Acne on the vagina is a fairly common phenomenon, which is caused by a number of negative factors. Acne causes discomfort and irritation. What types of acne on female genital mutilation? The reasons for their occurrence and when to run to the doctor? Let's put this important women's theme on the shelves.
Unpleasant formations
Acne on the vagina externally resembles ordinary rashes, which can appear on other parts of the body. They can be large and small, painful and painless, burning, purulent, and so on. This problem is not uncommon. Such rashes are often symptoms of various pathologies, including oncology.
For each woman, such inconvenience causes severe discomfort. Firstly, from the outside, the phenomenon is ugly. Secondly, inflamed acne causes pain when pressed.

The female body has a complex system of self-regulation. That is why even minor violations can cause rashes and inflammations. Female sex organs are very sensitive to influences from the outside. Infection can be "expected" everywhere: in a shared pool, on the beach, if personal hygiene is not followed. It is for this reason that on the mucous often appear different kinds of rashes and pimples on the vagina. Possible causes are the development of an infectious disease. However, not always.
Acne on the vagina: causes
Rashes and acne can trigger various factors. Often, such changes appear for the following reasons:
- Failure of personal hygiene (especially when using unsuitable detergents, gels).
- With frequent cleansing of the vagina (douching violates the microflora and causes an inflammatory process).
- When wearing tight synthetic underwear. It injures the mucosa and provokes sweating. As a result, the appearance of bacteria and acne.
- At physiological characteristics of the thin skin mucosa, which causes blockage of the sebaceous glands.
- If you are allergic to tissue, shower gel, or laundry detergent.
- With careless hair removal, hair follicles become inflamed.
- With hypothermia or overheating of the genitals.
- After childbirth or surgery.

The cause of inflammatory eruptions in and around the vagina may be a breach of health and bacterial infections:
- improper diet (with an abundance of fatty and spicy foods);
- decreased immunity;
- frequent stress, overwork and lack of sleep;
- autoimmune diseases;
- hormonal failure (in the puberty, during pregnancy or menopause);
- various sexually transmitted infections: chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis;
- acne can be the result of staphylococcus entering the vagina;
- candidiasis (thrush);
- vaginal cyst;
- inflammation of the bartholin gland externally manifests itself as an inflamed pimple.
The peculiarity of treatment directly depends on the cause of the appearance of characteristic inflammatory acne on the vagina. The cause and diagnosis can only be determined by a doctor.
Viral diseases
Often the appearance of acne and rashes on the female genital organs is associated with the development of a viral infection. The most common causes of infectious diseases: genital herpes, papilloma virus, molluscum contagiosum. Let's consider each reason in more detail.
The herpes virus enters the body through the mucosa and settles on nerve fibers until the end of life. This virus may never occur, but often it was he who provokes the appearance of small pimples on the vagina. Concomitant symptoms: severe itching, burning and tingling. White acne on a vagina with transparent pus can jump both on the vagina itself and at the entrance to it: on the labia and perineum. Herpes is sexually transmitted. Treatment for the virus is difficult.

The human papillomavirus is found in almost every second woman who lives sexually. This virus appears as small skin-colored acne with a sharp end. They are quite difficult to treat. Usually appear at the entrance to the vagina, therefore they are constantly injured. papilloma virus can cause the development of cancer.
Molluscum contagiosum is a complex dangerous viral disease. Acne on the vagina is purulent manifested in the vagina and labia.
This is one of the most common causes of vaginal rashes and acne. This infectious skin disease is an infection of the hair follicles and their inflammation. A follicle is a cavity in the skin from which hair grows.
Folliculitis may occur as a result of:
- wrong shaving;
- ingrown hair;
- wearing tight clothing that rubs the skin;
- follicles that are blocked by sweat and other skin secretions;
- when using soiled massage bathtubs and pools;
- with infected cuts (from shaving more often) the bacteria spread to the nearby follicles.

Sometimes white acne occurs right on the vagina. What is it? Look carefully at the lesion. If white acne is large and inflamed, then it is most likely folliculitis.
It is a chronic skin disease that affects the sweat glands in the groin and under the breasts. Hydradenitis manifests itself in the form of spots, ulcers, inside of which there is pus. Such formations usually heal for a long time and leave behind scars. According to statistics, only 4% of the planetโs population has hydradenitis.
As a result of the temperature drop, acne may appear on the vagina. Small spots - the most harmless consequence of hypothermia. Usually hypothermia can cause mucosal blood flow disturbance. Accordingly, it provokes a weakening of the immune system.
As a rule, colds pass independently, if this does not apply to the fact that an infection has entered the vagina. Otherwise, blood poisoning cannot be avoided. It is for this reason that grandmothers complain about their granddaughters wearing short jackets. Warm underwear and a long jacket - protection against women's diseases.
Contact dermatitis
This is a disease that is caused by skin contact with external allergens or irritants. Often the appearance of acne on the vagina is due to this particular ailment. The affected area is the external part of the female genital organs.
Allergens and irritants that provoke the appearance of acne on the vagina:
- syringe;
- lotions, powders and other feminine hygiene products;
- deodorants;
- flavored little or personal care product;
- washing powder;
- medical gel;
- intimate spermicides;
- condom;
- antiperspirant;
- sanitary pad, tampon (especially flavored);
- sperm;
- urine.

Acne with contact dermatitis are the same rashes that appear on other parts of the body.
Do not panic immediately if a pimple appears on the vagina. Often it passes by itself and does not cause pain. However, there are those rashes that cause pain:
- If acne is localized near the vagina. In this case, they are constantly injured by linen or during sexual intercourse. So, an infection penetrates the wound, thereby causing an inflammatory process.
- Acne, which is located between the anus and vagina, is irritated by the use of hard toilet paper and also becomes inflamed.
The main symptoms include burning, itching, pain. These signs indicate the development of an infectious disease.
For example, herpes characterized tingling, itching and soreness when touched. As additional symptoms, the temperature may rise, a pulling pain in the vaginal area may appear.
Acne Species
Various types of acne can form on the genitals of women. In the vagina and near it, such characteristic rashes appear:
- Small white acne on the vagina. Usually they appear singly or in the form of a rash.
- Purulent pimple on the vagina. Delivers usually painful sensations.
- Big acne on the vagina. These are reflections of a serious infectious disease (e.g., folliculitis).
- Red small pimples appear as a large rash and itch.
- Small flesh-colored tubercles are subcutaneous acne, they can be diagnosed with palpation.
Acne near the vagina usually does not cause pain.
A gynecologist can only diagnose the manifestation of a serious disease on the vagina. Also, with an external examination, he will be able to determine the type of acne.

However, in some cases, it is not possible to establish the cause immediately. In this case, the doctor will take tests for infections:
- a smear from the vagina, which shows the presence of pathogenic microflora;
- blood and urine tests if necessary.
Self-medication and self-diagnosis can not be engaged.
When should I go to the doctor?
Often, a woman lost if finds a rash or acne on the vagina. Many try to get rid of acne on their own. In some cases, this is allowed, especially when acne does not cause pain.
However, you need to know specific cases when you need to literally run to the doctor:
- if the rash does not go away for a week, it intensifies and becomes painful;
- if there is a large painful acne after an intimate relationship;
- if the rashes are characterized by swelling of the genital organs and severe itching;
- if typical ulcers, red spots form and the skin begins to peel off;
- with a deterioration in well-being (high fever rises, lymph nodes swell);
- with the appearance of vaginal discharge.
This is a list of reasons, when an urgent need to address to the gynecologist. Otherwise, serious complications cannot be avoided.
Treatment methods
Often women are trying on their own to find out what and how to treat rashes. However, self-prescribed treatment is extremely dangerous. The specific type of therapy depends on the characteristics of the woman's body and the type of disease. Therefore, if acne appeared on the vagina, treatment can be prescribed only by a doctor after a diagnosis. Usually, the therapy is complex.
Most often, the internal use of drugs is prescribed, namely:
- antihistamines, antibiotics;
- nonsteroidal antiinflammatory and antifungal;
- vitamin complex and immunostimulants;
- sedatives: valerian, motherwort, decoction of mint and lemon balm.
The main treatment is local. It implies the use of ointments, solutions for irrigation.

If the pimple is internal and located inside the vagina, then suppositories and douching are prescribed as a treatment:
- to relieve itching - hormonal drugs;
- for washing - antiseptic solutions.
Purulent formations are treated with Vishnevsky ointment or antibacterial ointments. Herpes must be treated with the antiviral drug Acyclovir. In some advanced cases, surgical intervention is required to remove pus. Molluscum contagiosum and papilloma are treated only with laser therapy or with liquid nitrogen.
The most important preventive method is personal hygiene. Rinse the genitals daily, while using special means for intimate hygiene. It is highly recommended not to use a syringe. This method violates the microflora of the vagina, provoking the appearance of acne and rashes.
Be sure to purchase comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics. Try not to wear a thong. It is this type of underwear that most often causes infection of the genitals. When using gaskets, change them every 3-4 hours. If you experience discomfort, itching in the vagina, consult a doctor immediately. Remember that your health is in your hands. It is much easier to cure a disease at an early stage of its development. Otherwise, untimely treatment causes a number of complex consequences.