About speakers
Mitya Alexandrov is widely known as a speaker at both international and Russian-language conferences. He is the Java Champion 2017 , the organizer of the jPrime conference and one of the leaders of the Bulgarian Java User's Group ( BgJUG ). Recently, the Bulgarian Java User's Group received the Duke's Choice Award 2018 . His reports are always interesting and invariably demonstrate a deep knowledge of the material. Now works at T-Systems .
Some reports and interviews of Mitya:
- “Java (Script) on JVM” ( Joker 2015 : video )
- “Nashorn: a lightweight JavaScript engine on the JVM” ( JUG.ru-2016 : video )
- “JBatch or far from the biggest data” ( Joker 2016 : presentation , video )
- ThinkAsync in Java 8 ( Voxxed Days Bucharest 2017 : video )
- Interview with Dmitry Alexandrov ( Voxxed Days Bucharest 2017 : video )
- “Java and GPU: where are we now?” ( Joker 2017 : presentation , video )
- “There is always an alternative to EE” - Dmitry Alexandrov (T-Systems) about Java EE / EE4J ( Habr, JUG.ru Group blog : article )
- “Java on the GPU” ( JUG.ru-2018 : video )
- “Java and the GPU! Unlock the massive performance! ”( JavaZone 2018 : video )
- Webassembly for Java Developers ( Voxxed Days Bucharest 2019 : video )
- “Java and GPU. We optimize massively in parallel! ”( JUGNsk-2019 : video )
Other links: Twitter , GitHub , website , technical blog .
Dmitry Konstantinov currently works at Netcracker , actively using Apache Cassandra , Zookeeper , Kafka , Hazelcast and other software products.
His reports:
- The Case of the Missing Package ( CodeFreeze 2014 : video )
- “Cassandra - stories from the life of a performance engineer” ( Joker 2019 : presentation )
Another link: Twitter .
About reports
Andrey Kogun starts the meeting, introducing the speakers and proposing to continue communication in a day at the Joker 2019 conference in St. Petersburg.

The first was Dmitry Konstantinov. To some extent, the report became a test run before its presentation on the first day of the conference on Friday. Based on his practical experience, he talked about the problems with Apache Cassandra , suggesting possible options and solutions.

In the second part, Mitya Alexandrov presented an updated version of his report on MicroProfile , which he read exactly one year ago at Joker 2018 . There were some changes in the specifications over the year, so the material was updated and supplemented. The previous version of the report ended with the mention of MicroProfile 2.0 , the current version has already been continued to MicroProfile 3.1 .
I looked with interest at the updated version of the report - a year ago I saw its previous version at Joker 2018 and even revised it recently when writing an article .

The reports aroused great interest and discussion during the break and after the meeting. Live communication, backed up by traditional tea and coffee buns, did not leave anyone indifferent.

Presentations by Dmitry Konstantinov and Mitya Alexandrov , the video will appear soon (see links below).
Links for jug.msk.ru :
- TimePad - announcements of meetings and registration for them, subscription to a notification by mail about meetings
- YouTube - Video Reports
- Speaker Deck - Presentations
- VK - meeting announcements, photo reports, links to materials of past meetings
- Twitter : account (announcements of meetings, photo reports, videos) and hashtag (tweets with comments about meetings)
- Habr - reviews of meetings, you can find all the reviews by tag