Every woman dreams of having children. This instinct is laid by nature. But not always in life it turns out the way you want. Many women have to deal with pathologies such as a missed pregnancy or a miscarriage. After such a disappointing diagnosis, it seems that the whole world has collapsed. But do not give up. Today's article will tell you what to do after a miscarriage and how to regain your strength with health. It is worth recalling that the data below should not encourage you to self-medicate or refuse medical care. If you encounter a similar problem, then without doctors you can not cope with it.
General concept of miscarriage
Spontaneous abortion is called a miscarriage. At the same time, the fetal membranes can leave the uterus completely (often this happens in the early stages) or partially remain in it. Such an event can occur at any time. If abortion occurs in the first 12 weeks, then they speak of an early miscarriage. The situation is more complicated with the development of such a state in the second trimester. After 25 weeks, we are already talking about preterm birth, since at this time the embryo can be viable (if the right conditions are organized).

Do I need cleaning after a miscarriage?
If this happens, then nothing can be fixed. No need to lock yourself and refuse medical care. The consequences of such a renunciation can be very dangerous. Often, women require cleaning after a miscarriage. How to find out about such a need?
Contact your gynecologist and visit the ultrasound room. During the study, the physician will determine the condition of the uterus and its inner shell. If the remains of the fetal egg (even the smallest ones) are visible in it, then you will definitely be prescribed curettage. It is impossible to delay in such a situation, since lost time is fraught with unpleasant consequences and even sepsis. When the remains of the membranes are not found in the reproductive organ, you can safely proceed to the next steps.
Curettage after a miscarriage is more common if interruption occurs after 6-7 weeks. Manipulation is carried out exclusively within the walls of a medical institution using intravenous anesthesia. It lasts no more than 10-15 minutes. After this, the patient remains under the supervision of doctors for several hours and, if she is well, she can go home. A miscarriage in the second trimester involves the hospitalization of a woman for several days for medical supervision.

What medications will be needed first?
If the abortion has passed spontaneously with the complete removal of the fetal egg, then no medication is prescribed after that (with the exception of some situations). When the curettage was performed after a miscarriage, the gynecologist prescribes the appropriate medications. Among them, the following are most popular:
- Antibiotics (penicillins and macrolides are preferred, other groups are less commonly prescribed). Bacteriostatic and bactericidal drugs are prescribed to prevent infection. Often such consequences arise from cleaning. You need to take antibiotics for 3-10 days in accordance with the recommendation of a doctor.
- Uterine drugs (they often use Oxytocin or drugs based on it). These drugs contribute to enhancing the contractility of the myometrium. Due to this, the mucous layer is quickly rejected, preventing extensive bleeding and accelerating the recovery process.
- Immunomodulators (Isoprinosine, Derinat). These drugs increase the body's resistance, they are also designed to eliminate viral infections obtained during curettage or after it.
Any medication after a miscarriage should be prescribed by a doctor. Self-administration of drugs can be fraught with unpleasant consequences. Do not listen to experienced friends. Trust only your gynecologist.
Recovery period for the genital organ
The uterus after a miscarriage recovers quickly enough. Even if spontaneous abortion occurred over a long period, the reproductive organ returns to its usual size within a few days. If this does not happen, then, again, the patient is prescribed appropriate contractile medication.
Sex after a miscarriage must be excluded completely before the first natural menstruation. Despite this warning, many couples are in a hurry with another sexual contact. The consequence of this may be infection, inflammation, bleeding and other troubles. The patient is sexually contraindicated sex without a condom! Even if you are used to other methods of contraception, now they need to be replaced with barrier ones. The fact is that condoms protect well against genital infections. And your women's health is now especially vulnerable.

First period after abortion
What do the first periods after a miscarriage look like? Many patients confuse the discharge after cleansing with the first menstruation. In fact, this is not entirely correct. In fact, the doctor cleaned the cavity of the genital organ from the endometrium. It turns out that the doctor did in a few minutes what usually lasts 3-7 days. From this moment, you can start a new cycle. But postoperative discharge should not be confused with menstruation. The following bleeding occurs normally after 3-5 weeks. It is preferable to use gaskets with it. Swabs can cause a bacterial infection.
The first menstruation after abortion can be scarce or, conversely, plentiful. This is due to a change in the hormonal background. An important role in this matter is played by the period at which the miscarriage occurred. If the cessation of embryo development occurred before 8 weeks, then the woman's body has not yet had time to fully tune in to pregnancy. Cycle recovery will happen quickly and with minimal impact. When a miscarriage occurs after 12 weeks, the placenta is already in full swing. Everything is more complicated here. The woman’s body needs more time to restore normal functioning. There are cases when the result of a late miscarriage became hormonal diseases (mastopathy, endometriosis, ovarian tumors).
Establish a cause and treat
Is it possible after a miscarriage to establish the cause of this outcome? Is it realistic to find out why an abortion occurred? After all, awareness of the problem is already half the way to solving it.
To establish the cause of a miscarriage can be reliably possible only after curettage. The materials obtained during the manipulation are sent for histological diagnosis. Its result helps to determine why such a situation arose. But this is not always enough. The patient must be tested. Depending on the state of health and obstetric history, the doctor prescribes appropriate studies: a blood test, determination of sexually transmitted infections, the establishment of genetic abnormalities. Be sure to visit specialists such as a urologist, cardiologist, therapist, endocrinologist. These doctors may find pathologies in their part that have contributed to miscarriage. A comprehensive examination will allow you to prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

Organize Your Nutrition Properly
Many women complain of pain after a miscarriage. If gynecological pathology is excluded, then it may be in digestion. Often the described condition causes stress, which, in turn, leads to constipation, increased flatulence. That is why it is so important to establish proper nutrition in the first months after a miscarriage. It will contribute to normal metabolism and good digestion.
Fill your diet with foods rich in protein and fiber. Eat lean meats, fish. Be sure to eat greens, vegetables and fruits. Drink plenty of water. After gynecological curettage, the likelihood of thrombosis increases. To prevent this, thin the blood in a natural way: by drinking water. Refuse any alcoholic drinks. They are actually contraindicated for you, since there is a restorative drug therapy.
If constipation persists even after changing the diet, then it is necessary to eliminate it with the help of medications. Poor bowel movement contributes to stagnation of blood in the cavity of the genital organ. This is fraught with its consequences, for example, inflammation. What drugs to use to soften the stool - the doctor will tell you. Usually, safe means “Guttalax”, “Dufalac” for long-term use or medicines “Glycerol”, “Microlax” for quick action, but for single use are prescribed.

Psychological side
After a miscarriage at an early stage, patients often lock themselves. If spontaneous abortion occurred in the second trimester, then the situation is even worse. Women get depressed. There are cases when, after this, patients decided to take their own lives. Remain in this state is not just impossible. It can be very dangerous. It is necessary to talk about this problem. Such topics are rarely discussed with a partner. Therefore, the most appropriate solution is to turn to a psychologist.
During the consultation, a specialist will listen to your complaints and concerns. This doctor will help you deal with negative emotions after a miscarriage. After a few sessions, you will already feel much better. If necessary, your doctor will prescribe sedatives and antidepressants. Only the right approach to the problem will help to solve it once and for all.

When can you plan your next pregnancy?
Absolutely all women for whom pregnancy was desired, ask themselves: is it possible to plan a new one immediately after a miscarriage? Any doctor will tell you that this should not be done. Even if the interruption occurred for a short time and did not have negative consequences, your body needs time to restore strength and hormonal levels. You also need to find out what exactly caused such a tragic outcome. Otherwise, the situation may happen again.
If the woman’s health is all right, and the cause of the miscarriage is not the presence of pathologies (the interruption occurred due to taking some medicine or injury, a nervous breakdown), then doctors are allowed to plan after 3-6 months. In this case, the menstrual cycle must be restored completely.
When the cause of the problem is discovered, treatment is prescribed. It can be short or long. Planning for a subsequent pregnancy is delayed indefinitely. Remember that often antibiotics are prescribed to patients. After a miscarriage, you can start planning only for the next cycle, calculating from the completion of antibiotic therapy. But you can practically conceive a new life in the same cycle. Therefore, the entire designated time period must be carefully protected.
Medical advice: step by step instructions
What kind of memo can be given to a woman in a similar situation? What to do after a miscarriage? Doctors give the following step-by-step instructions.
- Go to an ultrasound scan and find out if there are remnants of the membranes in the uterus. With the result, go to the gynecologist.
- If the doctor prescribes curettage, then be sure to go through this manipulation. Otherwise, complications await you.
- Strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendation: take drugs, follow the regimen, adjust the diet.
- Find out the cause of the miscarriage together with the doctor, after which the doctor will develop a treatment plan for you. Observe it, at this time do not plan a new pregnancy.
- If there is mental anguish, depression and stress - consult a psychologist, do not lock yourself.
- Start new planning when the specialist permits. At the same time, try not to recall negative aspects, set yourself up for positive things.

From the article you were able to find out a step-by-step recovery plan after spontaneous abortion. If a miscarriage occurs in the early stages, its cause is often not possible to establish. Be sure to monitor your well-being. If the vaginal discharge after a miscarriage acquires a strange color and an unpleasant odor, then an infection has probably occurred. Do not think that everything will go away on its own. The sooner you see a doctor, the less negative consequences will be for you. Gynecologists categorically do not recommend trying to solve the problem on their own. Do not take any medications on the advice of girlfriends. This can only aggravate the existing situation. I wish you a speedy recovery!