Pear is a tall 30-meter tree, known around the world for its delicious fruits. This tree blooms in the spring, approximately in May, but you can only try its juicy fruits in the fall, in September and October. From pears you can make healthy juices, jelly, all kinds of decoctions, jam. The fruits can also be dried. Useful absolutely the whole pear.
The benefits and harms of the fetus

The leader in exporting and growing this product is China. From here came the Chinese pear. The benefits of this product are the same as those of pears in other temperate countries. Pear is very rich in vitamins and minerals. If you eat one fruit, you can cover 10% of the daily norm of vitamin C. The fruits of the pear contain vitamins PP, P, B1, chlorogenic, folic and other organic acids. Thanks to its phytoncide (a plant enzyme that has the ability to kill microbes), the pear has an antibacterial and wound healing effect, is able to deal with radiation elements in the blood. Juice or another drink can lower the body temperature, the drink has a diuretic, and is great for colds. The pear contains essential substances such as potassium and arbutin, which improve heart function. Magnesium, pectin and tannins in large quantities. The calorie content of the pear is rather low, because sugar in it is slightly less than in other fruits, which is why it is part of various diets. Due to its ability to improve intestinal motility, the pear will help with disorders and constipation, relieve spasms. If you eat it half an hour after a hearty meal, it will facilitate the digestion of food. For those with gastritis or other stomach problems, eating two pears in the morning is a must. Pear, along with buckwheat, is an excellent product for improving hemoglobin and preventing anemia.

Chinese pear. Benefit and harm.
For all its merits, the pear also has its drawbacks. As I have already indicated above, you can "take up" a pear only 30-40 minutes after the main meal. People of retirement age and with a shaken nervous system should not eat tart pear varieties - they are more difficult to digest. If you are at the stage of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, fiber-rich pears should also be discarded, at least temporarily. Depending on whether the pear is imported, the benefits and harms can also differ from their โnativeโ products, because it is not known what they fertilized there to grow well. An empty pear should not be eaten - it will only irritate the walls of the stomach. Do not torture your stomach, do not eat fruit, especially pear, with meat and do not drink it with cold water. Here we have such a healthy pear. The benefits and harms of this fruit also depend on the amount of fruit you eat. "Honey is so sweet that itโs finally disgusting," Shakespeare wrote. "Only in a sense of proportion is the true good." Do not overeat with this fruit, know the measure. When buying, pay attention that the pear that smells good is more useful. Fruits should be fully ripe, juicy and bright.

A pear will cheer you up, improve your well-being, and you will simply enjoy eating this beautiful fruit of a 30-meter tree.