Sciterには、デスクトップおよびモバイルアプリケーション用のUIを作成するためのHTML / CSS /スクリプトエンジンが組み込まれています。
原則として、開発者の想像力によってのみ制限される、さまざまなアプリケーションパラダイムがサポートされます。 たとえば、ある会社は、Sciterベースのクライアントが動作するスマートデスクトップフォンを備えた電話システムを作成しました。実際には、専用プロトコルを使用して、ステーションのシステムコントローラーからUI(HTML、CSS、スクリプト、画像)を読み込む専用ブラウザーです。
別の例:シマンテックは、消費者向け製品のUIとしてsciterを使用しています-Norton Antivirus et al(2007以降)。

画像:SDKのsciter.exeデモプロジェクト+ DOMインスペクターウィンドウを開き、inspector32.dll(SDKのソース)にあります。 プロジェクトでinspector.dllを使用して、UIをデバッグできます。 当然、インスペクターUIはHTML / CSS /スクリプト+ネイティブコードの一部です。
- コンパクトさ、現在のエンジン(sciter-x.dll)のサイズは2〜3MBです
- 依存関係がなく、sciterは1つのDLL-sciter-x.dllです。 標準のWindowsインストール以上のものは必要ありません。
- ユニバーサルでシンプルなAPI。 いわゆる プレーンなWindows API。 COMも.NETもありません。 ただし、Sciterは、.NETやDelphiなど、プレーンなAPIを理解する環境から使用できます。
- 基本的なメカニズムの開放性と拡張性。 アプリケーションコードでは、独自のタイプのDOM要素と入力要素を記述し、独自のプロトコルとリソース読み込みメカニズムを使用できます。 DOMツリーには、スクリプトとネイティブコードの両方からアクセスできます。
埋め込み手順自体は簡単です。 これは、呼び出し
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { //SCITER integration starts BOOL r, handled = FALSE; // delegating message processing to SciterProcND function: LRESULT lr = SciterProcND(hWnd,message,wParam,lParam, &handled); if( handled ) return lr; //SCITER integration ends switch (message) { case WM_CREATE: //SCITER integration starts { // window was created, attaching callback function that will receive SCN_LOAD_DATA requests, etc. SciterSetCallback(hWnd, BasicCallback, 0 /*cbParam is not ised in this sample*/ ); // loading default document: LPCBYTE pb = 0; UINT cb = 0; GetResource(L"default.html",pb,cb); SciterLoadHtml(hWnd, pb,cb, NULL ); } //SCITER integration ends break; ..... }
SciterProcND関数がWM_CREATEメッセージを受信すると、このウィンドウのsciterインスタンスを作成します。 その後、このHWNDは他のsciter機能のSciterエンジンハンドラーとして使用できます。 たとえば、SciterSetCallback(hwnd、コールバック)は、たとえば、HTML、CSS、スクリプト、および画像リソースをロードするためのすべてのリクエストが来るコールバック関数を登録します。 したがって、アプリケーションは独自のリソースローダーを提供するか、Sciterおよびその組み込みのhttpクライアントへの要求をスキップできます。
sciter SDKの一部として、読み込まれたドキュメントのDOMアクセス関数を宣言するプレーンAPIとC ++のdom ::要素プリミティブの両方を含むsciter-x-dom.hファイルがあります。 入力要素の値を読み取るコードの例を次に示します
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
event handler
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter
alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
event handler
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter
alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
event handler
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter
alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
event handlermy_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciteralike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
event handlermy_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciteralike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
.. ...
event handler my_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciter alike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
event handlermy_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciteralike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
event handlermy_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciteralike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
event handlermy_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciteralike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .
dom::element root = dom::element::root_element(hwnd); dom::element numInput = root.find_first("input#bottles-of-beer"); json::value val = numInput.get_value(); // get numeric value
Sciter DOM API jQuery, "".
sciter' ( tiscript ):
var numInput ="input#bottles-of-beer"); var val = numInput.value;
behaviors -
Native widget :
// sort of WinProc but for windowless DOM element: class my_widget : public sciter::event_handler { // CTOR/DTOR called when this event_handler is attached/detached to/from DOM element virtual void attached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual void detached (HELEMENT /*he*/ ) { } virtual bool handle_mouse (HELEMENT he, MOUSE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_key (HELEMENT he, KEY_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_focus (HELEMENT he, FOCUS_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_timer (HELEMENT he,TIMER_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual void handle_size (HELEMENT he ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scroll (HELEMENT he, SCROLL_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_gesture (HELEMENT he, GESTURE_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_draw (HELEMENT he, DRAW_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_method_call (HELEMENT he, METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_event (HELEMENT he, BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS& params ) { ... } // notification event: data requested by HTMLayoutRequestData just delivered virtual bool handle_data_arrived (HELEMENT he, DATA_ARRIVED_PARAMS& params ) { ... } virtual bool handle_scripting_call(HELEMENT he, SCRIPTING_METHOD_PARAMS& params ) { ... } }; struct my_widget_factory: public sciter::behavior_factory { my_widget_factory(): behavior_factory("my-widget") {} // symbolic name for CSS // create the instance of our widget: virtual event_handler* create(HELEMENT he) { return new my_widget(); } }; // in .cpp file: my_widget_factory _my_widget_factory; // registering the factory in global list:
. : event _handler WinProc, windowless DOM .
(binding) DOM CSS: { border: 1px solid red; behavior: my-widget; /* the name used in sciter::behavior_factory */ }
event handlermy_widget::attached(thatElement);
behaviors . :
class MyWidget : Behavior { function attached() { this.state.visited = true; } // as an example function detached() { this.state.visited = false; } function onMouse(evt) { switch(evt.type) { case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: ... case Event.MOUSE_MOVE: ... case Event.MOUSE_UP: ... ... } } property value(v) { get { return this.text; } set { this.text = v; } } }
CSS: { border: 1px solid red; prototype: MyWidget; /* script class name */ }
DOM behavior sub-classing, .. :
var myWidget =""); myWidget instanceof MyWidget; // true, that DOM element is a MyWidget now. var val = myWidget.value; // call of MyWidget.value/get.
CSS extensions
Sciter (h-smile core ) CSS level 2 level 3. flow flex-units CSS desktop UI- .
HTML CSS .. endless tape - . CSS level 2 " ". , , layout Outlook. sciter layout :
<body> <div id="mailboxes">...</div> <div id="messages">...</div> <div id="current-message">...</div> </body>
body { flow: horizontal; /* content replaced horizontally */ width: *; height: *; /* body spans whole window */ } body > div { height: *; /* all children of the body have the same height and take whole height of the body */ }
flow layout manager Java AWT . CSS level 3 Flexbox Module flow, - . Java::BorderLayout .
Sciter version 1 - GDI backend, Windows Windows CE. Active maintenance mode. Sciter version 2 - Direct2D backend, Windows Vista . .
DOM HTML5 compatible. Custom drawing . Sciteralike ( bitmap buffer). Sciter1 ( DOM , ). Sciter2 .. direct drawing. Element.onPaintContent(graphics)
, Element.onPaintBackground(graphics) . WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBACKGRND, etc. Windows. Direct2D .
CSS Sciter2 transform . Direct2D .
Sciter . .
Sciter HTMLayout RSDN RSDN.
Sciter2 SDK .
Sciter. .