Climax, or menopause, is the natural aging process of the female body, in which the gradual extinction of sexual functions is triggered. This usually starts at the age of about fifty. At this time, the ovarian activity ceases, women can no longer have children, menstruation ceases. Such dramatic changes are extremely difficult for women, often cause depression and nervous breakdowns.
Among the many manifestations and symptoms, there are pains in the lower abdomen with menopause. They can occur for various reasons, but do not panic, as this does not always indicate the presence of serious diseases.
In the article, we will analyze why there are pains in the lower abdomen in women with menopause.

Many people wonder if the lower abdomen can hurt with menopause.
Menopause is a serious test for a woman. The body gets used to a high level of hormones, which during this period is sharply reduced. The uterus and ovaries undergo structural changes. The uterine epithelium changes, and the ovaries, in turn, dry out. In this regard, women experience various symptoms in the form of hot flashes, excessive sweating, body odor, dizziness, nausea, pressure surges, swelling, tachycardia, sleep disturbances, vaginal dryness, various pains and hair loss. In addition to everything else, the head, joints, chest and lower back can hurt, and there is also a feeling that it is pulling the lower abdomen. The causes of such pains in the lower abdomen with menopause are usually physiological, but can also be psychosomatic.
Psychosomatic causes
Estrogen deficiency provokes mood swings and causes depression with neurosis. Patients may experience fear, feel unnecessary, and constantly be in tension. Cancerophobia is especially acute in women, that is, a fear of cancer. The state of tension, and at the same time constant depression causes various pains that adversely affect the general emotional state. Ladies in this period fall into a vicious circle, from which it is impossible to get out without professional help. It is impossible at this time to leave a woman alone with problems, since at this stage she especially needs understanding and care.

Physiological reasons
Pain in the lower abdomen with menopause can be a sign of various gynecological problems. The most common diseases are the following ailments:
- The presence of endometriosis due to pathological proliferation of uterine epithelium.
- The appearance of fibroma - a benign formation on the uterine wall. As a rule, this disease does not cause any problems, but during a hormonal imbalance it is accompanied by a pain syndrome.
- The presence of adhesions caused by a decrease in the size of the uterus.
- The occurrence of various inflammation in the pelvic organs.
- The development of salpingitis, that is, inflammation of the fallopian tubes. This ailment appears against a background of reduced immunity or a weak hormonal background.
- Due to cancer. As a rule, pain in this area appears at a late stage of cancer.
- The presence of urethritis, cystitis, or ovarian cysts.
The occurrence of pain in the lower abdomen and lower back with menopause cannot be ignored. Lack of therapy for gynecological diseases can lead to serious complications and even death.
Symptoms of pain in the lower abdomen with menopause are pulling, and at the same time, aching in nature. Localized abdominal pain, mainly in the lower part. True, not only the stomach, but also the lower back very often hurts. This may be due to changes in bone tissue. The bones are significantly thinned due to excessive leaching of calcium, and a low level of estrogen, in turn, provokes pain in the joints, they lose elasticity. The pain in the lower back becomes painful, pulling, it gives to the leg or shoulder. Often, pain from the lower abdomen extends to the stomach. This condition indicates problems in the digestive system.
Sometimes there are pains in the lower abdomen and discharge with menopause.
What does urination pain mean?
In the event that women experience pain during urination, this indicates the presence of inflammation in the bladder. With polycystic pain, localized pain in the lower abdomen. During menopause, the metabolism can significantly slow down, in connection with which many patients often gain weight. The load on the lower limbs may also increase. In such cases, pain from the abdomen can spread over the legs, which can signal the onset of varicose veins.
In parallel with the stomach, women may have chest pains. Any touch to the chest brings discomfort. This becomes possible due to strong hormonal fluctuations.

When should help be urgent?
Urgent medical assistance to women is required in the following cases:
- When the pain does not stop even after analgesics.
- Pain sensations are acute and, in addition, pulsating in nature.
- If the temperature rises. This may be a sign of inflammation.
- Increase in pressure.
- The occurrence of signs of a general deterioration in well-being in the form of nausea, vomiting, indigestion and weakness.
- In the presence of a serious emotional disorder.
Regardless of the nature of the pain, you can not drown it out with painkillers. A full examination is necessary.
The mechanism of pain in the lower abdomen
Features of menopause explain why women experience pain. Until this time, the body had a fairly well-functioning cycle that lasted about forty years, subordinating itself to the normal working capacity of the body due to the presence of the required amount of sex hormones.

With the onset of menopause, a malfunction occurs in the hormonal background, in turn, the amount of hormones decreases almost to zero. This whole process causes such unpleasant sensations in women. Pain in various parts of the body is one of the symptoms of menopause.
With a decrease in estrogens and progestins, the numerical value of other hormones is disturbed. As a result of these processes in the body, changes are observed in the form of a violation of the emotional state, improper metabolism and a decrease in immunity.
The first step in the study with pulling pain in the lower abdomen with menopause should be a gynecological examination. The presence of volumetric formations will be palpated in the abdomen. As for inflammation of the appendages, this can be suspected during an examination in the mirrors, since purulent discharge will be noticeable. In the area of the appendages, the doctor can determine the inflamed edematous tissue. Mandatory is the taking of various smears on the microflora. Such a study will certainly show the presence of inflammation. Additionally, cytology for the presence of cancer cells is carried out.
Highly informative and safe is the ultrasound examination for pain in the lower abdomen on the left with menopause. This technique allows you to detect anatomical changes along with the presence of inflammation and the condition of the endometrium. Further treatment tactics are determined based on the information obtained as a result of the diagnosis. Additional techniques, as a rule, are as follows:

- Conducting magnetic resonance imaging.
- Perform hysteroscopy.
- Diagnostic laparotomy.
Next, we learn how treatment is carried out in case of pain in the lower abdomen in women during menopause.
Treatment of pain in the lower abdomen during menopause begins with a complete examination of the woman, as well as with the identification of the root causes. First of all, it is necessary to completely exclude oncology along with myoma and other neoplasms in the pelvis. Next, it is worth examining the digestive organs, kidneys and bladder. Analyzes are carried out for the presence of osteoporosis or arthritis, in which bone pain often occurs. In the event that none of these diseases was detected and the causes of the serious condition consist only in hormonal fluctuations, then the doctor prescribes homone substitution therapy.
It is important to note that self-administration of such drugs is prohibited in order to avoid various complications, including oncology. In the event that a woman cannot endure pain, the doctor may prescribe pain medication in the form of Ketanol, Ibuprofen, No-shpa, or Analgin as a treatment.
Hormonal drugs that normalize estrogen levels and eliminate hot flashes help reduce the manifestation of menopause symptoms. Among the most frequently appointed are worth mentioning "Janine" and "Divin." True, such drugs have a number of side effects and often provoke edema along with thrombosis, weight gain, the appearance of neoplasms in the mammary glands and the like.

Hormonal drugs should not be taken in the presence of heart disease, with tumors, and so on. There are a number of drugs of non-hormonal origin, which are designed to reduce the negative symptoms of menopause, we are talking about “Climaton”, “Tsi-Klima”, “Estrovel” and “Tribestan”. To normalize the emotional state, antidepressants are prescribed to reduce excitability and normalize sleep. Frequently prescribed antidepressants are Fluoxetine, along with Efevelon and Adepress.
The use of folk techniques
As for folk remedies, those do not have a big effect and they are better used in the complex treatment of aching pain in the lower abdomen with menopause.
- Yarrow can be taken in the form of decoctions or tinctures. This plant helps with hot flashes and with excessive sweating.
- Raspberry leaf, which contains phytoestrogens, helps relieve spasms and reduce pain.
- Wormwood infusion relieves pain, cramps, etc.
In conclusion, it should be said that the menopause is a serious test for a woman. Any changes are inevitable and, at the same time, unfortunately, and inevitable. Hormone therapy helps to ease the condition of patients and help to survive such a difficult period in life, along with the attentive and sensitive attitude of loved ones.