Dear Community Members!
The Internet is seriously ill .
On May 1, 2019, the incumbent President of the Russian Federation signed
Federal Law No. 90- “On Amending the Federal Law“ On Communications ”and the Federal Law“ On Information, Information Technologies and the Protection of Information ” , also known as the
draft law“ On Sovereign Runet ” .
Hurry to see: violation of the right to freedom of speech, creation of an isolated data transmission environment and humiliation of human dignity -
for our money !
This article is an exhaustive list of what can be done today to avoid the dystopian
“beautiful future” tomorrow.
01/01/05 : RIPN
delegated the authority to control the national .ru domain zone to a focal point controlled by the Ministry of Communications
09/01/12 : the law
"On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development" came into force
07/01/14 : amendments to the
"anti-piracy" law entered into force
07/07/16 :
"Spring Law" was signed
04.16.18 : Roskomnadzor begins to
block Telegram
07/01/18 :
"Spring Law" entered into force
05/01/19 :
"The Law on Sovereign Runet" was signed
07/26/19 : a
bill was
introduced on the nationalization of “significant IT resources”
11/01/19 : the "Law on Sovereign Runet" will enter into force
Protect yourself from snooping
Although both governments and transnational corporations pose a significant threat to personal liberties on the Internet, there is a danger that far exceeds the first two. Her name is uninformed citizens.
- C. Bird
“SAFE” is a project of
RosKomSvoboda , aimed at informing citizens about the basic principles of information security. The project has compiled an exhaustive list of tips and instructions on how to make your communications more secure.
What you need to know about security in today's digital world
→ So-so friends
→ Integrated Security
→ "Pirate" programs
→ “I have nothing to hide”
→ Safe workspace
→ Is the push-button telephone safe?
→ GPS - is it dangerous or not?
→ The most reliable email
→ How to recognize the viral “letter of happiness”
→ Criteria for choosing programs
→ Password protection principles
→ Social networks: 22 ideas
The necessary programs and settings of popular services
→ Public Key Encryption
→ Add-ons for browsers
→ VeraCrypt - encryption of files, folders and drives
→ ProtonMail - Secure Email
→ Tor for Android
→ Jitsi Meet - simple chat
→ KeePassX - password manager
→ Two-factor authentication
→ We make VKontakte safer
→ Browser Security Settings
→ Making Facebook safer
→ Mailvelope: Email Encryption
Support RosCom freedom
Security must be paid, but its absence must be paid.
- Winston Churchill
RosKomSvoboda is a public organization whose activities are aimed at countering Internet censorship, as well as promoting the ideas of freedom of information and self-regulation of the Internet industry.
RosKomSvoboda was created on November 1, 2012 on the day the Unified Register of Prohibited Sites comes into force. The name RosKomSvoboda was chosen as a stylistic contrast to Roskomnadzor, the agency that is directly involved in maintaining blacklists and blocking sites in Russia.
The project, created by activists to monitor the work of
"black lists of sites" in 2012, has grown into a whole social organization that daily informs about what is happening on the Web and concerns our security and freedom, analyzes various registries of Roskomnadzor, conducts public
campaigns , and civil actions , launches thematic
projects , provides real legal assistance to people and organizations faced with a violation of their digital rights.
Today, RosKomSvoboda constantly monitors the legislative activities of government agencies in the field of Internet regulation, as well as law enforcement, in particular, blocking Internet resources. RosKomSvoboda conducts broad public campaigns and supports civic initiatives for freedom of information and the inviolability of personal data of users. A separate area of work is the protection of the rights of users and owners of unreasonably blocked sites in court.
Not so long ago, RosKomSvoboda launched a
campaign to collect donations for the subsequent implementation of relevant projects and campaigns that it is currently working on. RosKomSvoboda asks from conscious citizens the maximum support and dissemination of information.
Your feasible assistance to the development of RosKomSvoboda will help professional lawyers protect the rights and inviolability of personal data of users of the Russian segment of the Internet, help owners of unreasonably blocked sites in court, support civic initiatives for freedom of information and prevent illegal actions of supervisory authorities.
A source:
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Become a volunteer
Become a developer of the Invisible Internet project
Those who are able to give up their freedom in order to gain short-term protection from danger do not deserve freedom or security.
- Benjamin Franklin

I2P is an anonymous self-organizing distributed network that uses the modified
DHT Kademlia , but differs in that it stores hashed host addresses, encrypted AES IP addresses, as well as public encryption keys, and the connections on the Network database are also encrypted.
The network provides applications with a transport mechanism for anonymously and securely forwarding messages to each other. Although the I2P network aims to determine the transmission path of the packets, thanks to the Streaming lib library, they are also delivered in the originally specified sequence without errors, losses and duplication, which makes it possible to use IP telephony, Internet radio, IP television in the I2P network, video conferencing and other streaming protocols and services.
The I2P network is characterized by the use of encryption mechanisms, P2P architecture and variable intermediaries (hopes). This method involves increasing the complexity of de-anonymization, MITM attacks and makes packet replacement transparent to the user completely impossible.
Inside the I2P network, there is its own directory of sites, electronic libraries, as well as torrent trackers. In addition, there are gateways for accessing the I2P network directly from the Internet, created specifically for users who, for various reasons, cannot install the “Invisible Internet Project” software on a computer.
Inside the I2P network, you can place any service (forum, blog, file sharing, email, instant messaging system (chat), file sharing system, VoIP, etc.) while maintaining the anonymity of the server. The I2P network has http servers; site addresses are in the pseudo-domain space “.i2p”. Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks can be built on top of I2P networks, for example, BitTorrent, eDonkey, Kad, Gnutella, etc.
You can help develop the I2P network by participating in the development of
i2pd software, creating your own intranet services, or turning your PC or server into a
transit node and / or
floodfill network
router .
Source: Wikipedia
Choose an action:
Take part in the development •
Create a service •
Become a host operator
Join Yggdrasil, the existing mesh network designed to become a free alternative to the Internet
Censorship sees the world as a semantic system in which information is the only reality, and that which is not written about does not exist.
- Michael Geller
Yggdrasil is a distributed
Mesh network that works in overlay mode, allowing you to make the Internet on top of the Internet.
The network can simultaneously work in two modes - via the Internet and without access to the Internet, connecting directly to physically neighboring peers (via Ethernet, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth) operating at
the 3rd level of the OSI model .
Yggdrasil is a continuation of the development of the
CJDNS project, but from scratch: the developers participating in the development of the CJDNS project at the time of stagnation decided to separate from it to rewrite everything from scratch.
This was due to disagreements with the founder of CJDNS - according to his plan, super-nodes should appear on the network that should contain a full network map, in their opinion - this path is wrong and they wanted to keep the peer-to-peer network (when each node is identical in function to the rest).
In addition, the original network was slowly developing due to the chosen development methods and languages, and it was not able (in 5 years) to get to the support of mobile devices, which in the modern world is a serious problem.
Source: "CJDNS is Dead, Long Live Yggdrasil"
Choose an action:
Take part in development •
Become a host operator
Switch to Solid: Tim Berners-Lee decentralized Internet
Solid is changing the current model, in which users have to transfer personal data to digital giants in exchange for the intended benefits. As we all found out, it was not in our interests. Solid - this is how we develop the Internet in a revolutionary way to restore balance, giving each of us full control over data, personal or not.
- Tim Berners-Lee
Solid is a
Tim Berners-Lee project whose goal is to create a decentralized Internet.
Tim Berners-Lee, creator of the World Wide Web and director of the W3C consortium, is confident that the development of the web has reached a critical point, has deviated as much as possible from the original concept. Initially, it was conceived as a decentralized network, where the first browser was also a document editor. The idea was that each user would not only be able to view documents, but also create and edit them. The web was to become a place of joint creativity and cooperation for all of humanity. But something went wrong.
There are examples of successful implementation of co-creation, like Wikipedia, decentralized website hosting and peer-to-peer social networks. These are harbingers of what the Web can become based on the new
Solid technology developed by Tim Berners-Lee in collaboration with a group of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This is the crown of decades of conceptual work that Berners-Lee did.
How did the web get to such a loss of decentralization, to the sad current state? From the first popular browser, Mosaic removed the multimedia and editing tools. It was decided that they were too complicated for the layman. Since this all started. Such an undesirable transformation of the native offspring eventually led to the fact that Tim Berners-Lee and his colleagues suggested returning the missing functionality to the web:
in 2003, they proposed a concept called Read-Write Web .
The concept suggests that everyone can participate in the formation of a single web space. For this we need:
- Functional permission system (who, where and what can write) based on a common identification system;
- Managed access to data, as the basis of the web is not only documents, but also data.
Now a lot of work on the tools and development tools for this concept has come to an end. Solid technology is the real embodiment of an idea formulated 15 years ago.
Solid technology is based on current W3C standards, which facilitates its implementation and contributes to the rapid dissemination. It implements a permission and identification system, end-to-end editing functionality for all documents, a data management system and real-time updates via WebSockets.
Source: “Solid Technology: It's Time for Web Reconstruction”
Choose an action:
Start using the network •
Take part in the development
Become a member of the independent Internet provider Medium operating in the Russian Federation
If we want to stand up against this destructive tendency of the government to outlaw cryptography, one of the measures we can take is to use cryptography as much as we can while its use is still legal.
- F. Zimmerman
Medium (Eng.
Medium - “intermediary”, original slogan -
Don’t ask for your privacy. Take it back ; also in English the word
medium means “intermediate”) - a Russian decentralized Internet provider that provides access to the
Yggdrasil network for free basis.
Full name - Medium Internet Service Provider. Initially, the project was conceived as a
Mesh network in the
Kolomensky urban district .
It was established in April 2019 as part of the creation of an independent telecommunications environment by providing end users with access to Yggdrasil network resources using Wi-Fi wireless data technology.
Targets and goals
Medium provides users with access to
Yggdrasil network resources at no cost.
When creating a public organization, the community pursued the following goals:
- Draw public attention to privacy
- Increase the total number of routers within the Yggdrasil network
- Create your own ecosystem of web services within the Yggdrasil network, which could replace the most common sites from the "clean" Internet
- Create a public key infrastructure within the Medium network to prevent Man-in-the-middle attacks
- Create your own domain name system for more convenient access to services within the Yggdrasil network
More information on what Medium is about can be found
here .
There are several ways
to support the initiative to establish a free Internet in Russia:
to become a Medium network
operator , create your own web service in the Yggdrasil network and register it in the Medium DNS network, share information about Medium with your friends, colleagues and colleagues, or use network resources on an ongoing basis.
Source: "Medium" - the first decentralized Internet service provider in Russia "
Choose an action:
Become an operator •
Become a user •
Create a service
Free Internet in Russia starts with you
Only by showing our active citizenship, only acting, only together can we influence the further course of events in our country.

UFO Care Minute
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