それはすべて、監査システム用に購入した企業向けソリューションが使用済みのウイルス対策製品に関する必要な情報を提供せず、動作が長すぎたため、ウイルス対策会社が使用するコントロールパネルに多くの要望が残っているという事実から始まりました。 「松葉杖」を使用して、ドメイン内のアンチウイルスに関する情報を収集することが決定されました。
実際には、メソッドは即座に見つかりました-WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation)を使用します。
スクリプトは約1時間で3,500のホストを処理します。 実際、スクリプトコード自体:
WScript.Interactive = true compid = 0 On Error Resume Next Set objDomain = GetObject("LDAP://DOMAIN/OU=Workstations,DC=DOMAIN") comps = Array() for each objDomainItem in objDomain if objDomainItem.objectClass = "Computer" then idxLast = UBound (comps) ReDim Preserve comps(idxLast + 1) comps(idxLast + 1) = objDomainItem.dNSHostName end if next Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objNewFile = objFS.CreateTextFile("C:\TEMP\AV_Check\Reports\AV_Status_Scan_is_Running.WAIT") a = "<style>" a = a& "@import ""TableFilter/filtergrid.css"";" a = a& "BODY{background-color:Lavender ;}" a = a& "TABLE{font-size: 10pt; font-family: arial;}" a = a& "TH{background-color: buttonface; }" a = a& "</style>" objNewFile.WriteLine "<html>" objNewFile.WriteLine "<head>" objNewFile.WriteLine "<script language=""javascript"" type=""text/javascript"" src=""TableFilter/tablefilter.js""></script>" objNewFile.WriteLine "<title>AntiVirus status information</title>" objNewFile.WriteLine a & "</head><body>" objNewFile.WriteLine "<h2>AVSI -- Date: " & Now() & "</h2>" objNewFile.WriteLine "<script type=""text/javascript"">" objNewFile.WriteLine "var tableToExcel = (function() {" objNewFile.WriteLine " var uri = 'data:application/vnd.ms-excel;base64,'" objNewFile.WriteLine " , template = '<html xmlns:o=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"" xmlns:x=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel""><head></head><body><table>{table}</table></body></html>'" objNewFile.WriteLine " , base64 = function(s) { return window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(s))) }" objNewFile.WriteLine " , format = function(s, c) { return s.replace(/{(\w+)}/g, function(m, p) { return c[p]; }) }" objNewFile.WriteLine "return function(table, name) {" objNewFile.WriteLine " if (!table.nodeType) table = document.getElementById(table)" objNewFile.WriteLine " var ctx = {worksheet: name || 'Worksheet', table: table.innerHTML}" objNewFile.WriteLine " window.location.href = uri + base64(format(template, ctx))" objNewFile.WriteLine "}" objNewFile.WriteLine "})()" objNewFile.WriteLine "</script>" objNewFile.WriteLine "<input type=""button"" onclick=""tableToExcel('table1', 'Export data')"" value=""Export data to Excel"">" objNewFile.WriteLine "<table id=""table1"" BORDER=""1"" width=""100%"">" objNewFile.WriteLine "<tr><th width=""2%"">id</th><th>Computer</th><th>AV Name</th><th>AV Status</th><th>AV Bases</th><th>Host Status</th></tr>" for each comp in comps compid = compid + 1 Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Ping = WshShell.Run("ping -n 1 " & comp, 0, True) Select Case Ping Case 0 On Error Resume next Set oWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & comp & "\root\SecurityCenter2") On Error Resume next Set colAVItems = oWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from AntiVirusProduct") If colAVItems.count = 0 Then objNewFile.WriteLine "<tr><th>" & compid & "</th><th>" & comp & "</th><th><font color=""red"">No AntiViruses found</font></th><th><font color=""red"">Disabled</font></th><th><font color=""red"">NOT Up to Date</font></th><th><font color=""green"">Online</font></th></tr>" ElseIf colAVItems.count = 1 Then For Each AntiVirus in colAVItems If (AntiVirus.displayName) <> "Windows Defender" Then AVStatus = hex(AntiVirus.ProductState) If (AVStatus = "61000") _ OR (AVStatus = "51000") _ OR (AVStatus = "41000") Then objNewFile.WriteLine "<tr><th>" & compid & "</th><th>" & comp & "</th><th>" & AntiVirus.displayName & "</th><th><font color=""green"">Active</font></th><th><font color=""green"">Up to Date</font></th><th><font color=""green"">Online</font></th></tr>" ElseIf (AVStatus = "41010") _ OR (AVStatus = "61010") _ OR (AVStatus = "51010") Then objNewFile.WriteLine "<tr><th>" & compid & "</th><th>" & comp & "</th><th>" & AntiVirus.displayName & "</th><th><font color=""green"">Active</font></th><th><font color=""red"">NOT Up to Date</font></th><th><font color=""green"">Online</font></th></tr>" ElseIf (AVStatus = "60000") _ OR (AVStatus = "50000") _ OR (AVStatus = "40000") Then objNewFile.WriteLine "<tr><th>" & compid & "</th><th>" & comp & "</th><th>" & AntiVirus.displayName & "</th><th><font color=""red"">On Access scanning disabled!</font></th><th><font color=""green"">Up to Date</font></th><th><font color=""green"">Online</font></th></tr>" Else objNewFile.WriteLine "<tr><th>" & compid & "</th><th>" & comp & "</th><th>" & AntiVirus.displayName & "</th><th><font color=""purple"">Unknown</font></th><th><font color=""purple"">Unknown</font></th><th><font color=""green"">Online</font></th></tr>" End if End If Next End If Case 1 objNewFile.WriteLine "<tr><th>" & compid & "</th><th>" & comp & "</th><th><font color=""purple"">Unknown</font></th><th><font color=""purple"">Unknown</font></th><th><font color=""purple"">Unknown</font></th><th><font color=""red"">Offline</font></th></tr>" End Select Next objNewFile.WriteLine "</table>" objNewFile.WriteLine "<script language=""javascript"" type=""text/javascript"">" objNewFile.WriteLine "//<![CDATA[" objNewFile.WriteLine "var tableFilters = {" objNewFile.WriteLine " sort_select: true," objNewFile.WriteLine " loader: true," objNewFile.WriteLine " rows_counter: true," objNewFile.WriteLine " col_2: ""select""," objNewFile.WriteLine " col_3: ""select""," objNewFile.WriteLine " col_4: ""select""," objNewFile.WriteLine " col_5: ""select""," objNewFile.WriteLine " on_change: true," objNewFile.WriteLine " display_all_text: "" [ Show all ] ""," objNewFile.WriteLine " alternate_rows: true," objNewFile.WriteLine "}" objNewFile.WriteLine "setFilterGrid( ""table1"",tableFilters);" objNewFile.WriteLine "//]]>" objNewFile.WriteLine "</script>" objNewFile.WriteLine "<h2>End of scan: " & Now() & "</h2>" objNewFile.WriteLine "</body>" objNewFile.WriteLine "</html>" objNewFile.Close objFS.MoveFile "C:\TEMP\AV_Check\Reports\AV_Status_Scan_is_Running.WAIT", "C:\TEMP\AV_Check\Reports\AV_Status_" & Date & "_" & Hour(Now()) & "." & Minute(Now()) & ".htm"
実際に何が起こっていますか? そして、これがまさに起こることです。
Set objDomain = GetObject("LDAP://DOMAIN/OU=Workstations,DC=DOMAIN")
for each objDomainItem in objDomain if objDomainItem.objectClass = "Computer" then idxLast = UBound (comps) ReDim Preserve comps(idxLast + 1) comps(idxLast + 1) = objDomainItem.dNSHostName end if next
3)レポートファイルを作成します。 レポートを.htm形式で生成することが決定されたため、スクリプト自体でページを形成します。
Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objNewFile = objFS.CreateTextFile("C:\TEMP\AV_Check\Reports\AV_Status_Scan_is_Running.WAIT") a = "<style>" a = a& "@import ""TableFilter/filtergrid.css"";" a = a& "BODY{background-color:Lavender ;}" a = a& "TABLE{font-size: 10pt; font-family: arial;}" a = a& "TH{background-color: buttonface; }" a = a& "</style>" objNewFile.WriteLine "<html>" objNewFile.WriteLine "<head>" objNewFile.WriteLine "<script language=""javascript"" type=""text/javascript"" src=""TableFilter/tablefilter.js""></script>" objNewFile.WriteLine "<title>AntiVirus status information</title>" objNewFile.WriteLine a & "</head><body>" objNewFile.WriteLine "<h2>AVSI -- Date: " & Now() & "</h2>" objNewFile.WriteLine "<script type=""text/javascript"">" objNewFile.WriteLine "var tableToExcel = (function() {" objNewFile.WriteLine " var uri = 'data:application/vnd.ms-excel;base64,'" objNewFile.WriteLine " , template = '<html xmlns:o=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"" xmlns:x=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel""><head></head><body><table>{table}</table></body></html>'" objNewFile.WriteLine " , base64 = function(s) { return window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(s))) }" objNewFile.WriteLine " , format = function(s, c) { return s.replace(/{(\w+)}/g, function(m, p) { return c[p]; }) }" objNewFile.WriteLine "return function(table, name) {" objNewFile.WriteLine " if (!table.nodeType) table = document.getElementById(table)" objNewFile.WriteLine " var ctx = {worksheet: name || 'Worksheet', table: table.innerHTML}" objNewFile.WriteLine " window.location.href = uri + base64(format(template, ctx))" objNewFile.WriteLine "}" objNewFile.WriteLine "})()" objNewFile.WriteLine "</script>" objNewFile.WriteLine "<input type=""button"" onclick=""tableToExcel('table1', 'Export data')"" value=""Export data to Excel"">" objNewFile.WriteLine "<table id=""table1"" BORDER=""1"" width=""100%"">" objNewFile.WriteLine "<tr><th width=""2%"">id</th><th>Computer</th><th>AV Name</th><th>AV Status</th><th>AV Bases</th><th>Host Status</th></tr>" { ... } objNewFile.WriteLine "</table>" objNewFile.WriteLine "<script language=""javascript"" type=""text/javascript"">" objNewFile.WriteLine "//<![CDATA[" objNewFile.WriteLine "var tableFilters = {" objNewFile.WriteLine " sort_select: true," objNewFile.WriteLine " loader: true," objNewFile.WriteLine " rows_counter: true," objNewFile.WriteLine " col_2: ""select""," objNewFile.WriteLine " col_3: ""select""," objNewFile.WriteLine " col_4: ""select""," objNewFile.WriteLine " col_5: ""select""," objNewFile.WriteLine " on_change: true," objNewFile.WriteLine " display_all_text: "" [ Show all ] ""," objNewFile.WriteLine " alternate_rows: true," objNewFile.WriteLine "}" objNewFile.WriteLine "setFilterGrid( ""table1"",tableFilters);" objNewFile.WriteLine "//]]>" objNewFile.WriteLine "</script>" objNewFile.WriteLine "<h2>End of scan: " & Now() & "</h2>" objNewFile.WriteLine "</body>" objNewFile.WriteLine "</html>" objNewFile.Close
便宜上、 HTMLテーブルフィルタージェネレーターを使用しました。これは、フィールドid、コンピューター、AV名、AVステータス、AVベースで生成されたテーブルのスクリプトの完了時にフィルターを生成します。
4)作成してメモリに格納した配列。ここで、レポートテーブルの入力を検討します。 まず、配列内の各ホストにidを割り当てるカウンターを設定します。 その後、シェルスクリプトを呼び出して、1つのicmpパケットを送信してホストの可用性を確認します。 応答を処理するための条件を作成します。ケース0-ホストが利用可能で、データ収集スクリプトを実行してテーブルを埋めます。ケース1-ホストが利用できないデータをテーブルに表示します。
for each comp in comps compid = compid + 1 Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Ping = WshShell.Run("ping -n 1 " & comp, 0, True) Select Case Ping Case 0 { ... } Case 1 objNewFile.WriteLine "<tr><th>" & compid & "</th><th>" & comp & "</th><th><font color=""purple"">Unknown</font></th><th><font color=""purple"">Unknown</font></th><th><font color=""purple"">Unknown</font></th><th><font color=""red"">Offline</font></th></tr>" End Select Next
5)エラーがあるかどうかを確認し、エラーがある場合は、次のホストに進みます。 WMIのウイルス対策、スパイウェア対策、およびファイアウォールに関する情報は\ root \ SecurityCenter2ディレクトリに格納されているため、それに接続してWQLクエリを作成します。これにより、製品について必要な情報が実際に取り出されます。 ホストにアンチウイルスが存在するかどうかを確認し、存在する場合はWindows Defenderであるかどうかを確認し、存在する場合でも無視します。 各ウイルス対策には独自のステータスコードがあり、これについてはフォーラムで学びました。
On Error Resume next Set oWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & comp & "\root\SecurityCenter2") On Error Resume next Set colAVItems = oWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from AntiVirusProduct") If colAVItems.count = 0 Then objNewFile.WriteLine "<tr><th>" & compid & "</th><th>" & comp & "</th><th><font color=""red"">No AntiViruses found</font></th><th><font color=""red"">Disabled</font></th><th><font color=""red"">NOT Up to Date</font></th><th><font color=""green"">Online</font></th></tr>" ElseIf colAVItems.count = 1 Then For Each AntiVirus in colAVItems If (AntiVirus.displayName) <> "Windows Defender" Then AVStatus = hex(AntiVirus.ProductState) If (AVStatus = "61000") _ OR (AVStatus = "51000") _ OR (AVStatus = "41000") Then objNewFile.WriteLine "<tr><th>" & compid & "</th><th>" & comp & "</th><th>" & AntiVirus.displayName & "</th><th><font color=""green"">Active</font></th><th><font color=""green"">Up to Date</font></th><th><font color=""green"">Online</font></th></tr>" ElseIf (AVStatus = "41010") _ OR (AVStatus = "61010") _ OR (AVStatus = "51010") Then objNewFile.WriteLine "<tr><th>" & compid & "</th><th>" & comp & "</th><th>" & AntiVirus.displayName & "</th><th><font color=""green"">Active</font></th><th><font color=""red"">NOT Up to Date</font></th><th><font color=""green"">Online</font></th></tr>" ElseIf (AVStatus = "60000") _ OR (AVStatus = "50000") _ OR (AVStatus = "40000") Then objNewFile.WriteLine "<tr><th>" & compid & "</th><th>" & comp & "</th><th>" & AntiVirus.displayName & "</th><th><font color=""red"">On Access scanning disabled!</font></th><th><font color=""green"">Up to Date</font></th><th><font color=""green"">Online</font></th></tr>" Else objNewFile.WriteLine "<tr><th>" & compid & "</th><th>" & comp & "</th><th>" & AntiVirus.displayName & "</th><th><font color=""purple"">Unknown</font></th><th><font color=""purple"">Unknown</font></th><th><font color=""green"">Online</font></th></tr>" End if End If Next End If
まあ、そしてPythonのボーナスコードとして。 Excelへのアップロードに使用できるテキストファイルを作成します(列の区切りとして-集計)。 残念ながら、LDAPを使用してホストのリストをアンロードできませんでした。大きなリストを使用すると、スクリプトがクラッシュし、誰かがニーズに合わせてファイナライズする可能性があります。
import wmi import codecs import os with open('Comp_list.txt','r') as list: file = codecs.open('text.txt', 'w', 'utf-8') file.write("Computer" + " AV Name" + " Host Status" + " AV Status" + " AV Bases\n") for comp in list: response = os.system("ping -n 1 " + comp) if response == 0: path = '//%s/root/SecurityCenter2' % comp c = wmi.WMI(moniker=path) wql = "Select * from AntiVirusProduct" wql = c.query(wql) if wql == []: file.write(comp + " no AntiVirus found" + " Online" + " Unknown" + " Unknown\n") else: for AntiVirus in wql: ProductState_in_hex = str(hex(AntiVirus.ProductState)) check_install = ProductState_in_hex[0:3] check_state = ProductState_in_hex[3:5] check_updates = ProductState_in_hex[5:7] if check_state == "10" and check_updates == "00": file.write(comp + " " + AntiVirus.displayName + " Online" + " Active" + " Up to Date\n") elif check_state == "10" and check_updates == "10": file.write(comp + " " + AntiVirus.displayName + " Online" + " Active" + " NOT Up to Date\n") elif check_state == "00" and check_updates == "00": file.write(comp + " " + AntiVirus.displayName + " Online" + " On Access scanning disabled!" + " Up to Date\n") elif check_state == "00" and check_updates == "00": file.write(comp + " " + AntiVirus.displayName + " Online" + " On Access scanning disabled!" + " NOT Up to Date\n") else: file.write(comp + " " + AntiVirus.displayName + " Online" + " Unknown state\n" + " " + check_install) else: file.write(comp + " Unknown" + " Offline" + " Unknown" + " Unknown\n") file.close()