

ユーザーが自分のコンピューターで起動したものに関するレポートは非​​常に重要です。 多くの観点から。 特に情報セキュリティの面で。

ユーザーのコンピューターでのプログラムの起動に関する情報は、セキュリティログに保存されます。 もちろん、Windows環境が考慮されます。 インターネット上に既製のソリューションが見つからなかったため、実装しました。

スクリプトはサーバー上で実行されます。 出力には、プログラムの起動に関するレポートを含む一連のファイルがあります。


基本的な考え方はこれです。 現在のセキュリティログイベントは、クライアントコンピューターの.evtファイルに保存されます。 ファイルはサーバーにコピーされ、そこから情報がSQL Serverにアップロードされます。 次に、SQLクエリがレポートを生成し、ファイルに保存します。


Log、Logs、CheckComps、Logi_ForReports、およびComputerフォルダーを作成する必要があります。 ドライブFにフォルダーがあります。ログフォルダーで、チェックする必要のあるコンピューターのリストを含むlist.txtファイルを作成します。 各コンピューター名は新しい行にあります。 XPと7のそれぞれに対して、list.txtとlist7.txtの2つのファイルを作成しました。 コンピューターフォルダーにファイルis_computer_online_listComps.vbsを作成します

on error resume next dim gsFileName dim gsRunCmd dim gix dim giy dim giz if Wscript.Arguments.Count = 1 then gsFileName = Wscript.Arguments(0) gsOS = "XP" elseif Wscript.Arguments.Count = 2 then gsFileName = Wscript.Arguments(0) gsOS = Wscript.Arguments(1) else gsFileName = InputBox("   ", "", "F:\Log\list.txt") gsOS = InputBox("  :" & VBNewLine & "'XP' -  Windows 2000/XP" & VBNewLine & "'7' -  Windows 7", "", "XP") end if gsOS = uCase(gsOS) wscript.echo "gsOS: " & gsOS if inStr(gsOS, "XP") = 0 and inStr(gsOS, "7") = 0 then MsgBox "    !", vbInformation, "" Wscript.Quit end if WScript.Echo "   : " & gsFileName Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objTextFileOpen = objFSO.OpenTextFile(gsFileName, 1) gix = 0 giy = 0 Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") do until objTextFileOpen.AtEndOfStream gsComputerName = objTextFileOpen.Readline giy = giy + 1 loop objTextFileOpen.Close wscript.echo " : " & giy Set objTextFileOpen = objFSO.OpenTextFile(gsFileName, 1) do until objTextFileOpen.AtEndOfStream gsComputerName = objTextFileOpen.Readline gix = gix + 1 giz = gix * 100 giz = giz / giy giz = Round(giz, 1) giOst = giy - gix if fuPing(gsComputerName) then wscript.echo gsComputerName & VBTab & " : " & giOst & ", : " & giz & "%" if inStr(gsOS, "XP") then gsRunCmd = "f:\Computer\is_computer_online.bat " & gsComputerName & " y" elseif inStr(gsOS, "7") then gsRunCmd = "f:\Computer\is_computer_online7.bat " & gsComputerName & " y" end if WshShell.Run gsRunCmd if giOst <> 0 then WScript.Sleep 180000 ' !     180   . end if else wscript.echo gsComputerName & VBTab & " : " & giOst & ", : " & giz & "%. ." end if loop objTextFileOpen.Close WScript.Echo " !" function fuPing(NetworkDevice) lBoo = false set objPING = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}")._ ExecQuery ("select * from Win32_PingStatus where address ='" & NetworkDevice & "'") For Each PING In objPing if PING.StatusCode = 0 then 'WScript.Echo "*  " & NetworkDevice & "  !" lBoo = true else 'WScript.Echo "*    ." end if next fuPing = lBoo end function

テスト手順は、batファイルから始まります。 たとえば、デスクトップ上でリンクできます。

 cscript //nologo "f:\Computer\is_computer_online_listComps.vbs" %1 %2

メインスクリプトis_computer_online_listComps.vbsは、テキストファイルからコンピューターのリストを読み取り、レポートごとにbatファイルを起動します。 XPの場合、これはis_computer_online.batで、7の場合、is_computer_online7.batです。



説明されているすべてが管理者のコンピューターで動作するはずです。 Microsoft SQL SERVER 2008 NATIVE CLIENTとMicrosoft SQL Server 2008コマンドラインユーティリティのみをインストールする必要があります。 しかし、私はチェックしませんでした。



 cscript //nologo "f:\Computer\is_computer_online.vbs" %1 %2

batファイルはスクリプトを実行します。 このスクリプトは、セキュリティログイベントをevtファイルに保存し、メインmo2csv.batバッチファイルを起動します。

 on error resume next dim gsComputerName dim gsUseLogFile dim gsLogFilename dim gbFlag dim gsTableName dim gsCompName dim gsRunCmd if Wscript.Arguments.Count = 1 then gsComputerName = Wscript.Arguments(0) gsUseLogFile = "n" elseif Wscript.Arguments.Count = 2 then gsComputerName = Wscript.Arguments(0) gsUseLogFile = Wscript.Arguments(1) else gsComputerName = InputBox(" ", "", "") gsUseLogFile = InputBox(" log-  ?" & VBNewline & "[y/n]", "", "y") end if WScript.Echo "*   " & gsComputerName gsLogFilename = "f:\Log\" & gsComputerName & ".log" if lCase(gsUseLogFile) = "y" then gbFlag = false WScript.Echo "*   " & gsLogFilename set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if not objFSO.FileExists(gsLogFilename) then WScript.Echo "*   . ..." set objTextFileWriteLog = objFSO.OpenTextFile(gsLogFilename, 8, True) objTextFileWriteLog.writeLine "n" objTextFileWriteLog.close WScript.Echo "*  ." end if set objTextFileOpen = objFSO.OpenTextFile(gsLogFilename, 1) do until objTextFileOpen.AtEndOfStream record = trim(objTextFileOpen.Readline) if record = "n" then WScript.Echo "*    ." if fuPing(gsComputerName) then gbFlag = true if fuBackup(gsComputerName) then WScript.Sleep 15000 ' <- 15     fuUploadEvents gsComputerName wscript.sleep 10000 end if end if elseif record = "y" then WScript.Echo "*    " & gsComputerName & "    ." else WScript.Echo "*     " & gsComputerName & "  log-." end if loop objTextFileOpen.close if gbFlag then set objTextFileWriteLog = objFSO.OpenTextFile(gsLogFilename, 2, True) objTextFileWriteLog.writeLine "y" objTextFileWriteLog.close WScript.Echo "*    ." end if else 'if fuPing(gsComputerName) then if fuBackup(gsComputerName) then WScript.Sleep 15000 ' <- 15     fuUploadEvents gsComputerName wscript.sleep 10000 end if 'end if end if wscript.sleep 1000 function fuPing(NetworkDevice) lBoo = false set objPING = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}")._ ExecQuery ("select * from Win32_PingStatus where address ='" & NetworkDevice & "'") For Each PING In objPing if PING.StatusCode = 0 then WScript.Echo "*  " & NetworkDevice & "  !" lBoo = true else WScript.Echo "*    ." end if next fuPing = lBoo end function function fuBackup(lsComputername) lsEvtBackupFilename = "c:\" & lsComputername & ".evt" lsEvtBackupFilenameRemote = "\\" & lsComputername & "\c$\" & lsComputername & ".evt" lbFlag = false set lObjFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if lObjFSO.FileExists(lsEvtBackupFilenameRemote) then WScript.Echo "*    .  ..." lbFlag = true else Wscript.Echo "*   ..." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(Backup)}!\\" & lsComputername & "\root\cimv2") Set colLogFiles = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_NTEventLogFile where LogFileName='Security'") For Each objLogfile in colLogFiles errBackupLog = objLogFile.BackupEventLog(lsEvtBackupFilename) If errBackupLog = 0 Then Wscript.Echo "*    ." lbFlag = true Else Wscript.Echo "*    ." End If Next end if fuBackup = lbFlag end function function fuUploadEvents(lsComputername) WScript.Echo "*    ..." gsCompName = lCase(lsComputername) gsTableName = fuGetTableName(gsCompName) gsTableName = uCase(gsTableName) gsOutputFilename = "f:\Computer\" & gsCompName & ".csv" gsOutputFilenameSQL = "f:\Computer\" & gsCompName & "_sql.csv" Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") gsRunCmd = "f:\Computer\mo2csv.bat " & gsCompName & " " & gsOutputFilename & " " & gsOutputFilenameSQL & " " & gsTableName WScript.Echo "*  : '" & gsRunCmd & "'" WshShell.Run gsRunCmd end function function fuGetTableName(lsCompName) lsTmp = lsCompName if InStr(lsTmp, "-") then lsTmp = Replace(lsTmp, "-", "_") end if fuGetTableName = lsTmp end function


 @echo off @set WDate=%date:~-10% @echo *       %1 (Windows XP)... move \\%1\c$\%1.evt f:\Logs\ @echo *  . @echo *   evt   evtx... wevtutil epl f:\Logs\%1.evt f:\Logs\%1.evtx /lf:true @echo *  . @echo *        . : f:\Logs\%1.evtx, : %2 LogParser.exe file:"f:\Computer\get_info_from_log.sql"?source=f:\Logs\%1.evtx+output_file=%2 -i:EVT -o:TSV -headers:ON -oSeparator:tab -oTsFormat:"dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss" -fileMode:1 @echo *  . @echo *    %2.  %3... cscript F:\Computer\update_csvFile_forSQLCheck.vbs %2 %3 //NoLogo @echo *  . @echo *       SQL Server. : %3,  %4... LogParser.exe file:"f:\Computer\get_info_from_log_2SQL.sql"?source=%3+output_file=%4 -i:TSV -headerRow:ON -iSeparator:tab -iTsFormat:"dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss" -o:SQL -server:"SQL-SRV\SEC" -database:quickly -driver:"SQL Server" -createTable:ON @echo *  . @echo *     ... move f:\Logs\%1.evt f:\Logi_ForReports\%1_%WDate%_sec.evt @echo *  .    'f:\Logi_ForReports\%1_%WDate%_sec.evt' @echo *   evtx ... del f:\Logs\%1.evtx @echo *  . @echo *  sql-... cscript "F:\Computer\create_SQL_full.vbs" %1 1 //nologo @echo *  . @echo *  sql-... SQLCMD.EXE -S SQL-SRV\SEC -d quickly -E -if:\Computer\%1-1.sql -o "f:\Computer\%1.  .csv" -W -R -s ";" -w 4000 @echo *  . @echo *    ... cscript F:\Computer\update_result_file.vbs "f:\Computer\%1.  .csv" //nologo @echo *  . @echo *   ... del f:\Computer\%1-1.sql del %2 del %3 del f:\Computer\%1_dbg.txt del "f:\Computer\%1.  .csv" @echo *  . @echo *  -... move "f:\Computer\%1.  .xls" "f:\CheckComps\%1.  .xls" @echo *  . @echo on


おそらく、バッチファイルでは、SQLCMD.EXEを "c:\ Program Files \ Microsoft SQL Server \ 100 \ Tools \ Binn \ SQLCMD.EXE"に置き換え、LogParser.exeを "c:\ Program Files(x86)\ Log Parserに置き換える必要があります。 2.2 \ LogParser.exe "(または" c:\ Program Files \ Log Parser 2.2 \ LogParser.exe ")。

SQL Server SQL-SRVを使用したサーバー名、SECインスタンス名、ベース名。 交換してください。

 SELECT RecordNumber as id, eventid as eId, TimeGenerated as Tg, resolve_sid(sid) as UserName, computername as Computer, EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 0, '|') as image_unique_id, EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 1, '|') as image into %output_file% FROM %source% where ((EventID in (592; 593)) and (TO_UPPERCASE(resolve_sid(sid)) <> 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE') and (TO_UPPERCASE(resolve_sid(sid)) <> 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM')) and TimeGenerated >= TO_TIMESTAMP('01.03.2011 00:00:00','dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss') order by recordnumber asc

 SELECT * into %output_file% FROM %source%

 On Error Resume Next dim gsSimbolSplitFields dim sgSimbolSplitAdmin dim gbInsideBlock dim gIx dim gbDebug dim gbWriteString Dim gArrBlock_admin gsSimbolSplitFields = vbTab sgSimbolSplitAdmin = ";" gbInsideBlock = false gbIERuning = false gbIE = false giBlockPlus = 0 giIEPlus = 0 gsDateBlock = "01.01.2011 00:00:00" TgBlockStop = "01.01.2011 00:00:00" idBlockStop = "" gIx = 0 gArrBlock_admin = Array (sgSimbolSplitAdmin & sgSimbolSplitAdmin, _ sgSimbolSplitAdmin & sgSimbolSplitAdmin, _ sgSimbolSplitAdmin & sgSimbolSplitAdmin, _ sgSimbolSplitAdmin & sgSimbolSplitAdmin) gbDebug = true 'gbDebug = false if Wscript.Arguments.Count = 1 then sgFilename = Wscript.Arguments(0) sgFilenameOut = fuRemoveExtention(sgFilename) & "_sql.csv" gsLogFilename = fuRemoveExtention(sgFilename) & "_dbg.txt" elseif Wscript.Arguments.Count = 2 then sgFilename = Wscript.Arguments(0) sgFilenameOut = Wscript.Arguments(1) gsLogFilename = fuRemoveExtention(sgFilename) & "_dbg.txt" elseif Wscript.Arguments.Count = 3 then sgFilename = Wscript.Arguments(0) sgFilenameOut = Wscript.Arguments(1) gsLogFilename = Wscript.Arguments(2) else sgFilename = InputBox("  ", "", "f:\comp-6475.csv") sgFilenameOut = InputBox("  ", "", fuRemoveExtention(sgFilename) & "_sql.csv") gsLogFilename = InputBox("  ", "", fuRemoveExtention(sgFilename) & "_dbg.txt") end if Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if not objFSO.FileExists(sgFilename) then wscript.echo "    , !" Wscript.Quit end if Set objTextFileOpen = objFSO.OpenTextFile(sgFilename, 1) Set objTextFileWrite = objFSO.CreateTextFile(sgFilenameOut, True) if gbDebug then if not objFSO.FileExists(gsLogFilename) then set objTextFileWriteLog = objFSO.OpenTextFile(gsLogFilename, 8, True) else set objTextFileWriteLog = objFSO.CreateTextFile(gsLogFilename, True) end if end if Do Until objTextFileOpen.AtEndOfStream record = trim(objTextFileOpen.Readline) gIx = gIx + 1 gbWriteString = true fuPrint gIx & ". '" & record & "'" if InStr(record, gsSimbolSplitFields) then arr = Split(record, gsSimbolSplitFields) id = arr(0) eId = arr(1) Tg = arr(2) UserName = arr(3) Computer = arr(4) image_unique_id = arr(5) image = arr(6) if InStr(lCase(image), "explorer.exe") then if eId = "592" then gbBlockBegin = true gbBlockEnd = false giBlockPlus = giBlockPlus + 1 fuPrint "explorer.exe " else gbBlockBegin = false gbBlockEnd = true giBlockPlus = giBlockPlus - 1 if giBlockPlus < 0 then giBlockPlus = 0 end if fuPrint "explorer.exe " end if else gbBlockBegin = false gbBlockEnd = false end if if InStr(lCase(image), "iexplore.exe") then gbIE = true fuPrint "  iexplore.exe" if eId = "592" then fuPrint "iexplore.exe " giIEPlus = giIEPlus + 1 gbIERuning = true if giIEPlus = 1 then image_unique_idIEStart = image_unique_id end if else fuPrint "iexplore.exe " giIEPlus = giIEPlus - 1 gbIERuning = false end if else gbIE = false fuPrint "  iexplore.exe" end if if gIx = 1 then objTextFileWrite.WriteLine record & gsSimbolSplitFields & "CompStart" fuPrint " , " elseif gIx = 2 then fuPrint " " if gbBlockBegin then fuPrint " , " gbInsideBlock = true gsDateBlock = Tg gsUserNameBlockStart = UserName image_unique_idBlockStart = image_unique_id objTextFileWrite.WriteLine record & gsSimbolSplitFields & gsDateBlock end if idPrev = id eIdPrev = eId TgPrev = Tg UserNamePrev = UserName ComputerPrev = Computer image_unique_idPrev = image_unique_id imagePrev = image else 'fuPrint " " '--  explorer.exe if gbBlockBegin then fuPrint " explorer.exe ( № " & giBlockPlus & ")" if giBlockPlus = 1 then giDiff = DateDiff("s", CDate(TgBlockStop), CDate(Tg)) if giDiff > 9 then if Len(idBlockStop) > 0 then fuPrint "   explorer.exe.    " record_convert_prev = idBlockStop & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ eIdBlockStop & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ TgBlockStop & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ UserNameBlockStop & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ ComputerBlockStop & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ image_unique_idBlockStart & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ imageBlockStop & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ gsDateBlock fuPrint record_convert_prev objTextFileWrite.WriteLine record_convert_prev end if gsDateBlock = Tg fuPrint "  : '" & gsDateBlock & "'" image_unique_idBlockStart = image_unique_id fuPrint "  : '" & image_unique_idBlockStart & "'" gsUserNameBlockStart = UserName fuPrint "  : '" & gsUserNameBlockStart & "'" else fuPrint "  explorer.exe!          ." gbWriteString = false end if gbInsideBlock = true else if lCase(gsUserNameBlockStart) = lCase(UserName) then fuPrint "gsUserNameBlockStart: '" & gsUserNameBlockStart & "', UserName: '" & UserName & "'" fuPrint " . ,    .          " record_convert_prev = "999" & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ "593" & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ Tg & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ UserName & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ Computer & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ image_unique_idBlockStart & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ "C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe" & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ gsDateBlock fuPrint record_convert_prev objTextFileWrite.WriteLine record_convert_prev giBlockPlus = 1 gsDateBlock = Tg fuPrint "  : '" & gsDateBlock & "'" image_unique_idBlockStart = image_unique_id fuPrint "  : '" & image_unique_idBlockStart & "'" else 'fuPrint "gsUserNameBlockStart: '" & gsUserNameBlockStart & "', UserName: '" & UserName & "'" fuPrint "  . ,   explorer.      " gArrBlock_admin(giBlockPlus-2) = image_unique_id & sgSimbolSplitAdmin & UserName & sgSimbolSplitAdmin & Tg fuPrint gArrBlock_admin(giBlockPlus-2) 'gsDateBlock_admin = Tg objTextFileWrite.WriteLine record & gsSimbolSplitFields & Tg gbWriteString = false end if end if end if '--  explorer.exe if gbBlockEnd then fuPrint " explorer.exe (  " & giBlockPlus & ")" if giBlockPlus = 0 then fuPrint "  ,   " idBlockStop = id eIdBlockStop = eId TgBlockStop = Tg UserNameBlockStop = UserName ComputerBlockStop = Computer image_unique_idBlockStop = image_unique_id imageBlockStop = image gbInsideBlock = false giIEPlus = 0 ' <--      IE else fuPrint "   ,    ,    " for giY = 0 to UBound(gArrBlock_admin) arrA = Split(gArrBlock_admin(giY), sgSimbolSplitAdmin) gsImage_unique_id_A = arrA(0) gsUserName_A = arrA(1) gsTg_A = arrA(2) if gsImage_unique_id_A = image_unique_id then gsDateBlock_admin = gsTg_A end if next objTextFileWrite.WriteLine record & gsSimbolSplitFields & gsDateBlock_admin gbWriteString = false end if end if '--    if gbInsideBlock then if gbIE then if (((gbIERuning) and (giIEPlus = 1)) or ((not gbIERuning) and (giIEPlus = 0))) then fuPrint " IE " record_convert_prev = id & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ eId & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ Tg & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ UserName & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ Computer & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ image_unique_idIEStart & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ image & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ gsDateBlock fuPrint record_convert_prev objTextFileWrite.WriteLine record_convert_prev else fuPrint "   IE! gbIERuning: " & gbIERuning & ", giIEPlus: " & giIEPlus record_convert_prev = id & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ eId & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ Tg & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ UserName & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ Computer & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ image_unique_idIEStart & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ image & gsSimbolSplitFields & _ gsDateBlock fuPrint record_convert_prev end if else if gbWriteString then fuPrint "       " fuPrint record & gsSimbolSplitFields & gsDateBlock objTextFileWrite.WriteLine record & gsSimbolSplitFields & gsDateBlock else fuPrint "   ,     " end if end if else fuPrint "    .  " end if '--        idPrev = id eIdPrev = eId TgPrev = Tg UserNamePrev = UserName ComputerPrev = Computer image_unique_idPrev = image_unique_id imagePrev = image end if end if fuPrint "----------------------------------------------" Loop objTextFileWrite.Close objTextFileOpen.Close if gbDebug then objTextFileWriteLog.close end if WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo "*   ." function fuRemoveExtention(lsFilename) lRes = lsFilename if InStr(lsFilename, ".") then lRes = Left(lsFilename, Len(lsFilename)-4) end if fuRemoveExtention = lRes end function function fuGetDateFromFullDate(lsFullDate) lRes = lsFullDate if InStr(lsFullDate, " ") then lArr = Split(lsFullDate, " ") lsDate = lArr(0) lsTime = lArr(1) lRes = lsDate end if fuGetDateFromFullDate = lRes end function function fuGetTimeFromFullDate(lsFullDate) lRes = lsFullDate if InStr(lsFullDate, " ") then lArr = Split(lsFullDate, " ") lsDate = lArr(0) lsTime = lArr(1) lRes = lsTime end if fuGetDateFromFullDate = lRes end function function fuPrint(lsStr) 'if gbDebug then ' wscript.echo lsStr 'end if if gbDebug then objTextFileWriteLog.writeLine lsStr end if fuPrint = true end function

 if Wscript.Arguments.Count = 1 then gsComputerName = Wscript.Arguments(0) gsSQLtype = "1" elseif Wscript.Arguments.Count = 2 then gsComputerName = Wscript.Arguments(0) gsSQLtype = Wscript.Arguments(1) else gsComputerName = InputBox(" ", "", "") gsSQLtype = InputBox(" sql-?" & VBNewline & "[1 - , 2 - , 3 - ]", "", "1") end if set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if gsSQLtype = "1" then fuCreateSQLFile gsComputerName, "1" elseif gsSQLtype = "2" then fuCreateSQLFile gsComputerName, "2" elseif gsSQLtype = "3" then fuCreateSQLFile gsComputerName, "1" fuCreateSQLFile gsComputerName, "2" end if function fuGetTableName(lsCompName) lsTmp = lsCompName if InStr(lsTmp, "-") then lsTmp = Replace(lsTmp, "-", "_") end if fuGetTableName = lsTmp end function sub fuCreateSQLFile(lsComputerName, lsSQLtype) if lsSQLtype = "1" then lsTemplateFilename = "f:\Computer\template-short.sql" elseif gsSQLtype = "2" then lsTemplateFilename = "f:\Computer\template-full.sql" end if lsLogFilename = "f:\Computer\" & lsComputerName & "-" & lsSQLtype & ".sql" lsTableName = fuGetTableName(lsComputerName) if not objFSO.FileExists(lsLogFilename) then set objTextFileWriteLog = objFSO.OpenTextFile(lsLogFilename, 8, True) else set objTextFileWriteLog = objFSO.OpenTextFile(lsLogFilename, 2, True) end if Set objTextFileOpen = objFSO.OpenTextFile(lsTemplateFilename, 1) do until objTextFileOpen.AtEndOfStream record = objTextFileOpen.Readline if InStr(record, "WARNING__TABLE_NAME_FOR_CHANGE") then record = Replace(record, "WARNING__TABLE_NAME_FOR_CHANGE", lsTablename) end if objTextFileWriteLog.writeLine record loop objTextFileOpen.Close objTextFileWriteLog.Close end sub

 SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT Computer AS [ ], UserName AS [ ], image AS , start_time AS [ ], stop_time AS [ ], dbo.FU_GET_FULL_QTY_TEST(CONVERT(VARCHAR, DATEDIFF(SECOND, start_time, stop_time) / 3600)) + ':' + dbo.FU_GET_FULL_QTY_TEST(CONVERT(VARCHAR, DATEDIFF(SECOND, start_time, stop_time) % 3600 / 60)) + ':' + dbo.FU_GET_FULL_QTY_TEST(CONVERT(VARCHAR, DATEDIFF(SECOND, start_time, stop_time) % 3600 % 60)) AS  FROM (SELECT r.Computer, r.UserName, r.image_unique_id, r.image, r.Tg AS start_time, MIN(s.Tg) AS stop_time FROM (SELECT id, eId, Tg, UserName, Computer, image_unique_id, image FROM dbo.WARNING__TABLE_NAME_FOR_CHANGE WHERE (eId = 592) AND (Tg > CONVERT(DATETIME, '2013-01-01 00:00:00.000', 102)) ) AS r INNER JOIN (SELECT id, eId, Tg, UserName, Computer, image_unique_id, image FROM dbo.WARNING__TABLE_NAME_FOR_CHANGE WHERE (eId = 593)) AS s ON r.image_unique_id = s.image_unique_id AND r.image = s.image AND r.id < s.id AND r.Tg <= s.Tg GROUP BY r.UserName, r.Computer, r.image_unique_id, r.image, r.Tg) AS DERIVEDTBL ORDER BY ' ' DESC

 if Wscript.Arguments.Count = 1 then gsFileName = Wscript.Arguments(0) gsFileNameRes = fuRemoveExtention(gsFileName) & ".xls" elseif Wscript.Arguments.Count = 2 then gsFileName = Wscript.Arguments(0) gsFileNameRes = Wscript.Arguments(1) else gsFileName = InputBox("  ", "", "") gsFileNameRes = InputBox(" ", "", fuRemoveExtention(gsFileName) & ".xls") end if sgSimbolSplit = ";" gsSimbolSplitFields = vbTab Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objTextFileOpen = objFSO.OpenTextFile(gsFileName, 1) if not objFSO.FileExists(gsFileName) then wscript.echo "    , !" objTextFileOpen.Close Wscript.Quit end if if not objFSO.FileExists(gsFileNameRes) then set objTextFileWriteRes = objFSO.OpenTextFile(gsFileNameRes, 8, True) else set objTextFileWriteRes = objFSO.CreateTextFile(gsFileNameRes, True) end if do until objTextFileOpen.AtEndOfStream record = objTextFileOpen.Readline if ((InStr(record, "--------")) or (Len(record) = 0) or (InStr(record, " ")) or (InStr(record, "rows affected"))) then 'wscript.echo " : '" & record & "'" else if InStr(record, sgSimbolSplit) then recordRes = Replace(record, sgSimbolSplit, gsSimbolSplitFields) else recordRes = record end if objTextFileWriteRes.writeLine recordRes end if loop objTextFileWriteRes.Close objTextFileOpen.Close WScript.Echo " !   " & gsFileNameRes function fuRemoveExtention(lsFilename) lRes = lsFilename if InStr(lsFilename, ".") then lRes = Left(lsFilename, Len(lsFilename)-4) end if fuRemoveExtention = lRes end function



 cscript //nologo "f:\Computer\is_computer_online7.vbs" %1 %2

batファイルはスクリプトを実行します。 このスクリプトは、セキュリティログイベントをevtファイルに保存し、メインのmo7.batバッチファイルを起動します。

 on error resume next dim gsComputerName dim gsUseLogFile dim gsLogFilename dim gbFlag dim gsTableName dim gsCompName dim gsRunCmd if Wscript.Arguments.Count = 1 then gsComputerName = Wscript.Arguments(0) gsUseLogFile = "n" elseif Wscript.Arguments.Count = 2 then gsComputerName = Wscript.Arguments(0) gsUseLogFile = Wscript.Arguments(1) else gsComputerName = InputBox(" ", "", "") gsUseLogFile = InputBox(" log-  ?" & VBNewline & "[y/n]", "", "y") end if WScript.Echo "*   " & gsComputerName if lCase(gsUseLogFile) = "y" then gbFlag = false gsLogFilename = "f:\Log\" & gsComputerName & ".log" WScript.Echo "*   " & gsLogFilename set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if not objFSO.FileExists(gsLogFilename) then WScript.Echo "*   . ..." set objTextFileWriteLog = objFSO.OpenTextFile(gsLogFilename, 8, True) objTextFileWriteLog.writeLine "n" objTextFileWriteLog.close WScript.Echo "*  ." end if set objTextFileOpen = objFSO.OpenTextFile(gsLogFilename, 1) do until objTextFileOpen.AtEndOfStream record = trim(objTextFileOpen.Readline) if record = "n" then WScript.Echo "*    ." if fuPing(gsComputerName) then 'fuListInstalledSoftware gsComputerName gbFlag = true if fuBackup(gsComputerName) then WScript.Sleep 15000 ' <- 15     fuUploadEvents gsComputerName wscript.sleep 10000 end if end if elseif record = "y" then WScript.Echo "*    " & gsComputerName & "    ." else WScript.Echo "*     " & gsComputerName & "  log-." end if loop objTextFileOpen.close if gbFlag then set objTextFileWriteLog = objFSO.OpenTextFile(gsLogFilename, 2, True) objTextFileWriteLog.writeLine "y" objTextFileWriteLog.close WScript.Echo "*    ." 'MsgBox " " & gsComputerName & "  !", vbInformation, "" end if else 'if fuPing(gsComputerName) then if fuBackup(gsComputerName) then WScript.Sleep 15000 ' <- 15     fuUploadEvents gsComputerName wscript.sleep 60000 end if 'end if end if wscript.sleep 1000 function fuPing(NetworkDevice) lBoo = false set objPING = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}")._ ExecQuery ("select * from Win32_PingStatus where address ='" & NetworkDevice & "'") For Each PING In objPing if PING.StatusCode = 0 then WScript.Echo "*  " & NetworkDevice & "  !" lBoo = true else WScript.Echo "*    ." end if next fuPing = lBoo end function function fuBackup(lsComputername) lsEvtBackupFilename = "c:\" & lsComputername & ".evt" lsEvtBackupFilenameRemote = "\\" & lsComputername & "\c$\" & lsComputername & ".evt" lbFlag = false 'WScript.Echo "* lsEvtBackupFilename: " & lsEvtBackupFilename 'WScript.Echo "* lsEvtBackupFilenameRemote: " & lsEvtBackupFilenameRemote set lObjFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if lObjFSO.FileExists(lsEvtBackupFilenameRemote) then WScript.Echo "*    .  ..." lbFlag = true else Wscript.Echo "*   ..." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(Backup)}!\\" & lsComputername & "\root\cimv2") Set colLogFiles = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_NTEventLogFile where LogFileName='Security'") For Each objLogfile in colLogFiles errBackupLog = objLogFile.BackupEventLog(lsEvtBackupFilename) If errBackupLog = 0 Then Wscript.Echo "*    ." lbFlag = true Else Wscript.Echo "*    ." End If Next end if fuBackup = lbFlag end function function fuUploadEvents(lsComputername) WScript.Echo "*    ..." gsCompName = lCase(lsComputername) gsTableName = fuGetTableName(gsCompName) gsTableName = uCase(gsTableName) Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") gsRunCmd = "f:\Computer\mo7.bat " & gsCompName & " " & gsTableName WScript.Echo "*  : '" & gsRunCmd & "'" WshShell.Run gsRunCmd end function function fuGetTableName(lsCompName) lsTmp = lsCompName if InStr(lsTmp, "-") then lsTmp = Replace(lsTmp, "-", "_") end if fuGetTableName = lsTmp end function


 @echo off @set WDate=%date:~-10% @echo *       %1 (Windows 7)... move \\%1\c$\%1.evt f:\Logs\ @echo *  . @echo *   evt   evtx... wevtutil epl f:\Logs\%1.evt f:\Logs\%1.evtx /lf:true @echo *  . @echo *       . : f:\Logs\%1.evtx LogParser.exe file:"f:\Computer\get_info_from_log7.sql"?source=f:\Logs\%1.evtx+output_file=%2 -i:EVT -o:SQL -server:"SQL-SRV\SEC" -database:quickly -driver:"SQL Server" -createTable:ON @echo *  . @echo *     ... move f:\Logs\%1.evt f:\Logi_ForReports\%1_%WDate%_sec.evt @echo *  .    'f:\Logi_ForReports\%1_%WDate%_sec.evtx' @echo *  sql-... cscript "F:\Computer\create_SQL_full7.vbs" %1 1 //nologo @echo *  . @echo *  sql-... SQLCMD.EXE -S SQL-SRV\SEC -d quickly -E -if:\Computer\%1-1.sql -o "f:\Computer\%1.  .csv" -W -R -s ";" -w 4000 @echo *  . @echo *    ... cscript F:\Computer\update_result_file7.vbs "f:\Computer\%1.  .csv" //nologo @echo *  . @echo *   ... del f:\Logs\%1.evtx del f:\Computer\%1-1.sql del "f:\Computer\%1.  .csv" @echo *    . @echo *  -... move "f:\Computer\%1.  .xls" "f:\CheckComps\%1.  .xls" @echo *  . @echo on


, SQLCMD.EXE «c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\SQLCMD.EXE», LogParser.exe «c:\Program Files (x86)\Log Parser 2.2\LogParser.exe» ( «c:\Program Files\Log Parser 2.2\LogParser.exe»).

SQL Server' SQL-SRV, SEC quickly. .

 SELECT RecordNumber as id, eventid as eId, TimeGenerated as Tg, --resolve_sid(sid) as UserName, EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 1, '|') as UserName, computername as Computer, EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 4, '|') as image_id, EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 5, '|') as image, EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 6, '|') as name into %output_file% FROM %source% where (EventID in (4688;4689)) and ( (TO_UPPERCASE(resolve_sid(sid)) <> 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE') and (TO_UPPERCASE(resolve_sid(sid)) <> 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM')) and TimeGenerated >= TO_TIMESTAMP('01.01.2013 00:00:00','dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss') order by recordnumber desc

 'on error resume next if Wscript.Arguments.Count = 1 then gsComputerName = Wscript.Arguments(0) gsSQLtype = "1" elseif Wscript.Arguments.Count = 2 then gsComputerName = Wscript.Arguments(0) gsSQLtype = Wscript.Arguments(1) else gsComputerName = InputBox(" ", "", "") gsSQLtype = InputBox(" sql-?" & VBNewline & "[1 - , 2 - , 3 - ]", "", "1") end if set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if gsSQLtype = "1" then fuCreateSQLFile gsComputerName, "1" elseif gsSQLtype = "2" then fuCreateSQLFile gsComputerName, "2" elseif gsSQLtype = "3" then fuCreateSQLFile gsComputerName, "1" fuCreateSQLFile gsComputerName, "2" end if function fuGetTableName(lsCompName) lsTmp = lsCompName if InStr(lsTmp, "-") then lsTmp = Replace(lsTmp, "-", "_") end if fuGetTableName = lsTmp end function sub fuCreateSQLFile(lsComputerName, lsSQLtype) if lsSQLtype = "1" then lsTemplateFilename = "f:\Computer\template-short7.sql" elseif gsSQLtype = "2" then lsTemplateFilename = "f:\Computer\template-full7.sql" end if lsLogFilename = "f:\Computer\" & lsComputerName & "-" & lsSQLtype & ".sql" lsTableName = fuGetTableName(lsComputerName) 'WScript.Echo "*   " & lsComputerName 'WScript.Echo "*   " & lsTableName 'WScript.Echo "*   sql- " & lsLogFilename if not objFSO.FileExists(lsLogFilename) then set objTextFileWriteLog = objFSO.OpenTextFile(lsLogFilename, 8, True) else set objTextFileWriteLog = objFSO.OpenTextFile(lsLogFilename, 2, True) end if Set objTextFileOpen = objFSO.OpenTextFile(lsTemplateFilename, 1) do until objTextFileOpen.AtEndOfStream record = objTextFileOpen.Readline if InStr(record, "WARNING__TABLE_NAME_FOR_CHANGE") then record = Replace(record, "WARNING__TABLE_NAME_FOR_CHANGE", lsTablename) end if objTextFileWriteLog.writeLine record loop objTextFileOpen.Close objTextFileWriteLog.Close end sub

 SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT Computer AS [ ], UserName AS [ ], program AS , start_time AS [ ], stop_time AS [ ], dbo.FU_GET_FULL_QTY_TEST(CONVERT(VARCHAR, DATEDIFF(SECOND, start_time, stop_time) / 3600)) + ':' + dbo.FU_GET_FULL_QTY_TEST(CONVERT(VARCHAR, DATEDIFF(SECOND, start_time, stop_time) % 3600 / 60)) + ':' + dbo.FU_GET_FULL_QTY_TEST(CONVERT(VARCHAR, DATEDIFF(SECOND, start_time, stop_time) % 3600 % 60)) AS  FROM (SELECT r.Computer, s.UserName, r.programID, r.id AS R_ID, MIN(s.id) AS S_ID, r.program, r.Tg AS start_time, MIN(s.Tg) AS stop_time FROM (SELECT id, eId, Tg, UserName, Computer, image_id AS programID, image AS program FROM dbo.WARNING__TABLE_NAME_FOR_CHANGE WHERE (eId = 4688) AND (Tg > CONVERT(DATETIME, '2013-01-01 00:00:00.000', 102)) AND image not like '%.scr') AS r INNER JOIN (SELECT id, eId, Tg, UserName, Computer, image AS programID, name AS program FROM dbo.WARNING__TABLE_NAME_FOR_CHANGE WHERE (eId = 4689) AND name not like '%.scr') AS s ON r.programID = s.programID AND r.program = s.program AND r.UserName = s.UserName AND r.id <= s.id GROUP BY r.Computer, s.UserName, r.programID, r.id, r.program, r.Tg) AS DERIVEDTBL UNION ALL SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT Computer AS [ ], UserName AS [ ], program AS , start_time AS [ ], stop_time AS [ ], dbo.FU_GET_FULL_QTY_TEST(CONVERT(VARCHAR, DATEDIFF(SECOND, start_time, stop_time) / 3600)) + ':' + dbo.FU_GET_FULL_QTY_TEST(CONVERT(VARCHAR, DATEDIFF(SECOND, start_time, stop_time) % 3600 / 60)) + ':' + dbo.FU_GET_FULL_QTY_TEST(CONVERT(VARCHAR, DATEDIFF(SECOND, start_time, stop_time) % 3600 % 60)) AS  FROM (SELECT r.Computer, s.UserName, r.programID, r.id AS R_ID, MIN(s.id) AS S_ID, r.program, r.Tg AS start_time, MIN(s.Tg) AS stop_time FROM (SELECT id, eId, Tg, UserName, Computer, image_id AS programID, image AS program FROM dbo.WARNING__TABLE_NAME_FOR_CHANGE WHERE (eId = 4688) AND (Tg > CONVERT(DATETIME, '2013-01-01 00:00:00.000', 102)) AND image like '%.scr') AS r INNER JOIN (SELECT id, eId, Tg, UserName, Computer, image AS programID, name AS program FROM dbo.WARNING__TABLE_NAME_FOR_CHANGE WHERE (eId = 4689) AND name like '%.scr') AS s ON r.programID = s.programID AND r.program = s.program AND r.id <= s.id GROUP BY r.Computer, s.UserName, r.programID, r.id, r.program, r.Tg) AS DERIVEDTBL2 ORDER BY ' ' DESC

 'on error resume next if Wscript.Arguments.Count = 1 then gsFileName = Wscript.Arguments(0) gsFileNameRes = fuRemoveExtention(gsFileName) & ".xls" elseif Wscript.Arguments.Count = 2 then gsFileName = Wscript.Arguments(0) gsFileNameRes = Wscript.Arguments(1) else gsFileName = InputBox("  ", "", "") gsFileNameRes = InputBox(" ", "", fuRemoveExtention(gsFileName) & ".xls") end if sgSimbolSplit = ";" gsSimbolSplitFields = vbTab Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objTextFileOpen = objFSO.OpenTextFile(gsFileName, 1) if not objFSO.FileExists(gsFileName) then wscript.echo "    , !" objTextFileOpen.Close Wscript.Quit end if if not objFSO.FileExists(gsFileNameRes) then set objTextFileWriteRes = objFSO.OpenTextFile(gsFileNameRes, 8, True) else set objTextFileWriteRes = objFSO.CreateTextFile(gsFileNameRes, True) end if do until objTextFileOpen.AtEndOfStream record = objTextFileOpen.Readline if ((InStr(record, "--------")) or (Len(record) = 0) or (InStr(record, " ")) or (InStr(record, "rows affected"))) then 'wscript.echo " : '" & record & "'" else if InStr(record, sgSimbolSplit) then recordRes = Replace(record, sgSimbolSplit, gsSimbolSplitFields) else recordRes = record end if objTextFileWriteRes.writeLine recordRes end if loop objTextFileWriteRes.Close objTextFileOpen.Close WScript.Echo " !   " & gsFileNameRes function fuRemoveExtention(lsFilename) lRes = lsFilename if InStr(lsFilename, ".") then lRes = Left(lsFilename, Len(lsFilename)-4) end if fuRemoveExtention = lRes end function

SQL Serverでは、FU_GET_FULL_QTY_TEST関数を作成する必要があります。

 USE [quickly] GO /****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[FU_GET_FULL_QTY_TEST] Script Date: 12/03/2013 13:03:43 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[FU_GET_FULL_QTY_TEST] (@short_qty varchar(255)) RETURNS varchar(255) AS BEGIN DECLARE @retMsg varchar(255) set @retMsg = @short_qty if len(@short_qty) <= 1 set @retMsg = '0' + @retMsg RETURN (@retMsg) END






イベントID 592はプロセスを作成し、593は完了します。


 secedit /configure /cfg c:\XP\secsetup.inf /db secsetup.sdb /verbose /overwrite /quiet


 [Event Audit] ; 0 -  ; 1 -   ; 2 -   ; 3 -    AuditSystemEvents = 3 AuditLogonEvents = 3 AuditObjectAccess = 3 AuditPrivilegeUse = 3 AuditPolicyChange = 3 AuditAccountManage = 3 AuditProcessTracking = 3 AuditAccountLogon = 3


EventID 4688 , 4689 .



 auditpol.exe /set /category:" " /subcategory:" " /success:enable /failure:enable auditpol.exe /set /category:" " /subcategory:" " /success:enable /failure:enable


 auditpol.exe /set /category:"Detailed Tracking" /subcategory:"Process Creation" /success:enable /failure:enable auditpol.exe /set /category:"Detailed Tracking" /subcategory:"Process Termination" /success:enable /failure:enable

, , .

? 共有します。

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