WISE-PaaS - a cloud platform for the industrial Internet of things

WISE-PaaS - (Platform as a Service) Advantech cloud platform for the industrial Internet of things, combining various tools for collecting, processing, and visualizing data, automation, managing devices and systems of artificial intelligence and machine learning. The platform combines several ready-made sets of software solutions for building complex systems in industry, healthcare, manufacturing, logistics, etc.

The WISE / PaaS platform can run on the capacities of the cloud providers Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Microsoft Azure, as well as locally on OpenStack.

The article discusses some of the WISE / PaaS software products that allow you to quickly develop applications without being distracted by building the infrastructure. It supports running applications in popular languages: Java, .NET, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Grails, Scala on Lift, Python PHP, as well as the main MySQL database engines, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis, RabbitMQ. To visualize the data, the Grafana framework is available. A separate set of software tools for embedded systems simplifies the initial setup of devices, updating firmware, and collecting data from IoT devices.

Application Marketplace

The platform is a constructor of many different tools that can be purchased as needed in the application store . Among the proposed solutions are available both Advantech's own products and partner products. A free trial period is available for some Advantech products.

Software solutions in the marketplace are divided into several large categories depending on the purpose:

For free testing, you need to register on the WISE / PaaS portal and get a trial subscription. To do this, select the product of interest in the marketplace and click Start Trial.

The portal address for entering the system will depend on the data center selected during registration. Currently available Azure data centers (Hong Kong, Beijing), Alibaba Cloud (Hangzhou).

Addresses of entry points, respectively:

wise-paas.com (Azure HK)

wise-paas.io (Azure HK2)

wise-paas .cn (Azure BJ)

wise-paas.cn (Alibaba)

Logging into the control panel must be done with the details received by e-mail after the trial period.

WISE-PaaS / Dashboard

WISE-PaaS / Dashboard - a set of tools for visualizing data based on the Grafana framework. It is usually used to build graphs, charts and visual display of processes that occur over a long time. In addition to industrial purposes, it can be used to monitor climatic processes in smart home and healthcare systems.

WISE-PaaS / Dashboard Data Visualization Platform


The Grafana framework has many options for displaying data: tables, graphs, charts, heatmaps and much more. You can create a full dashboard for displaying various data with almost no programming skills, you can add widgets with the mouse.

The interface for adding grafana widgets to the dashboard

In addition to the built-in widgets, you can install third-party plugins for integration with other systems. For example, a plug-in for the Zabbix monitoring system allows you to import data from it and display monitoring system notifications.

Thus, WISE-PaaS / Dashboard allows you to combine data from various sources to display them in a single panel.

Data from Zabbix monitoring system in Grafana interface

Data sources

Dashboard can receive data for display from various sources. Currently supported databases: CloudWatch, Elasticsearch, Graphite, InfluxDB, MySQL, OpenTSDB, PostgreSQL, Prometheus, RMM-SimpleJson, SCADA-SimpleJson, SimpleJson. In addition to these databases, you can configure any query format to collect data from different sources. A test dataset is also available for exploring the system.

Grafana supports various data sources

Anomaly Notifications

To respond to certain events, Dashboard allows you to configure various notifications. These can be either automated API calls or operator notifications. This is especially useful when creating a control desk to notify the duty operator of abnormal changes. As a trigger, an excess or decrease of a certain level, an average value for a certain period, lack of data, etc. can be set.

Create a new trigger and add a notification bar

To display notifications, there is a separate widget “Alerts”, which can display them on the same panel with charts.

WISE-PaaS / SaaS Composer

SaaS Composer - a framework for building two- and three-dimensional schemes of technological processes. Unlike classical outdated schemes, it allows you to create more informative and visual models of ongoing processes. Visualize entire production lines and buildings in 3D, display real-time events in three-dimensional models.

Main functions:

The designer of 3D models has a library of the main components: pipes, valves, wires, motors, machine tools, grilles and more. In it, you can create realistic models of real objects and add widgets with data.

Advantech building demo showing real-time status of power systems, energy consumption in different locations, air condition: CO2 level, fine particles in the air, etc.

The demo created using SaaS Composer shows the status of various parameters in the building.


Asset Performance Management - designed to increase control over the efficiency of production lines for more accurate forecasting, risk assessment and control of production volumes.

WISE-PaaS / APM has built-in algorithms for the analysis of production processes that allow you to track which of the machines are not working efficiently, predict production volumes, possible problems and the need for those. service.

WISE-PaaS / APM allows you to control the efficiency of production lines

WISE-PaaS / EnSaaS - Work with devices (Edge to Cloud)

To conveniently integrate end devices into the cloud infrastructure, WISE-PaaS offers a set of tools for working with embedded systems and IoT.

WISE-Paas / DeviceOn is a platform for managing and configuring a large number of end devices, such as sensors, terminals, embedded systems and more.

Main functions:

WISE-Paas / WISE-Agent

WISE-Agent - software installed on end devices to interact with WISE-PaaS / DeviceOn. All major operating systems are supported. Compiled packages are available for Windows, Ubuntu, Android (RISC), OpenWRT (RISC).

Interaction with the cloud platform occurs according to the MQTT (s) protocol.

[Case] ​​Using WISE-PaaS platform in the development of smart ships

SaierNico company - is developing intelligent systems for shipping companies and developing equipment for ships. Using the Wise-PaaS platform, SaierNico has developed a system for real-time remote monitoring of ships and incident response.

Sensors collect data from various components of the vessel: engine speed, pressure, condition of air conditioning systems, pumps and other things. For data transfer, the RabbitMQ broker is used, which increases the reliability of message delivery, since communication with the vessel is unstable. Data flows into the WebAccess / SCADA system.

System architecture

WISE-PaaS / APM is used to track the performance of ship components.

Data visualization for the control center is based on WISE-PaaS / Dashboard and WISE-PaaS / SaaS Composer .

Firmware upgrade of end devices in ship systems is performed using WISE-PaaS / OTA .

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