In the meantime, there is time to get to know each other. We asked the speakers to talk about the worst event in their development careers, as well as enable nostradamus-mode and give our forecast on the development of the language. One speaker came out with Java. Details and other answers are under the cut.
Vlad Sidorin, team lead at Work.ru
What will you tell about at the mitap?
About forks in PHP, in particular, about pcntl_fork () - how and where to use it, what pitfalls await you and how to get around them.
And what can you talk about at the meeting apart from the topic of the report?
World cuisines, history (especially Mesoamerica), tanks, science fiction - that’s all.
Tell the scariest story from your experience.
Demolished the combat database of the game project. Totally. I had to restore from backup. There were several hours of downtime.
The best and worst thing that happened to the language for the time that you write on it?
The best is the release of the 7th version. The worst - JIT will not roll in any way :(
What will happen to PHP in 5 years?
I have already switched to Go, but I hope there will be JIT, nested classes, coroutines or an actor model, a normal application server. Although wait, this is some kind of Java;)
Anton Gubarev, team leader in Skyeng
What will you tell about at the mitap?
I will share the conclusions of 5 years of experience working on a remote site: with different teams and for different companies. What problems happen, how to solve them, what tools help and so on.
And what can you talk about at the meeting apart from the topic of the report?
Automation, CI, self-education, the balance between work and life, SOA.
Tell the scariest story from your experience.
Once, a month and a half I worked for free - and, as luck would have it, during that period of my life when the funds were very needed. I did not really check the employer, after a couple of months he ran out of money - there was no self-sufficiency, no investment. I didn’t receive a salary in that place :(
The best and worst thing that happened to the language for the time that you write on it?
The best is the release of the 7th version. The worst is that there is no development towards asynchrony (but our friend is working on this - approx. Ed.)
What will happen to PHP in 5 years?
There will be strict typing, the beginnings of asynchrony, there will be another jump in performance.
Dmitry Simushev, developer at RaiffeisenBank
What will you tell about at the mitap?
What to do if the Doctrine ORM does not cope with the processing of the stream of read requests, and the optimization hacks are already over.
And what can you talk about at the meeting apart from the topic of the report?
I’m happy to talk about unit testing and TDD. I will keep the company in the discussion of furious architectural issues, even if they have nothing to do with real applications. I’ll gladly throw about goal setting within the team and team responsibility.
The best and worst thing that happened to the language for the time that you write on it?
The worst are traits. I always perceived them as a semi-kostyl for the realization of the likeness of multiple inheritance. Well, many PHP developers often abuse them. The best is the gradual emergence of a decent type system in the language. You see, soon Union-types will give a lift, it will be generally gorgeous.
What will happen to PHP in 5 years?
Let's try to fantasize. A probable direction of development may be functional programming in PHP. The popularity of ReactPHP and AMP asynchronous frameworks is growing, and there are still no normal methods for working with arrays in a functional way (do not offer array_map, array_reduce and the like, they are very "specific").
At the first stage, one could drag into the language some decent collection class (with normal map, fold, filter). This small step will require a decent amount of time for the type system to develop so much that it will be possible to describe interfaces for functions (just like in TypeScript). And then you can drag into the language comparison with the sample, partial use, currying, composition and other fun-to-mad functional things.
Perhaps someone will even follow the ES * / TypeScript path and implement a superset of the PHP language with a bunch of functional goodies. And there, close to the Scala clone compiled into the PHP opcode, not far :)
Tell the scariest story from your experience.
One day, on New Year's Eve, when there was a ban on all changes in the prod, it was necessary to roll out updates on one of the company's secondary sites.
At that time, we had absolutely no means of automating the deployment process. All hands, via SFTP, directly to the server. Well, without a rollback plan, of course. I, as the most fearless, took this honorable duty upon myself: it was necessary to please customers with fresh features for the New Year.
Then: a white screen, clean logs, that's all. Those 30 minutes, while I was trying to understand what was wrong with him, and restored to working capacity, were the worst in my entire career.
Not without shame, I can tell you about the phakaps in the design of individual components within one system and the interaction of several systems with each other. But this is already at the mitap :)
In general, come on the 21st , it will be fine. Or watch us online and on record.

ps If you want to speak at meetings in Moscow and abroad, or are ready to somehow support the community, add to the open list on GitHub or look for contacts there.
pps They say that if you make your forecast about the future of the language in the comments to this post, nishtyaks will wait at the meeting.