Every day, millions of women on the planet are testing so many diets. Some simply refuse food by eating one apple per day, while others turn to nutritionists to get a well-designed menu for every day. Typically, these nutrition systems are very uniform, but the Swedish dietitian figured out how to turn weight loss into an exciting game, that's how the 6-petal diet came about.

Diet features
The presented diet is based on the principle of classical mono-diets, however, there are many features that make such nutrition effective. The development of this principle of nutrition is the merit of Anna Johansson, who used the principles of psychology to increase the interest of those who lose weight and improve their results. Indeed, it is much more interesting to adhere to the weight loss plan, which is framed in the form of a beautiful flower with leaves tear-off after each successful day of losing weight.
This diet provides for 6 "petals" - 6 days, each of which represents one mono-diet, so that losing weight will be creative in the process. It’s better to draw up a weight loss plan not on a simple sheet of paper, but on a beautifully designed flower. Each petal should include information about the day of the week and the main product. The inscriptions can be made in different colors, and the middle of the flower can be painted brightly. Passing each stage in accordance with this plan will resemble a game.
Diet principles
The 6-petal diet, the reviews and results of which are truly impressive, is based on the following principles:
- Duration - 6 days. Such a short period is justified by a one-component diet. During the diet, the main components of the diet do not enter the body, so sticking to such a menu for longer than the specified period can be hazardous to health. Doctors do not recommend repeating a diet more than twice a year.
- One product for one day. Since the essence of diet food from Anna Johansson is the separation of products, the nutritionist suggests not mixing proteins and carbohydrates, as their incomplete assimilation is noted. Doctors are unanimous in the opinion that products of different composition are not completely digested by the body. And the excess that remains over time is transformed into adipose tissue. Separate consumption of foods helps them to be properly absorbed, as well as to avoid the accumulation of body fat.
- Loss of up to 800 grams per day. On this diet, you can lose about 500 to 800 grams per day, and for the entire period get rid of 4.8 kg.
- Eating a limited amount of food. The selected product can be consumed in a limited amount, shown in the table. For protein - 500 grams, for plant products - 1500 grams, for grain - 300 grams.
- Refusal of additives. Diet "6 petals" suggests that food can be salted, seasoned with not very sharp spices. But, adhering to the principles of such nutrition, you can not add sugar to the diet. On protein days, soups and stock from the main product are allowed.
- The volume of fluid is not limited. The minimum required volume of liquid is two liters of clean drinking water. In addition, you can include green tea in the diet. Between meals, you need to drink clean water - this is a very important rule of the diet.
- Compliance with the sequence. You need to use the products in the order that the Swedish nutritionist suggested. After all, it contains the principle of alternating carbohydrates and proteins, due to which weight loss occurs.
Daily menu
The diet is very easy to follow, so the menu can be very simple and quick to compose from the main product, which should be divided into 5 equal parts. But it is extremely important to adhere to the concept proposed by the author.
The first day is fish
Diet "6 petals", whose menu is not full of variety, begins on a fish day. On this day, it is allowed to eat 500 grams of the finished product. Any kind of fish is suitable, including cod, hake, mackerel, horse mackerel, pollock and others. There is no restriction on the fat content of the fish, as well as the method of its preparation.
The menu for each day of the 6-petal diet may include the following recipes:
- Fish in a double boiler. Peeled fish fillet (any fish is suitable, for example, chum, hake or salmon) you need to salt, and then cover the fillet with herbs and cook in a double boiler.
- Oven-baked fish. Salted fish fillet should be coated with a mixture of herbs and garlic, and then it should be wrapped in foil and baked in the oven.
- Fish soup. The low-fat fish fillet should be boiled, and then chopped in a blender, salt and add the greens, which are previously finely chopped.
It is strictly forbidden to use vegetable oil. In this case, the use of a small amount of salt and spices is allowed.
Protein day is designed to saturate the body with protein, which is easily absorbed, as well as unsaturated fatty acids (they are rich in fish meat of some valuable varieties), acting on the body as antioxidants. It is proved that the calories contained in fish are indispensable for the body and their use does not lead to weight gain.

Day Two - Vegetable
On this day, you can eat up to 1.5 kilograms of vegetables. Seasonal vegetables are recommended. In the summer, cabbage, zucchini, bell pepper, tomatoes and cucumbers are suitable. And in winter and autumn, it is better to give preference to cabbage, beets and carrots. Frozen vegetables can also be used with a 6-petal diet. Vegetable juices and soups are allowed.
It is no secret that vegetables are rich in pectins, fiber, various trace elements and vitamins. But most substances are kept exclusively fresh, which is why it is recommended to eat most of the permitted products without heat treatment. But if you still need to cook vegetables, then it is better to use an oven or a double boiler for this. Despite the high carbohydrate content in vegetables, a low amount of calories is ingested throughout the day. In addition, vegetables are a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals that are simply necessary for the body.
The menu may include such recipes:
- Vegetable stew. Tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, peppers, onions, eggplant are ideal for a dish. Chopped onions in a preheated pan, as soon as it is a little browned, add grated carrots and add vegetables. During this time, you should chop the remaining vegetables and add to the pan. Pour with a small amount of water, salt and simmer until tender.
- Vegetable soup. In a deep pan, send 500 grams of chopped tomatoes, salt, add garlic. After 10 minutes, pour the tomatoes with water and simmer until tender. Next, you need to kill stewed tomatoes in any blender with any herbs (for example, basil). Serve garnished with basil.
- Boiled broccoli. Boil the cabbage in water, adding a little salt. Season the finished dish with lemon juice, Provencal herbs and herbs (it is better to grind them first).
Losing weight note the simplicity of such a diet as the 6-petal diet, a daily menu at which it is easy to make, based on the main principles of nutrition. On a vegetable day, you can make vegetable salads using any combination of products and seasoning the salad with a spoon of olive oil. If desired, the salad can be salted.

Day Three - Chicken
On this day, you can eat 500 grams of chicken without skin. White chicken is ideal. It is recommended either to bake in the oven, or just boil it. Next, you need to divide the serving into 5 receptions and eat throughout the day.
At this stage of the 6-petal diet, the menu for each day may consist of such dishes:
- Chicken cutlets cooked in a double boiler. Mix finely chopped chicken breast with egg, chopped herbs, salt and form cutlets. Cook in a double boiler.
- Oven baked chicken fillet. Grate the fillet with salt, sprinkle with herbs, wrap in foil and send in a preheated oven. Decorate the finished dish with herbs and serve hot.
- Braised chicken with gravy. Dice the chicken fillet into a deep frying pan, add salt and greens. Simmer for several minutes under the lid. Serve with the gravy that formed during cooking.
Chicken contains a lot of protein, but few calories. Feeling of hunger throughout the day will almost not be felt, because proteins have good nutritional properties.

Day Four - Grain
The 6-petal diet, the menu on the fourth day of which consists of 100 grams of whole grain bread and 200 grams of cereal (weight is indicated for the dry type of cereal), suggests choosing any cereal as the main product. But it is better to choose coarse grits not cleared from fruit shells, such as:
- "Hercules";
- Brown rice;
- barley grits.
The 6-petal diet, reviews of which testify to its effectiveness, on this day may consist of such dishes:
- Baked buckwheat cutlets in the oven. In salted water, boil 100 grams of buckwheat, which then needs to be chopped together with herbs in a blender. From the resulting mass, it is necessary to form cutlets that are baked for 20 minutes in a preheated oven.
- Oatmeal cookies. Mix 1 cup of milk (it is better to choose low fat) and 150 grams of oatmeal. To this mixture is added quenched soda and vanilla (a small amount so as not to spoil the cookies). Once the mixture has swollen, you need to form cookies and put on a baking sheet. Pre-cover the baking sheet with baking paper or foil.
- Muesli. Pour boiling water over 150 g of oatmeal and let it brew for 15 minutes. Prunes or walnuts can be added to taste.
As an ideal supplement to the diet, you can use oat or wheat bran, which can be used instead of bread with water. It is difficult to exaggerate the benefits of cereal products, because it is thanks to them that the body receives various valuable trace elements. Coarse grits contain the largest amount of fiber. The 6-petal diet, whose recipes are very simple, involves soaking the porridge in cold water overnight. This is how you can save all the useful trace elements. Porridges belong to complex carbohydrates, which are digested for a long time, but at the same time a feeling of satiety is created.
A handful of nuts is also allowed as an addition to porridge. 1 cup of kvass is also allowed.

Fifth day - curd
At this stage of the 6-petal diet, the menu suggests 500 grams of cottage cheese. It is better to give preference to cottage cheese, the fat content of which does not exceed 20%. Also in the diet of the curd day it is allowed to include 300 ml of low-fat kefir, milk or yogurt. They can be taken as food alone or as a dressing for cottage cheese.
It is not recommended to replace the cottage cheese with some other product. But if you still need to do this, then only similar protein products are allowed. So, you can use ricotta or feta cheese.
Cottage cheese is characterized by the content of a large amount of protein and trace elements necessary for the body (for example, calcium is indispensable for the skeletal system).
The menu of this day may include such dishes:
- Slow cooker casserole. Mix 1 pack (200 grams) of cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat content, 1 tbsp. l semolina, 1 egg, 5 tbsp. l yogurt, raisins, cinnamon and vanilla. Put the mixture that turned out into a slow cooker and cook in accordance with the instructions for the device.
- Cottage cheese dessert. Beat cottage cheese, 0.5 cups of instant coffee and sweetener until foam is formed in the blender. Serve the finished dessert cold.
- Cheese pancakes baked in the oven. In a bowl, mix 1 pack of cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. l semolina and egg. From the resulting mixture, form cheese cakes, which should be dipped in a mixture of semolina and cinnamon, and then put them on a baking sheet covered with paper for baking and send to the oven.
For those who choose a nutrition system such as the 6-petal diet, feedback on the results of the fifth day will really please. At this stage, a really big weight loss occurs.

Sixth day - fruit
The final feast of the abdomen can be considered the final day of the 6-petal diet, an approximate menu of which includes various types of fruits. Exclude from the diet you need bananas and grapes. The maximum number of fruits should not exceed 1.5 kg. This takes into account both fresh fruit and baked without sugar.
Fruit diet can be varied with such recipes:
- Raspberry fresh. Beat raspberries in a blender. Pour the resulting mixture into a glass and sprinkle with powdered sugar for decoration.
- Fruit smoothie. Mix mango with pineapple slices in a blender. Garnish the finished mixture with mint leaves.
- Fruit salad. You can use any favorite fruit for this salad. For example, it can be cubes of mango, apple, orange, kiwi and melon. Season with lemon juice and honey (half a teaspoon will be enough).

Fruits are, in fact, complex carbohydrates, but their calorie content is relatively low, due to which you can guarantee an active process of losing weight.
Diet circles
The maximum number of laps allowed by nutritionists is 4, each of which will include 6 days. Everyone chooses how many laps to do. It is worth paying attention to the state of your health, as well as well-being. Of course, the number of circles also depends on the number of extra pounds that you have to get rid of. If you adhere to all the rules of the 6-petal diet, the before and after photos will certainly delight the losing weight.

Nutritionists recommend that between the six-day cycles to make one day of rest for the body. You can eat ordinary foods on such a day, exclude bread and sweets. For the best result, it is better to adhere to the rules for leaving the diet.
Way out of diet
Despite the fact that the diet is called "6 petals" and secretly hints that it will only have 6 days, nutritionists recommend making adjustments on the 7th day of the diet. This is no longer a complete diet, there are much fewer restrictions on this day, however, it is worth introducing it so that the body gets used to a gradual return to a normal diet.
The basic rule of the day is not to overload the body with a lot of heavy foods. A comfortable way out of the diet will provide products that were on the menu in the previous 6 days.
If you follow the course of the Swedish weight loss system called the 6-petal diet, the results will appear quickly enough. But finally they can be fixed only on condition that the losing weight will adhere to the rules of exit from the diet.
In the following days, you can fill the diet with other products, but in general it is worth sticking to a low-calorie diet. If those who lose weight continue to deny themselves harmful, unhealthy foods (sweet, fatty and fried), then there is the possibility of losing a few more pounds.
Contraindications to the diet
Like any nutrition system that restricts the use of certain foods, the 6-petal diet has contraindications:
- liver diseases (including chronic);
- stomach diseases;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- diabetes;
- pregnancy and lactation.
The presented food system is suitable for almost everyone, since it does not imply starvation and is not prolonged. But finally, only your attending physician can judge the dangers of a diet for your body by the results of your health condition. If you follow all the rules, weight loss occurs very quickly, so it is better to consult a doctor before starting such a diet.
Weight Loss Reviews
Nutritionists unanimously argue that the system of weight loss of the Swedish nutritionist is very effective, because it is based on the effective principle of separate nutrition. Those who have already lost weight on a 6-petal diet (the menu for each step is presented above) argue that in order to obtain maximum results, the following recommendations should be followed:
- eat often, but in small portions;
- do not forget about water, drinking at least 7 glasses of pure water per day;
- Do not neglect sports exercises;
- start the process of losing weight only on condition that you are completely healthy, because a weakened body will be more difficult to perceive restrictions;
- give preference only to fresh products;
- minimize the amount of spices and salt, as they retain fluid in the body;
- give up alcohol.
But it is very important to understand that no diet has magical properties, so it will take considerable effort to save the result after. That is why nutritionists recommend from time to time to use diets, but always adhere to proper nutrition.