wide range of listeners (company leaders, developers, analysts, students of technical specialties), and the program is structured taking into account the interests of all these groups. In Hall A, reports of a general theoretical orientation will be read (introductory lectures on AI and speech recognition, tips on automating processes, finding solutions to the desired level of complexity, forming an educational and career strategy). Hall B is a place where practical problems are discussed: stages and features of projects in data science, long-playing model training pipelines, attitude to machine learning in business. Hall C is devoted to the analysis of specific cases from analysts and developers. Finally, Hall D is the gathering point for the most advanced, which will discuss hardcore technical issues (Catalyst.DL, synthetic data in deep learning, the use of data science for music generation and aluminum production).