Tutu.ru and the Moscow Club of Programmers are invited to a backend meeting on October 17

There will be 3 reports and, of course, a pizza break and networking.


18:30 - 19:00 - registration

19:00 - 21:30 - reports and free communication.

Speakers and topics:

Pavel Ivanov , Mobupps, Programmer.

He will talk about design patterns in PHP.

Olga Nikolaeva , Tutu.ru, Backend developer.

"You shall not pass! Casbin is an access control system. ”

Olga will tell you how to solve the problem of sharing user rights in a microservice architecture using the open source Casbin access control system. What is she like, how to work with her, what difficulties we had and how they were solved in Tutu.ru.

Andrey Medvedev , Simko, Programmer.

Andrew will talk about how he, as a backend developer, made a mobile application for the iPhone and iPad in the Swift programming language. The server side of the application is written in Go.

Come wait for you! You can register here .

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