ageOfBob = 0 ageOfMary = 0 print("Input Bob's age: ") read(ageOfBob) print("Input Marry's age: ") read(ageOfMary) // Do the math if (ageOfBob > ageOfMary) print("Bob is older than Mary by ", ageOfBob - ageOfMary, " years") else if (ageOfBob < ageOfMary) print("Mary is older than Bob by ", ageOfMary - ageOfBob, " years") else print("Mary and Bob are of the same age")
, , , C- , , .
---, , , :
const MAX_PERSON_AGE = 120 const MIN_PERSON_AGE = 1 int getAge(string name) { age = 0 print("Input ", name, "'s age: ") read(age) if (age < MIN_PERSON_AGE or age > MAX_PERSON_AGE) throw IncorrectAgeInputException else return age } try { ageOfBob = getAge("Bob") ageOfMary = getAge("Mary") } catch (IncorrectAgeInputException) { print("You're doing it wrong!") } // Do the math ...
( — ) ( Don't Repeat Yourself), , . , getAge
, , , .
, .
Ada. Ada 1983- " , ", Haskell Rust. Ada native- , . …
with ada.text_io, ada.integer_text_io, ada.io_exceptions; use ada.text_io; procedure main is type Age is range 1 .. 120; package io is new ada.text_io.integer_io(num => Age); ageOfBob, ageOfMary : Age; begin put_line("Input Bob's age: "); io.get(ageOfBob); put_line("Input Mary's age: "); io.get(ageOfMary); -- Do the math if ageOfBob > ageOfMary then put_line("Bob is older than Mary by" & Age'Image(ageOfBob - ageOfMary) & " years"); elsif ageOfBob < ageOfMary then put_line("Mary is older than Bob by" & Age'Image(ageOfMary - ageOfBob) & " years"); elsif ageOfBob = ageOfMary then put_line("Mary and Bob are of the same age"); end if; exception when ada.io_exceptions.Data_Error => put_line("You're doing it wrong!"); when others => null; end main;
type Age is range 1 .. 120;
, :
package io is new ada.text_io.integer_io(num => Age);
, ageVar
— Age
, , Age
, Data_Error
Ada , . , "" , "" , , .