Fresh selection with links to news and materials. In the release: PHP 7.4 RC4 and other releases, news from PHP Internals, a portion of useful tools, streams, video from conferences, podcasts and much more.
Enjoy reading!
News and Releases
- PHP 7.4 RC4 - 2 more release candidates are planned and the final release of PHP 7.4 is already November 28th. In the meantime, you can take a look
what's new is expected .
- skyeng / php-communities - An open list of PHP events, speakers and organizers on GitHub . From the nearest events:
• October 24, Minsk: PHP Meetup # 30
• October 24, St. Petersburg: Symfony St. Petersburg Meetup # 7
• October 26, Rostov-on-Don: PHP mitap # 1
• October 26, Kiev: Symfony Camp UA 2019
• November 2, Nizhny Novgorod: The first mitap of the PHP NN community
PHP internals
- [RFC] Deprecate Backtick Operator (V2) - In PHP, you can use quotation marks
` `
as an alias forshell_exec()
. That is, the line that is written in them will be perceived as a command and launched in the shell. The proposal to declare this opportunity obsolete caused a storm of controversy , as did other proposals for deprecations. - [RFC] Implement new DOM Living Standard APIs in ext / dom - It is proposed to implement support for the new DOM standard in kernel extension. Learn more about the offer in the podcast.
PHP Internals News # 31 with RFC author Benjamin Eberlei .
- A poll from Sarah Goleman on Twitter about the idea of try-blocks at the function level, inspired by a similar feature from C ++:
- mougrim / php-xdebug-proxy -
PHP Xdebug proxy: when the standard features of Xdebug are not enough .
- php-defer / php-defer - An analogue of the defer function from Go . The callback passed as a parameter of this function will work when the execution thread leaves the scope of the current (external) function / method. Under the hood , a destructor is simply used . The idea is old and was already implemented several years ago as part of phplang / scope-exit .
- sensiolabs-de / deptra 0.6 - Static code analysis tool for determining dependencies between application layers.
- graze / parallel-process - Allows you to easily run multiple symfony / process in parallel.
- Laravel - More Than Just CRUD - The first three chapters of a book on how to write large Laravel applications.
Generic Response Objects
Laravel: explain the basic concepts. Part One: Theory ; Part Two: Practice .
40 best Laravel tools and resources
- Taylor tweeted that over the past 5 years he has sold software for $ 10 million while living in a small town in Arkansas. In his podcast, he promises to tell how to make successful products:
•Laravel Snippet # 15: Choosing Product Ideas
•Laravel Snippet # 16: Audience Set
Laravel Lunch Break - New podcast from Marcel Pociot and Dries Vints .
Astrocasts: Event Sourcing with Laravel and EventSauce
A series of videos about creating a RESTful Laravel API application using TDD
Stream about creating laravel-shift / blueprint
- Yii 2.0.28, extensions and progress on Yii 3 - The team is approaching a state where it is possible to release an alpha version of Yii 3.
Async php
Writing a RESTful API using ReactPHP: Add user registration .
- seregazhuk / php-watcher - A package for automatically restarting PHP applications when changing files. Support blog post .
Learning Materials
- About using the @mixin tag in DocBlock to improve auto-completion.
- About the value of the void typepoint in PHP -
- Marcel Pociot on what simple code is and how to write it .
- Budget VPS test by Rasmus Lerdorf.
PHP at the front end - A fun experiment in compiling PHP in WASM and running Laravel in a browser.
High precision time: how to work with fractions of a second in MySQL and PHP - Sent by bikutoru .
What does the zip archive look like and what can we do about it
Run php scripts via php-fpm without a web server. Or your FastCgi client (under the hood).
Unsafe PHP Functions
- Two weak points of horizontal scaling of PHP applications are the database and file storage:
Audio Video
PHP Yorkshire 2019 - Videos of all reports.
PHP Serbia 2019 - Videos of all reports.
Beachcasts: Swoole module for PHP using Docker Compose .
The Undercover ElePHPant - A new podcast on the performance and scalability of PHP applications. Leading podcasts: Matthew Setter and Benjamin Eberlei .
PHP Internals News # 32 - C James Titcumb on commercial development of PHP extensions.
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