私は長年AngularJSで働いていましたが、今日まで本番環境で使用しています。 歴史的に開発されたアーキテクチャのために理想とは言えないという事実にもかかわらず、JSフレームワークだけでなくWeb全体の進化のマイルストーンになったと主張する人は誰もいません。
ヤードでは2017年であり、新しい製品/プロジェクトごとに、開発用のフレームワークを選択するという疑問が生じます。 長い間、私は新しいAngular 2/4(以下、単にAngularと呼ぶ)が今後数年先の企業開発の主流になると確信していました。
免責事項 :この記事はあくまで主観的なものですが、これは私の個人的な見解であり、企業レベルのアプリケーションの開発に関するものです。
長年の進化により、フレームワークの欠点のほとんどが解消され、図書館は非常に安定した状態になり、コミュニティの規模は無限になりつつあります。 おそらく、最初の格納庫では、何百もの既存のアプリケーションを壊さずに大幅に改善できるものはほとんどないと言えるでしょう。
その主な欠点は、私はまだ速度を呼び出します。 もちろん、これは長年にわたって、何らかの形で下位互換性がまだサポートされていることを考えると、許されます。
もちろん、これまでの道のりは長く、重大な変更に満ちていましたが、現在、Angular 4は安定しており、完全に生産準備が整っています。
TypeScriptについて詳しくは説明しません。 これは別の記事のトピックです。
すでに必要以上に彼について書かれています。 しかし、エンタープライズ開発の場合、TypeScriptには大きな利点があります。 最も静的なタイピングとスコープで始まり、IE9でもES7 / 8サポートで終わります。
TypeScriptを使用する主な利点は、豊富なツールキットと優れたIDEサポートです。 私たちの経験では、TSを使用した単体テストの記述は大幅に少なくなります。
実際、Reactに似ていますが、テンプレートはAngularJS(HTML + Moustache)とほとんど同じです。
最近実動で出てきた私の最後のプロジェクトは、AngularJS 1.5-1.6で書きました。
import {Component} from "shared-front/app/decorators"; import FileService, {ContentType, IFile} from "../file.service"; import AlertService from "shared/alert.service"; @Component({ template: require("./file.component.html"), bindings: { item: "<", }, }) export default class FileComponent { public static $inject = ["fileService"]; public item: IFile; constructor(private fileService: FileService, private alertService: AlertService) { } public isVideo() { return this.item.contentKeyType === ContentType.VIDEO; } public downloadFile() { this.fileService.download(this.getFileDownloadUrl()).then(() => { this.alertService.success(); }); } private getFileDownloadUrl() { return `url-for-download${this.item.text}`; } }
, , TS.
Unit-, 2.
AngularJS , React, , .
, AngularJS. , .
— Angular
, Angular 2 ( 4) .
, , . , alpha-RC 0. .
, , .
import {Component} from '@angular/core'; import FileService, {ContentType, IFile} from "../file.service"; import AlertService from "shared/alert.service"; @Component({ selector: 'app-file', templateUrl: './file.component.html', styleUrls: ['./file.component.scss'] }) export class FileComponent { Input() item: IFile; constructor(private fileService: FileService, private alertService: AlertService) { } public isVideo() { return this.item.contentKeyType === ContentType.VIDEO; } public downloadFile() { this.fileService.download(this.getFileDownloadUrl()).subscribe(() => { this.alertService.success(); }); } private getFileDownloadUrl() { return `url-for-download${this.item.text}`; } }
, .
Angular CLI — AngularJS
, Angular 4 Angular CLI
CLI , // .
, Angular. .
, AngularJS, -. (), , . .
CLI " ", React (create-react-app) Vue (vue-cli). , , .
" Angular"
, , ,
. , .
RxJS, .. .
An Ajax request is singular, and running methods like Observable.prototype.map when there will only ever be one value in the pipe makes no semantic sense. Promises on the other hand represent a value that has yet to be fulfilled, which is exactly what a HTTP request gives you. I spent hours forcing Observables to behave before giving up using Observable.prototype.toPromise to transform the Observable back to a Promise and simply using Promise.all, which works much better than anything Rx.js offers.
, RxJS, , Observable, .
After much discussion with the parties involved, I plan to withdraw the Object.observe proposal from TC39 (where it currently sits at stage 2 in the ES spec process), and hope to remove support from V8 by the end of the year (the feature is used on 0.0169% of Chrome pageviews, according to chromestatus.com).
, Rx — . , , .
TypeScript', , .
, Angular
( , ), .
TypeScript Angular
— , TypeScript' Angular.
TypeScript Angular API.
TypeScript , . , API, Angular , .
- Angular HttpParams
, , Angular , .
let params = new HttpParams(); params.set('param', param); params.set('anotherParam', anotherParam); ... this.http.get('test', {params: params});
. ?
, TypeScript Angular .
This class is immuatable — all mutation operations return a new instance.
, .
http .post('/api/items/add', body, { params: new HttpParams().set('id', '3'), }) .subscribe();
RxJS operator import
, Angular Observable
, .
RxJS. , Rx , Observable
// rx.js Rx.Observable.create(); vs // Angular new Observable()
, Rx + TypeScript + Angular.
RxJS , do
observable.do(event => {...})
, .
, :
ERROR TypeError: observable.do is not a function
( ) :
import 'rxjs/add/operator/do';
, TypeScript? . .
Router API
, API — .
. , , , , . instanceof
( , ):
this.router.events.subscribe(event => { if(event instanceof NavigationStart) { ... } }
— . - :
this.router.navigate(['/some']); ... this.router.navigate(['/other']);
. TypeScript — .
, — Angular.
AngularJS , enum. , 'some'.
, Angular TypeScript .
Lazy Load
, ,
TypeScript , #
{ path: 'admin', loadChildren: 'app/admin/admin.module#AdminModule', },
Forms API
, -.
API reactive forms:
// ? // name c ?? this.heroForm = this.fb.group({ name: ['', Validators.required ], });
// ?? this.heroForm = this.fb.group({ name: '', // <--- the FormControl called "name" });
this.complexForm = fb.group({ // compose ? // null ?? 'lastName': [null, Validators.compose([Validators.required, Validators.minLength(5), Validators.maxLength(10)])], 'gender' : [null, Validators.required], })
— [disabled] ...
, , API
TypeScript' Angular .
— , , __metadata
///, , .
— , .
, AngularJS , @Component
export const Component = (options: ng.IComponentOptions = {}) => controller => angular.extend(options, {controller});
TypeScript AngularJS .
Angular, , ,
reflect-metadata . .
, TypeScript,
. TS .
— Dependency Injection Angular.
, unit . , Java- . , AngularJS , Vue , DI.
Angular , , DI , :
constructor(heroService: HeroService) { this.heroes = heroService.getHeroes(); }
TypeScript , , @Inject
constructor(@Inject(APP_CONFIG) config: AppConfig) { this.title = config.title; }
, @Injectable()
, , , — .
Consider adding @Injectable() to every service class, even those that don't have dependencies and, therefore, do not technically require it.
Here's why:
Future proofing: No need to remember @Injectable() when you add a dependency later.
Consistency: All services follow the same rules, and you don't have to wonder why a decorator is missing.
Always write@Injectable()
, not just@Injectable
. The application will fail mysteriously if you forget the parentheses.
, , TypeScript Angular .
, .
— Angular. .
, :
<div [ngStyle]="{'color': color, 'font-size': size, 'font-weight': 'bold'}"> style using ngStyle </div> <input [(ngModel)]="color" /> <button (click)="size = size + 1">+</button> <div [class.required]="isReq">Hello Wordl!</div> <div [className]="'blue'">CSS class using property syntax, this text is blue</div> <div [ngClass]="{'small-text': true, 'red': true}">object of classes</div> <div [ngClass]="['bold-text', 'green']">array of classes</div> <div [ngClass]="'italic-text blue'">string of classes</div>
, .
Binding | Example |
Properties | <input [value]="firstName"> |
Events | <button (click)="buy($event)"> |
Two-way | <input [(ng-model)]="userName"> |
Visualize a banana in a box to remember that the parentheses go inside the brackets.
Angular , ,
, .
— Vue. , , 6 , .. .
View encapsulation
Angular View encapsulation.
Shadow DOM .
Shadow DOM.
.first { background-color: red; } .first .second { background-color: green; } .first .second .third { background-color: blue; }
Angular :
.first[_ngcontent-c1] { background-color: red; } .first[_ngcontent-c1] .second[_ngcontent-c1] { background-color: green; } .first[_ngcontent-c1] .second[_ngcontent-c1] .third[_ngcontent-c1] { background-color: blue; }
Vue , :
.first[data-v-50646cd8] { background-color: red; } .first .second[data-v-50646cd8] { background-color: green; } .first .second .third[data-v-50646cd8] { background-color: blue; }
, Vue scoped .
, Vue (vue-cli webpack) SASS/SCSS, Angular CLI ng set defaults.styleExt scss
. , webpack.
, , .
UI — PrimeNG, :
body .ui-tree .ui-treenode .ui-treenode-content .ui-tree-toggler { font-size: 1.1em; }
, .
body :host >>> .ui-tree .ui-treenode .ui-treenode-content .ui-tree-toggler { font-size: 2em; }
PrimeNG , , Angular.
— /deep/
shadow-piercing .
"" Shadow DOM .
Angular ,
, /deep/
, .
, ::ng-deep
— shadow-piercing Angular .
(4.2.6 -> 4.3.0), ( NPM ^
, ChangeLog Angular 4, . — .
. , PrimeNG, .
: — Shadow DOM .
, , Angular HTML . .
Angular , , AngularJS HTML () .
AngularJS : <my-component/>
— .
... const TAG_DEFINITIONS: {[key: string]: HtmlTagDefinition} = { 'base': new HtmlTagDefinition({isVoid: true}), 'meta': new HtmlTagDefinition({isVoid: true}), 'area': new HtmlTagDefinition({isVoid: true}), 'embed': new HtmlTagDefinition({isVoid: true}), 'link': new HtmlTagDefinition({isVoid: true}), 'img': new HtmlTagDefinition({isVoid: true}), 'input': new HtmlTagDefinition({isVoid: true}), 'param': new HtmlTagDefinition({isVoid: true}), 'hr': new HtmlTagDefinition({isVoid: true}), 'br': new HtmlTagDefinition({isVoid: true}), 'source': new HtmlTagDefinition({isVoid: true}), 'track': new HtmlTagDefinition({isVoid: true}), 'wbr': new HtmlTagDefinition({isVoid: true}), 'p': new HtmlTagDefinition({ closedByChildren: [ 'address', 'article', 'aside', 'blockquote', 'div', 'dl', 'fieldset', 'footer', 'form', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'header', 'hgroup', 'hr', 'main', 'nav', 'ol', 'p', 'pre', 'section', 'table', 'ul' ], closedByParent: true }), ... 'td': new HtmlTagDefinition({closedByChildren: ['td', 'th'], closedByParent: true}), 'th': new HtmlTagDefinition({closedByChildren: ['td', 'th'], closedByParent: true}), 'col': new HtmlTagDefinition({requiredParents: ['colgroup'], isVoid: true}), 'svg': new HtmlTagDefinition({implicitNamespacePrefix: 'svg'}), 'math': new HtmlTagDefinition({implicitNamespacePrefix: 'math'}), 'li': new HtmlTagDefinition({closedByChildren: ['li'], closedByParent: true}), 'dt': new HtmlTagDefinition({closedByChildren: ['dt', 'dd']}), 'dd': new HtmlTagDefinition({closedByChildren: ['dt', 'dd'], closedByParent: true}), 'rb': new HtmlTagDefinition({closedByChildren: ['rb', 'rt', 'rtc' ...
— ,
, webpack , .
, AOT .
, , ng serve
. ( ).
don't use default exports :)
Just place both export types and it works
@NgModule({ providers: [ {provide: SomeSymbol, useFactor: (i) => i.get('someSymbol'), deps: ['$injector']} ] }) export class MyModule {}
export factoryForSomeSymbol = (i) => i.get('someSymbol'); @NgModule({ providers: [ {provide: SomeSymbol, useFactor: factoryForSomeSymbol, deps: ['$injector']} ] }) export class MyModule {}
, .
Angular Zone.js.
, . :
core.es5.js:1020 ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: No clusteredNodeId supplied to updateClusteredNode. Error: No clusteredNodeId supplied to updateClusteredNode. at ClusterEngine.updateClusteredNode (vis.js:47364) at VisGraphDataService.webpackJsonp.../../../../../src/app/services/vis-graph-data.service.ts.VisGraphDataService.updateNetwork (vis-graph-data.service.ts:84) at vis-graph-display.service.ts:63 at ZoneDelegate.webpackJsonp.../../../../zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invoke (zone.js:391) at Object.onInvoke (core.es5.js:3890) at ZoneDelegate.webpackJsonp.../../../../zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invoke (zone.js:390) at Zone.webpackJsonp.../../../../zone.js/dist/zone.js.Zone.run (zone.js:141) at zone.js:818 at ZoneDelegate.webpackJsonp.../../../../zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:424) at Object.onInvokeTask (core.es5.js:3881) at ClusterEngine.updateClusteredNode (vis.js:47364) at VisGraphDataService.webpackJsonp.../../../../../src/app/services/vis-graph-data.service.ts.VisGraphDataService.updateNetwork (vis-graph-data.service.ts:84) at vis-graph-display.service.ts:63 at ZoneDelegate.webpackJsonp.../../../../zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invoke (zone.js:391) at Object.onInvoke (core.es5.js:3890) at ZoneDelegate.webpackJsonp.../../../../zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invoke (zone.js:390) at Zone.webpackJsonp.../../../../zone.js/dist/zone.js.Zone.run (zone.js:141) at zone.js:818 at ZoneDelegate.webpackJsonp.../../../../zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:424) at Object.onInvokeTask (core.es5.js:3881) at resolvePromise (zone.js:770) at zone.js:696 at zone.js:712 at ZoneDelegate.webpackJsonp.../../../../zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invoke (zone.js:391) at Object.onInvoke (core.es5.js:3890) at ZoneDelegate.webpackJsonp.../../../../zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invoke (zone.js:390) at Zone.webpackJsonp.../../../../zone.js/dist/zone.js.Zone.run (zone.js:141) at zone.js:818 at ZoneDelegate.webpackJsonp.../../../../zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:424) at Object.onInvokeTask (core.es5.js:3881)
, .
- , .
UI frameworks
, — UI . , — -. , UI framework .
, , UI ,
UI Angular: https://angular.io/resources ( UI components).
Angular Material 2
, Angular Material 2 , Angular .
, Angular Material 2 , , , .. , , . multiple-select, .
Feature | Status |
tree | In-progress |
stepper | In-progress, planned Q3 2017 |
sticky-header | In-progress, planned Q3 2017 |
virtual-repeat | Not started, planned Q4 2017 |
fab speed-dial | Not started, not planned |
fab toolbar | Not started, not planned |
bottom-sheet | Not started, not planned |
bottom-nav | Not started, not planned |
, Bootstrap
ng2-bootstrap () ngx-bootstrap. , CSS, ( modal, datepicker typeahead).
Prime Faces
. ( Tree Table!).
PrimeFaces .. JSF, . PrimeNG ( ). , , .
, ,
, PrimeNG .
— ( ) Clarity vmware.
UI , CSS .
bootstrap. / .
, datepicker' select2- .
: DatePicker, Select 2.0 ( , , ).
, "Clarity Design System" — Angular
( enterprise ). VMware .
, .
, Angular UI .
Angular VMware. enterprise? .
, .
Vue UI frameworks
Vue.js :
Element (~15k stars), Vue Material ( Angular Material 2 ), Vuetify ( Material ), Quasar, iView Muse-UI (iView , ).
, , , Vue .
, .
Clarity , Angular . , Angular, .
, . Vue.js.
webpack vue-cli . , all-in-one,
Vue , Angular.
, UI framework' .
— TypeScript,
React? AngularJS Vue,
, v-model
, , Aurelia ,
Vue .
, - Angular community - , enterprise framework', . , .
, 4 Angular, .
: https://medium.com/@igogrek/how-i-stopped-loving-angular-c2935f7378c4