Anyone who wants to get rid of extra pounds, nutritionists are advised to try to introduce oats into their usual diet. It is especially good to unload the body after long holidays.
As soon as oats become the first line in the daily menu, you can notice the changes - the extra pounds will go away, and the mood will noticeably improve. And all this without starvation diets.
How much can you lose by sitting on a similar diet? In two weeks it will take up to five kilograms. If there is absolutely no desire to eat oatmeal, it can be replaced with a decoction. With it, it will take from three to six kilograms. Most importantly, there is practically no risk to harm health.
Help oats with weight loss

Oats are a very healthy product. It has many vitamins and minerals. The main ones include:
- vitamins of group E;
- B vitamins;
- zinc;
- phosphorus;
- sulfur;
- iron;
- calcium;
- magnesium.
These components contribute to weight loss. Oats also contain thiamine, which heals the intestines. A set of useful substances allows, without hesitation, to include this product in people who are overweight in the diet. In addition to losing weight, you can arrange the work of the digestive system. Which, undoubtedly, is a plus of such a diet.
Oats for weight loss in most cases are used as a decoction. The drink contains a maximum of bioactive substances that heal the pancreas, thereby improving metabolism in the body.
The most important properties of oats for weight loss include the following:
- Oats are a natural source of energy. When this cereal is introduced into the diet, the body loses weight gradually and safely. Therefore, strict diets are not necessary. After a short period of time, you can see the first positive results.
- Oats contain complex carbohydrates. They help the body throughout the day not to feel hunger. The most important thing is that I donβt want to intercept any sweetness at all. And so there is getting rid of extra pounds.
- Oat grains have very few calories, but many plant fibers. This allows you to eat in small portions. There is also an increase in the time between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner. Daily consumption of oats will help get rid of constipation, which is also important when losing weight.
- It regulates the metabolism of fats. This adjustment allows you to burn excess fat, which contributes to weight loss.
Cooking broth

It is not difficult to prepare a decoction of oats for weight loss. But to store this drink is undesirable. So itβs better to cook it every day. It should be noted right away that the process is not fast. But if you compare all the pros and cons, then laziness should be taken into the background. After a little effort, you can again admire your thin body in the mirror.
You need to start in the evening. Take one glass of grains and pour them with a liter of water at room temperature. In this state, leave for 10 hours. This is the easiest way to cook oats for weight loss. In the morning, the swollen oats must be put on the stove and left until boiling. After boiling on low heat for about an hour and a half. Then cool and strain through cheesecloth. Grind the remaining grains thoroughly in a blender and add to the resulting broth, which is once again put on a small fire and cooked for half an hour. Once the broth has cooled, you can drink it. Keep only in the refrigerator, no more than one day.
Proper use of broth

To see the results, it takes at least two months to eat oats for weight loss. Drinking it is before a meal, better for half an hour. A liquid decoction of oats will be needed near a glass, but half a thick drink with cereal is enough. To consolidate the result, such a diet should be repeated up to three times a year.
For maximum effect, experts recommend drinking the broth as slowly as possible. Even chewing movements will do. For "beginners" such a drink will seem fresh and tasteless. Do not make sudden conclusions. A little time will pass and the wonderful properties of the decoction will be appreciated.
Oat decoction recipes

To prepare a classic decoction, you will need the following ingredients:
- oats in grains - 200 g;
- drinking water - 1 l.
It is worth trying such oats for weight loss, the method of preparation of which does not require much effort. In the evening, thoroughly rinse the grains and pour water. In the morning, the whole cooking process begins. It is brought to a strong boil and the fire is reduced. So oats should spend no more than two hours. The resulting chilled mixture is ground in a meat grinder or in a blender. After that, put on low fire again (for about 40 minutes). The mixture is ready. This healthy smoothie is consumed one hour before a meal, three to four times a day.
Sprouted oatmeal smoothie
The necessary ingredients for such a decoction:
- sprouted grains of oats - 200 g;
- drinking water - 750 ml.
This is a real oat for weight loss, the method of preparation of which is as follows:
- It is necessary to germinate the seeds. To do this, whole grain is wrapped in wet gauze and left in this state for four days. As soon as the green sprouts appear - the oats are ready for further manipulations.
- Germinated grains are poured with water and put on a strong fire. Once the mixture boils, reduce the flame to a minimum and cook for two hours.
- Cool and filter through a small gauze or sieve.
- Drink 40 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner. The approximate treatment course should not be more than two weeks.
To achieve a quick effect, you will have to abandon fatty dishes. Fried meat is better to replace lean boiled. Exclude all confectionery and wheat bread.
When should you not eat oats?

Like all diets, this one has its contraindications. Therefore, you should first get acquainted with all the exceptions. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to overall well-being and health in general. Doctors strongly prohibit the consumption of oats for weight loss in patients with the following diseases:
- food intolerance (even to one of the components that make up oats);
- nonspecific acute colitis;
- inflammation of the intestinal diverticulums;
- osteoporosis;
- SRTC (irritable bowel syndrome);
- bowel obstruction;
- kidney and heart problems;
- lack of gall bladder.
In order not to harm your body, you need to consult an experienced specialist. In the absence of contraindications, he himself will prescribe a good diet from oats.
Oat diet reviews

Can oats be used for weight loss? Reviews are mostly positive. Such food guarantees rejuvenation of the body and getting rid of hated kilograms. It is also an excellent prevention against many diseases of the stomach and intestines.
Many people use oats for weight loss, the method of preparation of which can be mastered by anyone, as fasting days. This diet can be called universal, because it suits most patients. Many people note that the effect will be more noticeable if heavy food is excluded.
The diet is designed for about two weeks. It is necessary to include more fruit and vegetable crops in the diet. Sour-milk products with a low fat content are also welcome.
Most patients who have undergone such a diet, focus on the consumption of water, which helps to remove all unnecessary from the body. The volume of fluid ranges from 1.5 to 2 liters. This includes stewed fruit, freshly squeezed juices, sugar-free green tea. After eating, you should not drink immediately. You need to wait about an hour or two. Together with the correct intake of oatmeal, you can lose up to five kilograms in one week.