Recently managed to visit California in Silicon Valley. The museum of computer history did not remain without my attention.
Museum tickets are available for one or two days to choose from. At first the question arose, why two days? And only after three hours of visiting I realized why, when there were still unexplored labyrinths with exhibitions ahead.
A lot of photos under the cut.
The visit began not like normal people did - they didn’t go from the beginning, but to where it was bright and had no doors. This room turned out to be devoted to the history of the development of Photoshop, telephone communications and mobile phones, the game WarCraft, the history of the development of Wikipedia, musical instruments, the development of medical equipment, the history of programming. Each knowledge block has a simulator. For example, with a block of medical equipment it is possible to make an IMRI of a living person, for Photoshop - you can conduct a virtual test of the car crash test, which is presented in the museum, while visualizing parts for three periods - as the whole program visualized in more detail over the years, etc. .d.
In the programming history block, I liked the toy with visualization, I wanted to put the same in the company where I work.

The meaning is the following: the so-called "developer" sits on one side of the table, and the person in the role of the "program" sits on the other. The developer’s task is to give the same commands to the “program” - to the second person, as he understands himself and how he builds his own figure. According to the results on both sides should get the same design.
There is also a special table-game, where with the help of a set of commands, functions you have to feed the frog midges:

And here is the first jukebox that you can touch and push buttons:

and music "discs"

The first storage devices:

And here is the first super-computer CRAY-1! “Touch the story,” they write in the museum:

Also from the family of super computers:

Card punch tab:

And all the IBM hardware:

And here is the Pixar computer on which the first cartoon was made:

The device for the first cartoons:

Some historical computers:

Exhibition of robots:

First mice:

The first computing machine is already exhibited only in photographs (previously I saw in publications that it was physically in the museum):

I didn’t even understand that:

Copy of the first rover:

The museum has many exhibits - from the first measuring instruments of distances to the future unmanned taxi from Google.
Undoubtedly, I was impressed by what I wanted to share.