Case: Car service. Development of advertising campaigns and implementation of Bitrix24

The story today will go about a car service in Moscow and its progress for 8 months.


The first acquaintance was a couple of years ago under strange circumstances. A car service came for applications, but at the same time there was no analytics (Google or metrics), and even more so through analytics. It is clear that without digitization, it’s difficult to manage advertising campaigns at all and evaluate their effectiveness.

Actually, the first stage was decided to make a connector (key) in 1s to connect the advertising campaign with the proceeds of the transaction. All architecture was built around 1s and this was the requirement of the customer.

About 1s

The car service is 19+ years old and all this time the founders constantly worked on 1s and to the simple question “how does it work?” They already stopped answering and called everyone who was somehow connected with it. The assistants who came referred to the past administrators, developers, and also could not answer. As a result, we found out that applications from sites (3 pieces) appear in 1s and only 1 parameter had to be added to them. When trying to find how this is transmitted, we stumbled upon a strange external service in which all customer requests left and came from there in 1s. Moreover, no one knew what it was. In general, it seemed strange or not very correct. All applications go through someone. No one remembers who it is and why it works like that. In general, we suspecting something was wrong, insisted on circumventing this path, but the car service could not decide on a decision. On this, the first part of the acquaintance ended.

As a result, after a year and a half or two years, a new meeting began with the words “Victor, you were right.”

Of course, I don’t believe in such stories hoping that people can’t do this, but according to the client, the following happened:

Someone developed a module for himself in 1s and walked around the car service market introducing this module to everyone. In this module, the transfer of applications passed through the servers of this bully, and there they took applications to themselves, distributed them to others, or maybe sold them.

So ... they found, killed and already good.

Again, we take apart what we have, what is missing and what is the plan of action. Dropping into the analytics, they realized that it is still missing. OK! We take an elephant in parts.


Started to cheat google analytics. There are two landing pages for a car service and an auto parts store, which means that we need to put tracking on all calls, forms, baskets.

Let's start with the auto service landing pages. When trying to leave a request, we could not understand each other for about 2 weeks and decide where they are created in 1s ... Either we don’t know where it is, but the client doesn’t remember, or are they stupidly not created? Going to visit and go. As usual, asking simple questions gathered everyone who could know the answer to the question including the system administrator, sales manager, receivers, assistants, etc. As a result, having killed a couple of hours, we came to the conclusion that they are not created as early as 4 months. 4 months no applications are created! The founder of the service itself is already a little uncomfortable from trying to throw money into the context, and without getting the desired revenue. A total of ~ 1,200,000 rubles were thrown without forms! It is clear why, in general, they were on the verge, and all attempts to understand what was happening in this fog led to a dead end.


Total there were 2 decisions:

At this meeting, I proposed an alternative to working without 1s through Bitrix 24. Fortunately, Bitrix and AMO have been on the market for a long time and can do a lot. On that and stopped.


Over the history of working with projects, I have tested many services. Either the statistics are leaking, the call track is lying, or some other nonsense. As a result, he chose Ringostat. Already 5 projects there led and everything works fine. There are all the necessary integration, and working with Google analytics and metrics is good.

Back call

There was already an Envibox ... they thought ... well, let it be. In general, a good service with convenient settings and integrations. For the price I do not know. he did not write off money and worked for free (for some reason).

After connecting and testing, we get all the events in analytics.


Enviboks is able to divide calls into unique (first), targeted and in general everything. In reporting, we take only unique ones, i.e. a reference to applications with forms, calls to Enbox and unique calls to a ringostat.

On both car service sites, they dashed analytics and switched to working with Bitrix and advertising campaigns.


We create an empty bitrix, set up the creation of transactions from all sources of calls, create the first status of the funnel, rent a number in the bitrix itself and set it for incoming calls.

It turns out that any sneeze is registered in Bitrix, and then a simple task is to track the filling of the first column, i.e. if the order column does not move to the following statuses, then the sales department does not have time.


And now we learn to work with Bitrix 24. The first month of a meeting with the sales department once a week. Discussion of all issues, improvements, how and what to click, what happens when you click. On other days, the owner ran to the sales department if the “left column” was not empty. As I understand it, for the first time he had the opportunity to see the speed of processing applications, and we learned to push them further. Hooray!


When we learned to push transactions further and went open orders, we formed another plug. Orders there and hung. Realizing this, they ran to the receivers and for a long time they were taught to fill out the transaction amount, shift it into successful transactions. At first, everything happened on a kick, then once a week, then we managed to do it once a day.

Having built the reports, it became clear to us how each of the stages worked and we were already installing Bitrix automation and the remaining sites. When making an appointment, we sent the address where to go, learned to remind about the arrival ... As a result, the sales department worked, we saw the funnel figures, closed deals were already with the amount.


The rest of the sites we tagged and cut the data already on sites and funnels. After all, the process of selling spare parts is very different from the process of recording and repairing a service, which means completely different funnels.


In parallel with work with advertising campaigns and tests of new traffic sources, we developed Bitrix 24. A little later, we will return to it, and now about advertising.

Advertising and attraction

To determine the cost of circulation from Yandex, it was necessary to connect the direct and data in Google analytics. We decided to use service for this. Convenient thing! It’s not necessary to combine digits with advertising campaigns with your hands, but to combine data sources in a couple of clicks, and then Marilyn goes through advertising campaigns himself, prescribes UTM to determine the source in analytics, decomposes all conversions by advertising campaigns, and displays all indicators.


According to the results of March, we got the results:

There were good days in terms of volume of calls, but so far it has been expensive.


Google worked better than Yandex, but so far they took aim and looked at what kind of campaign we inherited.


Having appreciated how it all works without global restructuring, we are going to optimize the bid price. According to the decomposition, a car service can afford an application from 500 to 700 rubles.

We have a large table with a daily report on the cost of circulation and we went to the desired KPI. At the same time, the difficulty was in maintaining a balance between the number of calls and their cost. That they are few, but cheap, then there are many, but expensive. As a result, from 5 months we had enough volume at the best price.


Back to Bitrix. The volume of leads and the quality of their processing always depend on each other. We already had sales data broken down by months and it was perfectly clear which conversion we were working with. First, we had 3 people who processed applications.

We look at the numbers


I would call it “Not all managers are equally helpful”, i.e. 3 managers work with conversion from 3% - 5%, and one works with conversion of 10-11%. Thus, 3 managers spoil 75% of applications. We “exclude” them and the customer’s path to purchase becomes much cheaper.

We build reports in Bitrix further!

We get even more indicators to evaluate managers. If you look at the picture below, it becomes clear that managers turn 75% of applications into losses, and 25% - 1 manager into profit. This was the final point for deciding to disable ineffective managers.


Bitrix provides a good opportunity to build reports online and track performance for any period and with any parameters. So we began to track indicators once a week.


One of the indicators that we monitored was "Closing on arrival by day" i.e. how much for today, yesterday ... made an appointment.


The overall dynamics of recordings per day grew every day.


It was very interesting to research and customer satisfaction after leaving boxing. To do this, they separately created the status of "quality assessment" and provided the manager's office with the questionnaire. The manager phoned people who took the car 3 days ago and went through the questionnaire. It can be seen that some craftsmen bring more checks to the company, but at the same time, the quality of the service does not drop.


And the most significant event of the last months of work!

Throughout the entire project, as it were, they did not try to deal with the conversion into a request from a visitor, we did not manage to increase it significantly. We did 4 or more tests and always the conversion was unchanged. It’s completely not clear why. In the days of instant messengers, we decided to try them too!

Putting a vatsap button instead of forms, we began to collect significantly more applications and appeals. Below you can see that the conversion from 1% has become 10%.


The experiment itself was tested on one of the sites and only on mobile devices. The result is seen in conversion figures. The cost of the application was greatly reduced.


The plans to refine the bots and help sellers bring people to the cashier.

During the work, Bitrix 24 began to look like a real CRM with a bunch of useful information.

It looks something like this:


Thank you for reading to the end. I hope the article was useful to you.

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