先日、マイクロソフトは電卓のソースコードを公開しました。 このアプリケーションは、Windowsオペレーティングシステムのすべてのバージョンに含まれていました。 さまざまなMicrosoftプロジェクトのソースコードは近年オープンになりましたが、最初の日の電卓に関するニュースは非技術的なメディアにも漏れました。 まあ、これは人気がありますが、非常に小さなC ++プログラムです。 それでも、PVS-Studioを使用したコードの静的分析により、プロジェクト内の疑わしい場所が明らかになりました。
Windows Calculatorは、おそらくこのオペレーティングシステムのすべてのユーザーになじみがあり、特別なプレゼンテーションは必要ありません。 これで、すべてのユーザーがGitHubで計算機のソースコードを調べて、改善を提供できます。
void TraceLogger::LogInvalidInputPasted(....)
if (!GetTraceLoggingProviderEnabled()) return;
LoggingFields fields{};
fields.AddString(L"Mode", NavCategory::GetFriendlyName(mode)->Data());
fields.AddString(L"Reason", reason);
fields.AddString(L"PastedExpression", pastedExpression);
fields.AddString(L"ProgrammerNumberBase", GetProgrammerType(...).c_str());
fields.AddString(L"BitLengthType", GetProgrammerType(bitLengthType).c_str());
, , Microsoft. . .
PVS-Studio. C++, , . C++/CLI C++/CX . - , , .
, PVS-Studio, , C C++, C# Java.
V547 Expression 'm_resolvedName == L«en-US»' is always false. To compare strings you should use wcscmp() function. Calculator LocalizationSettings.h 180
wchar_t m_resolvedName[LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH];
Platform::String^ GetEnglishValueFromLocalizedDigits(....) const
if (m_resolvedName == L"en-US")
return ref new Platform::String(localizedString.c_str());
, , , .
, . . . , . , , wcscmp.
, , m_resolvedName std::wstring. . , , , , .
V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'temp' pointer. A memory leak is possible. CalcViewModel StandardCalculatorViewModel.cpp 529
void StandardCalculatorViewModel::HandleUpdatedOperandData(Command cmdenum)
wchar_t* temp = new wchar_t[100];
if (commandIndex == 0)
delete [] temp;
length = m_selectedExpressionLastData->Length() + 1;
if (length > 50)
String^ updatedData = ref new String(temp);
UpdateOperand(m_tokenPosition, updatedData);
displayExpressionToken->Token = updatedData;
IsOperandUpdatedUsingViewModel = true;
displayExpressionToken->CommandIndex = commandIndex;
temp, 100 , . , , . , C++ .
V702 Classes should always be derived from std::exception (and alike) as 'public' (no keyword was specified, so compiler defaults it to 'private'). CalcManager CalcException.h 4
class CalcException : std::exception
CalcException(HRESULT hr)
m_hr = hr;
HRESULT GetException()
return m_hr;
, std::exception private ( , ). , std::exception CalcException . , .
V719 The switch statement does not cover all values of the 'DateUnit' enum: Day. CalcViewModel DateCalculator.cpp 279
public enum class _Enum_is_bitflag_ DateUnit
Year = 0x01,
Month = 0x02,
Week = 0x04,
Day = 0x08
Windows::Globalization::Calendar^ m_calendar;
DateCalculationEngine::AdjustCalendarDate(Windows::Foundation::DateTime date,
DateUnit dateUnit, int difference)
switch (dateUnit)
case DateUnit::Year:
case DateUnit::Month:
case DateUnit::Week:
return m_calendar->GetDateTime();
, switch DateUnit::Day. - ( m_calendar) , , AddDays .
- V719 The switch statement does not cover all values of the 'eANGLE_TYPE' enum: ANGLE_RAD. CalcManager trans.cpp 109
- V719 The switch statement does not cover all values of the 'eANGLE_TYPE' enum: ANGLE_RAD. CalcManager trans.cpp 204
- V719 The switch statement does not cover all values of the 'eANGLE_TYPE' enum: ANGLE_RAD. CalcManager trans.cpp 276
V550 An odd precise comparison: ratio == threshold. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A — B) < Epsilon. Calculator AspectRatioTrigger.cpp 80
void AspectRatioTrigger::UpdateIsActive(Size sourceSize)
double numerator, denominator;
bool isActive = false;
if (denominator > 0)
double ratio = numerator / denominator;
double threshold = abs(Threshold);
isActive = ((ratio > threshold) || (ActiveIfEqual && (ratio == threshold)));
ratio == threshold. double . , ratio .
«». :
- V550 An odd precise comparison. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A — B) < Epsilon. CalcManager UnitConverter.cpp 752
- V550 An odd precise comparison: stod(roundedString) != 0.0. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A — B) > Epsilon. CalcManager UnitConverter.cpp 778
- V550 An odd precise comparison. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A — B) < Epsilon. CalcManager UnitConverter.cpp 790
- V550 An odd precise comparison: stod(roundedString) != 0.0. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A — B) > Epsilon. CalcManager UnitConverter.cpp 820
- V550 An odd precise comparison: conversionTable[m_toType].ratio == 1.0. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A — B) < Epsilon. CalcManager UnitConverter.cpp 980
- V550 An odd precise comparison: conversionTable[m_toType].offset == 0.0. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A — B) < Epsilon. CalcManager UnitConverter.cpp 980
- V550 An odd precise comparison: returnValue != 0. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A — B) > Epsilon. CalcManager UnitConverter.cpp 1000
- V550 An odd precise comparison: sizeToUse != 0.0. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A — B) > Epsilon. CalcViewModel LocalizationService.cpp 270
- V550 An odd precise comparison: sizeToUse != 0.0. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A — B) > Epsilon. CalcViewModel LocalizationService.cpp 289
- V550 An odd precise comparison: sizeToUse != 0.0. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A — B) > Epsilon. CalcViewModel LocalizationService.cpp 308
- V550 An odd precise comparison: sizeToUse != 0.0. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A — B) > Epsilon. CalcViewModel LocalizationService.cpp 327
- V550 An odd precise comparison: stod(stringToLocalize) == 0. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A — B) < Epsilon. CalcViewModel UnitConverterViewModel.cpp 388
V1020 The function exited without calling the 'TraceLogger::GetInstance().LogNewWindowCreationEnd' function. Check lines: 396, 375. Calculator App.xaml.cpp 396
void App::OnAppLaunch(IActivatedEventArgs^ args, String^ argument)
if (!m_preLaunched)
auto newCoreAppView = CoreApplication::CreateNewView();
TraceLogger::GetInstance().LogNewWindowCreationBegin(....); // <= Begin
TraceLogger::GetInstance().LogNewWindowCreationEnd(....); // <= End
TraceLogger::GetInstance().LogNewWindowCreationBegin(....); // <= Begin
ActivationViewSwitcher^ activationViewSwitcher;
auto activateEventArgs = dynamic_cast<IViewSwitcherProvider^>(args);
if (activateEventArgs != nullptr)
activationViewSwitcher = activateEventArgs->ViewSwitcher;
if (activationViewSwitcher != nullptr)
TraceLogger::GetInstance().LogNewWindowCreationEnd(....); // <= End
m_preLaunched = false;
V1020 , .
LogNewWindowCreationBegin LogNewWindowCreationEnd. , LogNewWindowCreationEnd , .
V621 Consider inspecting the 'for' operator. It's possible that the loop will be executed incorrectly or won't be executed at all. CalculatorUnitTests UnitConverterViewModelUnitTests.cpp 500
public enum class NumbersAndOperatorsEnum
Add = (int) CM::Command::CommandADD, // 93
None = (int) CM::Command::CommandNULL, // 0
for (NumbersAndOperatorsEnum button = NumbersAndOperatorsEnum::Add;
button <= NumbersAndOperatorsEnum::None; button++)
if (button == NumbersAndOperatorsEnum::Decimal ||
button == NumbersAndOperatorsEnum::Negate ||
button == NumbersAndOperatorsEnum::Backspace)
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(++callCount, mock->m_sendCommandCallCount);
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(UCM::Command::None == mock->m_lastCommand);
for, , , , . button (93) (0).
V760 Two identical blocks of text were found. The second block begins from line 688. CalculatorUnitTests UnitConverterViewModelUnitTests.cpp 683
shared_ptr<UnitConverterMock> mock = make_shared<UnitConverterMock>();
VM::UnitConverterViewModel vm(mock);
const WCHAR * vFrom = L"1", *vTo = L"234";
vm.UpdateDisplay(vFrom, vTo);
vm.Value2Active = true;
// Establish base condition
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((UINT)1, mock->m_switchActiveCallCount);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((UINT)1, mock->m_sendCommandCallCount);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((UINT)1, mock->m_setCurUnitTypesCallCount);
vm.Value2Active = true;
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((UINT)1, mock->m_switchActiveCallCount);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((UINT)1, mock->m_sendCommandCallCount);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((UINT)1, mock->m_setCurUnitTypesCallCount);
. , . , , .
V601 The 'false' value is implicitly cast to the integer type. Inspect the second argument. CalculatorUnitTests CalcInputTest.cpp 352
Rational CalcInput::ToRational(uint32_t radix, int32_t precision) { .... }
auto rat = m_calcInput.ToRational(10, false);
ToRational false, int32_t precision.
. StringToRat:
PRAT StringToRat(...., int32_t precision) { .... }
PNUMBER StringToNumber(...., int32_t precision)
stripzeroesnum(pnumret, precision);
bool stripzeroesnum(_Inout_ PNUMBER pnum, long starting)
MANTTYPE *pmant;
long cdigits;
bool fstrip = false;
if ( cdigits > starting ) // <=
pmant += cdigits - starting;
cdigits = starting;
, precision starting cdigits > starting, , false.
V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: NumbersAndOperatorsEnum::None != op. CalcViewModel UnitConverterViewModel.cpp 991
void UnitConverterViewModel::OnPaste(String^ stringToPaste, ViewMode mode)
NumbersAndOperatorsEnum op = MapCharacterToButtonId(*it, canSendNegate);
if (NumbersAndOperatorsEnum::None != op) // <=
if (NumbersAndOperatorsEnum::None != op && // <=
NumbersAndOperatorsEnum::Negate != op)
op NumbersAndOperatorsEnum::None .
V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '(A && B) || (!A && !B)' expression is equivalent to the 'bool(A) == bool(B)' expression. Calculator Calculator.xaml.cpp 239
void Calculator::AnimateCalculator(bool resultAnimate)
if (App::IsAnimationEnabled())
m_doAnimate = true;
m_resultAnimate = resultAnimate;
if (((m_isLastAnimatedInScientific && IsScientific) ||
(!m_isLastAnimatedInScientific && !IsScientific)) &&
((m_isLastAnimatedInProgrammer && IsProgrammer) ||
(!m_isLastAnimatedInProgrammer && !IsProgrammer)))
this->OnStoryboardCompleted(nullptr, nullptr);
218 , . , , :
if ( m_isLastAnimatedInScientific == IsScientific
&& m_isLastAnimatedInProgrammer == IsProgrammer)
this->OnStoryboardCompleted(nullptr, nullptr);
V524 It is odd that the body of 'ConvertBack' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'Convert' function. Calculator BooleanNegationConverter.cpp 24
Object^ BooleanNegationConverter::Convert(....)
(void) targetType; // Unused parameter
(void) parameter; // Unused parameter
(void) language; // Unused parameter
auto boxedBool = dynamic_cast<Box<bool>^>(value);
auto boolValue = (boxedBool != nullptr && boxedBool->Value);
return !boolValue;
Object^ BooleanNegationConverter::ConvertBack(....)
(void) targetType; // Unused parameter
(void) parameter; // Unused parameter
(void) language; // Unused parameter
auto boxedBool = dynamic_cast<Box<bool>^>(value);
auto boolValue = (boxedBool != nullptr && boxedBool->Value);
return !boolValue;
, . Convert ConvertBack , , .
, Microsoft . , . , Microsoft, Google, Amazon , , , . — .
«», PVS-Studio . :-)
, : Svyatoslav Razmyslov. Counting Bugs in Windows Calculator