公式ウェブサイトによると、オランダはRackspaceによって開発され、Pythonで書かれたオープンソースのバックアップフレームワークです。 このプロジェクトの目的は、優れた柔軟性、論理構造、使いやすさを備えたバックアップを作成することです。 Hollandは現在、MySQLとPostgreSQLを使用していますが、将来的には、さまざまなデータベース、さらにはデータベースに関連しないアプリケーションも含まれる予定です。 そのモジュラー構造のおかげで、Hollandはあらゆるもののバックアップを作成するために使用できます。
開始するには、サーバーに件名をダウンロードしてインストールする必要があります。 バッチ配布では、これにより問題が生じることはありません。 また、CentOSがあることを想像してください。
Hollandは、次のリポジトリに存在します 。
- Debian 6/7
- Centos 5/6
- RHEL 4/5/6
- Ubuntu 10.04 / 11.10 / 12.04 / 12.10 / 13.04
この選択により、「古い」サーバー上でも問題なくインストールできるはずです。 この問題については、一緒に作業する必要がある配布パッケージマネージャーが役立ちます。 タスクに続いて、コンソールに入り、必要に応じて特権を追加します。
yum install -y holland holland-mysqldump
構造/ etc / hollandはシンプルで簡単です。 プログラム構成のあるディレクトリーには、メイン操作パラメーターのある構成ファイルに加えて、2つのディレクトリーがあります。
プロバイダーには、 mysqldumpやxtrabackupなどのユーティリティを操作するための設定を含むテンプレートが含まれています
## Root holland config file [holland] ## Paths where holland plugins may be found. ## Can be comma separated plugin_dirs = /usr/share/holland/plugins ## Top level directory where backups are held backup_directory = /var/spool/holland ## List of enabled backup sets. Can be comma separated. ## Read from <config_dir>/backupsets/<name>.conf # backupsets = example, traditional, parallel_backups, non_transactional backupsets = default # Define a umask for file generated by holland umask = 0007 # Define a path for holland and its spawned processes path = /usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin [logging] ## where to write the log filename = /var/log/holland/holland.log ## debug, info, warning, error, critical (case insensitive) level = info
プロバイダー/ mysqldump.conf
## Global settings for the mysqldump provider - Requires holland-mysqldump ## ## Unless overwritten, all backup-sets implementing this provider will use ## the following settings. [mysqldump] ## Override the path where we can find mysql command line utilities #mysql-binpath = /usr/bin/mysqldump ## One of: flush-lock, lock-tables, single-transaction, auto-detect, none ## ## flush-lock will place a global lock on all tables involved in the backup ## regardless of whether or not they are in the backup-set. If ## file-per-database is enabled, then flush-lock will lock all tables ## for every database being backed up. In other words, this option may not ## make much sense when using file-per-database. ## ## lock-tables will lock all tables involved in the backup. If ## file-per-database is enabled, then lock-tables will only lock all the ## tables associated with that database. ## ## single-transaction will force running a backup within a transaction. ## This allows backing up of transactional tables without imposing a lock ## howerver will NOT properly backup non-transactional tables. ## ## Auto-detect will choose single-transaction unless Holland finds ## non-transactional tables in the backup-set. ## ## None will completely disable locking. This is generally only viable ## on a MySQL slave and only after traffic has been diverted, or slave ## services suspended. lock-method = auto-detect ## comma-delimited glob patterns for matching databases ## only databases matching these patterns will be backed up ## default: include everything #databases = "*" ## comma-delimited glob patterns to exclude particular ## databases #exclude-databases = ## only include the specified tables #tables = "*" ## exclude specific tables #exclude-tables = "" ## Whether to dump routines explicitly ## (routines are implicitly included in the mysql database) dump-routines = no ## Whether to dump events explicitly. ## Note that this feature requires MySQL 5.1 or later. dump-events = no ## Whether to stop the slave before commencing with the backup stop-slave = no ## Whether to record the binary log name and position at the time of the ## backup. bin-log-position = no ## Whether or not to run FLUSH LOGS in MySQL with the backup. When FLUSH ## LOGS is actually executed depends on which if database filtering is being ## used and whether or not file-per-database is enabled. Generally speaking, ## it does not make sense to use flush-logs with file-per-database since the ## binary logs will not be consistent with the backup. flush-logs = no ## Whether to run a separate mysqldump for each database. Note that while ## this may initially sound like a good idea, it is far simpler to backup ## all databases in one file, although that makes the restore process ## more difficult when only certain data needs to be restored. file-per-database = no ## any additional options to the 'mysqldump' command-line utility ## these should show up exactly as they are on the command line ## eg: --flush-privileges --reset-master additional-options = "" ## Compression Settings [compression] ## compress method: gzip, gzip-rsyncable, bzip2, pbzip2, or lzop ## Which compression method to use, which can be either gzip, bzip2, or lzop. ## Note that lzop is not often installed by default on many Linux ## distributions and may need to be installed separately. method = gzip ## Whether to compress data as it is provided from 'mysqldump', or to ## compress after a dump has finished. In general, it is often better to use ## inline compression. The overhead, particularly when using a lower ## compression level, is often minial since the entire process is often I/O ## bound (as opposed to being CPU bound). inline = yes ## What compression level to use. Lower numbers mean faster compression, ## though also generally a worse compression ratio. Generally, levels 1-3 ## are considered fairly fast and still offer good compression for textual ## data. Levels above 7 can often cause a larger impact on the system due to ## needing much more CPU resources. Setting the level to 0 effectively ## disables compresion. level = 1 ## If the path to the compression program is in a non-standard location, ## or not in the system-path, you can provide it here. ## ## FIXME: Currently not implemented, compression binary is looked up by ## which. ## #bin-path = /usr/bin/gzip ## MySQL connection settings. Note that Holland will try ot read from ## the provided files defined in the 'defaults-extra-file', although ## explicitly defining the connection inforamtion here will take precedence. [mysql:client] defaults-extra-file = /root/.my.cnf,~/.my.cnf, #user = hollandbackup #password = "hollandpw" #socket = /tmp/mysqld.sock #host = localhost #port = 3306
backupsets / mysqldump.conf
## Holland mysqldump Example Backup-Set ## ## This implements a vanilla backup-set using the mysqldump provider which, ## in turn, uses the 'mysqldump' utility. ## ## Many of these options have global defaults which can be found in the ## configuration file for the provider (which can be found, by default ## in /etc/holland/providers). [holland:backup] plugin = mysqldump backups-to-keep = 1 auto-purge-failures = yes purge-policy = after-backup estimated-size-factor = 1.0 # This section defines the configuration options specific to the backup # plugin. In other words, the name of this section should match the name # of the plugin defined above. [mysqldump] ## Override the path where we can find mysql command line utilities #mysql-binpath = /usr/bin/mysqldump ## One of: flush-lock, lock-tables, single-transaction, auto-detect, none ## ## flush-lock will run a FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK prior to the backup ## ## lock-tables will instruct 'mysqldump' to lock all tables involved ## in the backup. ## ## single-transaction will force running a backup within a transaction. ## This allows backing up of transactional tables without imposing a lock ## howerver will NOT properly backup non-transacitonal tables. ## ## Auto-detect will choose single-transaction unless Holland finds ## non-transactional tables in the backup-set. ## ## None will completely disable locking. This is generally only viable ## on a MySQL slave and only after traffic has been diverted, or slave ## services suspended. lock-method = auto-detect ## comma-delimited glob patterns for matching databases ## only databases matching these patterns will be backed up ## default: include everything databases = "*" ## comma-delimited glob patterns to exclude particular ## databases #exclude-databases = ## only include the specified tables tables = "*" ## exclude specific tables #exclude-tables = "" ## Whether to dump routines explicitly ## (routines are implicitly included in the mysql database) dump-routines = no ## Whether to dump events explicitly. ## Note that this feature requires MySQL 5.1 or later. dump-events = no ## Whether to stop the slave before commencing with the backup stop-slave = no ## Whether to record the binary log name and position at the time of the ## backup. bin-log-position = no ## Whether or not to run FLUSH LOGS in MySQL with the backup. When FLUSH ## LOGS is actually executed depends on which if database filtering is being ## used and whether or not file-per-database is enabled. Generally speaking, ## it does not make sense to use flush-logs with file-per-database since the ## binary logs will not be consistent with the backup. flush-logs = no ## Whether to run a separate mysqldump for each database. Note that while ## this may initially sound like a good idea, it is far simpler to backup ## all databases in one file, although that makes the restore process ## more difficult when only certain data needs to be restored. file-per-database = no ## any additional options to the 'mysqldump' command-line utility ## these should show up exactly as they are on the command line ## eg: --flush-privileges --reset-master additional-options = "" ## Compression Settings [compression] ## compress method: gzip, gzip-rsyncable, bzip2, pbzip2, lzop, or xz ## Which compression method to use, which can be either gzip, bzip2, or lzop. ## Note that pbzip2 and lzop are not often installed by default on many Linux ## distributions and may need to be installed separately. method = gzip ## Whether to compress data as it is provided from 'mysqldump', or to ## compress after a dump has finished. In general, it is often better to use ## inline compression. The overhead, particularly when using a lower ## compression level, is often minial since the entire process is often I/O ## bound (as opposed to being CPU bound). inline = yes ## What compression level to use. Lower numbers mean faster compression, ## though also generally a worse compression ratio. Generally, levels 1-3 ## are considered fairly fast and still offer good compression for textual ## data. Levels above 7 can often cause a larger impact on the system due to ## needing much more CPU resources. Setting the level to 0 effectively ## disables compresion. level = 1 ## If the path to the compression program is in a non-standard location, ## or not in the system-path, you can provide it here. #bin-path = /usr/bin/gzip ## MySQL connection settings. Note that these can be inherited from the ## provider itself allowing for global defaults. Providing connection ## information for a backup-set can often be helpful when, for instance ## a backup-set is backing up a remote MySQL server. #[mysql:client] #user = hollandbackup #password = "hollandpw" #socket = /tmp/mysqld.sock #host = localhost #port = 3306
- holland.confでスクリプト名を指定します
backupsets = mysqldump
- /usr/share/doc/holland-*/examples/mysqldump.confから/ etc / holland / backupsetsにスクリプトをコピーします
cp /usr/share/doc/holland-*/examples/mysqldump.conf /etc/holland/backupsets/
- mysqldump.confスクリプトで、コピーの数、必要なデータベース、および十分な権限を持つアクセスを指定します
backups-to-keep = 7 databases = «somedb» user = hollandbackup password = «hollandpw» socket = /tmp/mysqld.sock
- 毎日のコマンド実行の記録をスケジューラー(cronなど)に追加します
holland backup
PostgreSQLの設定は、インストールされている別のプラグイン(holland-postgresql)とコピーされた別の例でのみ異なります。 ただし、サンプルファイルには名前だけでも興味があります。
- maatkit.conf
- mysqldump.conf
- mysqldump-lvm.conf
- mysqlhotcopy.conf
- mysql-lvm.conf
- random.conf
- sqlite.conf
- xtrabackup.conf